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Results 361-380 of 492
jQuery Category Grid Style Gallery
posted byScriptDirinMedia
It also features auto image rotation with configurable image transition effects. Plus, the gallery is fully re-sizable and configurable through the plugin’s different parameters. Features: Can hold multiple image categories or just a single category. Able to load unlimited number of images per category, each image can have its own text and hyperlink. Choose from slide (horizontal/vertical) or fade image transition effects, also can turn off transition completely. Customizable text description transitions available with scrollbar available for large amount of text. Image gallery panel can be set to show different number of rows and columns. Show or hide components, including play button, directional buttons, text description, etc. And more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
jQuery Vertical Drop-Down Menu
Features: Easy to change the appearance via CSS. A simple menu structure. Easy integration into WordPress.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
jBookBrowser (jQuery Plugin)
posted byjackinNavigation
Simple Book Viewer application that allows your visitor to browse a book by flipping the pages.
(0 ratings)
Thumbnail Gallery (jQuery Plugin / XML)
posted byScriptDirinMedia
Features: Unlimited amount of images can be displayed. You can change thumbnails position. Add unlimited number of galleries on you web-page. Completely resizable. The gallery can be fit the browser’s window and resize accordingly. XML driven content. You can change background color, image and transparency. You can change thumbnail size, border, spacing, transparency, ... You can change picture size, background, border, spacing, transparency, ... You can hide the thumbnails and show them on gallery hover. You can have a slideshow.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
everyTip » Jquery tooltip Plugin
You can apply it on any element you want e.g.: img, a , li, span, div and so on. The plugin automatically detects all elements of your specified type on the whole page and add’s a tooltip to it. It also supports inside HTML , so you can display all HTML tags inside a tooltip. Comes in a lightweight and crypted version.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
jQuery Horizontal Drop-Down Menu
Features: Easy to change the appearance via CSS . A simple menu structure. You can mix different effects show and hiding – fade and slide. Easy integration of WordPress.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Thumbnail Scroller (jQuery Plugin / XML)
posted byScriptDirinMedia
The scroller is completely editable from a XML file, resizable and is compatible with all browsers and devices (iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones). Features: Unlimited amount of thumbs can be displayed. You can change the scroller’s direction. Add unlimited scrollers on you web-page. Completely resizable. XML driven content. You can change background color and transparency. You can change thumbnail size, border, spacing, transparency, And more... ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
JQuery CSS sprite menu with image buttons
JQuery CSS sprites menu navigation. The menubuttons are all loaded from a single image using background positioning. This means less HTTP requests, better loading time. This is a scriptbreaker.com JQuery extention that fades the menu buttons on roll over.
(0 ratings)
The Wall - Media Gallery - jQuery powered
posted byScriptDirinMedia
The Wall – Features neat effects for your presentations powered by cross-browser js library jQuery works with all media, not only images- inline content, videos, audios, divs with text -all are supported lightbox support
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
ishare - One awesome jquery sharing plugin
eplace the long list of sharing buttons on your webpage and add ishare to take its place. It will be neat, simple and organized. This script uses the jQuery framework and works completely client side. So you can use it on static and dynamic webpages. ishare is so easy to use and you only need to add a single simple code and include two files for it to work. Supports facebook, twitter, digg, delicious, yahoo, email, fav, print, live, stumbleupon, orkut, google, tumblr, linkedin, myspace, evernote, bebo, technorati, reddit, newsvine, mixx, netvibes, google buzz and you can add your own!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
JQuery Shuffle Effect Image Slideshow Script
You can shuffle your photo/image around and bring each photo into view using shuffle effect. Creation of beautiful image slideshows is possible with this script. Downloadable, simple and easy to use script.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
JQuery Image Zoom In Zoom Out Effect
Applies zoom in zoom out effect to any number of images on a webpage. Creation of beautiful image slideshow with zoom effect is possible with this script. Downloadable, simple and easy to use script.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
[jQuery Tutorial] Posting Server Side
In this tutorial I will show you how to post to a sever side script using jquery and print the results depending on what is returned.
(0 ratings)
[jQuery Tutorial] Drop Down Menu
In this tutorial I will tech you how to make a simple drop down menu using jQuery's slideToggle() method.
(3 ratings)
jQuery Horizontal and Vertical Content Scroller
Do you want to change the default scroller to yours? Do you want to make an element scrollable? No problem, this tool will help you to accomplish that.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
AJAX PayPal Cart JQuery Plugin
AJAX PayPal Cart is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to add a full function shopping cart in their website. The AJAX cart can included a cart widget which allow display of cart information easily. Support PayPal Website Payment Standard.
(6 ratings)
Nuvu TextRoll jQuery Plugin
Nuvu TextRoll - Create a Rolling Text Effect on any HTML text element. Yet Another jQuery Plugin I wrote, that makes 7 this month. Let me know what you guys think of it. Features: Set the starting font size. Set the grow to size. This will be the max font-size when the letter is animated. Use third party easing(jQuery UI, etc) or simple jQuery easing (swing, linear) Set the speed in which the font-size grows. Set the speed in which the fon-size returns to its original size. Whether to include multi letter animation. Increase the font-size on the next two and previous two adjacent letters when hovering over a letter. Creates more of a rolling effect. Set this option to allow three different color changes, on hover. Works will different typefaces(fonts)
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
ZoomShowcase - A jQuery Banner Rotator
Looking for a different kind of jQuery banner? ZoomShowcase is a unique jQuery Banner that will add a fresh look to your website. It’s built on top of jQuery 1.6.1, and comes with several customizable options.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
jQuery Image Gallery Slideshow with Music
posted byTeaninSlide Shows
Jquery image gallery slideshow can be used as a gallery viewer, or a slideshow for your website or any kind of product viewer. It can be used in full window mode or embedded into smaller div. (instructions and examples included). The HTML5 Audio with Flash audio fallback for older browsers is optional. Flash does not need to be edited (all the data will automatically be generated om HTML ) Unlimited songs supported, random play available. Component can be used without any of the additional elements on the screen. You can remove the menu and use this as a single category gallery / slideshow for your website. Slideshow contols are optional (backward, forward, pause/play, direction) Music is optional. You can use single image per column or multiple ones. Images can be linked. Slideshow speed for both autoslide and manual slide can be adjusted.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Slice Banner Slideshow with Captions
posted byTeaninSlide Shows
The HTML5 doc-type is not necessary for the banner to work on your webpage. Use this sexy and stylish banner slideshow to spice up your website Set image and thumbnails dimensions Set number of columns and rows to split image Set transition settings (speed, easing, distance…) 2 directional movement (left and right) Thumbnail preview included Unlimited captions allowed Captions can be linked Set slideshow delay Pause slideshow on rollover (optional) Circle filling preloader included Slider controls optional (previous, pause/play, next) Thumbnail navigation optional
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Results 361-380 of 492