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New Scripts | ASP

Results 961-980 of 1000
ASP Ground - Free ASP scripts, ASP tutorials
posted byAce83inWeb Sites
ASP Ground is Large Database website Listing Free ASP scripts, ASP tutorials other tutorials, ebooks, webmaster tools, and more .
(6 ratings)
ASP Fanlisting
ASP Fanlisting script with message board and approval workflow + data update. Includes the ability to remove the unneeded entries and users. Works using an Access database, can be modified to use SQL Server.
(6 ratings)
Acidcat CMS
Acidcat CMS is a web site and simple content management system using an MS Access, SQL Server, mySQL or database that can be administered via a web browser. It is free for non-commercial use. Acidcat CMS is also an open source product, which means that if you are a Software Developer, you can change the code to suit your needs. All we ask is that if you make an improvement to the source code, you send it to us for incorporation in the next version.
(87 ratings)
ePack Multilingualism support
posted byprvniinASP
You can easily implement multilingual feature into your ASP scripts using this module. After replacing the texts in application by language constants you can easily translate into unlimited number of languages, switching between individual language versions by a single mouse-click. Anyone having the appropriate authorisation will be able to translate using your application via browser, without need of knowing the script syntax, etc. All one has to do is click on the text and translate. Translations can be managed via web interface or using Win32 client. An ingenious solution for developers.
(0 ratings)
ePack HTML chat
posted byprvniinASP
HTML chat with support of full customer customization (font colour, font size, chat colour setting, etc.), whispering, graphic emoticons, management, banning from the room, locking of the room, permanent and temporary rooms in unlimited number. It requires no installation and downloading by the client. It runs purely on HTML basis (JavaScript is an advantage, but it runs even without it
(0 ratings)
ePack LiveSupport module
posted byprvniinASP
The module allows for active addressing of the visitor by the server operator and subsequent communication between them via the chat channel provided that the visitor accepts such discussion invitation. Similarly, the visitor can address the operator provided that the operator is present (Live Support). SimpleTalk works on the basis of Server Application Variables and, therefore, it does not load the database server.
(0 ratings)
ePack Attendance monitoring
posted byprvniinASP
The module offers complete monitoring of server attendance. Statistics are saved on the server and can be viewed both in real time and retroactively. Monitoring of real-time visits, hourly and daily statistics, means statistics, numbers of unique visits, numbers of pages, history, active client addressing option, and more. See the list of all features.
(0 ratings)
Article Manager 2.1 - interactivetools.com
The world's best supported software, designed for YOU, the overworked webmaster! With more features than any other solution, Article Manager gives you absolutely everything you need to manage your very own article driven website. *** Create thousands - or TENS of thousands - of articles. *** No Limitations. Make a headlines file to include in your other pages, create extra RSS feeds, publish an entire duplicate version of your site for hand-held devices, display your articles in text-only formats...it's up to you! *** Upload an unlimited number of images or file attachments to each of your articles. *** Looks exactly like YOUR website. *** No limitations on data. Create tens of thousands of articles, tons of categories, and hundreds of users. *** Cross Browser WYSIWYG. *** Unlimited Free Support. Free Upgrades. Incomparable 90-day, no hassle, money back guarantee. *** TRY THE FREE ONLINE DEMO NOW!
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.95
Gchats Site Statistics
Gchats Website Counter and Site Statistics application. Database Driven and integrated with Macromedia Flash. Automatically Updates Every 15 minutes , Daily , Monthly and Total Hits plus Active Members Count.
(0 ratings)
DMXReady PayPal Store Manager
posted byfcalabinPayPal
DMXReady PayPal Manager allows you to turn your website into an e-commerce marketplace. Change PayPal administration settings and connections on one page, * Add pre-configured PayPal button, or customize and use your own, * Includes DMXReady Catalog Manager to organize and display products, * Automatically processes payments, 24/7 1)Installs in Minutes: Unzip and upload the files to your web server. 2)100% Source Code: Edit using Dreamweaver or any HTML editor. 3)Fully Customizable: Add your own html, jquery, ajax, css etc. 4)Plugin Ready: Add to your existing website or use to build a new site. 5)Pre-Built Database: Includes MS Access database (MySQL & MSSQL ready) 6)Fully Supported: Get support direct from DMXReady. - Get 10% Discount - use Coupon Code DMXREADYREFERRAL10 - *NEW* Hassle Free Customization direct from DMXReady - *NEW* Missing Features? No problem, DMXReady will custom add for you
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.97
JunkMail Filter - GPL (home or business)
Free filter (bot filter that is) not only prevents your email from being sold, but makes a spammer's database worthless as well. Easy to understand, easy to install and free.
