Most Popular Scripts
Download Sentinel++
posted byStingRay2k01inDownload Systems
This is an Anti-leech, download limiter / file manager, that uses tokens to verify downloads instead of HTTP_REFERER or IP which can be spoofed or changed. Good coding practice with modern PHP security. XHTML / CSS valid output. Easy to customize with html templates.
Usage is dead simple, the included and auto-installed web page does everything for you. Extremely easy to manage all of your download files and very easy to work into your existing web page.
Uses flat files so no need for an additional MySQL database. Just upload, run install, and you are done. It's that easy.
posted byflashcomsinChat Scripts
FlashComs chat and messenger applications are fully compatible with php bb. They are positioned to be the most innovative and feature-rich applications among flash based solutions. Video/audio options as well as basic text chatting provide real time communication experience to website members. Such features like multi-room, one-to-one conversatoins, flexible video window positioning, personal settings, friend/block lists, complete integration with existing users database and many more makes Flashcoms applications all-sufficient and easy to use solutions for both members and owner. The latest version of Community Video Chat boasts of implementation ultra-modern features for flash based software, namely built-in whiteboard, instant messengers support, online games, MP3 player and more. Number of available plugins brings flexibility in chat/messenger configuration and allows meeting requirements of business and entertainment orientated websites.
PriceUSD 180.00
SibSoft Ltd
posted bysibsoftinWeb Developers
SibSoft Ltd. is a full-service development company which offers custom website design and development, web application programming using Perl/PHP/MySQL and Linux administration services.
Affordable prices. Not India-based company.
Open Real Estate CMS
posted byMonoRayinReal Estate
Open Real Estate is a ready-to-use business solution. It can increase the profits of the real estate agency and the real estate agents as well.Post your listings and upload property images to start working!
We did our best to make the CMS convenient for users and the administrator. Now it has the following advantages:
ability to add listings of property for sale and for rent in different currencies;
simple and nice design;
easy viewing of property images;
quick work of the site;
simple control panel;
online property booking (ability to sent a notify to site administrator);
easy search through all listings.
Changing the appearance of checkboxes
posted bybrainerrorinJavaScript
This script automatically replaces all checkboxes with your own cool checkbox-image without the need to change any HTML. Your forms will keep working like they did before.
Milonic DHTML Menu - Website Navigation System
A very easy to use and extremely powerful DHTML JavaScript navigational script. Version 5.0 now includes scroll bars for long menus, delayed menu opening plus many many more features. Plus very fast rendering, you will notice your menu appear well before your web pages have finished loading. This menu should work well with all the standard browsers including: Microsoft IE 4+, Netscape Navigator 4+, Mozilla, Opera5+, Apple Mac Safari, IE5+ & Netscape.
ASP Stats Generator
posted bywepposinWeb Traffic Analysis
ASP Stats Generator is a powerful application to track website activity. Includes lots of features and options to customize the application to own needs and to track detailed informations about clients, referers, search engines, traffic and countries. It's available in differents languages including English. You can see a live demo on the site and ask questions on the support forum.
Acorn Aid - The powerful yet clean and simple service desk with no limitations and no cost
An easy to use, feature-rich help desk system compatible with desktop and mobile devices. Guests and registered users can browse a knowledge base and submit tickets via custom web forms or email. Staff can be assigned roles and can manage tickets within selected groups. Setup and customization are easy with an installation wizard and a step by step guide.
Features include unlimited tickets, IMAP/POP email integration, user registration and/or guest access, ticket history, custom groups and priorities, customisable form, knowledge base, custom email notifications, unlimited staff, staff permissions, staff to group assignment, automatic ticket assignment, dashboard, real-time tickets, search and filter tickets, canned replies, bulk edit tickets, rich text formatting, private notes, ticket rating, time spent, reporting, service level agreements (SLAs), multi-language support, time zone support, file attachments, anti-spam filter, responsive design, css styling and many more
Class PHP Upload
posted byverotinUpload Systems
It is the ideal class to quickly integrate file upload and image manipulation in your site. That's all you need for a gallery script for instance. It manages the uploaded file and allows you to do whatever you want with the file as many times as you want. If the file is an image, you can convert and resize it, rotate it, crop it in many ways; You can also add borders, frames, bevels, add of text labels and watermarks or apply graphic filters such as unsharp mask, contrast or brightness correction, colorization, negative, greyscale, reflections and more. Security features and file management functions are provided. XMLHttpRequest is supported. The class can also work on local files, useful for batch processing, and can circumvent open_basedir restrictions. Files can be output directly to the browser. The error messages are internationalized, and translations provided. The class is mature and well documented, already widely used around the world. It is compatible with PHP 4 and 5.
