Most Popular Scripts
Cross Browser DHTML Menus
posted byPrather ProductionsinMenus
DHTML menus with cool fading and transitional effects. These DHTML menus are easily editable for intermediate Coders and Web Designers. I have provided examples of horizontal, vertical, floating, and OS menus. Feel free to modify and utilize these menus any way you see fit.
Php Mysql simple secured blog
posted byMikel KeliinBlog
Simple and secured blog script in php and mysql, easy to edit
posted byshaunw1inPortal Systems
DotNetNuke is an open source Web Portal Framework / Content Management System application written in ASP.NET / VS.NET-VB. It is based on the IBuySpy Portal Solution Kit with extensive modifications, including support for multiple websites from a single database/codebase installation.
Affiliate Pro
posted byalentyevinAffiliate Programs
Affiliate Pro software installs in just minutes and integrates easily into your existing website. Our tech support can do custom integration at no exta costs. Our script has web based installation wizzard which will guide you through the process of installation. Features: 1) Pay-per-Sale (% or flat rate) 2) Pay per-Click (For unique visits). 3) affiliate could be assigned to certain level with individual affiliate program within that level. 4) Export almost all reports to Excel documents 5) Processing of recurring sales 6) Ability to group products and adjust setting per group 7) Banner and text linking codes system. 8) Manage unlimited affiliates 9) Adjustable payout amount per affiliate (%) 10) Integrated WISIWIG mailing system (from admin to all affiliates, approved/non-approved affiliates) 11) 1st and 2-tier affiliate commissions (Commission adjustable by admin) 12) Manual sales; 13) Embedded suport Ticketing system 14) Graphical demonstration of sales activity 15) multi-language..
PriceUSD 49.00
mySimpleAds - Simple & Powerful Ad Management - All New V2
posted byquaffapintinAd Management
Sell and Publish ads across any and all of your sites. Try the free online demo. ClipperSoft's mySimpleAds is the ad management package for the rest of us. Do you want to display Google Adsense ads to only certain countries? How about having an ad banner rotation with multiple image formats and sizes? What about a text ad rotator?
mySimpleAds doesn't have the bloat and slowness of larger ad management packages, such as openx. Throw the learning curve away, mySimpleAds was written with you in mind, and provides a simple and easy to use and extremely user-friendly administrative control panel. Then with one simple line in your website you can display one or even rotate amongst an entire group of ads with the ability to change them at your whim right through the web control panel.
*Built-In Sales and Payments
*Mobile Banner Sizes
*Geo Targeting
*Ad Weighting and Limiting
*Target By Keyword
*Ajax Banners / Ad Codes / Links
*Banner Uploads
*Helpful Support :-) !
PriceUSD 104.00
webNetwork Social Networking and Community Software
posted bysalesinVirtual Communities
webNetwork allows you to start a fully featured social networking site with many of the advanced features of existing social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook. The fully automated social network software allows you to create an instant community that members can join and participate in. Our social networking script makes the process of starting your own site site fast and easy. The look of your community site can be fully customized to your needs, whether it be a minor change or a completely different design.
Our social network software comes featured-packed with a built in IM system, blogging, events, custom profiles, groups, and much much more. Please feel free to give us a call at 1-888-706-1394 or visit our website for more information.
PriceUSD 29.00
Free Arcade Script
posted byam-fsinGames & Entertainment
Free Arcade Script is totally free. It has many fantastic features, and all updates and support is free! Full administration panel is included, user accounts, links, categories, top users, comments, ajax ratings, statistics, most played, newest, search, game enabled code and many more features.
Subrion Articles Script, Article Directory Software
posted byintelliantsinNews Publishing
Subrion Articles Script is a unique publishing software that enables webmasters to quickly and easily update existing website or run a new one. It is a new way to create dynamic articles website in minutes. Supports flexible web browser-based administration interface and adding unlimited number of categories. Subrion CMS is a SEO friendly software so all known search engines will index pages very actively. Articles URLs are logically divided into groups that can positively affect your site positions in search engine results pages. FREE installation to every customer and Free Lifetime Support.
Tons of professional templates, a lot of plugins that come FREE with the software purchase. Plugins include: Adsense integration, Banners, Events, Google Map, News, Polls, FAQ, Testimonials, Adsense Sharing, YouTube listings, RSS feeds and many more. Start earning with Subrion Articles Script now!
PriceUSD 99.00
Simple CMS PHP
posted bynevenovinContent Management
Simple CMS PHP is a simple php script and it can be used for an easy content management system of the pages on your existing website. No need of programming skills.
