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Modules: D++CMS is an open source web content management framework by D++. It consists of separate modules for WYSIWYG editor (IE + Mozilla), navigation, styles, media, database backup management, caching, etc. Multiple languages are supported. Extensibility: For maximum flexibility D++CMS can be easily integrated or combined with other static/dynamic HTML pages. Templates creation requires some PHP skills. But so own or 3rd party PHP code can be added to the templates. It's even possible to enter PHP code as dynamic content, if needed. D++CMS supports webgrab to integrate content form other scripts or servers during runtime. D++CMS is based on PEAR::DB (code is included).
(63 ratings)
Jsp file browser
This JSP program allows remote web-based file access and manipulation. You can upload, copy, create, move, delete and unpack files. Text files can be edited and groups of files and folders can be downloaded as a single zip file that is created on the fly. You can restrict file access to certain directories only or forbid it in certain directories (white or blacklist). It is also possible to execute shell commands on the server. Since the latest version you can also change it to a read-only version or use it like an upload center. It should work with every Jsp1.1 compatible Server (like Tomcat>=3.0, Resin or Jetty).
(63 ratings)
Ralf's Chat
posted byralfinChat Scripts
Ralf's Chat is a simple, easy to install and easy to configure chat script written in Perl. Features: language files, user levels, multiple rooms, session IDs, a DBI for MySQL (optional), streaming (requires MySQL) and a lot more.
(63 ratings)
Micro Menu XML
Micro Menu is a menu made in flash but it does not require flash for customization; you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page adn customize it. It is a simple flash file (swf file), the menu can be customized by editing a configuration file (the XML file) that will be placed in the same directory with the menu, so you can customize the menu using any text editor. Here is what you can customize in the configuration file: -the buttons text -the buttons URL to open -the target frame of the URL to open (same window, new window...) -menu color -main buttons text color -sub buttons text color -alpha value (transparency) of the rollover light effect
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
5000+ Javascript examples
posted bycliciuinWeb Sites
5000+ Javascript , DHTML examples ,tutorials ,source code ,downloads ,demos online .
(63 ratings)
Rumble is a very small script to show the window.moveBy method in action, click the button to see the window rumble.
(63 ratings)
Semi VB Decompiler
Semi VB Decompiler a tool to use to help recover information/inspect a Visual Basic 4/5/6 compiled program either (exe, dll, or ocx). Allows you to extract the project file, all forms, api calls (sometimes the parameters are recovered if they are in the api database), procedures names, events names, and P-Code tokens if the application was compiled to P-Code. Comes with a form and control editor which you can use to make changes to the forms and controls then save the changes to the file. Also includes information on the core VB structures and PE information of the file being processed. For more information on the features please refer to the website.
(63 ratings)
PHPFABER CMS is a PHP-based content management system and online web site builder. PHPFABER CMS delivers on the promise of separating content from code and frees your organization to focus on content. The code, layout, graphics are consistent through every single page of your site. With the help of this CMS you will create your site with Shopping Cart in no time and you will be able to make all necessary modifications immediately no matter where you are. PHPFABER CMS includes CMS engine, as well as modules: Articles, Banner Ads, Bookmarks, Contact Us, Downloads, Faq, Feedback, Geo IP, Google Sitemaps, Links, News, News Letters, PayPal Donate, Polls, Products, Recommend Us, Search, Users Management. Right after the installation you obtain fully workable site with pre-installed modules, shopping cart and integrated forums. Also others modules could be developed by your request. No programming or HTML knowledge required! All you need is a computer connected to the Internet!
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
vldPersonals - Online dating and personals software
vldPersonals is the most trusted, powerful and fully automated online dating and personals solution suitable for individuals and businesses. Our product can help you establish an online presence within the shortest time possible. Whether your web site is targeting the international market or a niche segment, you will quickly appreciate all of the features enclosed in this software and the flexibility provided by a template-driven solution. You will also receive free installation, free templates, free language packs, free major and minor upgrades, and outstanding unlimited support. With vldPersonals you are among thousands of satisfied clients.