posted byadesinGuestbooks
This is a Guestbook which works with PHP and MySql. Admin Page is a secure page that can be logged in only by admininstrator and includes functions such as deleting the record and modifying the record. Records can be deleted/modified by ID, Email and Date. It is developed with the customization in mind, so you can easily change the look of the AdesGuestbook according to your website. It uses one single CSS file for the table colors and text format. By changing this CSS file you can apply your choice of colors easily to the whole Guestbook.
Help Center Live
posted byHelpCenterLiveinLive Support
Help Center Live is an extremely powerful Live Support application built in PHP with MySQL backend. Features include: Live Support, FAQ, Trouble Tickets, WinApp addon so that the application can be minimised to your windows system tray. Other features include: Unlimited Operators/Departments/Users, Unlimited Chat Sessions, Transfer Chat, Push web pages and MUCH more..
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. It supports multiple users, categories, comments, bookmarklets, RSS syndication, several APIs, ping, and more!
eSoftScript - Pad Site Script
posted bymasckainSoftware Repository
eSoftScript is a professional software repository script called usually pad site , easy to install and administer, fully customizable. Its content is based on PAD files, bulck or manual pad file submissions.
eSoftScript was chosen by many webmasters because its to ease its use with minimal effort, dozens of settings options and it offers all at a high level. Among the most important features includes the ability to use editors (like DMOZ), customized links, virtual domains, multilingual support for all content, news section and many more.
PriceUSD 199.00
ASP News Content Management
posted byMarthaMinNews Publishing
ASP News Content Management is a simple content management news system. This script is designed to be easily integrated into your existing website. 100% web-based management. Login and add, edit, or update any information with a few clicks. The script is very easy to install, and even easier to use. ASP News Content Management released under the GPL.
CSVread - Read a database and display results
posted byEZScriptinginDatabase Tools
Displays information from a CSV database on your website using your existing look and feel. The information displayed can be automatically filtered using links or search boxes. The advanced version has enhanced filtering and can split the results across pages.
Seagull Application Framework
posted bydemianturnerinApplication Framework
Seagull is an OO PHP framework with the core modules licensed under BSD, and has the following design goals:
- independence of data, logic & presentation layers - extensible component architecture - reduction of repetitive programming tasks - simplifying data access - comprehensive error handling - module workflow routines - form handling without the donkey work - component reuse - authentication management - integration with PEAR libraries - PHP coding standards - platform/PHP version/browser independence - self-generating documentation - quality end user docs
Simple File Manager (SFM)
posted bylee_herroninFile Management
Simple File Manager (SFM) is a web based file management utility. It is designed to be used by those that don't want to or SHOULD NOT use ftp. It can be dropped into a specific directory and give access to that directory as well as any directory below it. It can be placed in a specific directory and configured to give access to other directories outside of its location (centralized).
SFM gives its user upload, create file, rename, delete, copy/move files, directory creation as well as directory navigation, it also includes an image viewer, text viewer and mime type downloading. It can be configured to "turn-off" scripts when uploading to increase security.
Update: Security Fix, $count was not sanitized, now fixed! Enjoy.
Update: Works now with 4.2+ (register_globals change). Updated form validation (security). PHP-Ping is a PHP script to ping from your server. The author writes "I was looking for a easy ping script and didn't found one, so I wrote this one. Just one file, a single line to configure.". Update (Aug. 2002): no more errors with new PHP versions.
ColdFusion Poll
posted byjasoninPolls & Voting
This poll system allows your website visitors to answer any questions you may ask them while checking for possible errors when processing. The code checks for attempted multiple entries, voting without selecting an answer and more. The administration side of the poll is also covered in this tutorial.
posted bymailinSite Navigation
Menu with maincategories and subcategories stored in a MySQL-Database. If the visitor clicks on a maincategorie, the corresponding subcategories are shown. If he clicks another maincategorie, the first one is closed and the new one shows its subcategories.
Admin can add/delete/change or reorder categories.
Install-Script to create the database-structur is included
Version 1.1 now includes english manual and comments !