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Results 921-940 of 1000
EasyEstateRental 2010 - Easy To Use Vacation Rental System
Start your own vacation rental classified website with EasyEstateRental 2010. EasyEstateRental 2010 is the easiest SEO friendly vacation rental script with all features you need to run a successfull vacation rental website. We offer all features such as : SEO Friendly Optimized Content and URLs, Search Rentals by Radius, Easy To Use Booking System, Attractive Online Availability Calendar, Listing and Subscription Packages, Multi language system, Enhanced Slide Shows, Improved Favourite System, Google Maps, FREE banner rotation system, CAPTCHA form protection, Built-In payment systems, Improved Form Validation, Transactions History, WYSIWYG HTML editor, Editable website layout an so much more. We also provide FREE ONE TIME INSTALLATION SERVICE for all new purchase. So let's start making a profitable website with us!...
(64 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.95
DRT-AFFstar is an affiliate management script that offers a comprehensive way to manage all your affiliates' banners. It is easy to setup and configure; you only need to change three variables, and add the path to your default banners.
(64 ratings)
Filzhut.net amazon_functions for PHP
Use Amazon.com's XML-API "Amazon Web Services 1.0" to create small product-teasers as well as a complete online-store & start earn provisions on every sold product. It has never been easier to retrieve detailed product-information like Author, Price, Manufacturer, Salesrank, Reviews and much more. The functions include an XML-parser; search-functions for author, director, artist etc.; functions to create pages with detailed product information, search forms, etc. Easy to set up and ready for use in minutes.
(64 ratings)
Poll Pro
Instant visitor information...because results are stored in an online database and shown dynamically. And since it isn't cached, the results are shown instantly. * Poll Pro allows your website visitors to vote on the current online poll. They can view the results of the current poll dynamically (including their own vote). Or, they can view the results of previously archived polls. (Serious or fun...it's up-to-you.) * YOU (the site owner) get color graphs and data showing your visitors' opinions, anytime - from your browser-based administration (unlimited number of admins allowed). Admin can limit voting to once per visitor on a per poll basis, define questions, define response selections, and the colors associated with each response for the graphed results. * Unencrypted ASP source code and guides included. Poll Pro is now free of charge, even for businesses. No catches, no adware, and no spam. Enjoy.
(64 ratings)
Java Interview Questions
Java Interview Questions: Get the Interview Questions and Frequently Asked Questions in Java related Technologies. Over 1000 Questions and Answers in J2EE subjects like Java Interview Questions, JDBC Interview Questions, EJB Interview Questions, Struts Interview Questions, JMS Interview Questions, JSP Interview Questions, Servlets Interview Questions, Core Java Interview Questions and OOPS Interview Questions. Discuss each Question in detail and prepare for your Interview.
(64 ratings)
SquirrelMail Webmail Templates, Themes & Skins
Have your squirrelmail look like hivemail, yahoo, hotmail or even better. With 3 new XP Style templates and more to come. What you get is a fully working webmail client application with pre-installed plugins and many extras already included. We can also customize the webmail application to match your site. Some included plugins: pgp encryption, fuse your mail into one account with pop3 fetching, virus scanner, spam assissin, Email Preview Panel (like outlook express), Spell Checker, Calendar todo html wysiwyg editor html viewer plus tons more... A very simple "out of the box" installation. Upload and run. Anyone can do it. Can be used for your personal website or server wide for all your clients.
(64 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Simple program for encoding different kind of audio formats: wav2mp3, wma2mp3, mp32ogg. You can encode single files or an intere directory The program is under development, more audio formats will be added.
(64 ratings)
Date Time picker
This great script lets your visitors easily input a date/time into a form field, by selecting it from a popup window. Supports output dates in various formats such as: dd/MM/yyyy, dd/MMM/yyyy, MM/dd/yyyy etc.
(64 ratings)
FM Click Tracker
Ever wanted to know what link on your web site is clicked the most? FM Click Tracker allows you to count the amount of clicks received on links with. It comes with a user friendly Admin interface that displays the amount of clicks for each link with accompanying graph. Supports MySQL for superior accuracy. This script is free.
