New Scripts | ASP
How to modify expire date of a cookie
posted bydevtutorialsinCookies & Sessions
To create cookies in ASP is so easy. After creating cookies, you will store it in client's visitors. While creating cookies, you must notice to modify the expire date of cookies. Because life length of a cookies is in your hands.
Generating random passwords
posted bydevtutorialsinRandomizing
Let's say you have a website and contains a membership process. But you do not want visitor to type his/her own password and want to create a temporary password for new member. You may add following function to generate a random password.
Displaying Dates and Times with ASP
posted bySteve FrazierinDate & Time
There are various ways to display Dates and Times. You can display the Date in the standard MM/DD/YYYY or with the name of the day and month. You can display the Date with the Time or the Time all by itself. You can also abbreviate the name of the Day or display the Time in either 24 hour or 12 hour format. This article will show you the basics of how it is done.
Image downloading from remote servers in ASP
posted bydevtutorialsinImage Manipulation
In this tutorial, we will access to a remote server, download image, rename ths image and save to our file system. We will use one function (getImage) and one subroutine (saveImage) to complete this sampel code.
Displaying last modified date of any file
posted bydevtutorialsinFile Manipulation
The scope of this code sample is focusing how to find and display of any file's last modified date & time. Probably, you've used to see some pages on web, written at bottom of page last modified date. Now we will create a simple code to do this.
SAS Hotel Management System
posted bysellatsiteinMiscellaneous
SAS Hotel Management System and reservation portal. Agents, Hotel and Resorts owner can submit their hotels and resorts for booking. Email alerts on rooms or resorts reservation for both buyer and owner. Website owner hotels and resort listings will appear always on the top of the list. Website owner hotels and resorts photo gallery. Agents and hotel owners can submit images during registration. Powerful admin to control register hotels, agents and their payments. 2Checkout, Paypal and Manual payment options.
PriceUSD 44.00
Display users-online with ASP
posted bytutorializerinCounters
Learn how to use global.asa to display the number of users visiting your site. This tutorial can be broken down into two sections, global.asa, and numvis.asp. Before you can begin this tutorial, make sure you
FSBO Real Estate Web
posted bysite2niteinReal Estate
Allow FSBO and real estate agents (optional) to list their properties online with our advanced real estate web application. Excellent lead generation tool for real estate & mortgage professionals! All site configuration variables are easily changed within the secure admin control panel. Features -16 pics per property listing, Advanced Search, Buyer & Seller resources, Mortgage Center, Mortgage Calculators, Mailing List Management, Find An Agent module, Customer Tesitmonials module, Site News Module, Service Directory Module (List ads for real estate professionals in your service directory such as Mortgage Lenders, Real Estate Attorneys, Construction companies, etc.), Banner Advertising module, Intergrated CMS with WYSIWYG page editor & more. Many designs available.
PriceUSD 199.00
ASP Error - The HTTP Headers are already written
posted bychetu_akarteinError Handling
While redirecting from a page in asp we get a very common error: The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005
Header Error
/test.asp, line 135
The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.
The Redirect method of the Response object operates by sending the 302 Object Moved response header,
ASP Form Captcha
posted bydavedansoninForm Processors
Allows to generate captcha images from ASP without requiring any additional installation on the web server. No ActiveX components required, this is build with ASP standard code. You can configure the captcha's look & feel to match your web site design. No hand coding required. All the process is made from the Dreamweaver design mode. The protection code is inserted automatically into your web page. It works on any web server with ASP support.
PriceUSD 29.99
Displaying the Current Date and Time
posted bytutorializerinDate & Time
In this tutorial you will learn how to post on a web page using ASP programing the date & time. This tutorial is for beginers and explains in a very simple method how to display the date & time.
AJAX ASP Photo Gallery
posted byiloireinImage Galleries
Based in the top rated free version ( script/online_photo_catal og_vbscript.asp), the AJAX version provides faster response, increased performance and many extra features:
* New, fast, fast, faster!, most responsive, framesless AJAX interface!!
* Performance boosted, "hard caching" thumbnail, so they are generated only once.
* Squared thubmnails, so they are displayed in a tidy way, keeping a nice and clean layout.
* Layout configurable, located on an external file (see layout example - please download it and open it with notepad).
* EXIF addon, RSS Subscriptions, Alerts when new comments are posted, easy delete comment functionality.
* Many minor fixed applied since the free version was discontinued.
Check it out!
PriceEUR 19.00
Pre Hotel and Resorts Reservation Portal
posted byPreprojectsinMiscellaneous
Pre Hotel and Resorts reservation portal. Agents, Hotel and Resorts owner can submit their hotels and resorts for booking. Email alerts on rooms or resorts reservation for both buyer and owner. Website owner hotels and resort listings will appear always on the top of the list. Website owner hotels and resorts photo gallery. Agents and hotel owners can submit images during registration. Powerful admin to control register hotels, agents and their payments. 2Checkout, Paypal and Manual payment options. Note: Listings submitted for UAE only you can start checking script by registering your own hotel or resort.
PriceUSD 44.00
ASP SupportCenter CMS
posted bysyrprize1inFAQ & Knowledgebase
This SupportCenter allows you to add dynamic articles, FAQ�s and
manuals quickly and easily. Its features are very easy to handel.
It contains organized article categories, a big richtext editor, an
extensive fulltext search and a powerful online administration panel
without limitations. This SupportCenter organizes your knowledge
quickly and clearly.
Try the online demonstration right now!
PriceEUR 34.99
How to find out the Page Load time using ASP
posted byjawahar_prasadinMiscellaneous
The complete tutorial and code which will display the Page Load time using ASP
Dynamic Date Menu
posted bySteve FrazierinDate & Time
This article will explain how to Dynamically populate a dropdown menu of days dependent om the Month selected. We will be using Javascript and ASP in this article.
TeleportJobs free captcha
posted bydanskapiainSecurity Systems
TeleportJobs free captcha verification system allows you to verify that your visitors are actually human before they submit your forms. This captcha system uses a JavaScript to send the verification string to our servers and then receive a JSON response letting you know if the string is valid or not. This is a free system granted you adhere to the free licensing agreement.
DB Manager 2
posted bymoderndayworldinDatabase Tools
Do all the things you can to a normal database ONLINE, update your entire database without having to have microsoft access or download anything.(access is required to create the database first and upload it).Simple and Easy to use, no coding knowledge required (except if you need to change the db path/table name/fields). The db manager is a Microsoft Access driven system. This means that this db manager works by going through a Microsoft Access Database. This db manager comes with great features such as being able to add new records to databse, editing existing records that are currently on the database, deleting multiple records that are currently on database, search records and also being able to view all records on database with paging. The two best things about this db manager is that 1. you can add,edit,delete, search and view records all online on a web page. 2. all scripts are fully customizable and have an already made design.
PriceGBP 20.00
Import text file to MS Access
posted bySteve FrazierinDatabase-related
This article will explain how to import the contents of a text file (.txt) to an Access Database when using MS text or OLE DB Drivers wont do! We will be using the FileSystem and TextStream objects in this article!
posted bySteve FrazierinCalendars
EZScheduler is now EZCalendar and is mobile friendly. You can allow users to schedule events or you can restict scheduling to Admin only! Admin can schedule events through the Password Protected Control Panel. Admin Can view Events by selected day or month or view all events at once! When Admin views an event Admin can delete or edit the event. Admin can also change the colors of the calendar by changing the values in text boxes in the control panel. This Scheduler is totaly customisable to fit your website. Uses an MSSQL Database and is installable from the browser.