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New Scripts | Flash | Components

Results 921-940 of 1000
Flash Heart Beat Effect
Add flash heart beat effect to your Valentine’s Day Flash 9, CS3 and CS4 design. Just drag & drop the component from the Components Panel onto the scene of your movie, and the flash heart effect is ready to go.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.95
Scrolling News Ticker
The ticker floats a number of text items that have been defined in the XML file. It's useful to add the headlines from your favourite sites to your own website. Features: - resizeable - colors settings - float direction - direction arrows - items url redirection
(0 ratings)
Filter Portfolio Gallery
This is a gallery with filters, on two levels. You can sort for example your projects by clients, and then by project type, your products by colors and then by size, your products by model and then by material, or however you need. One level filtering is also implemented.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Flash Ken Burns Effect Slideshow
Simple, easy to use Ken Burns Effect, controlled by XML input. If you use the component inside a website, you can set the component width and height in the HTML. You can set the starting and ending scale values, as well as 9 positions for the starting and ending states: top-left, top-center, top-right, middle-left, middle-center, middle-right, bottom-left, bottom-center and bottom-right. If you wish, you can set the slideshow to pick the positions randomly, and all you need to do is define the scale values you want the images to play between. If you want to set links to each separate image, you can disable the play/pause button, and add the links to each image in the XML. You can set the color and transparency of the pause button as well. When you resume playing, the remaining time for the slide is used to move the selected slide to the position where it was moving to, and then it moves to the next slide, just as you set it.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Slick and clean AS3 video player
This slick flash video player can play H264 video files (.mov, .flv, .mp4) as well as RTMP streams. The navigation hides so the viewer can enjoy the video with no hassle. It comes with a lot of features which can easily be changed using the XML file (size, colors and other options). Features: - play/pause button (clicking on the video does the same action) - draggable progress bar - auto-hide controls when there is no mouse interaction and on leaving the swf - rewind & title - volume bar(vertical / horizontal) - full screen button
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Multipage Thumbnail Gallery
Description This is a highly customizable XML based gallery, with a large number of excellent features. Make sure you check the demo above, where we posted several samples. It can be customized in many ways, and we strongly recommend you check the demos from the link under the preview swf file, on the right. The number of lines, as well as the size of the thumbnails and the distance between them are customizable in the XML. The navigation and the pagination colors and positions can be set in the XML file as well. Features Some of the features of the gallery, which you can customize from the XML file, are: 1. Pagination. 2. Navigation. 3. Number of lines and size of thumbnails. 4. Colors. 5. Positions. 6. Speed. 7. Images description and links.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Image Gallery With Tab Navigation
This is a highly customizable slideshow, with tabbed navigation. The colors, menu names and settings are controlled through a general XML file. The tabs position can be set to top or bottom, the size of the image display area, as well as the size of the tabs area, plus all offset values are customizable in the XML. There can be any number of thumbs, as these adjust their position when you click on the first or last one.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Simple AS3 flash video player
Simple as3 flash video player This is a simple video player built with AS3, that supports advertising, rtmp, h264 files including HD files, and it's completely customizable through a simple XML file. The player can play a video passed as parameter to the "init" function. 
It also can play an intro video before the actual video.
 If there is a preview image passed in the HTML, the the player will show it. It comes with a lot of features which can easily be changed using the XML file (size, colors and other options). It has support for sharing and fullscreen display. The video player supports H264 files, as well as RTMP and can play mov, mp4, flv files. Features: - play/pause button (clicking on the video does the same action) - timer/total time - draggable volume bar - draggable progress bar - share (embed code)
 - fullscreen - auto-hide controls when there is no mouse interaction and on leaving the swf - disable buttons
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Horizontal Image Banner Rotator with thumbs
This XML banner rotator is easily resizable and customizable from XML. You can control the width of the thumbs, as well as the display area size for the large image.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Fade In Fade Out Slideshow With Navigation
This is a minimalist slideshow gallery with navigation control for prev, next and play/pause. It also contains customizable XML settings such as random, loop, autostart and display options. Every image link, title and text colors are customizable from the XML file.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Image Banner Rotator with thumbs
This XML banner rotator is easily resizable and customizable from XML. You can control the height of the thumbs, as well as the display area size for the large image.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Coverflow Scrollbar Component
This is a gorgeous flash and xml based coverflow image sliding gallery, with smooth scrollbar navigation and customizable buttons. This coverflow component is built with PaperVision 3D supports any number of images. The images are loaded in the gallery one by one, at component startup.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.00
Custom Star Rating Component
This is a minimalist rating system, with highly customizable properties. You can use the XML file to change the colors, the text, the size of the elements, as well as the number of stars and their value.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Newsletter Signup Component
Simple subscription form, easy customizable through XML. The PHP file saves the email inside a txt if it is valid and it hasn't been subscribed before.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Continuous Image Slider
Using this image slider you can display a continuous loop of images, with direct links to other sections in your website. The images can be randomized so that every time the slider loads, it displays a different set of images. Every image can have it's own link, and width. You can set the images in the XML, as well as the component width and height, if used within another AS3 Flash file. If you use the component inside a website, you can set the component width and height in the HTML. Features: 1. Optional HTML text description. 2. Customizable colors. 3. Optional random display of images. 4. Continuous image loop.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
XML Banner Rotator component with 37 different transitions. Just Drag and Drop to your flash project (remember to copy the com folder also in the same folder where your flas reside) and put all of your images (jpg,png,gif) or swf’s in a folder and set the xml file. FEATURES Drag & Drop Component settings configuration 37 Different transitions XML file image feeding Great and smooth animations You can change the transition type during run time or in the xml
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Form flash component
Form manager An easy way to build and configure a form on flash without any actionscript knowledge. It is possible define two different type of structure (labels on slide or on top of input area), and personalize it with your preferred look and feel. You can build it adding specifics fields for password, number, e-mail or text area; each of them could be mandatory or not. The validation process is able to recognize the correct format for email and number fields. To manage the component you can use an xml file. The xml syntax is easy, and also a new user could do it. Download it now! you will find also some xml examples.
(0 ratings)
Crossword game flash component
The crifano crossword component load an external xml file. By xml you can personalize the number of columns or rows and the position of each black square. It's include also a swf file to easily generate the xml of your personal crossword schema. Now also available for semitc languages, like arabic and hebrew, with words from right to left. The component is delivered in the form of an MXP file so it will be installed on your computer automatically and become available on the components panel. It is available on actionscript 2 or 3. It is possible ceck in realtime the user input error or use the event "onComplete" with the public method "ceckIfError" to see when the crossword is finish and if there are errors. From the Crifano site, you can download a full working free demo before buy it!
(0 ratings)
Ruler slider flash component
The Crifano slider selector component let's you set a range of numbers and the gap between them. Look and feel like a ruler. Easy to configure, nice and customizable graphic. On request we can add: - the ability to hide/disable some numbers - arrows to moove between the numbers
(0 ratings)
Video Gallery flash component
The Crifano Flash Video Gallery component lets you load illimitated videos by xml file. You can use it for a single video, without thumbs or for multiple videos with thumbs horizontals or verticals. You can easily personalize the look an feel of each elements. You can decide the position of thumbs relative to the player area. You can decide if, at the end of a video, the player will go to next video, stop at the end or reshow the last video.
(0 ratings)
Results 921-940 of 1000