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AS2 XML Royal Image Gallery
posted byagurghisinFla Archives
A fully external loaded Image Gallery Module! You can add as many images as you want, smooth animations, unlimited number of images, different color for each thumb border, big preview of images, they can have any size you want, the script will resize them to fit into stage, for better result use big resolution images.
Big Thumbs size: 70x50px
Small thumbs size: 36x26px
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Flash Categorized Thumbnail XML Image Gallery
posted bylivelyworksinFla Archives
* Fully XML driven
* Unlimited amount of categories & images can be displayed
* Thumbnail Tooltip
* Dynamic scroller
* JPG, GIF, PNG & SWF files Supported.
* Each image can have external link.
* You can place HTML formatted description text.
* You can change image dimensions , Number of coloums, Thumbs Distance, Thumbnail Height & Width, Category Text Color, Details Heading Text Color, Details Text background color from"config.xml" file.
o Help file and comments in the code included.
o Separate XML files are included. for image data & configuration.
o FlashVars version included so you can use single swf for multiple pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
XML Fullscreen Portfolio Gallery Website Template
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- Full editable content in XML.
- Easing scroller in “MORE INFO” page.
- Completely independent XML Autoplay Multiple Gallery.
- Unlimited Multiple Gallery support in XML.
- Unlimited images per Gallery support in XML.
- Stop and Play control in XML Autoplay Multiple Gallery.
- Prev and Next page support of thumbnails in XML Autoplay Multiple Gallery, with easing effect.
- Customizable thumbnails in XML Autoplay Multiple Gallery.
- Customizable size of XML Autoplay Multiple Gallery in flash.
- Completely independent XML Autoplay Slideshow, which can be easily replaced by other slideshows.
- Easing content effect of large image in XML Autoplay Slideshow.
- Prev and Next tool on mouse over, plus Stop and Play control in XML Autoplay Slideshow.
- Customizable size of XML Autoplay Slideshow in flash.
- URL Link support for images in XML.
- Interactive Email Module, with data validator.
- Easy to change Content or Layout of pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Advanced xml image gallery V2
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
Another cool xml full screen image gallery
1. XML driven flash image / picture / photo gallery.
2. Supports any screen size, the images will adjust based on the screen resolution.
3. Scrollable thumbs.
4. Minimize / maximize effect for the big image.
5. Full screen support on right mouse click.
6. You can see the big image that is panning at a smaler size by roll over the "SHOW RESIZED IMAGE"
7. Other cool features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.00
Advanced xml image gallery V2
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
Another cool xml full screen image gallery
2. Supports any screen size, the images will adjust based on the screen resolution.
3. Scrollable thumbs.
4. Minimize / maximize effect for the big image.
5. Full screen support on right mouse click.
6. You can see the big image that is panning at a smaler size by roll over the "SHOW RESIZED IMAGE"
7. Other cool features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.00
XML photo gallery with maximize and minimize support
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
1. XML Driven Flash Image/ Picture/ Photo Gallery.
2. Supports any screen size, the images will adjust based on the screen resolution.
3. Scrollable thumbs.
4. Unlimited number of images.
5. You can play the images as a slideshow by pressing the Play button.
6. Full screen support.
7. You can change the gallery width and height by changing two variables in the source file; this way you can use this gallery in any situation.
8. Maximize/minimize feature when you press the big image.
9. Other cool features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
XML full screen photo gallery #588
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
This gallery was designed to be used embedded in HTML or standalone.
There can be an unlimited number of pictures.
The gallery is resizable after the big picture's size.
Its maximum size is unlimited (but it is limited by the scene's size, the image will always have a good ratio no matter how you resize the browser).
This gallery has XML support.
You can read more details in the help.txt which is included in the downloadable zip file.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Rounded XML VideoGallery AS3
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
What is Rounded XML Videogallery (from now RXV)?
