Results matching for "jquery icon picker"
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Zoomber - Image Zooming jQuery Plugin
posted bycodegrape.cominImage Display
Zoomber is a jQuery image zooming plugin for presenting your images in the highest detail for user.
You can present your products to the customers in better view with Zoomber!
Features: You can add zoom functionality to any image. Touch & rotate support for mobile devices. Configurable magnification level. Built-in original image preloading. Customizable by CSS and plugin options. Very easy installation on your html page. Cross-browser compatible.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Tic Tac Toe Game in jQuery
posted bytansikainGames & Entertainment
Play TIC TAC TOE Game online. Player who succeeds in placing 3 similar marks in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins the game.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Create a Slide-In Panel with jQuery
posted byStevoTVRinMiscellaneous
This tutorial will explain how to create a slide-in panel effect with jQuery. Basically, this means a hidden panel the slides into view when it is triggered by a button or other action. This is often used to display a contact form in a fun way. As it turns out, this is very easy to do.
(0 ratings)
SmartMenu - Responsive jQuery Mega Menu
posted byAthenaStudioinMenus
SmartMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable and responsive jQuery mega menu plugin. It allows you to use multiple menus with different submenus.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
jQuery form plugin and PHP file uploads
posted byolaf2inTutorials, Training & Tips
jQuery and the form plugin are great tools to create Ajax powered contact or feedback forms. This tutorial shows how to use the jQuery form plugin and gives an example how-to create a form including form validation an upload function.
(0 ratings)
jQuery Multi Level Menu Style 11
posted byapycomjqrinNavigation
Multi Level Menus with the unlimited number of submenu levels is a great way to place a lot of information on a page and has been widely used on blogs recently. With jQuery Multi Level Menu you can easily create great looking menu with cool effects for your website. Just select color scheme you like, download the menu, specify item's caption/links and add all menu code on your web page. No design skills, no HTML, JavaScript, CSS, flash coding.
(0 ratings)
jQuery Live Checkbox Inputs With Animation effects
posted bymoustafa_xinForms
Update Records With animation Using Checkboxes inputs without loading the p...
(0 ratings)
Simple Url Shortener using AJAX and jQuery
A URL -shortener shortens long URL ’s to be shorter, just like . Please check the Live Demo to see how it works.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
SIDEWAYS – jQuery fullscreen image gallery
SIDEWAYS image gallery made by implementing of some scripts/tutorials posted on this nalihu blog and some (minor) CSS3. It utilizes the jQuery UI (jQuery User Interface), jQuery Easing by George McGinley Smith and Brandon Aaron jquery mousewheel plugin. Features custom content scrolling, fullscreen images etc.
(0 ratings)
Tonic Gallery - jQuery XML Portfolio Gallery
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
Data management in well structured XML file, which makes it very easy to maintain.
Category Filter.
Pagination included.
Lightbox preview with descriptions.
Flexible configuration.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Javascript to show/hide elements update with jQuery
posted bycirclecubeinAnimation & Effects
Well, check out the code; I hope it’s pretty self explanatory and you can see it in action. I always have to see things work to understand them and learn from them.
(0 ratings)
JQuery Fade In/Fade Out Effect Script
posted byexamsindiainAnimation & Effects
JQuery slideshow script that shows images with a fade in/out effect. The effect can be applied to any number of images, text, or link.
(0 ratings)
3D Carousel - Advanced jQuery Carousel
supports both HTML markup and XML
multiple scrolling types: mouse move, mouse drag, mouse wheel, item click, scrollbar
auto scroll supported
fully customizable
add links and tooltips to each image
multiple carousels on the same page
public methods which allow you to control the carousel using outside input (e.g. scrollToItem(3), scrollToNext(), stopMouseScroll() etc.)
callback functions
multiple scale modes: resize, maintainAspectRatio, crop
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
jQuery Drag Expose | Draggable Image Gallery
If you prefer, auto-sliding and two arrow buttons can facilitate your gallery slideshow.
Zoom them with a simple click or redirect to another page!
Zooming can be stopped at any time by clicking it during animation.
You can simply configure it thanks to the XML configuration and XML code generator!
Fits to any thumbnail size and supports from 4 to infinite images!
Three different alignment types!
Easy to include in a page!
It’s possible to place one of them in any of your websites pages.
Well commented code allows you to simply customize the source too.
Two versions of the plugin available, normal and minified for better performance.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Wall/Grid Gallery (jQuery Plugin / XML)
Unlimited amount of images can be displayed.
Browse the gallery using the mouse or a scroll.
Add unlimited number of galleries on your web-page.
Completely resizable. The gallery can be fit the browser’s window and resize accordingly.
XML driven content.
You can change background color, image and transparency.
You can change thumbnail size, border, spacing, transparency, ...
You can change picture size, background, border, spacing, transparency, ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
jQuery Two Tier Sliding Menu Plugin
posted byScriptDirinNavigation
It supports only two levels of nested HTML lists (in other words, one main list and one child list for each main item, the most). It allows to initially open the menu at a ceratin item and, optionally, have it close all the other opened items upon opening an item.
powered by jQuery
easily resizable
PSD with slices included
simple HTML
clean design
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
jQuery Infinite Sliding Menu Plugin 1
posted byScriptDirinNavigation
It allows to initially open the menu at any category item and it automatically resizes its height.
Powered by jQuery.
Easily resizable.
PSD with slices included.
Unlimited number of nested lists.
Clean design.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery iNav - Products Showcasing Navigation
posted byScriptDirinNavigation
Inspired by Apple products navigation, iNav can introduce in your website a very powerful javascript navigation!
iNav support all version of jQuery from 1.2.6 up.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
PHP Contact Form with Captcha and jQuery Validation
posted byninjaofwebinForm Processors
This tool allows you to add a contact form with a captcha protection to keep the spam away and validates the form before submission. It's an AJAX contact form so you won't leave the page on submit.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
TextFX - A jQuery Text Animation Tool
posted bycrackerjckinAnimation & Effects
TextFX is a jQuery text animation tool for animating a single line of text. It is built for easy usage, but also lends itself nicely to more advanced coders with it’s flexible script.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00