Most Popular Scripts
Expandable Content by
posted bylevikinText Effects
This free script will let you create highly customizable expandable/collapsable boxes to save space on your page. When a box is collapsed, only its title is shown. The user clicks [+] in the corner to expand it, and view the content. Then, clicks [-] to collapse it back. You have total control over the look and content of the boxes. Save space on your page without cutting down on the content.
posted bydannyinDiscussion Boards
CuteCast bulletin board offer you the perfect combination of speed thrills and knockout features. Whether you want unlimited boards and categories, ability to add your own custom emoticons on the fly, invite-a-friend feature, ranking system or et cetera, CuteCast provides the tools you need to make your homepage more interactive and entertaining.
posted bytakeapillbillinWeb Sites, home of the world's first 100% pure commercial DHTML menu, features original, free content for JavaScript programmers and webmasters, including interactive forums, favelets, online tools, scripts, articles, and more.
posted bymdruilheinDiscussion Boards
More than "just another web BBS/forum software", w-Agora (Web-Agora) is a powerful database-driven communications system designed to be adapted to a various needs.
Features: Threaded or flat discussions, attachments, Users managements, private forums, Multiple sites & forums, Multi-languages support, Fully customizable using templates, Full web-based admin panel, statistics, Multi-Database support, Search engine, WYSIWYG editor, and more... Commercial support is available.
Free PHP Mortgage Calculator
posted byjason4hockeyinCalculators
Free PHP mortgage calculator that figures in Private Mortgage Insurance, property tax, and more. Tell it a mortgage amount, percent down, length of mortgage, and interest rate, and the calculator will give you all the mortgage details including a full amortization schedule breakdown. Cut and paste the code to your financial site for free.
eLouai's Drag and Drop script
posted byelouaiinMouse Tricks
An extremly simple and useful script for implementing a cross browser drag and drop game (IE 4+, NN 6+, Firefox). Place code in the header and simply append all images that are draggable with the class name (class="dragme"). That's it!
posted bybrablcinBookmark Management
SiteBar is a bookmark server intended for both personal and enterprise usage. It integrates to most browsers used today and offers maximum number of features on the smallest possible place.
The most important features are granular security mechanism, bookmarks import/export/feeds, painless upgrade/install procedure, drag & drop, skins, speed and internationalization.
Plugin for synchronization with Firefox's bookmarks available.
posted byryaninReal Estate
Open-Realty is an open-source web-based real estate listing management application. Open-Realty has been the first choice in real estate website solutions since 2003. Open-Realty provides easy installation, integrated blogging, lead capture, search engine optimization, highly customizable templates, virtual tour support, advanced search capabilities, and many other features. Combine this with open source add-ons, such as our MLS RETS data importer and advanced Google map integrations, and you have all tools needed to have a top real estate website in your market.
Tigra Tree Menu
Tigra Tree Menu is free JavaScript DHTML navigation system for the web sites and web applications. Product looks and acts exactly as Microsoft Windows Tree Control. Offering best performance on the market, script can manage hierarchies containing thousands of items. Easy setup, best choice for site maps, online documentation and intranet applications.
ADOdb Database Library for PHP
posted byjliminDatabase Tools
A PHP4 and PHP5 database abstraction library.
Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase/Firebird, Oracle (Oci8), MS SQL 7, ADO, Foxpro, Access, Sybase, Sybase SQL Anywhere, DB2, Informix, Frontbase, SQLite, LDAP, Netezza, SAPDB, generic ODBC/ODBTP, PDO etc.
ADOdb provides code to handle inserts and updates that can be adapted to multiple databases quickly. A basic paginated grid is also provided, and support for database-backed session variables.
Support for PHP5 iterators and exceptions included.
Methods are provided for date handling, string concatenation and string quoting characters for differing databases. A metatype system is built in so that you can figure out that types such as CHAR, TEXT and STRING are equivalent in different databases. Able to create databases, tables, indexes portably using an xml schema or programatically. Also has sql performance monitoring and schema creation using XML.
EasyPHP Install Guide
posted byRodinInstalling PHP
EasyPHP is a combination of PHP, Apache, and MySQL put together into an easy to install package.
The EasyPHP Install Guide will walk you through downloading, installing, and configuring your own PHP development server.
