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Most Popular Scripts | PHP

Results 641-660 of 1000
AfterLogic WebMail Lite PHP
Open source webmail front-end for your existing mail server, written in PHP. Provides very fast and clean AJAX interface, supports IMAP/SMTP/SSL/LDAP, folders, threads, rich-text editor, address book with contacts and groups, web admin panel, non-English languages, user interface templates, UTF-8, MySQL, cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPManager.
(61 ratings)
Totally PHP
posted byDanBeeinWeb Sites
A growing resource for web developers intented to help with your PHP programming. We provide free PHP scripts, such as guestbooks, hit counters and more, and handy PHP code samples.
(60 ratings)
Mosets Hot Property - Real Estate Management System
Stop Looking! Hot Property provides you the most comprehensive Real Estate Management System that works with Joomla. This powerful combination enables you to run a real estate website and use the most user friendly open source Web Content Management System (CMS) available today. Features includes Advanced Searching, Custom Fields (Extra Fields), SEO Friendly, Report Generating Tools, Approval System, Agent & Company management, Multi-Language support, Featured Property, PDF, Print, Send to Friend, Unlimited number of photos and much more.
(60 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.00
Graidle can be used to generate several types of graphical diagrams. There are several classes specialized in generating histograms (also horizontal) ,spider, pie and line (also filled) charts, is possible to customize easly many visual aspects like fonts, colours, labels, axis etc. Graphs are generated as true color images using native PHP GD2 library, and displayed as the current script output or saved to a file in the PNG format.
(60 ratings)
Script users Register, Login and Online
A PHP script to Register and Log users in a website, and shows the Online users; it's created with the method based on classes and objects (OOP). It uses PHP, MySQL and Ajax / JavaScript. It has options to log in with Facebook, Yahoo, or with a Google account. The script includes button "Remember" that gives the posibility to automaticaly login the users in the next visits. If the user forgot the password, the script can send it to his e-mail. Each user has a personal page that contains: an image uploaded by the user, the registration date, the last visit date, the number of visits /logins, and other personal data (name, pronoun, birthday, personal website, occupation, hobby). In his personal page, the user can modify the password and the e-mail address added to registration, then he/she will receive an email with the new data. The script displays the total number of users, the last registered user and the Online users.
(60 ratings)
JShop Server
Scaleable shopping cart system with state-of-the-art web-based interface. Customer accounts, offer codes, gift certificates, stock control, order management, reporting, shipping, tax and payment options, affiliate system and supplier system etc. 100% template driven. Designed with maximum flexibility. Much of what is displayed in your store can be tailored to individual customer types. Advanced product management allows setup of weights, stock values and pricing on product options. JShop Server includes search engine detection and search engine friendly links. Fully multi-language and multi-currency. Includes built-in affiliate system. Version 2.0 adds: Updated admin user restrictions and options, updated admin interface, built in WYSIWYG editor, XHTML/CSS templates, XHTML compliance, customisable order status, additional email templates, Quickbooks export and much more.
(60 ratings)
PriceGBP 200.00
WHMCS Billing & Support System
WHMCS is the world's leading all-in-one billing automation platform. Handling customer signups, provisioning, billing and support, WHMCS is used by tens of thousands of businesses around the world to manage their daily operations and put them firmly in control of their business.
(60 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.95
X.Forum is a forum application that uses smarty as the template engine and MVC style application. It extracts the forum to 3 tier application that's easier to modify if someone want to change it to some database interface for e.g MySQL, PostgreSQL. It supports cache using Smarty Cache function, making this forum faster loading for the 2nd time.
(60 ratings)
Mongwell Easy Quiz Maker
Personality quizzes abound on the internet. They're fun ways to learn a little bit more about yourself. You can start your own Personality Quiz website! Or perhaps you have a fansite for a television show, you can create a quiz asking "Which character are you most like?". Or perhaps you just want to create whimsical quizzes to add unrelated fun content. Using the Mongwell Easy Quiz Maker is easy and free. You don't need to know any programming! New in version 1.3: - Corrected small incompatibility with some servers - Added password protection - Added basic statistics tracking
(60 ratings)
simple PHP mailing list script
Simple mailing list subscription and unsubcription script. No databases required. List of emails will be stored in a file. Just copy the code provided to your site and it will work. Commented code for easy undertanding.
