Results matching for "gallery"
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Strip Gallery
posted byricosushiinFla Archives
Easy to use and robust XML - Driven image gallery for your web site or flash projects.
XML -Driven
Load images or swf
Toggle galleries tab visibility
Multi gallery (Support any number of categories)
Smooth thumbnails menu movement
Easy to configure
Nice design and friendly interface
Set percentage amount for roll over scale of thumbnails
Set the descriptions for each image
Define the background color for each image
Tool tip (displays name of image)
Name and set description for each category
Panel of image description autosizes so text fits in the area
Navigate between images without closing the current opened images
Easy to follow documentation with images
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
MB Gallery
posted bymaxblackinImage Galleries
Our image gallery is xhtml, css compliant, possibility to create a custom skin (graphic layout), programmed to display photos big, small pictures, photos print quality (download). Database is not required, paging of sets (categories), paging of photos, slideshow function, display EXIF data.
(9 ratings)
Slice Gallery
posted byricosushiinFla Archives
Easy to use and robust XML - Driven image gallery for your web site or flash projects.
XML -Driven
Easy to configure
Multi gallery (Support any number of categories)
Friendly navigation
Smooth thumbnails menu movement
Nice design and friendly interface
Set the descriptions for each photo
Tool tip (displays name of image)
Set name and description for each category
Navigate between zommed images with the arrow keys
Zoom opened image to a user defined zoom percentage
Set and audio track for each image if desired
Set an URL link for each image if desired
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
The Ultimate Gallery
posted byTomcat253inXML & JavaScript
The Ultimate Gallery is fully cross-browser compliant and employs several Internet Web Development Technologies.
Gallery size, title, functionality, and images are defined in a single XML. NO other external files are required. All skin images are embedded within the JavaScript file.
The Ultimate Gallery can be deployed as a DHTML Draggable Popup, or a fixed position element on any web site page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Flex Gallery
posted byflexdeninFlex & Air Applications
Flex Gallery loading categories names, images urls and descriptions from xml
In xml also possible to set up styles of category menu, subcategory menu, category menu item, subcategory menu item and description.
Completely XML Driven
Categories & Subcategories Via XML
Change Heights Via XML
Change Colors Via XML
Change "Alphas" Via XML
Change Horizontal Gaps Via XML
in sources you will find readme.txt with description of xml data structure
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Flash Gallery
posted byrealitysoftwareinSoftware
Free application that allows you to create a slideshow on your website. Easy installation, automatic slideshow generation, customizable design and other cool features.
(15 ratings)
Scrolling Gallery
posted byFlashtuninginFla Archives
Scrolling Gallery, XML driven for Flash 8 / Flash CS3 / Flash CS4 and above / ActionScript 2.0 version.
Gallery Key Features:
* Horizontal + Vertical versions
* Highly customizable skins
* Easy to use XML file
* Dynamic image mirror
* Roll over image coloring
* Roll over / press scrolling
* Big image preview support
* Image titles and descriptions
* Scrolling speed adjustment
* Mouse Wheel support
* Quick Start Help Files
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
posted byoxylusinComponents
June Gallery is a new, fresh-looking gallery , built on a two levels structure (image files stored in categories). It was thinked to be used standalone or embed in html, it is resizable and it has a clean and user friendly appearence, with smooth tweens wich create a nice visual experience. You can define your own categories or add your own images by editing the xml file. After the xml is loaded, the gallery will enable by default the first category and it will dinamically generate the thumbnails list. You can use images at any size and aspect ratio. Animated swf files are not supported. Images are smoothed and scaled to fit the window with the aspect ratio preserved. The description can be HTML formated and it supports most of the common HTML tags. Mouse wheel and scrollbar are enabled for long blocks of text. You have the next/previous buttons located on the sides, wich enable you to navigate easely through the images.
...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Tab Gallery
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a nice gallery that you can use for your websites. Has support for image viewing and flv playback. All files are stored in categories and everything is controlled by xml, very flexible.
