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Results 281-300 of 492
Fancy Countdown - jQuery plugin
It´s very easy to use. You can set an own target date with a timezone. The plugin comes with an extensive API . Set it up only in 3 minutes! It´s working on all iToys(iPhone, iPad etc.) and smartphones which support JavaScript!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Easy jQuery MediaGallery
posted byScriptDirinMedia
Styling goes like a brees after reading the manual included in the purchase so you can make it unique to your site. Update 4/6 - IE compatibility fixed - Unlimited videos for a user - Other elements will now not disappear behind the movie
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Fancy Portfolio - jQuery plugin
posted byScriptDirinMedia
You can add umlimited of work holders with unlimited of work shots. You can describe and link your work. Options thumbWidth – The width of each thumbnail thumbHeight – The height of each thumbnail fillColor – The color of the stroke borderThickness – The thickness of the border around the work shots columns – The number of columns columnOffset – The offset between the columns rowOffset – The offset between the rows detailsOpacity – The opacity of the details background slideTime – The time in ms for the work shot slides fadeInTime – The time in ms for the first image fade in, when the corresponding image stack has been loaded urlTarget – The target window for the link(e.g. ‘_blank’, ‘_self’)
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
JQuery fade background color menu
At the moment of writing this script the JQuery core library doesn?t support background color fading. If you want to use background fading you need to use the JQuery color plugin. This script demonstrates how to use JQuery with the color plugin to fade the background color of menu buttons.
(0 ratings)
[jQuery Tutorial] Delete Selected
Heres a small tutorial for those interested in jQuery. It teaches you how to delete all items that are selected via a checkbox.
(0 ratings)
jQuery & PHP File Upload
posted byninjaofwebinForms
Replace your browser's ugly upload button and upload your files without ever leaving the current page. The next generation upload solution.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
jQuery Image Resizer/Cropper
posted byninjaofwebinMedia
Resize and crop your images in your browser! You select the area, width and height. A small Photoshop that you can integrate into your admin to make it more professional.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
jQuery Horizontal and Vertical Tabs
Create fancy tabbed contents in minutes with this tool. Make it vertical or horizontal, it's up to you!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
jQuery Full Width Slider
Add more fancy look to your site. Fade your images and move them up, down and opposite direction.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Minimy - Premium jQuery Gallery
posted byflasher3015inMedia
Minimy is a premium jQuery plugin delivered both as a standalone plugin and as a WordPress shortcode. It has a minimalistic design but it’s loaded with tons of features that allow you to spice up your website in a matter of minutes. The package comes with two skins(light & dark), but you can also create your own skin, to make this fit perfectly into your website! Gallery features: - unlimited pictures - smooth transitions - two sets of minimalist thumbnails - slideshow option - photo captions - navigation controls
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
jQuery 2d transform
With this jQuery transform plugin you will be able to: rotate any element scale an element as well as its text content translate elements in an efficient way* skew elements The elements can be transformed instantly or the transformation can be animated, using the standard jQuery css() and animate() functions. It is the lightest, cleanest and most efficient plugin to achieve 2d transformation in a cross-browser way
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
JQuery Stack Banner Slideshow with Captions
The HTML5 doc-type is not necessary for the banner to work on your webpage. Use this sexy and stylish banner slideshow to spice up your website. 2 version layout (vertical and horizonal). 2 directional movement (forward and backward). Adjust image size and borders. Unlimited captions allowed. Captions can be linked. Adjust drop shadows. Adjust slideshow speeds and rotation angles. Adjust caption opening speeds and delays. Auto start slideshow. Cool circle filling preloader included. Instalation instructions included. Rotation supported even in old Internet Explorer versions.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Sliding Image Gallery
* Resizable and configurable through the plugin's parameters and CSS file * Multiple transitions are available * You can set a different transition per item * You can add unlimited number of images, each with customizable text description and hyperlink * Customizable text description transitions (fade, down, right, up, left, none) * You can show / hide content * Text description can be set at different location, size, text color, background color and rounded border radius * You can set text description to appear on mouseover * Different types of list navigation options available. Can use mouse move, directional buttons mouse over, or directional buttons click * Scroll bar indicator shows current list position * You can change button positions to left or right * You can change button, image area sizes from parameters and CSS * You can set to automatically play on startup with customizable timer delay
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Sliced Image Slider JQuery Script
Simple Sliced image slider script using JQuery that cuts the image into slices and produces the transition effect in a slideshow by moving each slice separately.
(3 ratings)
Freebie: jQuery Falling Leaves
Today's freebie is a jQuery powered falling leaves animation. Autumn is at our doorstep and with our animation you can add falling leaves to your website.
(9 ratings)
Captcha Code Generator JQuery Script
posted bykshirininSecurity
Captcha Code Generator JQuery Script allows you to create random images.A six character code that has to be entered by the user before submitting the form. This ensures that the web forms are not automatically submitted.
(13 ratings)
jQuery Fullscreen Image Gallery
Flexible HTML5 / jQuery image gallery for photographers who want an interactive gallery that users on all devices can see. It includes HTML5 Audio with a Flash fallback, and deep-linking for an enhanced browsing experience. Built for flexibility, it can even be used as a simple background changer for your current website. Features included: * Multiple image display modes * Multiple transitions are available (fade, slideLeft, slideRight, slideUp, slideDown) * Flexible transition speed and easing * HTML5 audio player with Flash fallback * You can change audio volume and paused status opacity * Deep-linking for search engines * Enable or disable search engine crawling (to protect your images from being listed in search engines) * Disable right-click to help protect your images * You can change thumbnails visibility, left margin and opacity
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
CMS Blog with Ajax - jQuery
MarPlo CMS Blog is a Blogging tool for Simple Blog pages, created with PHP, MySQL (using OOP technology, and PDO), HTML5, and JavaScript (Ajax - jQuery). Accesible from desktop browsers, and Mobile devices. The page context, and menu are loaded with Ajax. The content is stored in MySQL tables, also in cache files on server. The last 5 pages that the user accesses are stored in memory with JavaScript; if the user accesses again those pages (before closing the window) the content is instantly displayed, without request to server. Light, and easy to administrate, to Add, Modify, Delete Categories and Articles.
(12 ratings)
Jquery Image Slider for Sharepoint 2010
Image Slider gets all the information and images from a custom list. Simple and fast to manage. Jquery Image Slider is a perfect solution for front end sites. It provides a fully customizable slider where you can define size, style, text... It’s a good option to use it as full size header carrousel or image gallery.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
Simple Fade Slideshow (jQuery)
Simple Fade SlideShow is a very simple and easy to use fade-image slideshow. Its structure is very flexible and you can use it for image and / or content transition. Simple Fade SlideShow is lightweight and fast: Only ~7kb - minified ~3,8kb Simple Fade SlideShow is highly customizable with CSS and it can either create the list and buttons automatically or you can create your own individual elements and Simple Fade SlideShow will only bind the relevant functions.
(16 ratings)
Results 281-300 of 492