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Most Popular Scripts | PHP

Results 421-440 of 1000
Star Rating System PRO
The easy way to add a comment and rating script to your page. The system is based on TEMPLATES, so no advanced programming skills are needed, just minor configuration. Plus it's perfectly usable on forums, articles, pictures and products. TOP 10 ratings are also available now. Features include: NEW: In activation mail, a link that will delete from database the rating, some is SPAM and not need to keep it. NEW: URL check, to not use rate board as SPAM NEW: List Board in Admin show only 10, missing next page. NEW: TOP10 listing Admin interface, reach it from admintool/ directory, with default user: demo, password: demo IP Blocker Editable comments Now you can deactivate a post and (re) activate from Admin Easy customisation with configuration script Based on templates, easy to modify for your wish! Easy install and setup; simply edit the config.inc.php file and reuse article script. Comment can be moderated over e-mail and many other features ...
(97 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
posted byphunkphorceinBlog
LifeType (formerly known as pLog) is an open-source blogging platform with enticing features for both big blogging communities and casual bloggers alike. LifeType is multi-blog and multi-user out of the box, and end users will enjoy its friendly user interface, the generation of clean XHTML code and the powerful file management area for managing resources and attaching them to our posts. Other exciting features include a customizable template system with caching support, native support for subdomains with custom URLs, a powerful plugin framework, fully localizable from the ground up, generation and syndication of RSS feeds, support trackbacks and the metaWeblog XMLRPC API, and many more! LifeType is extensible via plugins, that will add new exciting features such as moblogging, integration with Flickr and Gallery2, shoutbox, and many morel.
(97 ratings)
FREE Twitter Script - PHP Micro Blogging Social Networking Script (Twitter Clone)
Twitter Script is a FREE, yet powerful PHP micro-blogging social networking script that allows you to start your own website clone of Twitter and Jaiku. Key Features include: Text & Pictures Support, Multi-Language System, Template System, 100% Unencoded Source Code, AJAX Enhanced Usability, Clean Web 2.0 CSS Template, Comprehensive Admin Panel, Custom Backgrounds, Comments on Updates, Lifetime Support, 3 Month Free Updates, Auto Link Users, Auto URLs, RSS feeds, Internal Messaging, Friend Lists, Block Users and many more!
(97 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Tell A Friend Script
This script allows your visitors to recommend your website. Both HTML layout and e-mail layout are template driven and customizable. You are also able to send the e-mails in HTML and text format. This script also includes several security features to prevent abuse by spammers. The recommendation message can be previewed by the visitor and after sending the e-mail the visitor can be redirected to the referring page or to a special thanks page.
(96 ratings)
Vivvo - News Content Management
VIVVO CMS is scalable and powerful news and media publishing solution with variety of plug-ins including vBulletin integration that helps you create a full website easily - an ideal solution for your network or website. Not only you will be able to create different layouts easily, you can also have different groups of people to help you manage your content with the built-in privilege system. Features Media Streaming, full WYSIWYG editor, SE Friendly URLs, XML/Atom syndication, AJAX drag'n'drop, comments/ratings, web browser-based administration interface, full search engine with OpenSearch support, multi-language support, newsletter, poll and much more. Try the online demo, or download a free trial.
(96 ratings)
PriceUSD 295.00
WSN Guest
Guests can sign, register an account if they wish to be able to edit, and also respond to the entries of other guests. Security image prevents spam. Add unlimited custom fields. Set max/min message length, choose required fields, ban IPs, disallow HTML and add custom codes to replace it, add smilies, or e-mail guests. Member avatars and profiles. Advanced usergroup permissions. All HTML is customizable through templates, and all language is separated out in a language system for ease of translation.
(96 ratings)
MyMail in an advanced yet extremely easy to use mailing list script. MyMail is primarily built around PHP4 and MySQL with *Nix yet MyMail is easily capable of running on a NT system with PHP3. Some of the features include; import/export emails, easy signup form, full archiving system, advanced statistics, unlimited lists and subscribers, list cleaning, and is capable of sending many thousands of emails quickly and efficiently.
(95 ratings)
QuiXplorer - web-based file-management
QuiXplorer is a multi-user, web-based file-manager. It allows you to manage and/or share files over the internet, or an intranet. The latest version provides the following functionality: * Browsing directories; showing names, file sizes, file types, modification times and permissions * Copying, moving and deleting files * Searching for files and directories * Uploading and downloading files * Editing text files * Creating new files and directories * Changing file permissions. In multi-user mode: * Users are authenticated. * Administrators can manage users. * Each user has his/her own settings. QuiXplorer is currently available in English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Russian.
(94 ratings)
Solmetra FormValidator
SOLMETRA FormValidator is a PHP class used to validate web forms against automated submissions. The process involves generating and displaying a distorted image of secret phrase which is readable to humans but completely incomprehendable to machines - even to OCR programs. This protection mechanism is known as CAPTCHA (completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart).
(94 ratings)
Micro Rate
Micro Rate is a very basic and simple rating script. Visitors are identified by IP and only one rate per IP is allowed. No database is required as results are stored in file. Th installation is quite easy, you only need to upload the files and put a link on your site to microrate.php. You can easy customize the theme by CSS.
