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New Scripts | PHP

Results 801-820 of 1000
EasyAds - Complex Classified Ads Application
posted bycodinbitinGeneral
EasyAds is a comprehensive and fully customizable advertising site that is perfect for both sellers and buyers alike. What really sets It apart from others are the clean and modern design of the interface and the superb back end that gives the seller a vast amount of analytical information - vital to ensure a smooth passage for a new business. What's more, it can be built in minutes and you'll be ready to be selling and making money straight away. For a start, and to make your life really simple, app includes an intelligent complex installer that will do all the hard work of installing it on your server so you won't need a diploma in computer design to have it up and running. With its clean and modern design, EasyAds classified ads cms helps you make real money and build a business in only few minutes
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.00
Amazon clone script, flipkart clone script, snapdeal clone script
Phpscriptsmall like Amazon clone script, flipkart clone script, snapdeal clone script is the best solution to start your own online shopping website. Amazon clone script is exclusive build as a marketplace to sell and buy the product. Admin and seller will get a real time dashboard to monitor all the stages of sales in dashboard. Vendors will get a clear place to give a detailed description about there about in our script so that they can up sell their products. Our flipkart clone script is highly customizable it will support third party integration and tweaks.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 999.00
Best CRM Software Development Company | Custom CRM Software Development - Cover Image
Best CRM Software Development Company | Custom CRM Software Development
Logicspice offers on demand CRM software solution and services. Through CRM software system you can organize leads lists by geographic location and assign to respective sales representatives. The CRM solution that we have developed will enable users to view statistics in a highly visual, engaging perspective using customized reports and dashboards. :: Key Benefits of Our On Demand CRM Software Development :: • Account Management • Lead Management • Sales Activity Tracking • Campaign Management • Opportunity Management • Report Management • Our customized web solution will help you to Improve your business relationships and grow your business.
(2 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
MyCalendar is a PHP Script that is free to download and use for all web developers. You can integrate your own code into websites or CMS's or clients website without any license fee. An experienced PHP developer could add your own code to make this Calendar do whatever you like. Including sections to add MySQL queries for day (YYYY-MM-DD). You can customise each calendar appearance by editing the config section of the file. Links are; Previous and Next months. Drop down menu to choose month and year. Note: This script does not use a MySQL database and does not record any data.
(0 ratings)
e Learning Software
Our Online Course script has designed especially for teacher and student classes. teacher can create tutorials and allocate to his student and student can login and view it.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 349.00
FileWizz - The files monitor
FileWizz is a small PHP web application that allows you to monitor various files from your server, files like your websites for example. Once a monitor for certain files on the server is created, FileWizz will check all the files inside the monitor periodically and once something related to those files changes, FileWizz will create a very detailed report and it will notify you. Each report contains detailed info about what files were created, changed and deleted. Even more, you have access to a diff tool so that you can see the differences between two versions of a file.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 23.00
Airbnb Clone – PHP SCRIPTSMALL - Airbnb Script
Our Airbnb Clone include especially secured security system by far most of the structures are delivered by j question so customer can investigate easily and have high comprehension for various pages when they facilitated to various pages. In fact, even our content is a clone to Airbnb Clone Script; you can modify it feasibly to suit your business.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 599.00
Marketplace Script - Buy and Sell Script | Marketplace Software - Etsy Clone Script
Etsy Clone Script is the world's most progressive fizzing items commercial center, purchase and offer the items or vintage things, craftsmanship and supplies. On the off chance that you need to start your own commercial center with our Marketplace Script content, simply introduce it inside couple of minutes and you can begin offering. Buy and Sell Script is a simple approach to win cash and can offer your own item things or supply items that make by others, or simply charge the supporters who are offering their items through your commercial center. Open source multivendor web based business commercial center site that backings with a solitary customer facing facade with different dealers. This Buy and Sell Script content has bolstered boundless items and the boundless number of clients for both purchase and offer, and through administrator board you can oversee it.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 717.00
CedCommerce B2B Advanced Package has been specially compiled considering the complex and customized B2B needs like negotiated prices, requests quotations, simplified bulk purchase process, etc. As Magento was initially designed for B2C; it has certain limitations for the B2B, which can be blown over by integrating these B2B extensions to your Magento store.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
MLM Software Company, MLM Software Demo, Multi level Marketing Software