Simple CMS PHP script main features:
* simple installation - one step install wizard;
* just paste a single line of code on the page where you want to manage the content;
* responsive page sections;
* password protected and user friendly administrator page;
* WYSIWYG(text) editor to styling/format/edit the content of pages;
* any language support for the pages;
* insert/delete/edit images;
* option to lightbox the images;
* flash movies and youtube videos into the content of pages;
* fully readable and simple php source code, up-to-date with the latest code standards;
* ability to create users with different rights to control the page contents;
PriceUSD 49.99
Twinkas Clone Script | Peer to Peer Donation Script
posted byShyniinMulti-Level Marketing
Twinkas Clone script from ARM MLM company gives you a wide and variety of features so that one can easily start and make a profitable peer to peer donation website. Our twinkas script are coming up with lots of advantages like
* 2*1 peer to peer system
* Automatic assign
* Block feature
* Send bulk mail
* Sub admin management
* Top sponsors
* Privilege to active/suspend members
* Referral Management
* Secure Login
* Promotional Tools
* Down-line Tree View
View the full set of features, here:
For a more clarification, call us at Skype Id: armmlm or Mail Us at [email protected]
PriceUSD 450.00
posted byinfoinDatabase Backup & Restore
backupDB() is a PHP script that backs up MySQL tables and databases to a gzip'd file for easy daily backup. Can back up a single database and/or table, or all tables. Structure-only, complete-inserts optional. Can be called interactively or run as a cron job. Works well with doSQL() (also available on this site). Faster and more robust than phpMyAdmin's backup function.
posted bypeterinContent Management
CMSimple is a simple content management system for simple maintainance of small commercial or private sites. Simple installation and easy to modify. The entire site is stored in a single HTML-file - there is no need of databases. If you prefer, you may edit your entire site in your favorite HTML-editor, upload the content file and get a dynamic website. The complete content management system is only 50 KB. Integrated WYSIWYG online editor (supports IE on Win and newest version of Mozilla), link validation, image handeling, online editing of system files and automatic backup on logout.
Site Index
posted byilyalyuinSite Mapping
The script will spider website and extract all anchor links and webpage titles. All extracted URLs are divided into 4 categories: internal and external webpages, internal and internal downloadable files. If you store session ids or any other random values in the query string the script will optionally remove them from query string.
Checkers in C++
posted bymathsinGames & Entertainment
Fully working game including double and triple jumping, kings and colourful graphics. Designed for 2 human players.
posted byevolutionscriptinHelp Desk
HelpDeskZ is a free PHP based software which allows you to manage your site's support with a web-based support ticket system. Categorise tickets into groups to organise tickets and assign agents to groups to manage tickets. Stop wasting time writing the same replies again and again. Ensure quick consistent responses to common questions by creating pre-formatted replies. Customize the data collected from users when submitting a ticket to help get straight to the issue. You can easyly change the look of your helpdesk with only html knowledges because HelpDeskZ use Twig as template engine. HelpDeskZ can be translated easyly to any language.
Mortgage Calculator
posted byarsidianinCalculators
Free Mortgage Loan Calculator is a great value-add for any loan officer or real estate agent looking to provide good-looking, functional, valuable content to readers. The execution of this calculator is superb from the smooth sidebar integration, modal window results and AJAX-based graphs that are incredibly visually appealing. It's a great little application that delivers a lot of value in a user-friendly and well-executed way. Available as copy-and-paste Javascript code, Wordpress plugin and API (for calculator form customization).
Liberum Help Desk
posted byinfoinCustomer Support
Liberum Help Desk is a free, web-based application for managing support requests with in a small business or organization. It is written in VB Script/HTML and runs on Windows NT with IIS. Features: Completely web-based, Uses Windows NT authentication, so you don't need to manage another database of users, Allows for better communication between users and support reps where users can view progress on problems and submit additional information, Built-in reporting to keep track of support reps, which departments are making requests, and what types of problems are being reported, Easily customizable to fit your needs, and more.
Display visitor's IP Address in a graphic
posted bymvanderinImage Creation
Display a visitor's IP Address in a graphic on your website pages (or any other pages) with this simple PHP script. This script makes use of the GD image tools. Can easily be changed to match whatever colors you wish.
HTML2Text, HTML to plain text converter
posted byChuggnuttinLibraries & Classes
This class converts HTML to plain, formatted ASCII text. By default, the text is wrapped to 70 characters, and some basic formatting is applied to preserve some of the HTML formatting. For example:<br>
<li>Paragraphs are indented</li>
<li>Heading tags <h1> - <h3> are all caps</li>
<li>Horizontal lines, <hr>, are converted to hyphens</li>
<li>Links are preserved as a footnoted list at the end</li>
SQL Injection Vulnerability Scanner
SQL Injection Scanner tool was designed to check if a webpage is vulnerable to SQL injection. It modifies URL to simulate SQL injection. Scanner will help to evaluate quality of the bought scripts (check if script programmer implemented at least basic protection against SQL injection).