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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 681-700 of 1000
EP-Dev Counter
posted bypatiekinCounters
EP-Dev is one the most option-packed counters on the internet. Online Visitors/Daily Visitors/Total Visitors/Total Hits counting. Both file and mysql databases supported. Easy-edit counter display file. Automatic Database Trimming (file & mysql). Configurable Online Time, Auto Archive Option, Hit Offset Feature, notation format (none/english/french), Graphical or Text, configurable Number Length, IP Ignore/block, hide counter option, time offset, and statistic viewing (averages, stats, graphs).
(334 ratings)
PHP Check Palindrome
This PHP script checks a string against it's reversed self to determine if it's a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward and forward. For example: Go deliver a dare, vile dog! Hint: Type "tacocat" in the demo and enjoy! :)
(33 ratings)
Network Management Tool - Web Based
Manage your network with a free network management application. An organized way to manage your network. 100% web-based network management, all categories and types are setup and managed with the web interface. Very easy to setup with PHP and MySQL. Manage your network devices, routers, switches, firewalls, hubs, and more.
(27 ratings)
Quick.Cart - free and simple to use shopping cart
Free, simple to use and easy to modify shopping cart script. Minimal requirements: PHP 5.2 +, 2 MB disk space and 5 free minutes to install! Doesn't need MySQL or any changes in Apache. Users value it for its great Google results, its very good performance, compliance with many standards (HTML 5, WAI and CSS) and its technical support. Its other important qualities are: easy modification of HTML and PHP, jQuery, WYSIWYG editor, no unnecessary options, mobile version and most importantly it's still evolving for over 10 years.
(2686 ratings)
EP-Dev Whois
posted bypatiekinWhois
This whois script will act as an ordinary whois script, returning whois information natively on about 200 different extensions with the ability to add more. It also acts as a whois script for registrars who can pass available domains into a billing system for customers to order. These two modes contain a multitude of features: price table, automatic alternative domain searches, ability to pass the full domain and/or extension (tld) to another script, backup nameservers, domain search logging, multiple extension (tld) and domain searches at one time, query limit bypass, custom keyword and query formats for each nameserver, enable/disable nameservers and/or extensions, custom currency support, Internationalized Domains (IDN) support, contact querying support, image verification, whois protection, query caching, and much more. All of the configuration can be edited from within control panel. Template driven and easy for one to edit almost every element of the display to fit any website.
(581 ratings)
aMember is a flexible membership software with full-featured subscription management. It has support for PayPal, 2Checkout, ccBill, Clickbank, Authorize.net, WorldPay, LinkPoint, NoChex and other payment systems (50+ payment systems currently supported), and allows you to setup paid-membership areas on your site. It offers unique protection methods to setup HTML login forms (no annoying login popups!) for any type of content. aMember Pro can be used without any payment system - you can manage users manually. It allows you to create different subscription types with different prices, periods and access permissions. Integrated with Joomla, vBulletin, InvisionBoard and 50+ other third-party scripts. Free trial available, free installation and initial configuration is included into the product price.
(389 ratings)
With OurWebFTP at your website you can provide web based FTP access to any FTP server for your users, customers, or just anyone.
(72 ratings)
Form2Excel and Mail
Form2Excel allows sending every field of a form filled by a user, into an Excel file formatted as CSV and all the form data is sent also into an email... even the uploaded files!. This product is available as Dreamweaver extension form MX and later versions, so you can insert and use it without requiring hand coding or advanced skills. This way you can check and manage easily the data from your web site forms using Excel. The uploaded files will be saved into a folder on your web site and Form2Excel will include a reference from the CSV file to the uploaded files. The uploaded files will be also included as attachments into the email. No advanced configuration required, the fields from the form are identified automatically. Additional info is identified automatically and saved into the Excel file: country, IP, browser, useragent, server time and referrer.
(44 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Chameleon Multimedia Community Script
Tired of social and dating scripts which only create more and more clones all over the web? You think that a free solution downloaded by everyone on the web can create a unique site, interesting for your site members? They complain that your site is dull and uninteresting? And what is even more sad they do not want to pay for the membership? Well they will have, no, they will be happy to pay for the membership from now on. Try Chameleon! It has no analogs. It is being created for 9 years. It is unique and it can be yours within several clicks of the mouse! Music, Flash Profile, Places, Geo Social Networking, Blogs, Videos, Games, Voip Phone, Video Chat, Second Life 3D City, 3D Chat, Instant Messenger, Flash Chat, RSS Feeds, Profile Comments, Pics, Forum, Friend Listing Module, Flash Postcards, and about 3000 other unique features! Chameleon is just a community and dating site software like Ferrari is just a car for driving to work. Change colors! Try Chameleon!
(29 ratings)
PriceUSD 597.00
fastpublish CMS
PHP Content management system which enables easy design adjustment, fast publishing and easy to use. A crossbrowser Wysiwyg editor is integrated. The sponsored edition (fastpublish CMS light) is free of costs and you can use it for commercial purposes as well. Professional users can take part of the fastpublish advertising network. Try out the 60 seconds check of the demo.
