Most Popular Scripts | PHP
Site Index
posted byilyalyuinSite Mapping
The script will spider website and extract all anchor links and webpage titles. All extracted URLs are divided into 4 categories: internal and external webpages, internal and internal downloadable files. If you store session ids or any other random values in the query string the script will optionally remove them from query string.
posted byevolutionscriptinHelp Desk
HelpDeskZ is a free PHP based software which allows you to manage your site's support with a web-based support ticket system. Categorise tickets into groups to organise tickets and assign agents to groups to manage tickets. Stop wasting time writing the same replies again and again. Ensure quick consistent responses to common questions by creating pre-formatted replies. Customize the data collected from users when submitting a ticket to help get straight to the issue. You can easyly change the look of your helpdesk with only html knowledges because HelpDeskZ use Twig as template engine. HelpDeskZ can be translated easyly to any language.
Mortgage Calculator
posted byarsidianinCalculators
Free Mortgage Loan Calculator is a great value-add for any loan officer or real estate agent looking to provide good-looking, functional, valuable content to readers. The execution of this calculator is superb from the smooth sidebar integration, modal window results and AJAX-based graphs that are incredibly visually appealing. It's a great little application that delivers a lot of value in a user-friendly and well-executed way. Available as copy-and-paste Javascript code, Wordpress plugin and API (for calculator form customization).
Simple CMS PHP
posted bynevenovinContent Management
Simple CMS PHP is a simple php script and it can be used for an easy content management system of the pages on your existing website. No need of programming skills.
Simple CMS PHP script main features:
* simple installation - one step install wizard;
* just paste a single line of code on the page where you want to manage the content;
* responsive page sections;
* password protected and user friendly administrator page;
* WYSIWYG(text) editor to styling/format/edit the content of pages;
* any language support for the pages;
* insert/delete/edit images;
* option to lightbox the images;
* flash movies and youtube videos into the content of pages;
* fully readable and simple php source code, up-to-date with the latest code standards;
* ability to create users with different rights to control the page contents;
PriceUSD 49.99
Display visitor's IP Address in a graphic
posted bymvanderinImage Creation
Display a visitor's IP Address in a graphic on your website pages (or any other pages) with this simple PHP script. This script makes use of the GD image tools. Can easily be changed to match whatever colors you wish.
HTML2Text, HTML to plain text converter
posted byChuggnuttinLibraries & Classes
This class converts HTML to plain, formatted ASCII text. By default, the text is wrapped to 70 characters, and some basic formatting is applied to preserve some of the HTML formatting. For example:<br>
<li>Paragraphs are indented</li>
<li>Heading tags <h1> - <h3> are all caps</li>
<li>Horizontal lines, <hr>, are converted to hyphens</li>
<li>Links are preserved as a footnoted list at the end</li>
Kemana Directory
posted byc97dotnetinLink Indexing
Kemana is a flexible directory listing script which can be used for multiple purposes, such as: link directory, classified ads, school yearbook, product catalog, car dealers, real estate, and more.
It has been developed using latest web technology, including HTML5, CSS3, ajax, bootstrap, responsive web design, minimalist default skin, WYSIWYG editor, etc. to ensure the best user experience without sacrificing web site security.
Click Tracker module for ActualAnalyzer Lite/Pro/Gold/Server
posted bysupportinClick Tracking
Click Tracker is a powerful link-tracking module for monitoring and analyzing click statistics. Click Tracker stores full information about clicks on the specified links of your website and provides full spectrum reports with essential information to achieve effective marketing and advertising. Click Tracker allows you to check the effectiveness of current links of your website and will help you find the most effective directions for your investments.
Chipmunk Random Links
posted bywebmasterinRandom Links
Chipmunk Randomlink is a powerful link indexing script that allows admins to specify number of random links to display. Admins to allow or disallow submission of links by users. Admin can add, delete, and validate links. Admins also have a search and delete option.
@lex Guestbook
posted bywebmasterinGuestbooks
@lex Guestbook is an extremely powerful guestbook which adapts automatically to all PHP configurations.
Its functionalities are very numerous and without equivalents. Look at the demonstration version.
Principal functionalities :
- Automatic installation, choice of the name tables to creation,
- Graphic interface very easily personnalisable with a skins system,
- Webmasters can show the latests posts messages with a javascript code,
- Send of automatic thanks messages,
- Webmaster can answer to the messages,
- Database gestion in the administration panel : optimization, safeguard, restoration,
- Optional limit in the maximum number of characters in a message,
- Validation optional of the messages before their final publication,
- Show countries flags,
- Smiley integration,
- Management of censurable words,
- IP addresses banishment,
- Search engine,
- Visitors can allot a note to the site,
- Javascript encoding of the URL,
- The principal skin is valid XHTML.
Pixaria - PHP Photo Gallery Software & Digital Asset Management
posted byPixaria SoftwareinImage Galleries
Pixaria Gallery is a PHP based digital asset management and photo gallery software package that makes it easy to publish, promote and sell images online.
Some of the many, many features include: price quoting by image or by cart, auto price calculations, instant downloads, PayPal and 2Checkout integration, web and FTP uploads, integrated search engine with keyword logging, customisable user interface, multiple lightboxes, PDF contact sheets, user banning and blocking, sales and download reporting, thumbnail generation, e-cards, unlimited nested galleries, news/blog tool with RSS feeds, plug-in system, user image uploads, IPTC/EXIF/XMP import, GPS and Google Maps support, access control tools, CoolIris integration, advanced admin controls, image watermarking, Flash image output for security, search engine optimized, AJAX enhanced admin interface, multiple languages and more...