Over 40 screenshots will show you visually what you should do at each step.
posted byscriptsinDate & Time
Clock is a JavaScript generator allowing you to build your own custom clock script. Options include: 4 time sources including Time Zone specific, daylight saving, display on page/status bar/title bar, very customisable time/date output, script output can be short or verbose for educational or debugging purposes, static or dynamic display. Clock is very easy to use. There are hundreds of variations. Add your own HTML for further customisation. *v2.0d Update* More browser compatable plus some bug fixes :)
Almond Classifieds
Almond Classifieds is a PHP4/MySQL-driven Classified Ads application. Features: Users can submit ads with photos, preview photo and multimedia files; password protected editing, renewing, deleting of Ads by owners; powerful search abilities; privacy mail, search all ads posted by the same user; optional moderating of ads by admin before posting; custom multiple categories and ad fields; and powerful admin web interface.
posted bykplaylistinMusic Libraries
kPlaylist is a PHP based music database that makes your music collection available via the Internet. With kPlaylist you manage audio and access your music (ogg, mp3, wav, wma, etc.) via a web based interface where you can stream music, upload, make playlists, share, search and download your music from anywhere by just using a webbrowser. kPlaylist is multiuser based and supports more than 30 languages.
With kPlaylist you can share your music with friends, family and colleagues. Search for your music in the database and set up playlists of your taste or share them to others. Use kPlaylist to publish music and video samples on your website. Downsample your mp3 files, on-the-fly (using LAME) during streaming when you are on poor Internet connection.
Toko Gold - Wysiwyg contented editor
posted bymisk001inWYSIWYG Editors
NEW - Toko with FCK editor, Edit your site like you edit a word document. Use Toko to edit web site online, No Database, user friendly GUI and most important Integrate toko in no time into any existing site. Toko is a Html/Text web content editor which brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of desktop editors like MS Word tool bar. Toko is a compact multi language, open source content editor and content management system (CMS)
Toko definition and management is simple and is done via editing Pre-defined areas on any web page or XML file without any need for programming skills.
PriceUSD 54.95
csChat-R-Box :: FREE :: Web based chat room for your site.
posted bymbaroneinChat Scripts
csChat-R-Box is an easy to use CGI chat script. It requires absolutely no special software on the client side and doesn't require any plug-ins. Quick login, select nickname, text color and go. It also features an auto-updating mechanism. No need to hit reload to see messages.
Note: There are no limits on the number of chatters that can be in each session.
phpMyDirectory - Link, Directory, or Classifieds Script
posted byinfoinLink Indexing
Affordable, Versatile, Powerful.
Features Include:
- Mobile Ready. HTML5 Responsive Templates.
- Unlimited categories/locations
- SEO Friendly URLs
- Template System
- Language Files for translation
- Form Field Editor
- Importer/Exporter
- Mailer
- Payment Gateway Management
- Backup Manager
- IP/URL/Website Banning/Filters
- Email Templates
- Google/Mapquest/Yahoo Map API
- Module/Plugin System
- Invoices
- Image Gallery
- Documents Gallery
- Products Gallery
- Bookmarking
- Statistics Tracking
- Ratings/Reviews
- PDF Export
- Print Listings
- CAPTCHA/Security Images
- Listing/Review Approval
- Breadcrumb links
- Unlimited memberships
- Reciprocal Link checker Module
- Zip code radius module
- vBulletin module
- phpBB module
- FAQ module
- Installation available
- FREE support
- Active developer community
- 50% off after your first purchase.
PriceUSD 140.00
posted bysupportinShopping Carts
Squirrelcart is a PHP / MySQL e-commerce system with a built-in CMS. It is an open source fully customizable, robust shopping cart. Social sign-in feature lets customers login via Facebook, Twitter, and Google. All products, categories, customers, shipping options, payment options, orders, and every other detail within the cart are stored in a MySQL database. Support for themes. Supports SSL. Fully customizable via templates. Valid XHTML 1.0 transitional markup, with valid CSS stylesheets. Supports, PayPal Pro and Standard, and many other payment gateways (60+). Supports live rate lookups via FedEx, UPS and USPS. Inventory Control feature to keep track of your stock. Support for an unlimited number of products and categories. Order Management allows customer to view their orders and merchant to manage them. Many other features.
PriceUSD 169.00
jlGui - Java Music Player - WinAmp clone
posted byebspinAudio & Sound
jlGui is a music player for the Java platform, WinAmp skins 2.0 compliant. It supports WAV, AU, AIFF, MP3, OGG VORBIS and SPEEX audio formats. It includes tags (Ogg comments and ID3 tags) viewers, Equalizer, Playlist. Streaming support is available for IceCast/Shoutcast servers. jlGui is Java Web Start compliant so it could be deployed easily. JNLP launcher is customizable. This project is open source (LGPL).
PHP script used to display other's news on your site. It reads, caches and then displays remote RSS (RDF) files.
Supports RSS 0.9, 0.9x, 1.0, 2.0 and you can customize through it's templates the appearence on the site, including: channel name, channel link, channel description, channel image (logo), news link, news title, news description, news publication date, if available. It has an administration panel to add/remove feeds and supports OPML subscription list importing/exporting. Also displays wml content for WAP devices.