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Joomla! Drag&Drop component
Drag and Drop component is developed using iGoogle, Netvibes and other popular web sites concept. This Joomla! component enables you to create pages with modular sections that your site visitors can drag and drop in whichever order they wish. With this Drag&Drop component users can do the following: * select the modules they want to show on the page from the predefined list * change a color scheme for the page and modules color on the page. 13 colors are available * manage elements by categories dynamically (if it is applied) * share the information learned from any module on the page to their friends by email. The component includes two templates for drag drop modules. Basic programming skills are required to change them easily. The component is compatible with Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 2.5. Find more features on our site!
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
FlippingBook joomla extension
FlippingBook Joomla! Extension can be used to create a series of books and bind each one to a menu item. The extension has a variety of settings to allow the virtually unlimited personalization of your books, for example by selecting your own background, changing shadow parameters, adding flipping sounds, setting animation speeds, and many other parameters. The default settings offer an ideal balance and would suit most projects.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
vBulletin Chat Module of 123 Flash Chat
It can add a live chat room to vBulletin forum seamlessly, multiple skins and user integrated. A chat room makes vBulletin more interactive, it will boost traffic as well as revenue to your website, and will increase user loyalty. So what the module can add to vBulletin? It adds a chat button which links to a fabulous chat room, server based on Java and clients written in flash or HTML/Ajax, and a visual setting panel, etc.
(6 ratings)
Joomla Flash Uploader
The Joomla Flash Uploader is the Joomla component of the TWG Flash Uploader. You now have the possibility to upload files to your web server the easiest way possible. You simply select the files you want to upload and thats it. No upload HTML form anymore where you have to upload each file individually. You only need Flash 8 or higher installed to use this component. You can upload files in the backend of Joomla AND you can offer this in the front-end for your users as well. You can create upload profiles and assign them to your joomla users. This gives you the possibility to give e.g. every of your users a different upload directory and/or different rights/functions. Uploading was never easier!
(6 ratings)
Customers Who Bought... virtuemart module
This VirtueMart module for Joomla! is the analogue of the famous Amazon.com trick "Customers who bought this also bought... " . The module under the product description displays a range of additional products, encouraging customers to buy more than one item at a time. Features: * 2 types of product statistics can be shown in the module: 1. Real statistics (the products which were really bought together with one of the products from your site or after the sale or delayed purchases made by the same customer but within different orders are displayed in the module). 2. Unreal statistics (if you do not want to wait until the component collects enough statistics, you can add some products to the statistics manually). * Customizable module view (Show tag clouds / price / "Add to cart" button in the module and other options) * The component is compatible with Joomla! 1.0 - 2.5 * It works only with a VirtueMart web store, version up to 2.0! * Find more features on our site!
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
xTechnos Content Slider
xTechnos Content Slider is jFlow base slider. You can add both images and content in the slider, to make it easy a seprate post type is created. Use following code in any php file (of the theme) to install xTechnos Content Slider: $xtn_custom_content = new xtncustom_content(); $xtn_custom_content->my_content_slider();
(4 ratings)
Minify HTML On The Fly
Dynamic Website Compressor - Minify HTML - inline Css - Inline Js on the fly This scripts helps you to mifiy your sites html source code on the fly to single line HTML output. It's very easy to intregrate and compatible any PHP based script(s) for eg:- wordpress, joomla, bbpress, phpfox, expression engine. The compression ( minification ) is 100% safe there is no corruption javascript. Also include protection for pre and textarea tags. There is no modifcation of any type is required. It works on fly, so it will also not modify any thing on your server. Minification of HTML source code is preferred by google's page speed and yahoo's yslow. It help you to improve your sites performance and seo Free life time supports and updates
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Joomla Business Directory
You can create now the professional business directory you've always dreamed of. The clean display combined with sought business directory features make J-BusinessDirectory top of the list. You can create and efficiently manage any type of directory.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.99
PHP Preference Setter
Allows your website visitors to change the font type, size, and background color by adding a cookie. Easy to add more values and to customize.