(60 ratings)
Best Web Scripts
On BestWebScripts we try to research and list some of the best php and web scripts available in internet and web development pages and resources. Most of the scripts listed on our site are free, but we included also some quality and popular commercial web systems. All the links and resources on our site are checked automatically on daily basis to ensure that there are no dead links and always fresh content and resources. If you are a software developer or web development company, you are also welcome to list your script or software in our directory – it's quick and free. It will be reviewed shortly and if approved, will be included in our directory.
(60 ratings)
Blog and Vlog (Video Blog) software
posted byw2scriptsinBlog
Are you looking for a blog, video blog software for your website? You can select the exact solution from here. We are providing lots of blog and video blog software. Please have a look and decide...
(60 ratings)
KB Affiliate/Referral Script
The user after login can send invitations his/her friends, only a limited number of invitations can be send daily by the user depending on the maximum number of invitations set by you (default is 10), you can change the default number and also it you can vary it for individual user. The user account has the Referral URL in his account which can be used for referring users. It is a 3 level referral system and user can view the Referral Tree containing the users which comes in the 3 levels. Also user can view the profile of these referrals. Only those profiles can be viewed which comes under 3 levels of user. Data for Profile Visits, Referral URL clicks and Invitation send are displayed in Total, Today and Last (date/time).
(60 ratings)
Updated 2012-06-13 News script to write and edit news easily online. The script provides 2 static output files (newsbox and archive) and from now on another output file to display the news items dynamically (see below). Simple installation and comfortably to administer. Data are stored on flat files (NO DATABASE needed). 2012-06-13 We improved the sript now by adding the possibility to display the newsbox resp. especially the news archive dynamically. This means, that you not only may specify the total number of news items but also the max number of news items to be displayed on one page. The script will dynamically divide the archive in as many pages as needed to display all the news items you want to have displayed. That way you no longer have to set up a new archive page manually to reduce the number of news items per page to a reasonable amount. Hope, we will get better ratings now for the script...;)
(60 ratings)
Cells Blog
posted byallentaiwaninBlog
This free php blog can work without any installation. Samll but powerful, it can be in pure text or SQLite data base, show thumb images for all pictures in folder.
(60 ratings)
MediaLister is an Open Source PHP tool that allows you to expand a ZIP file of the MediaLister PHP system and then FTP the directory structure to your web site. Then, simply drop an FLV (Flash Video File) into the /medialister/ directory (included in the ZIP file) and update a simple XML metadata file (medialist.xml) that will, in turn, on demand, generate an HTML page that displays the Flash Video as a progressive web streamed video! Easy to use, update, and integrate into a web site (with simple knowledge of HTML code and CSS.) This allows you to customize the resulting video display page to your web site!
(60 ratings)
Anchor CMS
posted bysnaipinBlog
Anchor is a super-simple, lightweight blog system, made to let you just write. Anchor gives you full freedom over your words. Just write in Markdown or HTML, whatever you prefer. Want to add some custom CSS, JavaScript, or an image to your post? Just drag the file over to Anchor, and we'll do the rest. Anchor has been, is, and always will be 100% free of charge to everyone.
(60 ratings)
Free PAV Blog Module OpenCart Extension
posted bycmsmart1inBlog
Pav Blog has multiple modules for Blog such as Blog categories, Latest commments, latest blog post, etc. Its admin panel includes all core features built-in so it's really easy for configuration. The FREE Opencart module comes with super powerful, intuitive and friendly Administration panel that will help your Blog management never easier. Comment is a must-have feature for Blog platform as it's the channel to communicate with your users, Pav Blog helps you implement that in just one click. User's comment is managed in the module back-end. The Blog Platform includes 3 modules: Blog Category, Blog Latest Comment and Blog Latest Module to satisfy any need for navigation in Blog system. All core features are built in the powerful Admin panel so that you can configure your Blog system easily.
(60 ratings)
Evaria Mail Client
The Email Client is a rather advanced contact form script, allowing both text and files to be submitted simultaneously. A variety of functions prevent your visitor from spamming your website and loading malicious programs.
(59 ratings)
Acc Real Estate v5.0 - php real estate script
Acc Real Estate 5.0 is a professional solution for a real estate website. Although you only need ten minutes to install, it is both easy to use and rich in the features you need. The right choice for your business! Keep it simple, keep it productive, keep it focused! Please check the online demo and the limited price offer! New in version 5.0 - new design - google map search - owner page in front end - seo settings (you can choose and customize now the sitetitle, metakeywords and metadescription for every page) - select the add/modify listing form fields order - add up to 10 custom fields for listing form
(59 ratings)
PriceEUR 119.00
Results 641-660 of 1000