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Rectangular Masked Slideshow XML Menu
posted byChristianKraghinFla Archives
The Rectangular Masked Slideshow XML Menu is a menu and a slideshow combined. You can customize the menu in many ways, putting as many squares in, as many buttons in, putting the buttons in whichever squares you want, change the colors, sizes and text of the buttons, and customizing the slideshow as well. In the slideshow, you can have as many images as you want or you can just have one. You can also change the shape of the rectangle but to achieve that you must edit the FLA . Can also be used as just a slideshow.
AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 .
Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.
PriceUSD 12.00
Attached XML Menu
posted byChristianKraghinFla Archives
The Attached XML Menu is a simple menu contained in a movieclip so you can easily drag and drop it into your own FLA and move it around. These can be used as page link out buttons or Flash content buttons. In the XML , you can easy change all the colors of each individual menu button, as well as the button text, link URL and link target.
The file also comes with a menu to fit to the bottom of a page
AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 .
Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.
PriceUSD 6.00
Simple & Flexible XML Client Map
posted byChristianKraghinFla Archives
The Simple & Flexible XML Client Map is an easy to use file that let’s you place an unlimited amount of dots on a world map representing clients or anything else. The dots can be any size and any color and be placed anywhere, all controlled easy by XML . Tooltips can be on or off. The map and its contents scale up and down to fit the space provided as you place it in an HTML page. It will link out to a page you specify in the XML when you click on a client dot – this can also be disabled. The original size is 700×350.
AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 .
Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.
PriceUSD 8.00
The Simple & Easy Fullscreen XML Image Gallery Site Template
posted byChristianKraghinFla Archives
The Simple & Easy Fullscreen XML Image Gallery Site Template is an easy to use gallery. It preloads all the images in a smart fashion so that you hopefully won’t ever need to wait for it (depending on your connection of course). The navigation is easy and straightforward and implementing this file is also very easy. You can change the background color and gallery title in the XML . The logo in the top left corner is optional (but of course you put your own image in). You can create gallery sections, text sections, and link out buttons. You can have as many section as the page can hold and within each gallery, you can have as many images/SWFs as you want and they can be any size you want! Enjoy. :)
AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 .
Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.
PriceUSD 25.00
The Slide Strip XML Image Gallery
posted byChristianKraghinFla Archives
The Slide Strip XML Image Gallery is a creative way to view an array of images or SWFs. It is very flexible and dynamic and you can change the entire layout of it via the XML . The images can be any size you want and at of the stages, you can choose to have it panning when placed in the middle item or have it locked to the center. You can choose your own colors and sizes and spacing. You can also place in your description text which can also be HTML formatted. The images/SWFs once clicked and centered, they can link out to URLs that you specify in the XML .
AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 .
Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.
PriceUSD 12.00
Simple and Easy Logo Scroller
posted byChristianKraghinFla Archives
The Simple & Easy Logo Scroller is an easy to use file that let’s you scroll your logos or you could use it as an image scroller, having larger images.
The file is XML driven and you can set the following things in the XML file:
– the background color
– the width of the logos
– the height of the logos
– the spacing between the logos
– the movement speed
– whether the logos are active with button clicks/link outs or not
You can have as many images, SWFs and transparent PNGs as you want and they can be any size you want! Enjoy. :)
AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 .
Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.
PriceUSD 6.00
posted byChristianKraghinFla Archives
This perfect banner rotator has everything you could want from a banner rotator. It can be any size you want. You can change the color and transparency of all the navigation controls and background/border of the banner. There are over 40 individual XML attributes you can change about the file and some of them has many possible values for your choice. Please take a look at all the things you can change in the list below, the preview screenshot images of different Ultimate Banner Rotator scenarios, and please look at the XML Documentation to view all the possibilities this file has to offer.
AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 .
Step by step instructions is included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included, one to demonstrate fixed SWF size embedding and one to demonstrate full browser SWF embedding. The XML Documentation is also included.
PriceUSD 12.00
HTML/XML AutoPlay News List AS3
posted byFlashtuninginFla Archives
Highly customizable HTML / XML driven news list ( or image gallery ) with multiple categories, autoplay and custom scrolling and coloring effects for Flash CS3 / Flash CS4 and above / ActionScript 3.0 ( AS3 ) version.
* Multiple news categories defined within XML
* AutoPlay with custom time interval adjutable via XML ( in seconds )
* Custom news list width/height, border color, border size, border transparency, background color, background transparency, cell spacing, cell padding support
* Individual cell transparency, width/height, background color, background transparency support
* External CSS text formatting for text and links;
* Custom library fonts support for individual cell titles and text;
* Easy to customize each graphic symbol used inside Flash;
* Optionally set the main XML configuration file path in HTML using FlashVars
PriceUSD 12.00
Location Push Pin 3D USA map
posted byconceptohinFla Archives
Here's a new version of my USA 3D Map series, with a totally new look and functionality, add Location Dropping-Pins to any coordinate on the MC. Add to any pin: html formated text, images, videos, link, it's fully customizable and very easy to use and implement to your project, (No Flash expert needed)
PriceUSD 12.00
Advanced XML Gallery with multi transitions
posted byniki_ozinFla Archives
1. The mode slideshow is supported.
2. Change of images can be carried out by means of control buttons, the panel of thumbnails, the keyboard (a left arrow, a right arrow)
3. Management buttons can settle down on the image or on the separate panel. As there is possibility of switching-off of buttons of management.
