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Form color picker
With this script you can add a palette color picker in your form and ask users to pick a color. In a text field under the palette you will have the hex code of the selected color.
Useful when you need to ask your users to pick a color i.e. for a background color.
In the example shown there are all web-safe colors.
edit: from June 2005 the form contains grayscale too
(3 ratings)
Webmaster Color Picker
posted bymisterbusterinImage Manipulation
Use this Photoshop-like color picker to help choose colors for your websites, programs or office applications. Displays Decimal, RGB, VB and HTML color codes for each selected color.
(0 ratings)
Flat Color Picker
posted bykerberosb2binForms
Picking colors has never been easier: The Color Picker form control provides your users with a clickable, inline color swatch. Your users only need a mouse and a sense of color coordination to use this control. As a result, non-proficient users are not exposed to the underlying Color coordinate system, whereas proficient users may utilize an easy-to-use input interface for specifying their Colors in a more accurate manner.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Date Picker Bundle
posted bykerberosb2binCollections
The package provides a combination of the Kerberos Date Picker: The Flat / Inline Date Picker and the Popup / Dropdown Date Picker. Both objects are available as JavaScript resources and Dreamweaver Extensions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
* Fully JavaScript
* Automatic input control conversion with a single attribute in the input tag, or using a special id attribute. For example:
<input type "text" name="edit1" id="edit1" datepicker="true">
and that's all!
* Multiple date formats.
* Layered calendar, without annoying pop-up windows.
* Mouse and keyboard navigation.
* Variable first day of week.
* Many config params.
* CSS support.
* GPL License.
Works with Mozilla family and IE.
(42 ratings)
Basic Date Picker
posted bygmacintyreinCalendars
Basic Date Picker Lite is a professional cross-browser ASP.NET calendar web control. This quick loading DHTML calendar enables rapid, error free, date selection without the use of pop-up windows. Save development time and optimize user experience with this highly flexible, customizable ASP.NET control. Implement a range of date selector options quickly and redistribute with your websites and applications for free.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 85.00
Color Picker Pro
posted byjumpeyeinComponents
Color Picker Pro v1 is a professional Macromedia FLASH component that can be used along with your flash movies. Color Picker Pro v1 is designed exclusive for Flash MX2004. Color Picker Pro is a great tool and extremely useful. From the properties panel you can choose the color to begin with, and the visible state of the Color Picker Pro panel. The tool's skin design is very modern and streamlines to integrate into any existing website design. The best feature of color Picker Pro is the ease of functionality.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
My Color Picker
posted byphpguarddoginMiscellaneous
My Color Picker is the premiere color picking tool for ASP.NET web developers. The ease and reusability of MyColorPicker will help to save time and money but you'll never have to sacrifice the design and functionality of your site. You can customize colors, fonts, input boxes, sizes and more all wrapped up in one simple line of code. Inclusion of the code more than once on a single page is no problem. Compatible with today's popular web browsers, comes with FULL SOURCE CODE, NO .dlls to install... It couldn't be easier or more efficent!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
posted byadesinMultimedia
AdesClrPicker is a very easy to use yet powerful color picker application for Web Designers. It allows you to capture colors anywhere on the screen with a single click of the mouse and output it in either HTML or RGB color codes. It can store last 10 captured colors in the memory, last 10 captured colors can be displayed in a floating menu as well, which is draggable for easy positioning. Floating menu is always visible and stays on top of all the other windows.
(34 ratings)
YUI Color Picker
posted byDynamic DriveinVisual Effects
This versatile color picker script is based on Yahoo's excellent UI library, and features a fully interactive, drag and drop interface to visually select the desired color then populating the form field with the correct hex value.
(3 ratings)
Flashvalley color picker
posted bycalweninComponents
The Flashvalley color picker lets you select a color at runtime and apply it to any element on the stage very easily. The selected color is sent as a color value parameter to a function that you define yourself in the parameter window. The color picker can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the stage at runtime.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Advanced Color Picker
posted byalessandroinComponents
It add the advanced color selection panel beside the standard web-safe colors. Moreover you can customize the advanced colors using the "setAdvancedColorsMatrix" method.
