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Results 841-860 of 1000
Philex, or PHILe (file) EXplorer, is a the generation of website content manager based on PHP. This open source application, is intended to be a professional tool for managing websites content, and also, to be used inside an Intranet/Extranet environments. Multi platforms, multi authentication (mysql,ldap,xml,textfile...) modular code integration, to preserve scalability and easy software updates, multi languages and friendly user interface. Philex gives the possibility to download as many selected files in compressed format as possible.
(72 ratings)
Dokeos is an Open Source elearning and course management web application translated in 34 languages and helping more than 1.000 organisations worldwide to manage learning and collaboration activities. Dokeos is extremely scalable thanks to the PHP MySQL combination. It is already used in several Universities serving around 30.000 students and 4000 courses.
(72 ratings)
Simple PHP Poll
A very simple polling script requires no configuration and works with text based database, stores IP to prevent multiple votings, password protected admin panel to change poll question and options, you can add unlimited number of options.
(72 ratings)
ASP and ASP.NET Scripts and Resources +
A Comprehensive, categorized, and search able ASP & ASP.NET resources, scripts, software, tutorials, and even more.
(72 ratings)
FileManager - Cover Image
Use this application to manage files and directories on your webserver or any FTP server. You can create, rename, delete and move directories, upload, download, edit, rename, delete, move and copy files, and change file and directory permissions. It's possible to let FileManager automatically replace spaces in filenames with underscores or convert filenames to lowercase when uploading or downloading files, or resize images before they are saved. With FileManager you can also search files and directories. It supports upload and download of multiple files, image previewing and text editing with realtime syntax highlighting. FileManager is fully object-oriented, uses AJAX and can be easily integrated into your website - even multiple instances on the same page.
(72 ratings)
VirtuaNews is an advanced content management system allowing you to easily add content to your site. The script is very fast, very customizable, entirely template driven, advanced permission system and much more.
(72 ratings)
PriceUSD 60.00
posted byphpf1inWeb Sites
PHP F1 is a website dedicated to PHP development. It is a good source of scripts and tutorials.
(72 ratings)
iBWd News
iBWd News is an easy to install and use news posting script. Just fill in config.php, run install.php and you're done. Supports unlimited number of users.
(72 ratings)
WebCalendar is a PHP/SQL (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and ODBC) application used to maintain a calendar for one or more persons. Main faetures include: Multi-user support, View month-at-glance, Add/Edit/Delete users, and Add/Edit/Delete events.
(72 ratings)
Chipmunk AWS script
Chipmunk AWS script is completely customizable amazon affiliate script. You decide what products you want to show in categories you create. It does take a little more work than an automated product display. You will enter all info about the product besides price which is updated once every 24 hours. If you are looking for an amazon script that lets you have full control, this is the script for you.
(72 ratings)
posted bysukualaminBlog
Sedotpress is ultra light yet powerful blog engine that not using database. It save a post in a plain text. Beside that, many feature that came from this blog engine: Responsive WYSIWYG editor Builtin Comment System URL Rewrite (beautified url) RSS feeds XML Sitemap Generator Sedotpress Cache Administrator Area Page Navigation Search Tags Archives and many more... This script has MIT License.
(72 ratings)
Maian Music
Easy to use mp3 music store to sell/preview mp3 tracks, Add unlimited albums, Group tracks into albums, XHTML/CSS public layout, Store mp3 files outside of web root for security, Store album mp3 files in their own folders, Expiry limits for downloads and download page for track protection, Built in check to prevent linking to download page, Supports 15 currencies, Paypal IPN test mode available via Sandbox, Optional mod_rewrite for search engine friendly urls, Flash player, Optional SMTP send mail option, RSS feed to show latest albums, Option to include artwork download link with full album purchase, Graphical stats to view most popular track/album purchases, Search engines for both public and admin interface, Simple cart system, Option to add smaller mp3 file for previews, Template driven for easy HTML editing, Auto installation file, Public interface contact option, Option to contact buyers from admin interface, View sales in admin area.
(72 ratings)
Multi Currency Matrix Script
Ever wanted to get your hands on a matrix script, which can transact all the currencies that are available on earth (including cryptocurrencies)? A lot of our valued customers have been requesting for this kind of matrix script. And as our reputation precedes, we present you the best payment solution available today: This all-new matrix script includes all the features you ever wished for.
(72 ratings)
PriceUSD 499.00
- Simple in both installation and usage. - Upload one or many files at the same time. - Sort your upload files by filenames, size or last update time either ascendingly or descendingly. - Automatically renames the file if it has the same name as an existing file. - Customizable interface. - Customizable maximum upload size allowed. - Check all option for delete checkboxs (see demo) - Customizable number of files listed per page. - You may choose if you want to list the files by pages or show them all. - Delete confirmation - Upload to the directory you specify - Allow you to indicate whether you wish to overwrite the old file or not
(71 ratings)
This servlet allows users to upload their files to your server. Uploaded file can also be emailed to the specified address.
(71 ratings)
PAM HYIP script software
PAM HYIP is brand new HYIP script to create exclusive HYIP site for your HYIP business. It has been released with most recent highly developed investment features. For that reason, they have solid years of experience to make best HYIP software for script buyers need. It offers the fully encrypted exceptional HYIP script software as well as that script specialized in the hyip industry. PAM HYIP supports more than 22 payment gateways there is most important payment gateways are perfect money, solid trustpay, egopay, payza and others. It will offer 24 hours excellent email support and live support for script buyers. It also provides new approachable HYIP templates to modify HYIP site design delightfully. Launch your HYIP business by using constantly support PAM HYIP script.
(71 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
File Download Script
This free script will allow you to give your customers and clients the ability to download files from locations not specifically in your website root. For example, if you want to store the files in a secure location not on your site, and want your clients to be able to download from there, this free php script is for you!
(71 ratings)
inoERP is an open source php based enterprise management system. The ERP systems contain all the required modules for running a SME manufacturing/distribution organization. The features are very similar to Oracle R12/ Fusion Application and SAP. It also contains a light weight CMS which seamlessly integrates with the ERP
(71 ratings)
A71Mail - The Email Form Written In PHP - Cover Image
A71Mail - The Email Form Written In PHP
A very professional web mail form which comes with a lot of features: supports multiple email recipients, its look is very professional and very nice, has friendly error messages, gives details about the visitors like ip, browser, os, referer, whois, geoip, is fully configurable, is very easy to use and install, is fully configurable because uses external templates, has inline error messages, is able to verify any field by using the regex, supports 6 languages at the moment (italian, french, german, english, albanian and spanish), supports email logs, supports antispam filters and keys, uses a captcha-like technique, supports utf-8 (unicode), supports skins, optionally supports multiple attachments. Now it's GDPR Ready!
(71 ratings)
SocialScript - Custom social networking software
SocialScript is a powerful custom social networking software that lets you start your own website for any type of online social community within minutes. It is a fully automated solution suitable for individuals and businesses, packed with various features and plugins, search engine friendly and fully customizable so you can modify and tweak it to fit your own needs. It also includes many unique features to help you fight spammers more effectively than ever. Our product is backed by knowledgeable support staff who are there to assist you with any questions you may have.
(71 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Results 841-860 of 1000