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Results 321-340 of 492
jQuery Slider Ken Burns
jQuery slider with Ken Burns effect comes in 2 variations fullscreen or box and it is responsive (it adapts for any kind of device, desktop, tablet, smartphone). It is great to showcase your portfolio / images. Foreach image you can edit transition time and start and finish points, link and description.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Simple jQuery Tooltip by Allembru
This is a very basic tooltip using CSS and jQuery. The goal of this tooltip was to make something rich looking without all of the weightyness of most designer tooltips. The weight of this tooltip script comes within the CSS and only a few lines of jQuery to facilitate the opening and closing of the tooltip. Simple jQuery Tooltip does not use any images, only css to style the entire tooltip and is cross-browser compatible tested using Chrome, IE9 and Firefox.
(3 ratings)
jQuery Accordion for Menu Pro
jQuery Nested Accordion is a plugin of Menu Pro that turn the menu into multi-level accordion menu. The sleek accordion menu features a smooth transition so that the end user can clearly see the next level of navigation that is presented to them. Right now we have developed a menu with the accordion functionality using jQuery. For those of you that don't know what jQuery is, it is a javascript framework that make simple effects and smooth transitions. jQuery Nested Accordion is user-friendly and highly flexible menu solution that gives a powerful navigation experience for you and your users. The menu allows you to expand or collapse different levels of submenus with accordion effect which gives you a real hierarchical structure. Such accordion menus practically are expandable whenever needed, you can really save some space and show a lot of information within the menu.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
jQuery Slide for Menu Pro
jQuery Slide Menu is a plugin of Menu Pro that shows the menu as a lively jQuery-powered animated slide menu. The submenus slide in and slide out depending on which menu item are being clicked, with random fancy animation effects. Colorful default themes and customizable CSS allow you to easily create menu in many styles. The menu is extremely space-saving and fun to watch. Submenus will slide to the left or to the right depending on which menu item we are hovering.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
Circular Countdown jQuery Plugin
Circular Countdown is a jQuery plugin that comes with many powerful features, it's very easy to skin with any color or image. Easy to setup and integrate in any project. Features included: Responsive design. Options are configurable via JavaScript. You can change timer type to countdown or countup. Supports client-side or server-side (unix timestamp) time. Simple and clean interface. Resizable width, height, font size and circles thickness. Easy font and color change from the plugin options. Show or hide days, hours, minutes or seconds. Texts can be changed via parameters. Supports multiple instances. Uses HTML5 Canvas. Works in IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome. IE7 and 8 doesn't support canvas, but the plugin still works and displays the time remaining. Callback function support after the counting finishes. Help file is included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery List Filter - Ruzl
jQuery list filter plugin is a tiny plugin which provides rich options for filtering html tables and lists. Features: Easy to use. Filters tables. Filters ul. Filters ol. Configuration options. Cross Browsers Support. Tested up to jQuery 1.9.1.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Jquery Ken Burns Effect Script
A simple jquery script which allows to create beautiful screening image slideshow or slider using Ken Burns zooming effect. It provides slow and smooth zooming effect between the images.Jquery script that gives the live video effect to the users.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Responsive and Animated jQuery Bubble
jQuery Bubble Scroll is an easy-to-integrate navigation asset that you can use on your website to display any kind of usefull informations. You can customize it a lot with some parameters to integrate it well in your website. There are two types of layout (square or circle) and you can put it to the left or to the right of the screen. You can check all of the available options on the demo page. Features : - Display any kind of usefull informations with HTML and CSS. - Responsive : Bootstrap is NOT required (however, you can use it with no problem). - Different display styles available (circle, square). - Different positions (left or right). - Use cookies or not when the user closes the bubble. - Appears on scroll but can also be always visible on the screen. - Easy to integrate. - Simple to customize (different colors, border colors, backgrounds…)
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Jquery Grayscale Image Hover Effect
Simple Jquery mouseover script which helps to make beautiful grayscale hover effect on images.The hover effect will happen when the mouse pointer is over the selected images. Grayscale effect to fade the color images into grey color. You can create your own exciting mouseover effect on images. The jquery script supports single and multiple images galleries on same page.
(5 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Pinterest Grid Gallery
Pinterest grid gallery style with youTube and Vimeo support. Features: Pinterest stylegrid gallery layout Lightbox support image and youTube, Vimeo video CSS3 driven animation, graceful degradation Optional animation transition style Source files and Documentation included
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
JQuery Page Flip Book Effect
A simple jquery script which allows to create excellent horizontal image slider with Page Flip Book Effect. It make beautiful image gallery slider with page flipping effect. Images can be flipped from left to right or right to left horizontally.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Points Of Interest in CSS & jQuery
Use this resource to highlight the points of interest of your products. Just a click to open a brief description of each point, allowing your user to get a deep and fast understanding of your product features.
(0 ratings)
Zoomber - Image Zooming jQuery Plugin
Zoomber is a jQuery image zooming plugin for presenting your images in the highest detail for user. You can present your products to the customers in better view with Zoomber! Features: You can add zoom functionality to any image. Touch & rotate support for mobile devices. Configurable magnification level. Built-in original image preloading. Customizable by CSS and plugin options. Very easy installation on your html page. Cross-browser compatible.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Tic Tac Toe Game in jQuery
Play TIC TAC TOE Game online. Player who succeeds in placing 3 similar marks in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins the game.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Full Screen Image Viewer
Mobile friendly jQuery script that expands any image to fill the entire browser screen when clicked on, with option to further zoom in on the image onmousever or tap. It's ideal for product images on ecommerce sites or simply high resolution images that demand a larger stage.
(1 ratings)
FlipTimer - jQuery Countdown Timer
FlipTimer is a jQuery framework used countdown-countup timer that comes with many powerful features. Easy to setup and integrate in any project.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
CircleTimer - jQuery Countdown Timer
CircleTimer is a responsive jQuery countdown-countup timer that comes with many powerful features. It’s very easy to change with any color or dimension. Easy to setup and integrate in any project.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Create a Slide-In Panel with jQuery
This tutorial will explain how to create a slide-in panel effect with jQuery. Basically, this means a hidden panel the slides into view when it is triggered by a button or other action. This is often used to display a contact form in a fun way. As it turns out, this is very easy to do.
(0 ratings)
Ajaxed Sliding Shopping Cart With jQuery
Detailed instructions on creating an Ajaxed shopping cart with a sliding basket using jQuery and PHP/ MySQL. The shopping cart is a simple one but very open to developing further.
(6 ratings)
Fly-To-Basket Effect With jQuery
This is a tutorial with downloadable example files on creating an Ajaxed shopping cart with a fly-to-basket effect using jQuery. PHP and MySQL is used.
(12 ratings)
Results 321-340 of 492