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Most Popular Scripts | PHP

Results 41-60 of 1000
More than "just another web BBS/forum software", w-Agora (Web-Agora) is a powerful database-driven communications system designed to be adapted to a various needs. Features: Threaded or flat discussions, attachments, Users managements, private forums, Multiple sites & forums, Multi-languages support, Fully customizable using templates, Full web-based admin panel, statistics, Multi-Database support, Search engine, WYSIWYG editor, and more... Commercial support is available.
(1041 ratings)
Free PHP Mortgage Calculator
Free PHP mortgage calculator that figures in Private Mortgage Insurance, property tax, and more. Tell it a mortgage amount, percent down, length of mortgage, and interest rate, and the calculator will give you all the mortgage details including a full amortization schedule breakdown. Cut and paste the code to your financial site for free.
(1021 ratings)
SiteBar is a bookmark server intended for both personal and enterprise usage. It integrates to most browsers used today and offers maximum number of features on the smallest possible place. The most important features are granular security mechanism, bookmarks import/export/feeds, painless upgrade/install procedure, drag & drop, skins, speed and internationalization. Plugin for synchronization with Firefox's bookmarks available.
(991 ratings)
Open-Realty - Cover Image
posted byryaninReal Estate
Open-Realty is an open-source web-based real estate listing management application. Open-Realty has been the first choice in real estate website solutions since 2003. Open-Realty provides easy installation, integrated blogging, lead capture, search engine optimization, highly customizable templates, virtual tour support, advanced search capabilities, and many other features. Combine this with open source add-ons, such as our MLS RETS data importer and advanced Google map integrations, and you have all tools needed to have a top real estate website in your market.
(989 ratings)
ADOdb Database Library for PHP
A PHP4 and PHP5 database abstraction library. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase/Firebird, Oracle (Oci8), MS SQL 7, ADO, Foxpro, Access, Sybase, Sybase SQL Anywhere, DB2, Informix, Frontbase, SQLite, LDAP, Netezza, SAPDB, generic ODBC/ODBTP, PDO etc. ADOdb provides code to handle inserts and updates that can be adapted to multiple databases quickly. A basic paginated grid is also provided, and support for database-backed session variables. Support for PHP5 iterators and exceptions included. Methods are provided for date handling, string concatenation and string quoting characters for differing databases. A metatype system is built in so that you can figure out that types such as CHAR, TEXT and STRING are equivalent in different databases. Able to create databases, tables, indexes portably using an xml schema or programatically. Also has sql performance monitoring and schema creation using XML.
(983 ratings)
EasyPHP Install Guide
EasyPHP is a combination of PHP, Apache, and MySQL put together into an easy to install package. The EasyPHP Install Guide will walk you through downloading, installing, and configuring your own PHP development server. Over 40 screenshots will show you visually what you should do at each step.
(981 ratings)
Almond Classifieds
posted byinfoinGeneral
Almond Classifieds is a PHP4/MySQL-driven Classified Ads application. Features: Users can submit ads with photos, preview photo and multimedia files; password protected editing, renewing, deleting of Ads by owners; powerful search abilities; privacy mail, search all ads posted by the same user; optional moderating of ads by admin before posting; custom multiple categories and ad fields; and powerful admin web interface.
(955 ratings)
kPlaylist is a PHP based music database that makes your music collection available via the Internet. With kPlaylist you manage audio and access your music (ogg, mp3, wav, wma, etc.) via a web based interface where you can stream music, upload, make playlists, share, search and download your music from anywhere by just using a webbrowser. kPlaylist is multiuser based and supports more than 30 languages. With kPlaylist you can share your music with friends, family and colleagues. Search for your music in the database and set up playlists of your taste or share them to others. Use kPlaylist to publish music and video samples on your website. Downsample your mp3 files, on-the-fly (using LAME) during streaming when you are on poor Internet connection.
(941 ratings)
Toko Gold - Wysiwyg contented editor
NEW - Toko with FCK editor, Edit your site like you edit a word document. Use Toko to edit web site online, No Database, user friendly GUI and most important Integrate toko in no time into any existing site. Toko is a Html/Text web content editor which brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of desktop editors like MS Word tool bar. Toko is a compact multi language, open source content editor and content management system (CMS) Toko definition and management is simple and is done via editing Pre-defined areas on any web page or XML file without any need for programming skills.
(930 ratings)
PriceUSD 54.95
phpMyDirectory - Link, Directory, or Classifieds Script
Affordable, Versatile, Powerful. Features Include: - Mobile Ready. HTML5 Responsive Templates. - Unlimited categories/locations - SEO Friendly URLs - Template System - Language Files for translation - Form Field Editor - Importer/Exporter - Mailer - Payment Gateway Management - Backup Manager - IP/URL/Website Banning/Filters - Email Templates - Google/Mapquest/Yahoo Map API - Module/Plugin System - Invoices - Image Gallery - Documents Gallery - Products Gallery - Bookmarking - Statistics Tracking - Ratings/Reviews - PDF Export - Print Listings - CAPTCHA/Security Images - Listing/Review Approval - Breadcrumb links - Unlimited memberships - Reciprocal Link checker Module - Zip code radius module - vBulletin module - phpBB module - FAQ module - Installation available - FREE support - Active developer community - 50% off after your first purchase.
