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New Scripts | ASP

Results 941-960 of 1000
Online Base64 decoder and encoder
On-line sample of COM object for base 64 decoding and encoding. Contains Base64 algorithm to do conversion of String and binary data files from/to a Base64 string. You can specify several charsets for data and export data to a file after encode/decode
(0 ratings)
Popups and Popup Test with free software
posted byWalshinWeb Sites
No Code, but a great way to test your popup blocker. This is most often used by programmers looking to test their code or popup ads. A list of free popup blockers is also provided.
(6 ratings)
Adelio Animated Classic Guestbook (ASP)
posted byinfoinGuestbooks
Looking for a guestbook that will dazzle your visitors and that they will actually sign? Adelio Classic Guestbook features animated sequences for opening the book, page flipping and closing it. Password protected admin features. ASP and Flash skin source included.
(0 ratings)
VU Website Visitor Analyst - Traffic Hits Statistics
posted byvadymusinASP
VU Web Visitor Analyst is an application that retrieves your website visitors� IP address, exact date and time, visited page name, the link a visitor came from originally (referred URL address). You can view the single visitor history with the list of all pages visited. You can also display visits by date criteria. The weekly statistics allow you to see the total visits for every single day in the present and last weeks. The monthly statistics allow you viewing the total visits of every month for the whole year. In addition, every visitor is linked to the web database containing personal information about this visitor�s IP address (such as name, address, phone, email, etc. if available). And much more...
(0 ratings)
Remote File Explorer
This powerful tool allows you to remotely manage files on a web server via Internet Explorer. Based on the 'Windows Explorer' look and feel, this program has a very simple interface that almost anyone can use. Access and permissions can be granted on a user or group basis, and can be tightly integrated with Windows Authentication. With expandability in mind, this program was designed to accept plugins that can greatly enhance the programs capabilities. It can even be used to monitor and manage the web server itself.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Visitor Hit counter Pro
check number of visitor by day , by week by year , from which website they have come, IP address , web browser,Search engine, country, month, resolution, pages, keywords and many more
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Affiliate Mod Club Add-On
The Affiliate Mod Club Add-on is designed to operate with the Affiliate Mod version 1.3 to give a club, company, or organization an affiliate status to earn commissions on products sold. Unlike traditional affiliate referrals where the referring affiliate earns the commission (which is generally unknown to the customer), the Affiliate Mod Club Add-on allows the customer to select which club or organization and by doing so, they are selecting which affiliate earns the commission. In this case, a club, company, or organization acts as the affiliate and the customer designates (during checkout or as part of their account profile) which organization they are associated with. After the order has been paid, the club earns the commission just like a traditional affiliate. This is a great way for clubs and organizations to raise revenue while giving the customer the satisfaction of knowing their own club is supported.
(0 ratings)
Price 15.00
Bullschmidt Dependent Listboxes
posted bypaulinDevelopment
You can use dependent listboxes for example to let a user choose a rep in a reps listbox and then have only the customers for that rep be shown in the customers listbox.
(0 ratings)
Web Source Info
Directory for sharing links in different categories like templates, movies, scripts, softwares, icons, fonts, wall papers, mobile/pda etc. All the links are free! No gimmicks! No registration is needed. No subscription fees required. Thousands of learning tools and softwares for beginners as well as professionals. Free ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Javascript and many more.
(15 ratings)
Checking for a Reciprocal Link
posted bymichaelinXML & ASP
Tutorial and code on how to use Microsoft's XMLHTTP object to communicate with a remote website/webpage and check for the existence of reciprocal link back.
(0 ratings)
Replace Bad Word(s)
This tutorial shows you how to replace bad words in a string in 2 different ways. Firstly you can remove the bad word(s) or replace the bad word(s) with the * character.
(6 ratings)
Software Review Code Content Management Website
A free open-source content management application released under the GPL Content Management Software-Review is a complete software review content management website. Create your very own software review site in just minutes. Log into the web based cms control panel to quickly add, edit, or update your content.
(6 ratings)
Quiz/poll application
Quiz/poll application is done in ASP/MS ACCESS. This application has sophisticated administration.
(3 ratings)
Price 14.95
CrazyBeavers Syntax
Easy to use syntax highlighter. Supports 14 source types and all highlightning is done using CSS classes. Made using SynEdit, an opensource highlighter library.
(0 ratings)
ASP Guestbook Free
posted byPhillyinGuestbooks
Free ASP Guestbook is an easy to use web-based content management guestbook. Simple to install and use. Multiple language support. Easy to integrate into your website. Allow or disallow HTML in your guestbook. 100% Free and open source under the GPL.
(54 ratings)
ASP Sheriff
ASP Sheriff allows you to watch and see what they see and log a visitors's activity upon request. See a list of active sessions on your website and view what they view as they browse through your website. ASP Sheriff can even enable you to watch users from within a LAN with fast session switching. You can also log a users activity to a text file on the server and review it later.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
This ASP application will grab RSS and XML feeds and will display them on your website. RSS is a great way of providing up to date data on your site, including News, Entertainment or Blogs. NewsFeed will display any RSS/XML feed that complies with W3C Regulations (www.w3c.org).
(6 ratings)
Slavsoft Action IT projects
Our site is global and we have worldwide project resources to apply to your needs. Post any project for outsourcing and get FREE quotes from IT Project professionals.
(0 ratings)
Save money in your business by streamlining preventative maintenance and rebuilds of equipment for your IT department. Parts inventory management, equipment tracking (computers, monitors, etc.), work order management, and calendars enable Adhesion to generate (JIT) Just-In-Time inventory reports and alerts! This service manager is totally scalable from a small IT department or shop-floor to a multi-department IT organization (even a full blown manufacturing facility). Offers e-mail alerts for work orders and automatically integrates with our help desk manager. The ASP source code is included and allows for UNLIMITED USERS!
(31 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
posted bymrloveinSecurity
This digs for your PRIVATE information such as your IP behind your firewall. This article is a harmless way to perform a leaktest that could give someone access to your private information.
(94 ratings)
Results 941-960 of 1000