4. It is supported individual URL for each image.
5. The sizes of gallery are established automatically.
6. It is supported three modes of occurrence of panels.
7. For formatting of text blocks are supported HTML tags and styles CSS .
8. All formats of images are supported (jpeg, png, gif, swf).
9. The settings panel is disconnected through XML file.
10. It is supported five transitions:– fade– mask-circle fade-forward fade-down fade
11. There is possibility to establish background as for each image, and for all images.
12. The gallery can work both in mode with categories, and without categories.
PriceUSD 25.00
Banner Rotator with multi Transitions
posted byniki_ozinFla Archives
1. Very customizable and fully XML driven.
2. Can load JPEG , PNG , GIF images and SWF files.
3. It is possible to set any size of banner rotator.
4. 12 Different Transition Effects. You may set personal transition effect to each banner or use default transition effect.
5. Support HTML tags and CSS styles for editing text blocks.
6. It is possible to place the text block in any place on banner.
7. It is possible to set different styles of display of background of the text block.
8. To the text block it is possible to apply shadow or knockout filters.
9. It is possible to establish individual delay between banners for everyone banner or to use delay by default.
10. It is possible to set the size of buttons, spaces of buttons from edges of banner, distances between buttons, color and background of buttons.
11. Can set external link to each banner.
PriceUSD 10.00
Classic Flip Book
posted byniki_ozinFla Archives
1. Support unlimited number of pages
2. Support JPG , GIF, PNG and SWF files.
3. Support external and inner links.
4. Support HTML -formatted text.
5. All contents are configure through the XML -file.
6. You can flip pages by means of a mouse, buttons or internal links.
7. You can show or hide buttons through the XML -file.
8. You may set one of two modes:
- Loop mode – pages will be flip by loop.
- Book mode – Flip Book will be looked like on simple book.
9. Personal settings for each image and text field.
10. You may set background image or colour for Flip Book and for any page.
PriceUSD 25.00
Flip Book Slideshow
posted byniki_ozinFla Archives
1. Item support JPG , GIF , PNG files.
2. Each page move for its own path.
3. You can use it as:
- E-Book or E-Jurnal.
- Image Viewers.
- Banner rotator.
- Image slideshow.
4. Easy configure and modify all settings and parameters by XML files:
5. Unlimited number of pages.
6. You may add unlimited number of images and HTML -formatted texts for each page and move it to any positions on the page.
7. You may add link for any images with different target parameters.
8. You may edit font size, font colour, background colour, background opacity and width for every text block by XML .
9. You may turn on/off autoslideshow mode, set animation speed, animation pause, buttons colour, preloader colour by XML .
10. You may set one of two modes:
- Loop mode – pages will be flip by loop.
- Single mode – Flip Book Slideshow will be looked like on simple book.
11. You may set background image or colour for Flip Book Slideshow and for any page.
PriceUSD 15.00
XML Hybrid Player
posted bysidigridinFla Archives
A simple mp3 player which can play unlimited number of songs.
1. XML Driven – Simple XML that links to your songs.Just add songs.
2. Miniature design – Can be used in websites or as addon in app’s.
3. Unlimited songs – Unlimited number of songs can be played. #Customize – Easily customizable
4. Actionscript 3.0 – The AS 3 code is well commented.
5. Features: click on speaker plays/pauses file
scrolling over speaker skips songs
Forwardscroll: Next
BackwardScroll: Prev
PriceUSD 3.00
Preloader AS2, AS3
posted bysidigridinFla Archives
A single pack that contains an elegant and user friendly preloader in flash AS2 as well as AS3 versions..Dual versions allow u to use any version of the same file depending on your content.
Detailed instructions are also provided for easy usability.
PriceUSD 2.00
A Photographers Choice
posted bysamujjalminFla Archives
Photos are dynamically loaded jpg’s just replace them with yours.
You can easily increase of decrease number of images.
Texts are coming from external XML
Adding category is very easy
Movie clip Preloader that loads each movie clip separately.
Contains PHP driven Contact Form
Right Click menus are disabled and easily customized items have been added.
Full Screen browser support
Background changer option loads external image files as background
The looping background music is loading from external mp3
PriceUSD 25.00
3D Number Loader
posted bybiggysmithinFla Archives
True 3D Number Preloader. Easy to use, just drag and drop. Highly customizable, all settings can be changed via parameters, such as
X, Y, Z Rotation,
show first digit,
show percentage,
intro, outro,
PriceUSD 3.00
3D Circle Preloader
posted bybiggysmithinFla Archives
True 3D Loading Circle Preloader. Easy to use, drag and drop. Highly customizable, all settings are adjustable via parameter, such as
X, Y, Z Rotation
Circle Colors,
Display Numbers or Not,
Have Intro or Outro,
Animation style,
Circle Loading Direction,
PriceUSD 4.00
AS Customizable Color Picker
posted bybiggysmithinFla Archives
A fully customizable color picker. Easy to use, drop and drag. Small size.
Simple to alter and customize as all settings can be changed via parameters.
Gird Size,
Color Box Size,
Box Positioning,
Box Color,
PriceUSD 8.00
3D Tic Tac Toe
posted bybiggysmithinFla Archives
True 3D Tic Tac Toe Game. Highly customizable and lightweight in size. All settings can be changed via parameters, like
X, Y, Z Rotation,
Bar, X, O and win line color,
Outline + outline color,
Bar thickness,
Cpu responce speed etc,
Easy to use, just drag and drop. Includes manual and the above preview file for easy modifying.
Also has various custom functions that allow you to perform actions when certain events happen, such as when the player wins or when a piece is placed etc. Handy if you want to add your own sounds or actions to events.
Its lightweight size makes it ideal to use in conjunction with a preloader for larger movies, giving the user something to do while loading.
PriceUSD 10.00