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Results 41-60 of 492
Basic Date Picker
Basic Date Picker Lite is a professional cross-browser ASP.NET calendar web control. This quick loading DHTML calendar enables rapid, error free, date selection without the use of pop-up windows. Save development time and optimize user experience with this highly flexible, customizable ASP.NET control. Implement a range of date selector options quickly and redistribute with your websites and applications for free.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 85.00
Color Picker Pro
Color Picker Pro v1 is a professional Macromedia FLASH component that can be used along with your flash movies. Color Picker Pro v1 is designed exclusive for Flash MX2004. Color Picker Pro is a great tool and extremely useful. From the properties panel you can choose the color to begin with, and the visible state of the Color Picker Pro panel. The tool's skin design is very modern and streamlines to integrate into any existing website design. The best feature of color Picker Pro is the ease of functionality.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
My Color Picker
My Color Picker is the premiere color picking tool for ASP.NET web developers. The ease and reusability of MyColorPicker will help to save time and money but you'll never have to sacrifice the design and functionality of your site. You can customize colors, fonts, input boxes, sizes and more all wrapped up in one simple line of code. Inclusion of the code more than once on a single page is no problem. Compatible with today's popular web browsers, comes with FULL SOURCE CODE, NO .dlls to install... It couldn't be easier or more efficent!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
posted byadesinMultimedia
AdesClrPicker is a very easy to use yet powerful color picker application for Web Designers. It allows you to capture colors anywhere on the screen with a single click of the mouse and output it in either HTML or RGB color codes. It can store last 10 captured colors in the memory, last 10 captured colors can be displayed in a floating menu as well, which is draggable for easy positioning. Floating menu is always visible and stays on top of all the other windows.
(34 ratings)
YUI Color Picker
This versatile color picker script is based on Yahoo's excellent UI library, and features a fully interactive, drag and drop interface to visually select the desired color then populating the form field with the correct hex value.
(3 ratings)
Flashvalley color picker
posted bycalweninComponents
The Flashvalley color picker lets you select a color at runtime and apply it to any element on the stage very easily. The selected color is sent as a color value parameter to a function that you define yourself in the parameter window. The color picker can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the stage at runtime.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Advanced Color Picker
It add the advanced color selection panel beside the standard web-safe colors. Moreover you can customize the advanced colors using the "setAdvancedColorsMatrix" method.
(3 ratings)
HBcms Color Picker
It's cool: Looks like Microsoft Windows/Office Color Picker. It's simple: Only 1 HTML file ( No additional js,css or images ) . Easy to use: Just add a javascript onclick event to get to work . Features: Transfer selected color. DoubleClick to select color. Any number of form fields can use the picker to pick up a color value. It's FREE! Released under LGPL license. Please take a look at the demo,Maybe you'll like it!
(9 ratings)
AddressPicker Plugin Whith JQuery
When creating websites, we very often ask a user to insert his personal details including a mailing address. This time, rather than using a conventional field, we will use a widget called jQuery UI jQuery address picker.
(0 ratings)
ASP.Net Color Picker
Simple C# / ASP.Net Color Picker using the and . Very easy to use. Feel free to use it in your projects.
(6 ratings)
YUIAspNet ColorPicker
A rich visual interface for color selection, based on Yahoo! UI Library Color Picker Control, similar to the windows color picker.
(0 ratings)
Color Picker V3
Check out the new Color Picker V3 component from Jumpeye and its wide range of features like easy skin implementation, color picking from any source (stage, custom target_mc, color palette only), fixed and floating color picker panels, component can be configured using XML, full visual customization (the default interface theme is also available in fla format for customization purpose). Color Picker Pro V3 is not compatible with AS3.0. However, once the AS3.0 version will be released, all AS2.0 V3 clients will receive a FREE upgrade from AS2.0 to AS3.0 for their Color Picker V3.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.97
Nice Date Picker Component
Package includes: FLA Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3 AS Version: ActionScript 2.0 Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and above This is an reuslable component . Just drag and drop to use. To get the value from this component just use the code " componentname.txt_date.te xt".
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Javascript Calendar Date Picker
posted bysupportinCalendars
Transform your input text control into a date-picker control. JavaScript Calendar Date Picker control makes it easy to fill out the date/time fields for the website users by selecting the date and time from a popup calendar. Save development time and optimize user experience without the use of pop-up windows with this intuitive, easy to use cross-browser client-side date input control. Download our free trial Calendar Date Picker and add a fully featured calendar date picker into your web application within minutes, or less. Calendar Date Picker is a ready to use product. All you'll need is just to add the date picker into your web application and it will work. No configuration is needed. It also gives you all the ability you need for developing the most complex modules.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Ajax Sliding Date-Picker
Sliding Date-Picker enables you to pick dates with a simple slider bar. By dragging the bar over the time-line, the dates change instantly. Besides this, when the user decides to manually change the dates, the bar is automatically adjusted to the corresponding dates. Sliding Date-Picker is based on Prototype/Scriptaculous, but now combined with the DateJs library as well. It has been tested it in Firefox 2.x and IE6+ and it is licensed under the GPL license.
(3 ratings)
AS3 Date Picker
This date chooser is a welcome adition to your project. There are tons of ways you could use this, it\'s all up to you. It has two skins (a black and a white one). It\'s very easy to use and implement, written in neat Actionscript 3.0 code. Settings you can change in the XML : - date chooser opened when loaded on/off - initial selected date - button colors (normal, mouseover, selected) - window X axis initial and final positions - window Y axis initial and final position - animation time - animation type (ex. linear, bounce etc.) Enjoy this new release from Oxylus Flash.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Javascript Date Picker control
The jscDatePicker control provides an interactive calendar control to help users in selecting dates. The control can then be tied to form fields to update or call custom functions.
(0 ratings)
Contact Lenses Color Picker
Very useful for many websites including the website which sells contact lenses and their solutions, also for make up and beauty websites. Also you can use the vector drawn eye for your flash work.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.00
JS Date Range Picker
This package can let the user pick a range between two dates. It can be used to present two form inputs that let the user choose dates using calendar pull down menus. The dates may be validated so the range end date is not set to a day before the range start date. The format of the dates and the week start day are configurable parameters. The picked dates are returned in the ISO-8601 extended format.
(0 ratings)
deloittes.NET DatePicker
posted byryaninCalendars
The deloittes.NET DatePicker does not occupy any screen space and is only displayed once the drop down image is clicked. Requires no postbacks for navigating months / years. The control will integrate seamlessly into your the VS.NET toolbox.
(6 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 492