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New Scripts | ASP

Results 781-800 of 1000
MailBee IMAP4
Enables Windows and classic ASP applications to search, receive, parse, upload and manage mail and folders on IMAP servers including Gmail. Supports SSL, S/MIME, read/unread status, HTML mail with embedded pictures, secure authentication, NTLM, IDLE, QUOTA, international charsets, UTF-8, multiple attachments, body structures, envelopes, UTF-7M folder names. Accurate and fast MIME parser. 32/64-bit. Delphi, VB6, C++. Royalty-free distribution.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
PDF formGenie
Submitting PDF forms via email has never been easier. Using the simplicity found in the popular FormMail script, formGenie allows developers to control who the form is sent to, what the email subject,message and what confirmation page to display to the user.
(0 ratings)
VT Ads
VT Ads is a simple and easy to use banner rotation program available online which is written using ASP. With this script you will be able to create, change and rotate banners on your partner's websites easily. All you do is change graphic banner on your site and it'll changes on each site where your partners putted your code. Very useful for banner / link exchange partner programs.
(3 ratings)
JiRos Upload System eXperience
JUSX (JiRos Upload System eXperience)! A new great product from JiRo�s.net. JUSX has all features that JUS(JiRo�s Upload System) has! *PLUS* * Users has there own ROOT directory (Super Admin User has access to all Folders and files) * Option to get notified when a User Upload file(s). * support for MS SQL-server, MySQL and MS Access database. JUSX is a web-based File Upload System. JUSX is written in Pure ASP and allows you to upload files (No upload component is required) to your server from any computer conneted to internet, no ftp-program is needed. JUSX includes a lot of features like; Create unlimited user accounts, Edit/Delete User Accounts, Create/Delete folders, Upload/Download/Preview/R ename/Move/Delete files...
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.95
CNE 50-658 Practice Exam Test Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your CNE 50-658 exam on Your First Try. Our 50-658 exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $55.00, you can be rest assured of passing the CNE 50-658 exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!!!
(0 ratings)
70-217 mcse training practice exam
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your MCSE 70-217 exam on Your First Try. Our MCSE 70-217 exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $29.00, you can be rest assured of passing the MCSE 70-217 exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!!!
(0 ratings)
Dimac CMS
Dimac CMS (from $95) is a easy to use professional web-based Content Management System written 100% in ASP. Key features: WYSIWYG content editor, Multi-language support,Template Based, work-flow etc, Complete Source Code included. Access/MySQl/SQL-Server support. Re-brand it as your own.
(0 ratings)
CNA 50-654 Practice Exam Test Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your CNA 50-654 exam on Your First Try. Our 50-654 exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $39.00, you can be rest assured of passing the CNA 50-654 exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!!!
(12 ratings)
50-677 Practice Exam Test Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your 50-677 exam on Your First Try. Our 50-677 exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $39.00, you can be rest assured of passing the 50-677 exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!!!
(0 ratings)
Add email account to a windows 2003 pop3 service using script
Lets you add an user email account to windows 2003 pop3 service using script or other programming environment. The script bellow is written in VBA 6 (You can use it in Visual basic 6, Excel, Access, ...), you can simply modify the script for VB Script or VB.Net. The function uses P3Admin.dll and it's programming interface. You can manage the accounts locally or remotelly. You will need P3Admin.dll, P3Store.dll, Pop3Auth.dll, Pop3evt.dll, pop3perf.dll and pop3snap.dll DLLs (registerred using regsvr32)
(0 ratings)
- ASP Upload - shareware from Centricorp
ASP Upload - shareware for IIS Centricorp's ASP Upload 1.0 is a useful tool for ASP website developers and web masters. The three ASP files allow visitors to upload files from their local hard drive directly to the web server. No components to install!
(6 ratings)
CartWIZ ASP Shopping Cart Software Version 1.4
CartWIZ is one of the most powerful & feature-rich ASP Shopping Cart Software Suites available today. With hundreds of incredible features, CartWIZ is flexible & scalable for virtually any situation. Amongst some of the features are a sophisticated drop-ship module, sell digital goods, SMS text-message order alerts, inventory & product management system, product review system, pre-integration with UPS OnLine Tools, twenty pre-integrated high-end design templates, ability to fully & seamlessly customize the entire system based on a custom design, and much, much more! CartWIZ is one of the most popular eCommerce Shopping Cart Software Suites available today.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.95
642-661 CCNP Practice Exam Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your CCIP 642-661 exam on Your First Try. Our CCIP 642-661 exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $39.00, you can be rest assured of passing the CCIP 642-661 exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!
(0 ratings)
Flat XML datastore backend for TigraMenu
This version of menu generation uses XML as storage for menu items and XSLT transformation template for generating JavaScript source code out of data represented within your XML data file.
(0 ratings)
ODBC (Access Mdb) Backend for TigraMenu
Uses Microsoft Access database as storage for menu items and XSLT transformation template to generate JavaScript source code from your database.
(0 ratings)
CSSMenu with Management Tools
Uses Microsoft Access database as storage for menu items and XSLT transformation template to generate JavaScript source code from your database. Has extended object model based on arachnoWare MenuConfigurator and MenuBuilder Classes (pure ASP!) Menu can be displayed vertically and horizontally. This version uses XML data store for keeping configuration settings that can be changed via administrative console or manually in any text editor. Tiny XSLT transformation template generates JavaScript helper script and whole menu structure based on data found within your database.
(3 ratings)
CCSP 642-541 Practice Exam Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your CCSP 642-541 exam on Your First Try. Our CCSP 642-541 exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $39.00, you can be rest assured of passing the CCSP 642-541 exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!
(0 ratings)
642-821 Demo Exam Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your 642-821 exam on Your First Try. Our 642-821 CCNP exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $39.00, you can be rest assured of passing the 642-821 CCNP exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!!!
(0 ratings)
Custom Programming
Post all your PHP, ASP, JSP, script request and our freelance programmers will bid to develope your project. Its free to post any programming projects.
(0 ratings)
642-831 CCNP Practice Exam Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your 642-831 exam on Your First Try. Our 642-831 CCNP exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer's that have put together the best online source for IT certifications with detailed question and answer explanations. For only $39.00, you can be rest assured of passing the 642-831 CCNP exam using Pass-Guaranteed, or Your Money Back!!!
(0 ratings)
Results 781-800 of 1000