- Unlimited categories (tabs will scroll horizontally if they don't fit)
- Unlimited items (thumbs will scroll vertically if they don't fit)
A more in-depth description coming soon.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Description: GrayGallery is full XML-driven flash portfolio web-site. Sections: about,news,portfolio.
- XML driven gallery section (add as many galleries as you want);
- News/blog section (edit news as simple HTML page, upload images for news);
- Powerful admin panel for editing galleries and news;
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Fullscreen gallery
posted byricosushiinFla Archives
XML -Driven
Easy to configure
Change the thumbnails position
Displays image description when image is pressed
Tooltip align depending the position of the thumbnails
Image centers to stage size
Option to fullscreen keeping aspect ratio
Cool loading animation
Dynamic thumbnails menu with reel
Fade Effects when image loads
Easy to change the background colors
Easy to follow documentation
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Tile Gallery
posted byricosushiinFla Archives
Easy to use and robust XML - Driven grid image gallery for your web site or flash projects.
XML -Driven
Multi gallery (Support any number of categories)
Friendly navigation
Loads images (gif, jpg, png) and Flash movies (swf)
Set the any size of the images (thumbs and big images)
Set the border width
Set the easing velocity for the navigation
Set to fullscreen or fixed size
Smooth thumbnails menu movement
Easy to configure
Nice design and friendly interface
Set the descriptions for each photo
Tool tip (displays name of image)
Set name and description for each category
Navigate between zommed images with the arrow keys
Ennumerate the images
Toggle vertical or horizontal sorting and navigation
Zoomed fade in effect when loads image
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
QT Gallery
This gallery is adorable, slick and easy to use. It simply loads your images from XML list and and create mini gallery showroom. Nice transitions & effects.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
XML Gallery
posted byavalonwebinFla Archives
This is an easy to use, customizable and fully scalable XML gallery with scrolling thumbnails and next/previous function. It also has an automatic pan function, if the image shown is larger than the stage. This file allows you to customize every single elements color just by editing a XML document, so there is no need for you to have flash installed and republish the gallery for customization.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Grid Gallery
posted byricosushiinFla Archives
Easy to use and robust XML - Driven image gallery for your web site or flash projects. It loads image files (gif, jpg, and png) and also swf files.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Slider gallery
posted byadrianTNTinComponents
This is easy to use in a html page or as a part of any site .It is easy to modify and add more function.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
MD Gallery
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
LEAN !! only 48Kb published!
Elegant and unobtrusive preloading of information and thumbnails
Add multiple libraries (Portrait, Landscape, Glamour, etc.) by adding XML files. No limit on how many images each library can hold.
Each thumbnail supports a larger version of the image with individual descriptions
Robust error checking that helps direct you if you encounter a loading error (nice for development)
Centralized code-base so you don’t have to go digging everywhere for Actionscript files
CSS control over main gallery descriptions
All fonts, classes, and layered Photoshop files are included! (1)
Full browser site for an elegant presentation
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 32.00
Gallery Extraordinare
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
This gallery is entirely self contained in a MovieClip, meaning you can just drag and drop it into any FLA and you’re good to go! You can easily rearrange the thumbnail and main image positions, simply by dragging and dropping.
Additionally, you can change the amount of Thumbnails to be displayed widthwise and heightwise through the XML .
Supports an unlimited amount of photos and galleries. Enjoy!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
posted bytutorialzineinImage Galleries
SlickGallery is a beautiful, easy to set-up, AJAX enabled gallery. Its state of the art admin panel makes managing and sharing your photo albums a pure joy.
Perfect for photographers, artists and anyone, who enjoys beauty in their work.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.98
posted byScriptDirinMiscellaneous
You have the option to use widgets or shortcodes to insert your custom gallery into your web site. As well, the look of your gallery is fully customizable through the WordPress admin interface.
This plugin will help make your website standout. You can use it to create all kinds of different galleries. Version 1.0 is a fully stable release that can be used on any site that is using WP 2 .8 and above (including 3.0).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00