Top Rated Scripts | Java
Zmei Advanced Slide Show
posted bypgelevinSlide Shows
Slideshow java applet with skin,unlimited number of images,on-off button,previows-next buttons,play-stop buttons and totaly free.
posted byocolettoinDevelopment Tools
It allows accessing Oracle Databases, with NO code writing, utilizing a three steps simple wizard.
JspGenerator is a powerful code generator that helps web developers and non-programmers create database-driven web applications in a matter of hours. You may use it to easily create any types of web forms and grids, such us User Registration Form for the web site or an Event List, or you may generate full-featured Employee Directories, Forums and Task Management Systems up to advanced Online Auctions, Stores, Portals and Intranets. JspGenerator produces a consistent look and layout across several pages, thanks to its facility to save layout configurations (Like templates) you can re-use, as many times you need.
Additionally at design time you can choose colours, backgrounds, logos, etc on an easy way. Really you will appreciate this tool.
Drawing Pad in Java
posted bymsaqibinIntroduction to Java
A simple Drawing Pad on which the user can draw some lines and shapes by using the mouse.
Java TreeView tListe
tListe is a nice and fast TreeView Java Applet. The applet's size is very small (between 12 and 25 Ko). tListe runs on all browsers with JDK 1.02 support. It features multi-font support, text alerts, unlimited images, status bar message, and much more. Source code and detail instructions available on the site.
Newsticker Java Applet
Newsticker is a text based news ticker Java applet that allows you to scroll text horizontally. Configurable parameters include: background color, font face, size, hyperlink, scrolling delay, speed, and more.
Java and XML
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Java and XML share many features that are ideal for building Web-based enterprise applications, such as platform-independence, extensibility, reusability, global language (Unicode) support, and both are based on industry standards. Together Java and XML allow enterprises to simplify and lower cost of information sharing and data exchange. Java and XML shows you how to put the two together, building real-world applications in which both the code and the data are truly portable. This book covers: The basics of XML, Using standard Java APIs to parse XML, Designing new document types using DTDs and Schemas, Writing programs that generate XML data, Transforming XML into different forms using XSL transformations (XSL/T), XML-RPC, Using a web publishing framework like Apache-Cocoon, and XML as a configuration language.
Charts and Graphs Bean
posted byinquiryinGraphs & Charts
This is a small footprint graphing bean for creating XY graphs from Cartesian coordinates.
Swing's new Spinner component
This new column offers a glimpse into the new Java 1.4 release, starting with the new jSpinner component of Swing, which lets users easily select a date, number, or choice from a pick list. Article includes code snipets.
Dynamic Web-based data access using JSP and JDBC technologies
posted bykwigintinDatabase-Related
This article discusses using the JSP and JDBC technologies to integrate static, dynamic, and database content in Web sites. For the purposes of simplicity and illustration, the JSP pages here use short scriptlets to expose the JSP developer to the underlying JDBC concepts instead of hiding them in custom tags. The author introduces a key design approach that integrates JavaBeans components with JDBC, similar to the way that JavaServer Pages technology already uses beans with HTTP. He also provides code for implementing this integration.
Exploiting ThreadLocal to enhance scalability
posted bykwigintinDevelopment
The ThreadLocal class appeared with little fanfare in version 1.2 of the Java platform. While support for thread-local variables has long been a part of many threading facilities, such as the Posix pthreads facility, the initial design of the Java Threads API lacked this useful feature. Further, the initial implementation was quite inefficient. For these reasons, ThreadLocal gets relatively little attention, but it can be very handy for simplifying the development of thread-safe concurrent programs. This article examines ThreadLocal and offers tips for exploiting its power.
Thumbnail Slide Show
posted byioncheninSlide Shows
Display all your images in a thumbnail image configurable to any size allowing the viewer to choose which image he/she would like view.
PriceUSD 18.00
Code Beach
Guide to free and open source code and tutorials for ASP, C++, C#, ColdFusion, Java, JavaScript, Palm, Perl, PHP, Pocket PC, Python, and Visual Basic.
Advanced Floating Pop-Up Menu
posted bypatrickinMenu Systems
Make a professional menu for your site with the Advanced Floating Pop-Up Menu. Menus can pop up over HTML content, frames and even go over the browser window. The Advanced Menu can even execute javascript functions. Features: Unlimited Buttons and Sub Menu's; Button and Menu data can be supplied either from html parameters or text file;
Triple State Buttons; Configurable Mouse Over and Mouse Click effects; Full url support including window naming and frame targets, ideal for frames environments; Javascript support; Sound Support; Unlimited Icon images; Adjustable Background Colors and Images. Extensive Documentation giving both a Quick Start section and an in depth explanation of every feature. Source Code also available.
Advanced AWT Pop-Up Side Menu Bar Applet
posted bypatrickinMenu Systems
An advanced AWT Pop-Up & drop down side menu bar to make a professional java web menu bar for your site. Menus can pop up over HTML content, frames and even go over the browser window. The Advanced AWT Pop-Up Side Menu Bar can even execute javascript functions. Source code also available
Extensive Documentation giving both a Quick Start section and an in depth explanation of every feature. Advanced yet both Easy and Quick to implement. No knowledge of java programming is required. Source Code also available.
Rutil Tag Library
posted bydelchevinDatabase Tools
Rutil Tag Library helps you in time-consuming work for creation data input forms, reports and all conventional needs of JSP developers - upload and download, mail processing, etc. The current version includes source code, examples and demo Forum project.
posted byrblinImage Display
jspImage is an JSP component to dynamically create an image on the server. This component supports JPEG, GIF and PNG format
Aqua Data Studio
posted byJohnLHinDatabase Tools
Aqua Data Studio is a SQL editor and developer tool that allows developers to easily create edit and execute SQL scripts as well as browse database structures. Aqua Data Studio provides an integrated database environment with a single consistent inferface to all major relational databases. This allows the DBA or developer to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously from one application.
Price 149.00
WireFusion SlideShow
posted byinfoinSlide Show
This WireFusion add-on makes it easy to create a slide show for your web site from a series of images. 16 transition effects are available, for example a 3D liquid effect and one where an image is folded into an airplane and flies away.
iTree Pro-XQ Powertree
posted byhotscriptsinFile Management
This is an "Explorer" style file manager tree that is cross-platform and designed to display in browsers as part of a web application. Numerous facilities are provided for editing and managing contents drawn from databases. This programme/applet is primarily designed for integration with your own in-house scripts and web application, so it has numerous "hook-in" features for communicating with your application and visually dovetailing with it.
2D/3D Area Graph Software
posted bypatrickinGraphs & Charts
2D / 3D Area Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of area graphs into web pages. Versatile components enable web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic and interactive area graphs.