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Count Click Throughs (With a Db)
posted byinfoinClick Tracking
Easily count and display the number of click through from your site with a database. Simply set all the links that you want to track to a single asp document and pass the URL as a querystring variable. The following example will display a page with a few links. Once a link is clicked on it will insert the URL and users IP address into an Access Db and redirect the browser to the URL clicked on. Included in the download is a document that will allow you to view people are clicking to in a number of ways.
(13 ratings)
posted byinfoinUpload Systems
This is an ASP component/dll which processes file uploads using HTML forms and a web browser. It can handle more than one file per form. Once uploaded the files can be saved to disk or to a database as a binary data stream. Files can also be exported into the csImageFile component for image processing. Form variables can be accessed using the component. Upload progress can be displayed for large uploads. An additional class containing HTTP functions has been included. These allow a script to send a file to a remote server as an HTTP post, and also to receive a file from a remote server as a download. A username and password can be sent if the remote server uses authentication. Form variables can be added for the upload as well as the download. Files can be uploaded from a binary variable or downloaded into a binary variable. There is a free trial available with full instructions. Available as 32 bit or 64 bit.
(4 ratings)
posted bypaulinDownload Systems
Stuff-DB is a database system with categories, link to files, and a description page for each file. For each given file, it allows users to download the file, or access its detailed page.
(0 ratings)
XML programming in Java
posted byjicondoninJava & XML
This article describes the design and implementation of an intuitive, fast and compact (40K) Java toolkit for parsing and manipulating XML -- Electric XML -- the XML engine of the author's company. It shows one way to apply object-oriented techniques to the creation of an XML parser, and it provides useful insight into API design. The source code for the non-validating parser described in this article may be downloaded and used freely for most commercial uses.
(0 ratings)
Integrating User Search with ASP and SQL Server Full-Text Search
posted bybobinDatabase-related
This article provides sample source code for a user query parser which allows users to submit full-text search queries from ASP to SQL Server 2000. Full source code available for download.
(0 ratings)
EnB-FTP Prototype
posted byirixinFile Management
EnBPro is a highly portable Perl-Tk gui FTP client that will work under a variety of operating systems, as well as over PPP, PPPoE, and Ethernet connections. Current functionality include: Upload, Download, Delete files, Make directory, Remove directory, Switch between ascii and binary transfer modes, Change Directory, and CDup (Move to parent directory). It includes a readme file with details and cursory instructions on use of the program. EnBPro requires: Perl 5, Tk modules for Perl, and Net::FTP for Perl.
(3 ratings)
"Sign Here!" Guestbook
posted byinfoinGuestbooks
This is a free, easy-to-use guestbook. Main features are: message text formatting (bold text, urls etc.); inserting smiles as icons; web-based administration; and email notifications about new posts. Also html output is optimized to maximize download speed.
(3 ratings)
JavaScript Resources
posted byiainhendryinWeb Sites
A JavaScript resource site with scripts, links, downloads, books, tutorials, and more.
(0 ratings)
Display an Excel DB
posted byinfoinExcel & ASP
The author writes "For small data bits on a server where the chance for significant simultaneous traffic is not likely excel can perform many of the basic tasks that can be accomplished in Access or SQL Server, but on a much smaller scale." This exmaple code demonstrates how to display data from Excel using sample data of Hank Greenberg's career statistics. Example code available for download.
(15 ratings)
Using the Application Object to Improve Performance
posted byjoelauerinDevelopment
This article discusses the usage of persistence with the Application object in detail. Explains when to use Persistence, advantanges and disadvantages of using Persistence, and what types of data exchanges are targets for optimization and the benefits and disadvantages of using persistence with the Application object. Example code available for download.
(0 ratings)
Ranson's Scripts
Ranson's Scripts offers a number of free and commercial Perl scripts. Available scripts include MailForm, Mail-Credit Card, Multi-Cart, 100 Links, Classified Ads, Guestbook, Redirect, Banner Rotation, Password + Redirect, and more. Option to download one or all at one time.
(0 ratings)
Integrating Flash with an Access Database
posted bymattduckhouseinFlash & ASP
This article explains how to connect a Flash movie to an Access database, and use an ASP page to query the database and transfer information over to the Flash movie. It shows how to build a very simple Flash address book to demonstrate the technique. Full source code available for download.
(21 ratings)
Registering Your Components on NT 4 with ASP
posted bywebmasterinComponent Building
It can really be a pain to register .DLL's on your remote servers. This article will explore how to set up a set of ASP pages to register your DLL's on NT 4. ASP source code available for download.
(0 ratings)
Accent JavaScript Web-Based Browser
posted bysupportinWindows & Frames
The Accent JavaScript browser is a complete, basic, fullscreen web-based browser implemented in a JavaScript script set, including the core controls (Location Box with Go button, and Home, Back, Stop, Forward, and Close Buttons). Clean, simple, slick design, this is a solid starting point for building your own site-based browser, and a good demo of basic techniques. Easy to 'rebrand' to your own site. Full code listings are provided, as well as a download 'kit' with all code, ready to run, with no modification needed. Freeware.
(6 ratings)
PHP Outburst
PHP Outburst is dedicated to bring a free text based database forum. In order to improve our overall effort we have stopped offering EasyNews. Our text database system is available for download and has a wiki page to help get you started if you wish to use it in your own site.
(9 ratings)
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