(3 ratings)
Pc-Nuke! - AdsPlus v2.0 - phpnuke advertising addon
Pc-Nuke! AdsPlus v2.0 -- Its our Latest Advertising Program, check it live on our website, its what we use, just click the Advertising link. Try our newest release AdsPlus v2.0 - Do you want to use Flash, Google script, other type images or scripts in phpnuke. Do you want your customers to upload their own banners. Do you want your customers to automatically send you their information by email. Do you want to be able to use multiple gateway creditcard processers. Do you want to be able to edit the way all your pages look. Do you want to imput your advertising code to run in any location, page, or theme, on your website... with a full administrative section. Well now you can with our newest Advertising program... AdsPlus v2.0 Some new updates include: PCN has added a lot of features like image & banner uploading, for both the customer and admin, the admin can monitor and regulate things better now. The frontside is more friendly to ad clients, members, & potential customers.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
AutoEXP allows you to manage properties in your website in an easy and effective way while using Joomla! or Mambo. This powerful combination enable you to run a autos website and use the most user friendly open source Web Content Management System (CMS) available today. Everyone can create your own independ platform in Internet for car sell by using auto component.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
EXP Templates
Fed up with buying new Templates every time!? Then EXP Templates Component is for you!!!With the aid of this component you can change your site in a couple of minutes. It is not necessary to be a programmer to do it! We made it as easy in use, as it could be! The Templates made by means of this component can work and without a component
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
WS Subscription
WS Subscription is the latest release in the line of advanced phpnuke user management. The subscription module uses PayPal and soon to be release payment modules like 2CheckOut and Google Checkout to protect content. WS Subscription gives more control to the webmaster, maximizing profits with advanced record checking and subscription recovery. Features Full Paypal Recurring Subscription. Create multiple subscription plans. WS Groups for better user management. Ajax user search. Multiple payments (2Checkout and Google checkout NOT included.) Create unlimited coupons. You can set how many times the coupons can be used. Add/Minus time from subscribers. Add/Minus time to all subscribers at once. Recovery subscription if for some reason the user is not returned to the website after payment. Allow new user to signup when subscribing. Send email to member on successfull payment. Much more...
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Fire Board Joomla Forum
Fireboard is a powerful and stylish forum component for a well deserved content management system, Joomla!. ome of the main features of Fireboard can be listed as below : * A much more designer friendly forum system. It is close to SMF templating system having a simpler structure. With very few steps you can modify the total look of the forum. Thanks goes to the great designers in our team. * Unlimited subcategory system with better administration backend. * Faster system and better coding experience for 3rd parties. * The same * Profilebox at the top of the forum * Support for popular PM systems, such as ClexusPM and Uddeim * Basic plugin system (practical rather than perfect) * Language-defined icon system. * Sharing image system of other templates. So, choice between templates and image series is possible * You can add Joomla modules inside the forum template itself. Wanted to have banner inside your forum? * Favorite threads selection and management MUCH MORE...
(3 ratings)
JoomlaShopBuilder Datafeed Import for Shareasale
Import datafeeds directly from Shareasale to your website. Add merchant products directly into your Joomla content or use the popular Virtuemart extension as a product showcase. In just a few clicks you can add thousands of products. Instead of making pennies per click for advertising products, make real commissions as an affiliate for hundreds of select merchants. Add just a few products or build an entire shopping mall. View some sample sites or take the component for a test drive and see how easy it works. We have demos and examples on our site, full documentation, and downloads for all required files.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 48.00
jDiectory - directory component for Joomla!
jDirectory is a complete solution to build directory for Joomla CMS. This unique component can manage a complex directory directly inside your Joomla website. jDirectory is designed to handle any data that requires a directory structure such as a Auto Directory, Business Directory, Commerce Directory, Real Estate Directory and Links Directory. Now You are welcome to try release of jDirectory.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 54.95
Sigsiu Online Business Index 2 (SOBI2)
SOBI 2 - Sigsiu Online Business Index 2 is a directory component for the WCMS Mambo and Joomla! to show entries of companies, clubs, persons, shops, products, aso. The entries are divided into categories, which can contain subcategories. One entry can be entered in up to five categories. The companies/clubs/persons enter themselves in the index. A security code (security image) is available for spam protection. Registered users can modify or delete their entries. Using the integrated Category&Entry Manager in the back-end all categories and entries can be managed comfortably. Entries and categories can be deleted, unpublished and moved. A Field Manager can be used to configure each field entirely. This concerns the ordering, obligatory fields, fees, field length (width of field and number of characters), field type (textfield, textarea, checkbox, checkbox group, select list, text code or calendar), search methods and more
(3 ratings)
Auction Factory - Auction System for Joomla.
Auction Factory supports all common auction types including also Proxy Bidding. Auctions are supporting the usual Bids and BuyItNow features. Also they can be set as Private (bids are hidden to the public) or Public (bids are showed to the public). Among other options there is also the possibility to set up a auction as Automatic (winner will be automatically choosen) or Manual (the offertant will have to choose a winner). The component is provided with an installation kit; by performing the easy setup you will have in minutes a fully functional Auction Site. The interface is very user friendly and you can track easily auctions and bids. In the backend panel, various administration features have been provided in order for the admin to maintain control of the site and survey the auctions and bids.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 260.00
Joomla! Component Updater
Joomla! Updater is an extension for Joomla! 1.5 that puts an "Add Software" menu item under the Components Menu. Once activated, you can install a variety of Joomla! components with just a single click of the mouse! No more searching the Internet for the components you need, determining compatibility, then spending hours downloading, logging in to your site and uploading, then installing the new software. What a headache! Now you can just login to your site, locate your Joomla Updater component from Intellispire, browse to the software you need and click INSTALL! Done! Not only does the Joomla! Updater allow for easy install, it also keeps your installed software updated with latest version, and security patches. Could life get easier than that? The updater allows you to install complex Joomla! based packages , such as VirtueMart, in just a few mouse clicks. New software is added often. Contact us to get your favorites added to the Joomla! Updater.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 1000