(3 ratings)
HBcms Color Picker
posted byhbcms.cominVisual Effects
It's cool: Looks like Microsoft Windows/Office Color Picker. It's simple: Only 1 HTML file ( No additional js,css or images ) .
Easy to use: Just add a javascript onclick event to get to work .
Transfer selected color. DoubleClick to select color. Any number of form fields can use the picker to pick up a color value. It's FREE! Released under LGPL license. Please take a look at the demo,Maybe you'll like it!
(9 ratings)
A Better Color Picker
posted bySpiderWebMasterToolsinMiscellaneous
Free HTML color picker palette JavaScript controls that make it easy for your visitors to fill out color value field(s) by selecting the color from a DHTML or PopUp Window color palette. Allow your visitors to enter a color value into a form field without overloading your pages with extraneous JavaScript code. Six different JavaScript generated color selection controls. Easy to manage, easy to install, and easy to setup JavaScript color picker input controls that will fit any need. Can be attached to any number of existing form fields. All JavaScript enabled browsers supported. Can use DHTML or regular PopUp Windows. Easy setup - no special programming skills required. All scripts are free for any applications. Easy to understand tutorials, sample code, and documentation included.
(502 ratings)
Advanced Color Picker
posted bycodetaleinVisual Effects
Easy to configure, with multiple options to select, it's the ideal tool for the webmasters who need a color picker in their website. Works on IE5+/Firefox/Opera/Safari , so it will cover more than what you need. It'a also very small in size, and CPU friendly, so you don't have to worry about bandwidth or high CPU usage.
(0 ratings)
Javascript Color Picker
posted byhalohaloinDevelopment
Want to build your own color schemer? Or perhaps you have another idea for this plugin? Download the source files!. There are many other nomadic javascript functions on For example, the AJAX Star Rating script, the Sexy Box!, and the universal Drag & Drop.
It�s licenced under Creative Commons, so feel free to use/modify the DHTML Color Picker on your own project. I would love to hear what projects you are using it on.
(0 ratings)
Calendar Date Picker
Easy to set up calendar script that overcomes most of the flaws of existing scripts (like the problem in IE that it gets overlapped by select-boxes).
It works with forms, allowing the user to insert a date through the GUI of the calendar. Automatically marks any existing date that has already been filled in and also marks the current date.
Has a wide range of configurable options like the format of the date, excluding days/dates, range of years that should be shown, debug information, and more.
Except for the html part that embodies the calendar, no other changes are needed to your existing pages!
Appearance is fully customizable through an external stylesheet
(15 ratings)
Color Picker Component
posted bymooniqinComponents
Highly customizable. Compatible with Flash MX 2004, Flash 8 and Flash CS3. Based on Macromedia's V2 Architecture.
The download package contains the component files and usage examples.
(0 ratings)
ACA Color Picker
posted byacasystemsinDevelopment Tools
ACA Color Picker is a color capture software, it pick color value of any screen pixel & display its value in a value of formats such as CMY, Decimal, Hexl, HSB/HSV, HSL, HSL(Win), HTML & RGB. With ACA Color Picker, you can get kinds of color code, just after click serveral times, it's very helpful for web designer, webmaster or programmer. More info:
Main Features of ACA Color Picker:
* Realtime screen preview.
* Alternative access to the windows color dialog.
* Format converts from CMY, Decimal, Hexadecimal, HSB/HSV, HSL, HSL(Windows), HTML and RGB.
* Ouput formats options: Stardard, Bytes, Percentage and Decimal.
* Color picker finds the color of any pixel on the screen.
* Export to the clipboard, auto copy to clipboard.
* Save the color lists to text file and open the color lists from saved file.
* Displays the portion of the screen that mouse is over at to 12x zoom,
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Javascript color picker
posted bygchatsinVisual Effects
Gchats Javascript color picker make it easy for you to let your users select color from a DHTML layer with single click. It's best choice to have multiple color selectors in a page.
(3 ratings)