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Results 341-360 of 1000
actiTIME Basic
Free Time Tracking Software actiTIME is an ideal Web-based Timesheet for effective project management, customer billing and employee payroll. Track time expenses, generate reports, and analyze workforce productivity professionally! Use actiTIME to maximize profitability of your business! Join more than 30 000 people from 5 000 companies all over the world who use our Free Web Time Sheet as a Time-Tracking Solution!
(230 ratings)
freeForum is a free, simple, and multilingual discussion board script which can be fully integrated with your existing page layout. It concentrates on the main features of typical forum scrips, and does it well. With freeForum, you are free: free to post, free to add categories, free to change the layout, and free to integrate it in you site. It's simple: no image, no avatar, no smilies, no useless statistics, fully CSS and template based. It's easy for the administrator: backup and restore functions, captcha images, IP banning, flood protection, smart forms, open and closed categories, reserved user names... The multilingual interface is available in English, French, Romanian, Dutch, Swedish, German, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Polish, Turkish, Bosnian, Italian, Indonesian, Serbian, and Macedonian. freeForum is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL).
(230 ratings)
Email Extractor Lite
posted bybeninEmail Scripts
Extract email addresses from any text with this free utility. Simply copy, paste and start extracting. Features: Extract emails without repeating the same email; Display total extracted emails; Select different separator for each email (or enter your own); Group emails by number specified by you. Each group is separated by new line; Option to sort emails alphabetically; Option to extract or exclude email containing only certain string; Option to extract web addresses instead of email addresses.
(229 ratings)
Website scripts and components, PHP, JavaScript
adrianTNT.com provides both free and commercial products and resources for web designers and developers. Building a good website script from scratch could take too much of your time, with these components the hard work is already done, these products (JavaScript menus, PHP scripts, photo galleries, etc) will help you build better looking sites much faster, all components and PHP scripts are very easy to use.
(228 ratings)
posted byhitcodeinCalendars
hitAppoint is innovative online appointment scheduling software for small and medium businesses who would like to take advantage of easier and faster appointment booking online. Customizable weekly working hours, holidays, custom hours, various durations and number of seats, staff member accounts, online Paypal and credit card payments, appointment cancel policy, easy visual design integration, custom information fields, SMS notifications, multilanguage, and more, features are being added constantly.
(228 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
ASP.NET Free Content Management Basic CMS
Content management system built with asp.net and ms access. Simply copy the files into a folder and it's ready to run. The file manager can upload and delete images or other documents. Edit your pages on the fly with your web browser with document preview. Unlike most content management systems, you control the complete look and feel of your pages. Basic CMS is ready to be built into existing products to add content management functionality, or works great as a main website.
(227 ratings)
Original eBay Clone
Winter holiday sale - only $59 for a limited time. Lock in the sale price before prices increase next year! Full of functions and features, easy to install and operate, there is no better professional, eBay style auction software available on the net today. With this eBay clone, you can kick-start your web auction business with a site that is familiar to your users and can be up in running in no time. There are less expensive scripts available but none with level of functionality and number of installs of the Original eBay Clone Script. With this script your business can be in full swing on day one with no worries about user support, software errors and difficult administration or navigation.
(226 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Sava's Place
Free PHP/MySQL scripts like: - Article Manager - Guestbook - GuestBook V2 (features an ajax admin panel) - Links Manager - Link Manager v2 (links are displayed in categories) - Simple Single File Upload script - Password Protect Script - Simple Contact Form - Simple CSS Switcher - RSS to email notifier script that's made mainly for ReviewMe new offers but can be used for any feed you choose
(225 ratings)
Plogger is the definitive open-source web photo gallery. Simple to integrate with your site, lightweight, and packed with useful features, Plogger leaves the other image galleries in the dust. Automatic thumbnail generation, custom built themes, cruft free URLs, RSS support, powerful password protected admin area, picture comments, mass downloading and integrated JavaScript slideshow are just a few of the features you'll find in this script. Plogger requires PHP4, MySQL 3.23+ and GD1.0+.