(64 ratings)
Omnistar Affiliate Software
The Omnistar Affiliate software is a solution that allows businesses and organizations to setup and manage their own affiliate programs. Using the customizable interface, affiliates can sign up, place a banner or link on their site and then track clicks, sales and impressions brought from these affiliates. Our affiliate software will also allow you to provide your affiliates with multiple promotional methods such as banners, text ads, page peels, light box ads and more. Additional features of the Omnistar Affiliate software include customizable HTML emails, a customizable affiliate registration form and a ten tier management program. Affiliates that sign up for your program will be able to earn commissions based on clicks, sales or impressions. Some of the advanced features of the software include duplicate sale protection, reoccurring sale tracking and advanced reporting. Webmasters can even private label the software, brand the product as their own and resell to make a profit.
(64 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.00
PHPDevel Search Engine
PHP/MySQL driven search engine and site health monitoring script. The script includes crawler that follows links found on your website(s) and adds web pages to search engine database. You can add search functionality to static website. Add search functionality to dynamic website that uses several web scripts with separate databases. Search several websites from one place. Check your site for broken links and other SEO problems.
(64 ratings)
Max's Guestbook
posted byphpf1inGuestbooks
Max's Guestbook is a simple PHP based guest book script. All messages are stored in a flat file so no database is required. Very easy installation, you only need to upload the files to your web server and that's all. Changing the look of the script is easy as well using CSS. An example code is attached to the installation package.
(64 ratings)
Restaurant Biller Online Food Ordering
Welcome to Restaurant Biller, the online restaurant ordering system for small to large businesses. More and more people are going online to search for food in their area rather then using the yellow pages. Restaurant Biller created an online solution for those restaurants to have an online menu where customers can place orders. Easy AJAX powered checkout system Receive the orders directly through email within 30 seconds of placed order Easy customization for those who want to modify their site Modify your home page directly from a control panel Add Edit and delete categories to your menu Add Edit and delete menu items with extented features Each site has a contact us page for customer questions Edit the hours you would like your online store open Add an addition cost for delivery, tax prices or order processing fees Pizza builder Newsletter system Free updates
(64 ratings)
PriceUSD 249.99
idev-MusicShop 2.0, Sell Your Music & Audio
Sell your music and audio. Ideal for musicians but also works well for any type of audio product. Automatic song/track preview. A beautiful shopping cart allows your visitors to purchase individual tracks or an entire album. Secure, instant download delivery. Easy to customize: Choose from our pre-made templates or create your own. It is easy to add your own header and footer, or adjust the color scheme. Sales history statistics. Mailing list. Coupon codes and a lot more.
(64 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
WebPage Redirection
WebPage Redirection is a simple JavaScript generator generate a script that redirects a web page to a different page. The script is useful if you want to redirect visitors from an old domain to a new one.
(63 ratings)
Generate a hex colour fade array from any 2 hex colours and your chosen number of increments (steps). Creates an array of the colours between the ones you chose. Can be used as an aid with my other script FallT.
(63 ratings)
GuppY is a small web portal, meant to be easy to use for the end user and does not require a database to run. GuppY offers a full and secured administration interface to manage the look & feel of your web site as well as the content of the different headings of your site. GuppY offers the standard functionalities of a web portal: news, papers, links, downloads, photos displaying, guestbook, forum, FAQ, poll, visits counter, etc... GuppY has been ported to almost all existing languages. Version 3.0 update - major new features: - Possibility to "skin" your GuppY, i.e. to apply a graphic theme - A newsletter is from now on available, with the management of the registered people - Possibility to publish on your site, in the "RSS" standard format, the news coming from other sites - Two new more ergonomic dynamic menus have been added - The forum comes with an anti-flood system, to prevent the repeated posting of the same message. In addition, you have an option to batch-archive your forum, in order to improve the performances of this last one when it begins to be consistent - A new monitoring module enables you to control the accesses to your site, by consulting the logbook - A plug-ins management has been added, which will make it possible for the voluntary and interested developers to code more easily modules for GuppY Read the details of all improvements on the GuppY website!
(63 ratings)
PHP Runner
PHP Runner is a simple but useful program to preview a PHP file easily without saving or uploading to server or using other programs to run your designed file. PHP Runner has a friendly interface with useful tools like as most used PHP functions' buttons to make scripting more easier and faster. More information and documentation is available in the website.
(63 ratings)
Counter and Referer Script
This Counter and Referrer Script provides two options. On the one hand you can count the page visits and on the other hand you can log the extern referers. The page visits can be displayed as image or text. When you log the referrer (extern referring pages), you have the overlook about the referring pages and the number of visits from these pages. All data are stored within flat text files, no databases are needed. You can include the counter with SSI and PHP. You are also free to create your own number images.
(63 ratings)
Results 921-940 of 1000