Most Popular Scripts
CSVwrite - Write to a database from a web form
posted byEZScriptinginDatabase Tools
Send information to a database from a web-based form. The script is very simple to set-up and customize using the look and feel of your own website. The advanced version can send a copy of the data to the webmaster, and can require input for up to three types of fields. The data is stored as a CSV database.
Free Customer Support Software, A Change in Paradigms
Help Desk Software is what we love and do. Including Customer Support Software. The market is saturated with pricey, and frustrating help desk�s and support software. Our site provides free software in the customer support industry. Change the customer support paradigm, join the Alliance of Customer Support Software and work to build a better digital community. We have recently updated our listing to provide access to even more helpdesk software!
The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding
posted bydarrininMiscellaneous
The ultimate in online genealogy, with PHP/MySQL. Simple & advanced searching, pedigree, descendancy, report generator, GEDCOM import/export, admin interface & more. Protect private data with user rights. Link photos & documents. What's New shows recent changes. Supports multiple languages, multiple family trees. Backup/Restore. Many customization options. Detailed install instructions, plus fast, free & friendly support. Free updates.
PriceUSD 32.99
Free Internet telephony made easy! Add VoIP in your Chat or Website!
posted byconaitoinChat Scripts
conaito VoIP ActiveX SDK for developers of VoIP audio applications and webpages - Now new: Mic Boost, Encryption Voice & Text, Voice Conference Recording (WAV), VAD (Voice Activity Detection)
conaito VoIP ActiveX library for developers of VoIP audio applications, such as voice chat, conference, VoIP, providing real-time low latency multi-client audio streaming over UDP/IP networks. Includes efficient components for sound recording, playback, encoding, decoding, mixing, resampling, reading, and writing wave files, mixer volume controls access. Provides UDP/IP server and client components for peer-to-peer, multi-user, and broadcast audio communications. Really easy to use! Working with Firewall and NAT (Network Address Translation)! conaito VoIP SDK is the best way to add voice conference and text conference into your application and web pages. conaito VoIP SDK includes voip activex, voip ocx, voip com, voip dll, voip lib and voip cab, so you can use the one you like the most.
PriceUSD 369.00
Smart Silder Menu Applet
posted byappletshopinNavigation
applet has a range of configurable features, including: Image Background Support. Java Script Support. Fonts, colors and shadow support. Background image support for each header menu. Automatic mouse highlight effect. Text alignment. All menu text and navigation URLs.
Ultimate PHP Board
posted byrr_pilotinDiscussion Boards
Ultimate PHP Board is a full featured discussion board/forum that uses our in-house produced text database system. We aim to offer the same features as any of the large SQL based forums but without ANY of the SQL mess and to do it FAST. All of our code is written to maximize speed in a textdb environment. UPB is administered completly online using an easy to use control panel; setup in minutes; easy upgrades; very active and friendly development team that helps you out with any problem you have.
LevelTen Formmail
posted bywebmasterinForm Processors
PHP Formmail processor + advanced visitor session reporting. This script is a quick configure form to email gateway that integrates highly detailed one-of-a-kind visitor session reports.
posted byceasarinContent Management
WEBInsta� provides a individual or a small business or organization to put up a professional looking website up in minutes . It does not require on the users part to know any HTML ( experience will be helpful ) or PHP . It tries to provide a clean cut separation between the programming logic and the design logic using a fast and efficient template engine .
It was built because we wanted to provide a simple but effective CMS for people who were just looking to put up a web presence or a simple website and do no want to use a full blown portal management system. With lots of templates availible at the WEBInsta website and simple to use interface with minimal configuration , it provides the perfect platform to start your website on .
posted byaakaabinVisual Effects
CodeThatTable is an advanced JavaScript table that enables user to display in efficient and fancy way the massives of data from variety of sources including the CVS and database. Fully customizable through the CSS the tables are the definite answer to the numerous cases when structured data has to be displayed.
posted bymdempfleinImage Galleries
The TinyWebGallery is a free php based gallery that is very easy to install, extremely user friendly, does not need a database (uses xml files) but still has all the features you should expect and much more. Besides the features you find in most other galleries TWG has e.g.
- DHTML navigation with sliding thumbnails
- xml based comments/captions/view counter/Top X/Rating with security image... - Keyboard navigation (arrow keys)
- TWG Admin with file manager, color picker ...
- embedded video and mp3 support
- TWG Flash Uploader
- 3 slideshow types
- Protected galleries
- Text and image watermarks
- Fullscreen mode
- Remote picture support
- Low bandwith mode
- Tags - Search, directory style sheets and lots of small things that makes this gallery unique right now.
Check out the demo or the list of all features. Maybe TinyWebGallery is the gallery you where looking for so long.
XZero Community Classifieds
posted byxzeroscriptsinGeneral
Run your own classifieds site similar to Craigslist, BackPage, Loquo, Kijiji or Gumtree with X-Zero Community Classifieds. XZero Community Classifieds is a powerful, feature rich, easy to use, turn key online classifieds solution in PHP+MySQL. With quick and easy installation, configurable and streamlined user interface, and a powerful admin area it has got everything that you wanted from a script of its kind. You can call this a "Craigslist clone" in popular terms but this is much more than just a clone and gives you all the fundamentals to start your classifieds site. It now comes with a modern theme and a fully responsive design that scales beautifully across different devices.