MLM Software Company, MLM Software Demo, Multi level Marketing Software - MLM Software Company is more secure and most reliable, and having main thing that user friendly and web based, so it provides an easy tracking of customers. Multi level Marketing Software offers an effective customization, cost-effective and bug-free; the greater and better quality of multilevel marketing software has increased to our clients. Our MLM software Demo marketing system aims the sales person are not only to buy and sell products but also to take up others to buy and sell products.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
Facebook Clone Script - Social Network Script
We have both Social Network Script visit choice in our web application. The Open Source Social Network Script incorporates numerous settings for your clients to control how others interface with them by means of their profile. We might want to begin proficient basic and clear informal community sites same as Facebook Clone Script.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Just Wallet - PHP PayPal clone script
posted byJDTinClone Scripts
With the help of Just Wallet, you can in a few minutes create your e-currency, e-wallet and online payment processing! This script is amazingly similar to such large payment services as PayPal or Bitcoin! Your client will be able to replenish the wallet in any currency, and through several payment gateways. The funds can be keeping on the wallet balance, exchanging for other internal currencies, and also withdrawal in third-party payment services, for example PayPal. Just Wallet includes 4 languages: English, Russian, Spanish and German. You can add any other language and any local currency. Just Wallet script created on framework Codeigniter and can be infinitely modify or customized according to your need!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 75.00
Simple Client Database
Simple Client Database is a client management system written in PHP and JavaScript. It is easy to install (only 1 step), easy to add, edit and delete clients, and customizable - only display the client details you want. It uses flat file storage to make installation and use easier, as well as minimizing running requirements to just PHP 5.5 or later
(0 ratings)
Matrimony Android App - Matrimonial Mobile App for Android
App users can also browse matching profiles from all Indian multi religion communities. Looking to search for a bride or groom based on Religion! We have matches from all religions in our Matrimonial Mobile App for Android. Easy to start your business through our application Our script is support on all leading Android smartphones with latest version are available and going to launch soon. Apk file format android app provides user profile info, user can view their profile by clicking Profile in navigation screen. Also can edit their profile by clicking Edit button in bottom of the page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Fundraising Script - Crowdfunding Software - Fundraising Software
Our Fundraiser script is clear, brief, and simple to utilize, and it has ton of elements. This script is easy to utilize and most easy to use, SEO benevolent, Multi-dialect, Multi-money, whislist, installment doors and so forth... Crowdfunding Software is one of the best alternatives for raising assets for your association’s exercises and to undertaking of the ventures. Fundraising Software is having distinctive sort of exercises that involves everything ought to be legitimate that including displays for raising money.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 717.00
Cloud Chat Ten Audio and Video Chat Rooms Script in mysql/webrtc using nodejs
Cloud Chat Ten Audio and Video Chat Rooms script lets anyone start there own audio and video chat rooms website from there vps or dedicated server with having auto features set from admin and easy to change or add language of complete chat and group audio chatting and video chatting and text chatting everything comes with it, users can create rooms and join any room. Cloud Chat Ten comes with moderation features and easy to change theme and manage users and rooms.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 800.00
Crocko Link Advanced Url Shortener System
Crocko link is a url shortener system like adfly, linkshrink, shorte.st with powerfull dashboard. You can manage everything on your page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
Kickstarter clone script, indiegogo clone, indiegogo script, Crowdfunding software
Kickstarter clone script, indiegogo clone, indiegogo Script - Fundraiser is powerful Crowdfunding software developed by dexterity solution Websites that lets you start your own business. Our aim was to make the running of an efficient pledge or reward based fundraising business very simple. Dexterity solution does this by incorporating exciting features into our design. Crafted to perform beyond your expectation. Inspired by the famous Kickstarter clone script websites akin to kickstarter.com, indiegogo.com, rockethub.com, and artistshare.com.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 717.00
Airbnb Clone - Airbnb Script - Rental Booking Script
Our Airbnb script is SEO benevolent URL, propel profile administration, scratch off strategy and instalment portal integration. We have four unique sorts of channel, courtesies; we will give you penny percent affirmation to utilize our Rental Booking Script. Our Airbnb Clone comprise of exceptionally secured security framework the vast majority of the structures are produced by j query so client can explore effortlessly and have high understanding for different pages when they coordinated to different pages. Indeed, even our script is a clone to Airbnb Script; you can alter it viably to suit your business. Surveys are a critical factor for the client as it gives a faith in our framework.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 599.00
Teamtreehouse Script | Khan Academy Clone Script - Udacity Script
Online learning software helps teaching through online now very easy with rich excellent features designing responsive website's that work. Udacity Script is one browse number of courses in one place and training made easy with the Udacity Clone, since site get search option which helps to find out exact matches as user query. Free or paid online course are accessible, also user can book their courses in prior manner with enrollment. Teamtreehouse Clone Script brings entrepreneurs to gain more monetary results as they lead the competitors with our seo friendly websites
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Results 801-820 of 1000