(24 ratings)
iScripts SocialWare Social Networking Portal Script
Use iScripts Socialware, customizable social networking engine script to create your own online social community portal in minutes. This feature packed open source script allows you to create social networking sites in minutes. easy to monetize your portal using ads or built in virtual gift store. Key Features include: * Easy to change design templates * Web chat *Message boards * Photo gallery * Blogs * CSS Powered Templates * Detailed classified * Fully editable profiles for your users * *Theme Manager For Users * Groups* Events * Ratings and more.. ** Build your own facebook, myspace or orkut like community today. Supports free and paid memebership plans, tiered module support, activity points, Leader board etc.. Includes 30+ theme templates in the base product
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 147.00
Flat(file) PHP Website Engine
FPWE is a website engine that uses the directory structure for menue-creating, if you have a new page, just give it a good name and upload it to the apropiate directory. The Menu-Topics are generated from directories, the Menu-Links are generated from the filenames beneath. All configuration is done in one flat configfile and the names of the directories and files. File-Editor, -Uploader and a Photoalbum are included
(12 ratings)
SPIP's benefit consists in... - managing a magazine type site, i.e. made up mainly of articles and news items inserted in an arborescence of sections nested in each others. See the complete list of SPIP's features for more details. - completely separating and distributing three kinds of tasks over various players: the graphic design, the site editorial input through the submission of articles and news items and the site editorial management (which includes organising sections, validating articles submission�). - spare the webmaster and all the participants to the life of the site, a number of tedious aspects of web publishing as well as the need to learn lengthy technical skills. The installation of SPIP is performed step by step through a simple interface and when completed allows you to start creating your sections and articles straight away.
(12 ratings)
Comment Form / Post Feedback Tutorial
Feedback is very valuable to not only the web designers, but to other visitors as well. This tutorial shows you how to create a script that will display comments from users, and allow users to post their own comments. The script is very secure because it converts HTML and Javascript to text. It allows the use of BBCode for user designated formatting. The script is written in PHP, and uses a MySQL table to store all the information. Can be used on an unlimited number of pages. Looks great, but styling can be changed by editing the css in the script. Easy setup.
(12 ratings)
posted byalighieri_minHTTP
Kwik-e-marK is a very simple and easy-to-use benchmark class that lets you test the execution time of your php script. It's very easy to split the code into many parts, which can be marked green or red in the report as a reminder (optimized or not) and even excluded from the total execution time. This tool can both output a simple total execution time or a complete report with comments for every code portion, in a popup that includes a button for script re-execution. Under unix system, the script also outputs the memory used. Visit the official web site for the online user guide.
(12 ratings)
enCode eXplorer
enCode eXplorer is a file browser written in PHP, XHTML and CSS. It displays the list of files in a folder. It was designed to be used in safe mode and so it is kept simple and functional. Uses only a single PHP file so it is very convenient to manage. * Files can be sorted by name, size and editing time * You can move in folders * Design uses CSS. * You can upload files (needs PHP full mode) * Displays the total size of files and the remaining space * You can hide files and folders from the list * XHTML 1.0 Strict
(12 ratings)
A PHP Learning Centre - phpjoint.com
posted byvipincinWeb Sites
This website has been put together with the intention of discussing and learning PHP and related topics. You can find PHP articles, PHP Book reviews, PHP IDE listing, PHP & Ajax articles, PHP-MySql Articles etc in here. We will need to give the developers a place to look for all their PHP doubts, and a place for experts to write about their know how in the language. PHPJoint is the right kind of place for that. This non-profit site setup by a group of Zend Certified PHP Engineers, can serve its purpose only if there is ample support from the PHP community all over the world. So lets join hands in making this a successfull venture.
(12 ratings)
Migration Magic
Migration Magic is a tool specifically developed to help you maintain a test and release environment on your server, without the need for specialist software. The system is ideal for companies and projects of all sizes, eradicates the need for complex and/or expensive alternatives such as SVN and enables you to develop under a test environment with seamless migration on to a live environment.
(10 ratings)
PriceGBP 36.00
Esvon Instant Quote Builder (PC Builder)
Designed to build and price custom computer system configurations on-the-fly but not limited only to this. Allows the client to configure a computer and then make order for computer configuration. Features: Easy to configure; Change prices as desired; Add/remove categories and components easily; Customize appearance with background, font, and table colors; Add HTML/Graphics to the top and bottom of pages; Instant pricing feature; Pure PHP, no MySQL is needed; 100% source code
(8 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
All in one shopping cart software
Uni-ecart an open source free ecommerce software has come up with several features like providing 100% source code, can easily manage the products, with flexible payment method, with attractive design, customizable store front, category wise listing, search option, inbuilt seo, multi level category, cash on delivery, reports, order processing and delivery, etc.
(8 ratings)
PriceUSD 350.00
Results 681-700 of 1000