(919 ratings)
PriceUSD 140.00
Squirrelcart is a PHP / MySQL e-commerce system with a built-in CMS. It is an open source fully customizable, robust shopping cart. Social sign-in feature lets customers login via Facebook, Twitter, and Google. All products, categories, customers, shipping options, payment options, orders, and every other detail within the cart are stored in a MySQL database. Support for themes. Supports SSL. Fully customizable via templates. Valid XHTML 1.0 transitional markup, with valid CSS stylesheets. Supports Authorize.net, PayPal Pro and Standard, and many other payment gateways (60+). Supports live rate lookups via FedEx, UPS and USPS. Inventory Control feature to keep track of your stock. Support for an unlimited number of products and categories. Order Management allows customer to view their orders and merchant to manage them. Many other features.
(917 ratings)
PriceUSD 169.00
posted byandbesinXML & PHP
PHP script used to display other's news on your site. It reads, caches and then displays remote RSS (RDF) files. Supports RSS 0.9, 0.9x, 1.0, 2.0 and you can customize through it's templates the appearence on the site, including: channel name, channel link, channel description, channel image (logo), news link, news title, news description, news publication date, if available. It has an administration panel to add/remove feeds and supports OPML subscription list importing/exporting. Also displays wml content for WAP devices.
(886 ratings)
Five Star Review - PHP/MYSQL/AJAX
This Amazon-style review script allows users to rank a product or item on a scale of 1-5 stars and make comments related to the product for other users to read. Has a built in directory/link feature. As an option, email notification will allow the administrator to approve comments before being added to the website. Admin panel allows the following: Approve a Review before it is listed, Delete a Review, Delete all Unapproved Reviews and Add Item for Review. A Google AdSense Revenue Sharing feature has been added. Allow your users to share revenue from ads displayed on their reviews! Can be turned on or off in the admin panel. Comments System. Allows users to write a comment about another's review. Google Base integration. Can be used to rate books, videos, music, websites...basically anything! Fast mysql backend and AJAX features. One template file controls the entire site/script layout. New features are added frequently! Top notch support is included!
(834 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Pro Chat Rooms
Audio / Video & Text Chat Room Software - The Pro Chat Rooms is a multi user chat room script written in PHP/MySQL/Ajax and includes a wide range of features like unlimited chat rooms, customisable text, private chat, avatars, smilies, sounds, user profiles, multi-level chat room management (administrators & moderators), transcripts, IRC type commands, advertising bots and much more... Additional plugins include Flash Webcams, Games, Virtual Credits, Login Gallerys, Scheduled Events, Moderated Chat, Share Images, Invisible Admins. Can be installed as a standalone unit or supports integration with over 30 content management systems (CMS) including custom built databases.
(803 ratings)
PriceUSD 55.00
Free ware CMS SAPID file flat edition (XML Sapiens, HTML, flash, WML etc)
SAPID is a free ware CMS for developing and managing personal or subject sites. SAPID is easy to install and features Drag & Drop site structure management interface. SAPID can create a controllable by CMS copy of an existing static site. The flexibility and functionality in SAPID are practically unlimited due to the XML Sapiens technology support. SAPID separates data, presentation and functionality so that you can develop your site interfaces without delving into the particulars of system development (see http://www.xmlsapiens.org). The package includes a great number of services, such as news channels, RSS-channels, guest book, gallery, survey, and personification. SAPID can manage HTML-, Flash-, WML- (WAP), and XML/XSL-sites. Should you have any questions about using SAPID, there is a built-in instant message pager for contacting the SAPID community.
(790 ratings)
PHP Contact Form
PHP contact form script with spam protection (captcha); sender copy (with or without "send me a copy" checkbox); sending uploaded files as attachments; sending data to different e-mail addresses (different departments) based on user selection; flicker-free skinnable interface (3 skins/styles included); etc.
(772 ratings)
eTicket is an electronic support ticket system for PHP, that can receive tickets via email (pop3 or pipe) and a web-based form, as well as manage them using a web interface, with many new features and bug fixes.
(771 ratings)
PHPFM is an open source file manager written in PHP. It is easy to set up for a beginner, but still easy to customize for the more experienced user. The built-in login system makes sure that only people with the right username and password gains access to PHPFM, however, you can also choose to disable the login system and use PHPFM for public access. It can currently: create, rename and delete folders; create, upload, rename, download and delete files; edit text files; view image files; sort files by name, size, permissions and last modification date both ascending and descending; communicate in more languages.
(738 ratings)
GBook - a FREE guestbook with industry-leading SPAM protection!
posted bykstirninGuestbooks
With this script you can setup a guestbook for your site. No MySQL database is required to run this script. It supports smileys, email notification of new entries, message deletion, private posts and style customization. GBook comes with a very powerful SPAM filter, email protection against SPAM harvesters (or hide emails from visitors completely), IP banning and a bad words filter that will replace nasty language with ****, email notification of posts and replies, manually approving new entries and more. You can modify the look by editing header/footer files or completely customize the template files, no messing with the PHP code required! GBook can be translated into any language by simply translating the text within a single file. Several translations are available for download on the support forum.
(734 ratings)
Now updated to version 4.60! PBLang is a multilingual, SQL-independent, versatile forum software based on PHP. It offers most features which you find in commercial forum software. Email-notification of replies, configurable membership-levels, avatars, private messages, closed mode (only logged-in users can view the board), limitable attachments, configurable UI to match your website, access-restricted forums and many more. It's fast and secure, and can handle large numbers of members and messages. With version 4.60, speed and reliability have been greatly improved. Many new features were added. 20 languages are supported. The package 4.60 is available from sourceforge.net
(729 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 1000