RXV is a powerful and stylish gallery of video written in as3. With RXV you can simply add video in assets folder, and write (cut and paste) few lines in a XML file to make videogallery works. No actionscript experience is needed, RXV in fact is drag ‘n droppable from one file to another without writing any code. Fla file contains RXV movieclip with its own class, so you can use it like a component with no main class to customize and rewrite.
Every video can have its own caption stored in XML file. RXV uses a clean preloader with percent for thumbnails.
RXV comes with a stylish interface but you can modify it by work on assets in the library (for instructions on this, please follow the specifications in this help document).
Also RXV class is highly customizable and adaptable to your projects, it uses TweenMax transitions engine (TweenMax classes are included since we are Corporate Club ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
Easy to modify - Named Labels - Commented Actionscript
- Only 10kb
- DRAG and DROP!!!
- stores data in xml
- nice effects
- Scrolling with mouse scroll too
- B/W fade at thumbs
- Nice image masking
Documentation file includes help to change sizes
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
LightBox Video Web Gallery Creator
posted bysqlbackupandftpinTools & Utilities
Show LightBox Video Web Gallery Creator the folder where your images and videos are, press "Create web gallery" button and in a few moments a lightbox-like HTML Web Gallery will open in your browser. The resulting folder then can be copied anywhere (to your site).
(0 ratings)
xml banner rotator slideshow gallery #1047
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
xml banner - xml rotator - xml slideshow
Features ::
Dynamic XML based slideshow / banner / rotator
Support unlimited images or swf files
Support JPG, GIF, PNG and SWF files
Easy to resize [simply set Width, Height, and Background colour in XML file]
no need to know flash to resize this gallery.
specify dealy for images [i.e how long to display one image before going to next]
to attach external link to image or don't attach
Option in XML to AutoPlay or Not by default
Option in XML to display Random images.
Easy to use and configure
Centralized coding
Code is fully commented
A detailed help file is included
xml image rotator, xml banner, photo rotator, slideshow, images slider, dynamic slideshow, gallery, xml gallery, dynamic gallery, xml slideshow, banner rotator, xml banner rotator, dynamic banner rotator, tabaheee, shahab khan
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
advance xml banner rotator slideshow gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
Advance Auto Play XML Picture Gallery | XML Image Viewer
Loading Pictures and thumbs from external folder using XML file.
1. You can add Unlimited images or SWF files.
2. You can modify Galley Width, Height and Background Color.
3. You can also modify Thumbs Width, Thumbs Height, Thumbs Spacing, Scroll Speed.
4. Auto play ON/OFF. or Hide Play/Pause Button.
5. Autp play Delay. Slide Speed.
6. You can SHOW or HIDE navigation buttons. Option available in XML file.
advance, xml, autoplay, auto play, photo gallery, dynamic, xml image gallery, banner , rotator, image gallery, resizeable image gallery, slideshow, khan, shahab, slide, show, photo, tabaheee
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
smooth zoom banner rotator slideshow gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
smooth zoom xml Banner - rotator - slide show - photo gallery
> Smooth Image Zoom In
> You can specify Height and Width of gallery in XML file
> Support Unlimited Images
> All images are loaded from External Folder
> You can setup Delay for auto play in XML file
> Can control zoom amont by modifying a varible
If you want to resize this gallery. Just add new images URL to XML file and Modify Height and Width in XML and HTML Embed tag and you are done.
xml image gallery, banner , rotator, image gallery, resizeable image gallery, tabaheee, zoom, zooming, resizeable, slide, show, slideshow, shahab, khan.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Surface XML Images Gallery AS3
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
Surface XML Images Gallery is the ultimate stylish image gallery built in Adobe Flash. You can use it as a component into your project or STANDALONE into your website, even if you do not know anything about the actionscript language, and also you do not have a copy of the software. Through a simple modification of the XML file, you will be able to setup your gallery and make it works in 5 minutes.
Surface comes with its own class so it can be used in your projects by simply drag and drop.