(94 ratings)
AdQuick - "Ad Server Software" - Run Your Own Ad Network or Ad Server + Get BlogQuick FREE
AdQuick is the original complete advertising serving solution for Advertisers, Publishers & Ad Networks. Bring together Advertisers & Publishers, & quickly & easily setup your own Ad Marketplace. Advertisers have the ability to target their own ad campaigns, while publishers have the option to sell "Set Rate Ads" or simply display a wide range of "Network Ads" on their websites. You can make money from AdQuick by taking a cut from every ad sold through your network. The amount you make is upto you. AdQuick supports many ad formats including, PicText, Peel, Splash, InVideo, IM, InLine, Full Page, Text, Image, Flash, Video, Popup and Popunder Ads. All Publishers & Advertisers have access to detailed ad stats, including click data, impressions and conversion stats. AdQuick has a powerful admin interface so that you always have total control over your website ++Version 2.7 Just Released. All passwords fully encrypted in this update
(94 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Video Chat Script
Complete turnkey video chat script based on Red5 streaming server and Flash player embedded into the browser. Could handle high traffic, used by several popular and successful webcam sites. Supports H.264 with latest Red5 server with Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder. More than 30 payment processors supported: Zombaio, ccBill, Verotel, Paycom, Paypal, etc Areas: 1) Administration which includes full static reports, earnings, can make payout and manually adjust customer balance, can check chat logs and see recorded video, has many configuration settings to fit your needs of webcam site 2) Peformer area where user can register, login, update personal photos, upload videos, see earning statistics and payout, block certain customers, or city/country. 3) Customer area which has full featured interface like on any webcam site 4) Studio manager area - here not only models, but group of models (studio) can join your site 5) Webmaster/Affiliates area for marketing
(94 ratings)
PriceUSD 295.00
Pinterest Clone Script v3 by Pintastic
Pintastic is the greatest Pinterest clone script, that gives you the opportunity to create communities, promote your ideas and products and earn money. Share your favorites, amuse your friends, create communities, promote products and services, earn money and do much more! Thanks to the script ability to grab the prices of each product you will be able to display an image, pricing information and description in a single pin within seconds. Using the PinIt button can turn the bulk pinning a pleasant task. Using complete integration with Facebook and Twitter, your posts could be shared to the social networks in a click. Additional extensions are also available, such as Pintastic Mobile App, Pintastic Online Status Module, Pintastic Chat App and Pin Tags Module. Pintastic is easy to install, comes with complete administration guide, and lifetime updates.
(94 ratings)
PriceEUR 799.00
Teespring Clone Script - TeeshirtSCRIPT
TeeshirtSCRIPT allows you to launch a website that enables your users to design and sell custom apparel such as T-shirts, shorts or hoodies. Let them launch a campaign in minutes and start selling their awesome designs. All T-shirt sales are handled through the payment integration in TeeshirtSCRIPT. Only when the campaign goal is reached the T-shirts will be produced. The site allows the designers to share their work through social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Email). Designers worldwide dream to become the next T-shirt millionaire. You should be smarter, though: starting a Teespring-like site is like selling pickaxes during a gold rush.
(94 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
Sava's Ajax Admin GuestBook
New simple layout will easy on the eye colors The entries submitted will stay pending untill the admin approves them. Image captcha Pagination system - the GuestBook will display the entries in pages so that your page will load faster and be smaller. You can edit the number of entries displayed per page in includes/db.php Statistics : your guestbook will show: - The number of approved entries - The number of pending entries - The number of males - The number of females - Guestbooks start date. Administration panel: - features an ajax feature - Edit In Place with jQuery. - with it you can easily edit the entries without refreshing the page. - to edit any field just click on the text. - For example: if you want to edit the posters name just click on the name, make corrections and click on save. - after you edited all the pending entries on the page just go to Approve all entries and modify "No" with "Yes". All the pending entries on the page will be approved.
(93 ratings)
DRB Image Gallery
DRBImageGallery is an easy-to-use image gallery script with customizable search capabilities. It allows you to categorize your images with user-defined attributes and keywords. Visitors to your site can search your image gallery using these criteria via a simple search form. Thumbnail image files are generated automatically. You can upload your images directly through the web browser, or use an FTP client to upload your images into the images folder, and script will import them. The pages are XHTML syntax compliant, and compatible with both IE and Firefox. The application includes a web-based administration interface.
(93 ratings)
GreatNexus.com Webmaster Forums
A small but growing community. The forums were originally used to support free PHP scripts available on the site. But it has been expanded to include other webmaster topics, such as PHP programming, web site authoring, SEO, etc. Web site review and marketplace forum also available.
(93 ratings)
QuickGal 2
QuickGal2 is a nice and friendly gallery script with a lot of features and large customization options. Easily integrate the script adding two simple lines of PHP code in your webpage.
(93 ratings)
PriceUSD 26.00
Joomla Quiz Deluxe
With this comprehensive and easy-to-use Joomla! quiz component you can create great looking quizzes, tests and exams. Features: * 14 diverse questions types * Possibility to add images, audio and video into quiz questions * Learning paths containing quizzes and Joomla articles the learners have to pass in predefined order * Extensive feedback options (quiz feedback; feedback for correct/incorrect answers; feedback for each answer option) * Possibility to create unique certificates for the users who pass the test * Tracking tests statistics from the admin section as well as show quiz statistics to users on the site * Possibility to insert quizzes into Joomla articles * Integration with JomSocial, Community Builder, JoomFish, AlphaUserPoints, VirtueMart * Compatibility with all Joomla! versions from 1.5 to 3.x. Find more features on our site!
(92 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
PHPFABER TopSites - PHP top list script
PHPFABER TopSites is a feature-packed, reliable and secure Top List coded in PHP and mySQL. PHPFABER TopSites has proven its reliability time and time again under the most active server environments. Our feature list is large, including all elements you need to easily maintain your list, and even make money of it. PHPFABER TopSites can be integrated with all your favourite applications to save you the hassle of running two separate user systems. PHPFABER TopSites includes what you expect from a Top List and much much more. It is fully customizable and doesn't require any programming skills! You can create your topsite just in 3 clicks! What's updated in the latest version: Captcha secure image added; php code improved.
(92 ratings)
Results 421-440 of 1000