(225 ratings)
This script is intended to be used for archiving stories or fanfiction. Features: multiple categories of fanfiction; characters assigned to each category; genres, ratings, warnings; membership system for authors; author bio page; admins can view all submitted stories, view some submitted stories, open all submissions, or turn off submissions completely; sorting/searching by genre, rating, warning, characters in each category page; image uploads that can be included in stories; multi-level admin system that allows different admin levels access to certain features; simple front page news system; templating system that allows for multiple, unique looking skins.
(225 ratings)
eLouai's Javascript Rotation script
Rotate a Div (image and text) using the Microsoft specific properties of rotate and mirror. Requires IE 5.5+
(225 ratings)
Flash Web Site Builder
Hoover Web Design's Free Flash Sitebuilder will allow you to design a beginners Flash Web Site without knowledge any of Macromedia Flash. Build your site online by selecting your photo, colors, and text. Your web site will be sent to you automatically via email.
(223 ratings)
CBIRC (Christoph Bratschi's IRC Client)
CBIRC is written for Java 1.4.1 or higher. There are a Webstart and an applet version available. CBIRC supports several simultaneous connections to IRC servers. RFC 1459/2812, ANSI, mIRC, CTCP/2 styles and colors, emoticons, flood protection, web links, CTCP and DCC are supported. Plus many more features.
(222 ratings)
MetaTraffic generates live traffic reports on your web site. Several reports such as who's online, page views, visitors, browsers, keywords, robots, screen area and more. Now includes graphing, secure access to the report generator with optional username and password protection, choice of MS Access or SQL Server and support for international date formats. Several different methods of logging including ASP includes, Javascript for HTML pages and redirects for downloads or multimedia files.
(220 ratings)
Text File Database
With the "Txt-Db-API" you can access normal text files like a SQL database. You need no special Database Software on the Webserver, but can still use SQL. You can use the API to create, query, change, delete Tables, and you don't have to bother with the Text-Files themself, (almost) everthing can be done with API calls. The Txt-Db-API is object oriented and very simple to use.
(218 ratings)
Simple Calendar Widget
A flexible, simple pop-up calendar written to work across browsers. It's fully commented and customisable for language, colours, date format and the week's start day. The pop-up displays a month at a time from a specified range of years. The optional year, month and day input determines the initial month displayed. Allows disabling of dates, date ranges and days of the week. Optionally draggable. This is ideal for combination with server-side technologies to produce a professional application.
(216 ratings)
2eNetWorX StatCounteX
StatCounteX is a web site statistics collecting and reporting application written in pure ASP. It collects data from the visitors of your site and stores it into an Access database. Being a lot more powerful than a simple page counter, StatCounteX features detailed access statistics using ASP and an Access database.
(216 ratings)
Zoom Search Engine - Add search to your site! (PHP)
Adds a powerful custom site search that runs on your very own website. It is FREE for small sites. NO advertising. Easy to use, requires no complicated server-side setup. It can also create search engines for Intranets, CD-ROMs and DVDs. Highly-optimized, Zoom handles up to 300 queries a minute and searches 1000s of domains in a single index without the need for an external database backend. The Enterprise Edition indexes up to around a million pages! Features: Wildcard & Exact Phrase searching, Google-like context results, Highlighting, Spelling/Synonym Suggestions, exclusion searches, Image Thumbnail results, prioritized links, incremental indexing, content filtering, Broken Link Detection, A9/OpenSearch compatible, XML/RSS, Sitemaps, international languages, search statistic graphs & reports. Zoom can run on PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JavaScript or CGI platforms. Plugin support allows you to search most common file types including PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, SWF, and many more.
(212 ratings)
Email form generator
Creates an online form with just a mouse click.
(211 ratings)
GentleSource File Download
GentleSource File Download enables a website owner to offer file downloads of any file type on the website. The script can be used in two ways. First you can use it, if you want to hide the real path to your download folder on your web server. You can prevent direct access to the download folder. And second you can make sure that your visitors get the download dialog for downloading the file instead of the file displayed within the browser.
(210 ratings)
Results 341-360 of 1000