Thanks to this guide you will be able to use the gallery immediately, allowing you to learn over the several possibilities offered by Surface XML Images Gallery.
1. Unlimited Images
2. Image Drag and Drop
3. Image Drag and Scale
4. Smooth motion effect (surface like)
5. Images auto resize ( you can use images with all resolution)
6. You can define thumbs size by XML
7. You can use caption or not ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
xml template photographer website photo gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
xml website template - photographer template - image gallery
:::: KEY FEATURES ::::
* XML Main Navigation MENU .
* You can add as many Galleries as you want.[ each gallery support unlimited pictures ]
* XML News Page [ support unlimited news items ]
* Bio Page. [ XHTML/CSS formated. External xml file ]
* Support PHP Contact form. Page contents are loaded from External XML file. [ XHTML/CSS Formated ]
Thumbs, pictures, and text is loaded dynamically via XML files, from external folder. you can add unlimited pictures/images.
* Support fullscreen, Auto resize and smooth picture preview on resize.
* you can use images of any size but all thumbs must have the same size.
* Support Auto play.
* Support picture movement if ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
xml template photographer website photo gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
xml website template - photographer template - image gallery
Support unlimited Galleries and Each gallery can load Unlimited Images or SWF files.
All Images and Thumbs are loaded dynamically from External folders via XML file.
:::: KEY FEATURES ::::
* You can add as many Galleries as you want.[ each gallery support unlimited pictures ]
* XML News Page [ support unlimited news items ]
* Bio Page. [ XHTML/CSS formatted. External xml file ]
* Support PHP Contact form. Page contents are loaded from External XML file. [ XHTML/CSS Formatted ]
:::::::::::: PORTFOLIO :::::::::
You can modify Each image thumb, src[for large image], caption[thumbs rollover text], and Main text[available on image mouse over]
Main Text is HTML formatted using "CDATA" so you can easily format it. Text ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
2 Skins Horizontal Thumbs XML Gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
This xml gallery is made using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 2.0
Two skins black and white.
You can add as many images as you want.
I think it is useful and easy to use.
Two buttons (left and right) to see the thumbnails and then when you click on the thumbnail it loads the image in the center.
you should put small images for the thumbs and large ones to open in the center.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
2 Skins Vertical Thumbs XML Gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
This xml gallery is made using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 2.0
Two skins black and white.
You can add as many images as you want.
Title and Detail for every image.
I think it is useful and easy to use.
Two buttons (up and down) to see the thumbnails and then when you click on the thumbnail it loads the image in the center of the image area.
you should put small images for the thumbs and large ones two open in the frame.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
xml accordion banner slideshow rotator gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
xml accordion banner slideshow rotator gallery html css
Features ::
-- Dynamic XML based ACCORDION / slideshow / banner / rotator
-- Support images or swf files
-- Support JPG, GIF, PNG and SWF files
-- Easy to resize [simply set width and height in XML file]
-- no flash knowledge require to resize this gallery
-- specify separate dealy for each image [i.e how long to display specific image]
-- to attach external link to image or don't attach
-- specify targets for images link
border [ show or hide or set your border width ]
arrow [ show or hide ]
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Simple XML video player - flv gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
Simple XML video gallery - flv gallery - video player
Features ::
- XML driven content
- Video streaming with buffer - Only progressive streaming
- Full screen video mode supported
- Unlimited amount of videos an be displayed
- When on fullscreen status. bar will auto hide after 5 seconds
- All content can be changed via a single XML file,
--- such as video url
--- thumbs url
--- Video Title
---Thumbs scroll speed
--- and to play or pause first video by default
- Supports FLV, MOV and H.264 MP4 video (with latest Flash Player 9 installed)
- Easy to use and configure
- Centralized coding
- Code is commented
- Help file is included
Keywords :
white, skin, controls, simple, xml video gallery, fullscreen, multiple categories, category, flv, flv palayer, video gallery, video player, xml flv gallery, mov, mp4, shahab, khan, tabaheee
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00