New Scripts | ASP
ASP Stats Generator
posted bywepposinWeb Traffic Analysis
ASP Stats Generator is a powerful application to track website activity. Includes lots of features and options to customize the application to own needs and to track detailed informations about clients, referers, search engines, traffic and countries. It's available in differents languages including English. You can see a live demo on the site and ask questions on the support forum.
ASP News Content Management
posted byMarthaMinNews Publishing
ASP News Content Management is a simple content management news system. This script is designed to be easily integrated into your existing website. 100% web-based management. Login and add, edit, or update any information with a few clicks. The script is very easy to install, and even easier to use. ASP News Content Management released under the GPL.
Case Manager - Help Desk - Knowledgebase
Vu Case Manager Web Application is designed to manage the internal business processes including:
- Case Management (Open, Assign, Resolve)
- Inventory Management (Store and Manage Your Items)
- Knowledgebase (View Resolved Cases)
- Reports (Create Reports and Statistics)
- 3 Access Levels (Allow Limited Access to Use Your Application)
- Email Notification (Send Emails Upon Each Action)
- Check Case Status
And much more. Installation help is offered. First month free support is provided.
Price 79.00
Real Estate Pro
posted bynepalainReal Estate
This is complete website made with ASP. It has all the features need for Real Estate like photo add, property location map, add / modify / delete agents, manage listing, search with country ,state, zip and price feature. Newsletter option with email mailling list has been added in our new version. There are more than 18 options in admin panel which makes it more versatile software.
PriceUSD 150.00
Liquid serverscripting
posted bymikael.bergkvistinDevelopment Tools
Liquid 4.5 run inline server-scripting, like you would on a normal webpage, working the same way, doing the same thing, in the same manner.
You can work innerHTML, getEementById, etc, like you do on the client..only this is DHTML executing on the server - away from the treacherous browser.
Stunnix VBS-Obfus
posted byperl-obfusinSoftware
Stunnix VBS-Obfus protects your ASP VBScript code
from potential analyzing/studying/reworking by
unwanted parties. It's both an obfuscator (mangler/cruncher/scrambler) and
encoder for the VBScript source code, with advanced support for ensuring licensing conditions (script expiration, binding script to a set of servers, generic checks and actions). It
converts the VBScript inside .vbs/.html/.asp files into
highly mangled and obfuscated form, making it
extremely difficult to study, analyse, reuse, and
re-work for competitors or customers, while fully
retaining functionality of the original source
code, and then encodes it afterwards, making it
completely unreadable. There are a lot of options
to control all aspects of code hiding, and full
support for all syntax constructs. Both client-side and server-side code can be protected. It is designed to be multi-module aware. Comes with advanced cross-platform browser-based user interface that allows to protect even huge and complex projects in a several clicks of mouse.
Utility for extraction symbols from ActiveX components included. An additional product for protecting server-side and client-side JavaScript is also available.
Complete web site script built using ASP and MySQL to provide membership DB. Registration of new members, password recovery, profile update and more. Site title, email contact, url etc. is all configured via a simple configuration file. Install script provided creates all tables. Built to accept additional plugin modules. An example plugin is provided that allows administrator to send email to entire member database in text or HTML format. Uses CSS to control presentation. Two style sheets included. This is a great script to get a basic site up and running in a few minutes.
IAO Login 2004 SL SP2a Fix
AO login is an authorization suit, which enhances the security of your private pages. It uses best security algorithms to protect your data and pages from cracker. It uses GIMPY Captcha to fight against Spam Bots and automated submitting. Users can login even in cookie disabled browsers. Feel free to manage your users at administration panel and send newsletters to your users. Add more administrators and describe their role. It doesn't use ANY DLL and hence easy to install and use own various web servers.
Softalot Team Manager 3.0 - Web Based Project Management
posted bysoftalotinGroupware Tools
Web based project management and collaboration for small and mid-sized teams (50 members). Solution includes: Messaging, File Management, Task Management, Summary Tasks, Milestones, Project Templates, Interactive Gantt Charts, Dependencies, Time Sheets, Resource Planning, Dashboards, Planned vs. Actual, Reports, Change Management, Calendar, Action Items, Online Conferences, Meeting Minutes, Task Health, Glossary Tool, Message Board, Contact Manager & Notes, Online Help, Source Code, Development Licenses, etc.
PriceUSD 499.00
iAm Jobs Job Posting Board
Downloadable Source Code for fully functional .ASP website: iAmJobs is a job board where employers can login, create and manage their own job postings. Employee's login, create resume's for the employers to view and search for a job. VbScript, CDONTS, Access database. Code: ASP 3.0 & VBScript
iAmAuto Sales
Full source code download - Auto Dealer website, ASP App, allows auto dealer to easily manage their own inventory of vehicles on their website. VBscript, CDONTS, Access Database! Code: ASP 3.0 & VBScript
Zen Help Desk Software
posted byHelpDeskSoftwareinCustomer Support
Free ASP Web Based Help Desk Software, this is the best free help desk software. Includes Support for Access or M.S. SQL server for the database backend. Features Help Desk Web Based Installation wizard for easy setup. Knowledge base search, trouble ticket escalation and email support. Zen Help Desk Software is free, professionally designed and developed to enhance your companies customer support needs. Don�t pay for Help Desk Software, download and demo it now for free. We have updated the software to provide better login security.
Banner Ad management System
posted bynepalainAd Management
Manage both advertiser and banner exchanger form your site. Add unlimited banner, not need of any addon component for banner upload.
PriceUSD 59.00
DMXReady Polling Booth Manager
DMXReady Polling Booth Manager is a quick and fun way to make your website more interactive:
* Change your poll daily, weekly, monthly -- whenever you like!
* Find out what people think of you and your services, or post it just for fun
* Auto-archive old polls and results
* Add multiple answer selections
* Allow visitors to view results directly from the poll page
* Doesn't allow visitors from voting more than once
* Add images, question, and optional description of the poll
* Add, edit, delete, or deactiviate any poll through one Admin page
* Fully customizable � change the layout to match your website design
PriceUSD 14.97
FunkyASP Glossary
posted byfunkyaspinContent Management
It seems that these days there is more terminology used on websites and its not explained to help its users out. FunkyASP Glossary script provides you with the scripts to have a glossary of terminology used on your website. Easy setup, quick integration, easy to use and full admin area.
Price 16.00
Select Survey ASP Version 8.0.1, Advanced Survey Software
Professional functionality at an extremely affordable price! Features 21 question types, advanced reporting, Excel data export, page conditions, answer piping, bulk user import, email invites, dynamic templates, question libraries, and more! This application has more functionality at a lower price than all of our competition -- guaranteed! Full source code, free upgrades.
Select Survey ASP Version 8.0.1, Advanced Survey Software
Professional functionality at an extremely affordable price! Features 21 question types, advanced reporting, Excel data export, page conditions, answer piping, bulk user import, email invites, dynamic templates, question libraries, and more! This application has more functionality at a lower price than all of our competition -- guaranteed! Full source code, free upgrades.
EZ Counter
posted byEznetlinksinText Based
EZcounter is a simple easy to setup asp counter script. The script uses a text file to track the number of page views and display to a webpage.Use SSI, Include, or copy and paste into asp pages.
Displaying Sub Folders
posted byinfoinFile Manipulation
Following example displays all sub folders in current folder. We will use SubFolders property of FileSystem Object for this source code. First we will find our current path using System.MapPath.
JScript Examples : setDate Method
posted byinfoinDate & Time
Following example displays usage of setDate method in JScript. 'setDate methods sets the numeric date of the Date object using local time.