(99 ratings)
posted bymeirselainASP
LightForum is a small and light software for viewing and editing messages. Both are run in client side without round-trip to the server, which makes it a good solution for a slow networks. LightForum has a multi-lingual user interface and supports the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Italian and German. This feature is available for both users and administrator. LightForum includes a rich administrator control panel. You can try it in the demo. LightForum includes an HTML editor (works both in HTML mode and in source mode), and it lets users add links and images, in both desing and source view. LightForum supports file upload, and no DLL is required!
(0 ratings)
getPortal's Customisation extends the functionality beyond a normal website. It is perfect for creating unlimited extranets, customer portals, vendor and partner portals. Each mini web section will give the intended user only access to information and applications relevant to them. For example you can easily give customers access: Mini web section within the portal, User Registration and Login, Shared document folder and files, Events Calendar and User Calendars,Online Forums,Call Logging, online Quotes, compliment and complaints forms, quick polls, Advertising Banner management and stats, and a highly sophisticated content management system. Have a look at the portal we have designed and developed.
(15 ratings)
An ASP and Acess database driven content managment system, which allows you to add, modify and delete one page articles/pages and links from a web browser via the Admin Panel. The articles/pages can be organized into categories. You can setup multiple users with access to add, modify and delete articles/pages from the site. A template is used to present the articles/pages giving the web page designer control over the sites looks. BunnyCMS is freeware (though donations are appreciated if you like it) so you can always mess about with it to see if you want to use it or not. Version 1a fixes a bug in the search feature
(1 ratings)
5.1 Surround Sound on the Web
Tutorial: Determine if a client and user agent meet the requirements to deliver full 5.1 surround sound to your web visitor. Topics covered include client machines, user agents, media players, http headers and MIME types.
(0 ratings)
ASP Zip Component
ASP Zip Component is ActiveX component offering high performance WinZip�, PKZIP�, and UNIX gzip compatible compression and decompression functionality. With its reach feature set this component is ideal for ASP applications or any other software capable of using ActiveX components. High quality of this product, ease of use, free setup support and unbeatable price make ASP Zip Component the great choice for responsible project managers
(15 ratings)
LT Diagram Builder - ASP version
LT Diagram Builder - ASP version is a library to generate coordinate diagrams (charts/graphs) in ASP pages. The methods Bar, Box, Dot, Pixel, Line, Area and Arrow of the Diagram object can be used for the display of data. The coordinate diagram can be drawn with various scales and grid options. An image map with tooltipText and onClick events of the generated objects can be used. The script is also available as clientside JavaScript and as PHP version.
(24 ratings)
ASP Uploader by Centricorp
- shareware for I. I. S. - Centricorp's ASP Upload 1.0 is a useful tool for ASP website developers and web masters. The three ASP files allow visitors to upload files from their local hard drive directly to the web server. No components to install!
(3 ratings)
Website Visits Tracker
posted byvadymusinASP
Vu Visitor application sends you an email with all information about your website visitor once somebody visited your page. It is an ASP code that can be simply added to your website page and you will get emails with IP address, time, all user and server details. Tracked visitor will not know about this trick. This information will be very helpful for analysis and statistics your web page needs. No database needed (however, you can easily modify the code to use database). Simple installation. ASP and CDONTS component on your server is required.
(0 ratings)
Price 4.99
Gchats Flash Mp3 Player
posted bym_ocxinMultimedia
Add Full featured Music player to your website , just copy your mp3 files in a folder and listen to the songs , you may be able to add lyrics of the songs.
(7 ratings)
Results 961-980 of 1000