Contact Jamie at [email protected] for an admin demo and try out these amazing features for yourself!
PriceUSD 249.00
Calorie Queen
posted bynafwa03inHealthcare
Calorie Queen is a food management system that displays the nutrition facts for foods. You can download the USDA database which has thousands of foods for starters. There is also the ability to add and delete foods in the admin section. I only ask that you rate my scripts if you like them. Thanks.
Blesta Client Management Billing & Support
posted byphillipsdatainBilling Systems
Blesta is a well written, security focused, user and developer friendly client management, billing, and support application. Written in PHP on our very own open source minPHP MVC framework, Blesta is object oriented and extendable. Over 99% of the source code is open and editable making it the best choice for developers and as an integration platform.
Blesta supports one time and recurring invoices and can send payment reminders and late notices automatically. Automatic provision, suspension and unsuspension of services through various 3rd party modules like cPanel, Plesk, SolusVM and many more are also supported.
Blesta supports email, paper, and postal and fax invoice delivery. Payment gateways like, Stripe, BluePay, PayPal, 2Checkout and more are supported for payment processing.
Blesta is clean and clutter free, and is designed from the ground up with security, and stability in mind, with the goal of automating as much of your business as possible.
A powerful dating script based on PHP 4.1.0+ and MySQL. Features: Easy installation, user management, Multi language support, Photo upload, User can view/edit their profile, search the dating database by many parameters, Message system between users, Statistics, Top Man and Top Woman on the main page, FAQ system, admin page, Optimize and Repair tables, Clear member hits, Send mail to members tool - can send mail by gender, and more.
Free flash games script - Gamelola
posted bykiallioinGames & Entertainment
Start your own flash games website or expand your actual one with a free games section. With this script you will be able to have many games with just one click. The only thing you will need to do is download the code, run it and you will have daily updated content in your website.
webJobs Job Board and Job Portal Software
posted bysalesinEmployment
webJobs allows you to start a fully automated and comprehensive job site, providing you with the newest features of major employment sites out there, such as Monster and Hot Jobs. Our job board software enables you to process payments instantly through the popular payment gateway Payment options can be easily configured through our intuitive administrative area, as well as all other components of the site such as the layout, emails, and registration options. NEW: iPhone support, backfilling of jobs, new themes, feeds for Indeed, SimplyHired, Google Base and login integration with Joomla!
Whether you are looking for a simple job script or a fully featured job board software package, webJobs is the right choice for you! Please don't hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-706-1394.
PriceUSD 1,999.00
Vina Online Exam - Quiz System
posted bycodeloverinTests & Quizzes
- Vina Online Exam System is a web script which written by CodeIgniter framework, use MySQL for storing all related data.
- It uses Twitter bootstrap v3.x for enhancing GUI and supporting responsive design and JQuery AJAX to interact with backend.
- The main purpose of this script is for creating online exams and practices.
- Users all over the world can take free and paid exams to get some certificates and improve their knowledge with free practices.
- Finally,after finish exams,they can view results, even corrects answers and share their best results with friends on Facebooks,Twitter, Google Plus... Moreover, they can download certificates.
- There are many more exicting features,you can discover these features later.
PriceUSD 40.00
Trellis Desk
posted bysomeotherguy582inHelp Desk
Trellis Desk is a user-friendly, clean, but powerful help desk system. It has many features, including custom department / profile fields, rich text editor support, ACP permissions, department permissions, escalation control, RSS feeds, statistics, advanced logging, email piping, guest ticketing, canned replies, custom pages, API / module support and much more. Knowledge Base categories and departments make it easier to find content. Email piping allows support / ticket management all through email. You can also use the skin and language manager, to customize the look & feel of Trellis Desk to fit your website.
Hercules Image, Banner Rotator v.9.0
posted bywangchukinBanner Exchange
Hercules Image, Banner Rotator is a PHP script, which rotates your images and banners with a JPG (JPEG), GIF, or PNG extension from any location. Hercules Image Rotator uses Flat File (txt file) and does not need MySQL or any other DB. Does not need Java or JavaScript enabled. It is very simple to sets the image/banner dimensions and time to rotate it. Possibility for multiple rotators with different dimension and different rotation times on one page and faster displaying. New feature - random image displaying.
Article Manager 2.1 -
posted byfraserinNews Publishing
The world's best supported software, designed for YOU, the overworked webmaster! With more features than any other solution, Article Manager gives you absolutely everything you need to manage your very own article driven website. *** Create thousands - or TENS of thousands - of articles. *** No Limitations. Make a headlines file to include in your other pages, create extra RSS feeds, publish an entire duplicate version of your site for hand-held devices, display your articles in text-only's up to you! *** Upload an unlimited number of images or file attachments to each of your articles. *** Looks exactly like YOUR website. *** No limitations on data. Create tens of thousands of articles, tons of categories, and hundreds of users. *** Cross Browser WYSIWYG. *** Unlimited Free Support. Free Upgrades. Incomparable 90-day, no hassle, money back guarantee. *** TRY THE FREE ONLINE DEMO NOW!
PriceUSD 199.95