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Top Rated Scripts | Java

Results 721-740 of 1000
WebPop Servlet
WebPop is a Java servlet that allows you to read your mail box. This servlet supports Post Office Protocol (POP).
(9 ratings)
posted bykrysheninClocks
Originally designed clock applet. Customizable font and colors.
(9 ratings)
JavaLayer is a Java and open source MP3 (MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1,2,3) decoder library. It's an open source project. It provides a REAL TIME decoder, a MP3toWAV converter, a simple and an advanced Player. Player supports HTTP (Shoutcast, IceCast) streaming.
(12 ratings)
WmlMail Servlet
This Java servlet allows you to send email from WAP phone or any another PDA supports WML. It uses a text-based template file for mail settings including address of your smtp relay, smtp port, domain and contents of the letter. Appropriate WML form will be composed dynamically according to settings in the template file.
(18 ratings)
Advanced Menu Bar
Advanced Menu Bar is a Java applet that allows you to make a professional menu for your site. Menus can pop up over HTML content, frames and even go over the browser window. The Advanced Menu Bar can even execute javascript functions. Features: Unlimited Buttons and Sub Menu's, Button and Menu data can be supplied either from html parameters or text file, Triple State Buttons, Configurable Mouse Over and Mouse Click effects, Full url support including window naming and frame targets - ideal for frames environments, Javascript support, Unlimited Icon images, and Adjustable Background Colors and Images. Extensive Documentation giving both a Quick Start section and an in depth explanation of every feature. Now inlcudes Sound support: Add sound effects to all menu events, menu open/close, button click etc. Source Code also available.
(6 ratings)
MBH Indent Tag
The MBH Group Indent Tag is an ideal solution to indenting and tabbing in html. By using this simple tag, you can eliminate multiple nbsp; calls. Tab width and the number of tabs applied is quickly configured. By wrapping your text with this tag, entire portions of content may be quickly indented, eliminating the need for blockquote.
(3 ratings)
Java File Integrity Checking - ChkSum
A similar to Tripwire, file system integrity checking tool but develop in java and cross platform. This tools checking and source control using check sum algorithm like MD5, SHA and CRC. It provide generate current file integiry checksum record to compare.
(3 ratings)
SoftAspects WebGalileo Components
The library allows to rapidly assemble dynamic server pages(JSP and others) with the help of highly customizable server-client side components. A developer can concentrate efforts on an implementation of a business process and not on complex user interface aspects. Components are : TabbedPanel,Toolbar,Menu,Tree,Table.
(3 ratings)
FindinSite-JS Java Servlet website search engine
FindinSite-JS is a Search engine for web sites that consist of HTML, PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT and TXT files. Keep your search engine up to date - schedule FindinSite-JS to index your web site or intranet regularly, with a report emailed automatically. Administrators can then feel assured that their search engine is up to date with everyone's changes. The search screens are automatically shown in the user's preferred language. 15 Western and Asian languages are supported. The FindinSite-JS output can be customised using template files and variables. Search words in web pages can be highlighted. FindinSite-JS is a Java servlet Web Application that is easy to deploy in any Java servlet engine or application server. FindinSite-JS has been tested in Apache Tomcat and JServ, BEA WebLogic Server, Borland Enterprise Server, IBM WebSphere, Macromedia JRun, Sun Java System Web Server and Sun Java System Application Server.
(3 ratings)
Online Polls From Software Downloaded Directly From Wyka-Warcheza
Are you looking to get reliable feedback on your web site? Or maybe you want to poll opinions of the general public for research purposes? Either way, you can now take reliable online polls with Java ABPollMaster. ABPollMaster will help you to create professional looking and easy to use polls so that you can be confident you are getting consistent statistics. But it doesn't just stop at online polls, you can even make your very own surveys, qui
(3 ratings)
XML generation with JAVA
posted byebspinXML & Java
XML developers used to rely on XML parsers to read XML files. They also used to rely on XML processors to transform XML to *ML (HTML, XML, etc.). However, most of them forget these tools to generate XML from scratch. They should not. This article presents code samples for generating XML with JAVA/JAXP.
(12 ratings)
This Java Applet is based on the california lottery of picking six numbers from 1 through 53. The selection of the numbers is purely random without any duplicate checking. most of the time it will generate unique numbers but occassionally some duplicates will show up.
(6 ratings)
How to Install and Use NetBeans for Java Development
In this guide, I will try to explain you how you can run examples for J2EE tutorials. There are many ways you can do this, here we will be using the examples in NetBeans IDE which is one of the most powerful open source Java integrated development environments available.
(6 ratings)
Coldjava provides a largest collection of Java Servlets over the Net. Offers JSP taglibs, development tools for JSP/Servlets developers, WAP development tools, and more.
(15 ratings)
eForum is Java-server based software that enables geographically distant participants to share ideas and enhance teamwork via the Web. It allows project moderators to manage feedback and project discussions. Users can subscribe to groups with email notifications - where each new message is emailed to the subscriber. With messages stored in a database, and classified by topic, it is capable of building a powerful knowledge base. This is an ideal project to tie into the Search Engine component to quickly find information need by searching by keywords, topics, titles, authors� names, descriptions and other criteria. Based on the popular shared standard Expresso Framework.
(6 ratings)
Given parameters in a simple XML file, this listview presents columns of data fetched from any SQL database that may be scrolled or sorted by the user. The listview will transfer fields back to the calling page either by populating fields on a form, or through a querystring. The listview is presented to the client as standard HTML and JavaScript.
(6 ratings)
pdf-Recover Professional
pdf-Recover Professional is the leading software solution to decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which have "master" password set. If you can�t remember your passwords, pdf-Recover Professional will allow to reset encrypted files and set new document to properties.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM
opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM is an integrated Java enterprise application that offers ERP, CRM< accounting, ecommerce, Point Of Sales, warehouse, inventory, manufacturing, and supply chain management. It is ideal for retail, distribution, and manufacturing companies looking to streamline and bring together all aspects of their operations. It can be used "out of box" or modified to fit the exact needs of the company. opentaps is compatible with all major databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server and can be deployed on Windows, Linux, and Unix servers. opentaps is free software and can be downloaded and modified without charge by users. Sequoia Open Source ERP is open source, which means that it is free to download, use, and modify under the open source MIT Public License.
(6 ratings)
NavBar Deluxe
This is a navigation menu bar Java applet. It displays the selection bar with a pre-defined set of links when placing a mouse over a link, and highlights each link as you move your mouse around.
(3 ratings)
SQLServlet provides an easy way to access your database using HTML-forms. It features: Can keep the connection "alive" between the application and the database, Dynamically generate HTML-tables from the result-set, Create forms for inserts and updates, Replace the values in the querystring by formvariables, Does not require the creation of a new process for each request, Only need to be loaded once, and Runs on any platform that supports the Java Virtual Machine. It requires ODBC Driver or a pure JDBC driver for your database.
(3 ratings)
Results 721-740 of 1000