Results matching for "jquery icon picker"
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XQTO Date Picker
posted byqtohotscriptsinCalendars
Simple to install and at only 8K in size it adds much less weight to your page than most other date pickers.
(0 ratings)
Flash Color Picker
posted byflasher3015inComponents
Color Picker component is a simple color picker that you can use in your projects. It is very easy to use. It has only two parameters that control the align of the large panel and the color. The component has one event that is fired whenever the color is changed. This event has two parameters : old color and new color. Just drag&drop and use it anywhere you want.
(0 ratings)
Color Picker Component
posted bycodeloaded.cominComponents
Introduction: This component is very easy to use. The only thing you wil have to do to use it is to drag and drop it from the component panel. The color picker can be used instantly. Features:
Drag and drop, Very easy to use
Requirements: The component is compatible wifth Flash MX, Flash MX 2004, Flash 8 and Flash CS3.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Bitmap color picker
posted byflashcompinFla Archives
Choose a color, move your mouse over it and click.
You will get the color code !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
DW Date Picker
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinCalendars
DW Date Picker is a Dreamweaver extension that allows to insert a Date Picker Calendar into a form on a webpage, including restrictions and rules for the selectable dates. The installation and setup are very simple and 100% visual, it's 100% Javascript made, which allows it to work in any browser and can be used with any server side script.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
AS Customizable Color Picker
posted bybiggysmithinFla Archives
A fully customizable color picker. Easy to use, drop and drag. Small size.
Simple to alter and customize as all settings can be changed via parameters.
Gird Size,
Color Box Size,
Box Positioning,
Box Color,
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Javascript Colour Picker
posted byAdvanceByDesigninMiscellaneous
Want to interactively allow your website users to select a colour? The jscColourPicker control allows colour selection quickly by providing the option to choose the red, green, and blue levels, the hex value, or simply dragging the colour bars to create the desired colour!
The Colour Picker object can automatically execute your desired code after the user selects a colour, and the reg, green, and blue, or even hex colour value can be obtained from the Colour Picker object class.
(0 ratings)
Worldwide City Picker
The Worldwide CityPicker is a city selection form control that integrates the most up-to-date city information into a reusable JavaScript component.
Selecting a location or address in a web form is something we've all done hundreds of times. Almost every form that requires an address accomplishes this using the same clunky dropdown and text web form controls. At JaxCore, we thought there had to be a better way, and we think we've done it.
How Did We Do It?
We have organized and condensed a list of every country, state/province, and city in the entire world -- over 2.5 million of them -- and brought that incredible amount of information to your fingertips using the new JaxCore ComboBox JavaScript Component.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.99
AddressPicker Plugin Whith JQuery
posted byadda31inDevelopment
When creating websites, we very often ask a user to insert his personal details including a mailing address.
This time, rather than using a conventional field, we will use a widget called jQuery UI jQuery address picker.
(0 ratings)
JS Date Range Picker
posted byharekoinDate & Time
This package can let the user pick a range between two dates.
It can be used to present two form inputs that let the user choose dates using calendar pull down menus.
The dates may be validated so the range end date is not set to a day before the range start date.
The format of the dates and the week start day are configurable parameters. The picked dates are returned in the ISO-8601 extended format.
(0 ratings)
Bs_DatePicker Widget
posted byhotscripts.cominCalendars
The DatePicker lets users easily select valid dates.
No need to worry about date formats, by picking dates it's always correct.
See the website for screenshots and examples.
Browsing through the years is possible.
No unix-like date limit (works with pre-1970 dates).
Choose from us, european or iso-date format.
Customize the look and feel.
Can be used with time too.
Multilingual (currently en/de/fr, create your own lang file).
Supports skins.
Allowed date ranges can be allowed.
Lots of settings and API methods.
(3 ratings)
deloittes.NET ColorPicker
posted byryaninMiscellaneous
The deloittes.NET ColorPicker is an ASP.NET Server Control for adding visual color selection to your web forms by simply dragging the control from your VisualStudio.NET ToolBox.
The control offers support for ASP.NET events, viewstate and postbacks and is compatible with a variety of web browsers such as IE 4+, Opera and Netscape 6+.
You can customize the look and style of the color picker to fit within any style web form using the built-in properties of the control. The code is completely self-contained no external script files are required and you can include multiple copies of the control on a single page.
(0 ratings)
deloittes.NET DatePicker
The deloittes.NET DatePicker does not occupy any screen space and is only displayed once the drop down image is clicked. Requires no postbacks for navigating months / years. The control will integrate seamlessly into your the VS.NET toolbox.
(6 ratings)
My Date Time Picker
A customizable date time picker that able to output date/time into a specified textbox. Date formats available are dd/MM/yyyy, dd/MMM/yyyy, MM/dd/yyyy, MM/dd/yyyy, yyyy/MM/dd and yyyy/MMM/dd. Time format can be in 12 hour or 24 hour format. Typical output value such as 25-Dec-2003 11:46AM
(15 ratings)
Visual Color-Picker for Webdesigners
posted bypeter24funinSoftware
Color-Picker 1.3 simplifies the color-selection for font-colors and background-colors. Use drag-technology, hexadecimal values or RGB-values to determine the most eyecatching color-combinations for your webpages. Internet Explorer 5x/6x.
(9 ratings)
obout Calendar and Date Picker
Sliding calendar with unlimited number of months to display at the same time. Has date picker mode. Includes many ready-to-use styles that can be switched with one property or easily create your own. Very easy to localize. Easy to use inside a grid.
(9 ratings)
WISIWYG color picker and matcher
Let the user pick three colors from a web-safe color table and match them.
Useful when using a non-WISIWYG editor (like php-based web editors)
(0 ratings)
SparrowScripts Color Picker
posted byaxelanceinVisual Effects
The SparrowScripts Color Picker allows your user to pick a color and populate the text box with the corresponding color code, or color name (for named color palette).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
EJ3 ColorPicker
posted byej3inVisual Effects
EJ3 ColorPicker is a advanced color-selector to use in HTML forms that try to emulate color-picker tools of programs like PhotoShop or PaintShop.
EJ3 ColorPicker was developed using JavaScript and is fully compatible with a wide range of web browsers like Internet Explorer and FireFox.
(0 ratings)
Flash Color Picker Ultimate
posted byemotionraysinComponents
Color Picker Ultimate for Macromedia FLASH 8 is a professional component that can be easily used in the wide variety of applications, such as online postcard designers, image editors and so on. Unlike many other color pickers, it was created to be as close as possible to the color picker window from Microsoft Windows, that is familiar to many computer users. Color Picker Ultimate is HIGHLY customizable and EXTREMELY easy to use. It is provided with complete, easy to follow, documentation and sample code. The Color Picker Ultimate is not for Macromedia Flash MX and earlier versions, since it requires all the unique features of Macromedia Flash 8 to operate.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95