PriceUSD 79.95
posted bymayankinImage Galleries
Albinator with its tremendous speeds, offers your users to create their own public & personalized photo/multimedia albums. Gives you the control to manage unlimited nested Categories, Site Themes, totally template based system. Users can post comments on photos, integrates with vbulletin, phpbb, phpnuke, postnuke, invision board, geeklog, phpwebsite, dcpportal. Built-in Forums gives you a pre-integrated discussion area. Other features: Sell Photos/Media and Site Subscriptions via PayPal, create & personalize albums, edit photos online (brightness, contrast, etc), tell friends, photo eCards, reminders, set limit for space-album-media, image resizer, multiple language support, auto thumbnails, etc. Also support for HTML pages, music, video, flash & even documents in albums.
PriceUSD 49.00
COOLjsMenu is an advanced cross-browser JavaScript menu that provides with some unique features that are not to be found elsewhere. Easily adjustable and configurable from the control file it requires no programming knowledge from the user and can be integrated into the site in minutes. Almost every aspect of the menus you can build with this API can be modified and tuned. On-line menu builder further simplifies the process. Documentation and first class support from the vendor also provided. Besides free version there is also COOLjsMenu PRO edition with even more features.
SPAW Editor v.2 .NET Edition
posted byailoninWYSIWYG Editors
Solmetra SPAW Editor is a Web based WYSIWYG editor control released under GPL. It enables web site developers to replace a standard textarea html control with full-featured, fully customizable, multilingual, skinable web based WYSIWYG editor. Version 2 introduces industry unique tabbed multi-document interface, floating/shared toolbars, modular architecture, resizeable editing area and more. Supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher on Windows, Gecko based browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape), Opera 9 or higher and Safari 3 or higher. ASP.NET version 2.0 on the server and Visual Studio 2005/Visual Web Developer 2005 for designer support
Inout Search EngineSponsored
posted byinoutscriptsinSearch Engines
Private Search Engine script built on PHP by Inout Scripts. Fully featured, nimble and fast solution with sophisticated query algorithm with custom engines on elegant design.
Features Include:
# Web, Images, Video, News, Sports, Audio, Forum, Blog, Kids, Dictionary, Wiki and PDF (pre-loaded).
#Easy Custom Engine Creation including TLD specific Engines
#Create Niche/Specialist/Co-op engines based on specific themes or websites or file types.
#Advanced Search, Cloud Tag, Thumb shots, Quick Look preview, Family Filter, Spell Suggestion & Related Search options.
#Multilingual support.
#Public skins/themes.
#Template driven: full control & customization of pages.
#CSS style control
#Click revenue built in - Monetized with pre-loaded Google Ads
#Easily add ads/content
#Fast efficient query algorithm
#Search Engine Friendly Static URLs option
#Fully featured easy use admin panel
#Search statistics available
#FREE install, support & updates
Check out the Online Demo.
PriceUSD 449.00
Slide out menu
A nice menu where the sub menu slides out to the right. The content of the menu is created by use of plain HTML. That makes it search engine friendly.
posted byslackeroinContent Management
phpwcms - a open source web based cms - is optimized for fast, easy setup and works on any standard webserver platform that supports PHP/MySQL (successfully tested on WIN 2000/XP/2003/Vista, MacOSX, LINUX). phpwcms is perfect for professional, public and private users. It's very easy to learn and gives you the flexibility to separate layout and content. Lots of powerful but simple implemented features assists publishers and web developers too. It can be used for free.
There are several backend languages included like English, German, Frensh, Spain... (27 in total). And one of the good news - there is a very active community and documentation site available too.
posted bypostinOpen Directory Project
Instant content, that's what phpODP is about. This is the original script for adding dmoz data to your PHP enabled website. A good and active user community, and lots of features at no cost makes phpODP your best choice. Features; Thumbnail previews of sites (optional), Caching of browsing and/or searching, Adult filter (dmoz contains a lot of adult content, block categories & searches), Supports targeted advertising (Amazon), Template based (change look easily), Custom 404 / Not found pages, and more ... Easy install - just upload the file and you're ready to go!
PriceUSD 20.00
posted byphpwebberinPortal Systems
phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management solution. All client output is valid XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative requirements. Currently features: blog posting, web page creation, bulletin board, version control and approval, form generator, user management with granulated item administration, calendar, rss feeds, user-customizable theme support and more.
A Better Color Picker
posted bySpiderWebMasterToolsinMiscellaneous
Free HTML color picker palette JavaScript controls that make it easy for your visitors to fill out color value field(s) by selecting the color from a DHTML or PopUp Window color palette. Allow your visitors to enter a color value into a form field without overloading your pages with extraneous JavaScript code. Six different JavaScript generated color selection controls. Easy to manage, easy to install, and easy to setup JavaScript color picker input controls that will fit any need. Can be attached to any number of existing form fields. All JavaScript enabled browsers supported. Can use DHTML or regular PopUp Windows. Easy setup - no special programming skills required. All scripts are free for any applications. Easy to understand tutorials, sample code, and documentation included.