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
Scriptomizers - Drop Down Jump Menu Generator
posted byCBowyerinMenus
A code generator which creates customized cut-and-paste JavaScript drop-down jump menus. Customizations include the menu's background color, text color, width (in pixels or percentage), number of options, and which option to select by default.
(63 ratings)
Image Gallery by sephiroth
posted byinfoinFlash & PHP
Create a customizable image gallery with flash. Just copy your favourite images into folders and the app will do the rest. It includes an ability to crop and save portion of image.
(63 ratings)
CMS Core
CMScore is a PHP/MYSQL powered content management and news updating system. It allows you to add posts and also has highest rated articles and most read articles. It also features a easy-to-use admin panel. Even though it is a fully function Newsupdater and CMS, it is not intended for out of the box use. Instead, it is intended to act as a central engine for developers to develop from. Therefore this script requires no liscense or link. Version 1.2 now has hashed admin password.
(63 ratings)
PHP-Based Chat Room
posted bymikeinChat Systems
This particular design of web-based chat uses variables posted from a form, processes them into HTML and writes them to a file. Put the form and the message file in a frameset and you have something that looks reasonably like a BeSeen chat room. Of course the advantage is, this chat room can be a little more clever than it's BeSeen cousin.
(63 ratings)
Ajax Star Rating Script
This is a script to add a Rating System (with Stars) to rate images, articles, games, or any element in pages of your web site. This Rating Script is made with Ajax technology, JavaScript and PHP. The rating data can be saved in TXT files on the server, or in a MySQL database. You can use the script to add rating system to one or more elements in a web page. It can be included in any page (".html", or ".php"), but the server must run PHP.
(63 ratings)
Dynamic Effects
Does your page look static? You're one script away from changing this. Even if you do not want too much movement on your page, you can still use this script for adding special roll over effects or some decent presentations. Your texts, images or forms can fly now, they can expand from void or shrink into nothingness.
(63 ratings)
WAP based email system that connects either via POP3 or IMAP. Free version allows browsing all emails contained with in the INBOX of an IMAP or POP3 local email account. The commercial version allows connection to remote mail servers and reply to / composing new emails.
(63 ratings)
Job Search Engine Aggregator job script
posted byvidalinEmployment
JobGeni.com is a new job search engine aggregator that supports several languages. What it does is to grab multiple RSS data feeds in real time from job boards spanning seventeen different countries, and present the jobs it has found to the user instantly. The main advantage of such an approach is that the jobs have a bigger degree of relevancy, as every single posting is up-to-date. This is what happens when you don't resort to a database (that can become obsolete within days), but rather to live feeds from all over the WWW. And such an approach has another distinctive merit: if you want to broaden the scope of JobGeni manually, you can do so by adding more RSS feeds in order to get even more results to choose from.
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
Real Estate Script - Now Responsive!
For over 9 years, Cube Scripts Media worked with real estate agencies to develop feature rich real estate management software. Our flagship service is now product called Real Estate Script which allows an individual owners and real estate agencies to easily publish, manage and organize properties for sale and/or rent. In order to deliver a better visitor experience we created high quality design combined with comprehensive feature structure to enable organizations and individuals user friendly real estate management.
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 269.95
A MLM software that can take care of affiliates up to 9 levels deep. Features: Setting the number of levels you are willing to pay affiliates; Setting a cooling off period whereby affiliates only get funds after a certain number of days after a purchase is made; Recurring payments; Can cater for refunds; Set the number of days after the customer clicks on the affiliate link to make a purchase before the affiliate is not credited for the sale; Auto-generated affiliate pages; Shiftable downline; Secure admin control panel to manage all affiliates; Secure affiliate control panel; 2checkout, Paypal, Clickbank, Stormpay, IntGold and E-gold compatible; and many other useful add-ons
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 97.00
Comes out of the box in two well designed variations; is set up in minutes. With useful options: Flexible dimensions, unlimited colors, playlists and two different buttonsets for light and dark themes. Featuring the technology of Projekktor it comes with cross-browser compatibility via Flash fall back plus optional social links and for detailed artist information. Works with all modern browsers and mobile devices like iPad, iPhone and more.
(63 ratings)
Results 941-960 of 1000