Top Rated Plugins
posted byabracadaverinPostNuke Modules
PostWrap is a PostNuke module that enables virtually any web content such as html, scripts (home pages, galleries, shopping carts, php, perl, asp, etc.) to
be easily incorporated into your PostNuke site. Just call the PostWrap module with any URL and it will display it in your PostNuke main area/window. I call it a content wrapper (takes any existing content anywhere and wraps your PostNuke site around it. Uses an iframe which must be supported by the browser and JavaScript to resize the iframe (optional).
Now with new options in the admin and a block to show yor links.
Quit Smoking Calculator
posted byvidalinMiscellaneous
Quit Smoking Plugin for Wordpress is specially designed for smokers who own a Wordpress powered blog. The plugin displays shows your quit smoking cessation progress on your blog and your attempt at quitting smoking on a full public display.
It displays all relevant numbers including:
Show your quit date Show Days you not smoked Show money you saved by not smoking a cigarette Extra time you will life longer! Extended Body Health Statistics like:
After 8 hrs: Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide level reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal. After 24 hrs: Carbon Monoxide eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and debris. After 48hrs: There is no nicotine left in the body. Ability to smell and taste greatly improved.
PriceUSD 12.00
posted byBonusNukeinPHP-Nuke Addons
Its fast - Its Secure.
Includes NukeSentinel patch level 9.
Our intention has been not to produce a unique version of nuke which is not compatable to the main stream version, but to produce a heavily modified version that contains addons from the best script coders within the Nuke Community. Our uniqueness is to give you a Nuke that already has most of the addons modules and hacks that most like added, saving you time and effort. The only thing you have to do is set the site up in a way that suits your needs. If for any reason you do not like any theme that is provided (which there are quite a few already to choose from), a theme edit guide will be provided to help you port any theme to work with BonusNuke. If there is demand for a particular theme we will endevour to port the theme for you and make it available to download from our site.
AutoTheme for PostNuke
posted byabracadaverinPostNuke Modules
Create themes in HTML using your favorite editor, with no use of PHP. Full administration interface. Unlimited block positions (AutoBlocks). Customize every part of your PostNuke site. Configure which blocks display and where, for each page. Features: Custom themes for each Module and Home page, Admin pages, User pages; Custom themes for Left Blocks, Right Blocks, Center Blocks and AutoBlocks; Custom themes for individual blocks by name; Control colors, style sheets and head content for every page; All needed files packaged as a module; Faster execution and render time; Command editor; Language editor.
Many Extras (plugins)!
Multi-platform for PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, MD-Pro, osCommerce, CRE and WordPress. Themes are portable without modification!
xTechnos Online Poll
posted byzagham.naseeminPolls & Votings
xTechnos Online Poll is a wordpress online poll, you can use poll widget or place poll in any page/post using short code, very easy to use, you can add new poll from admin panel and check results.
phpBB Fetch All
posted byCa5eyinphpBB Modules
phpBB Fetch All is a modification to phpBB that displays data from the forum on any page of a website. It supports all phpBB versions from the 2.0.x branch.
Meta Tag Creator for phpBB
posted byFuNEnD3RinphpBB Modules
The Meta Tag Creator will provide your visitors with a Meta Tag Creator tool and an informative FAQ to increase website search engine optimation. Using this simple script will benefit all of your site visitors including yourself.
SmartFormer Gold - Joomla Form Builder
posted byITorisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
# Several forms on one page
# 3 Captcha variants (security images). Reload CAPTCHA image without reloading the page
# Full control over PHP, CSS, JS and HTML
# Interface for creating new DB tables and associating your forms with existing ones
# Automated aligning of elements when you create a form
# Custom validation rules
# Fast Visual interface (absolute WYSIWYG)
# All in one (everything you need at one page)
# Unlimited number of form pages, elements on form, email templates
# Ability to send any number of emails to any number of recipients
# Customizable Front end and Back-end access to the form (visitors and/or registered users)
# Backing up to an XML file/Uploading from an XML file (simple form moving from one site to another)
# Sorting data/powerful composite filter
# Export to CSV and PDF
# Ajax image selector from your Media directory.
# User-friendly color selector
# Auto-update feature
# Plugin system
# Language engine
PriceUSD 39.00
Floating Social Media Icon
posted byAcuraxinSite Recommendation & Sharing
Its not just another social profile linker plugin.
Floating Social Media Icon is an easy to use plugin which allows you to configure essential social media profile links, like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Linkedin from plugin settings and you also have option to select an icon style from the icon packs available.
We will be upgrading plugin frequently with new set of icons. The social media icons will load in an animated way where it will stay and float on your website or blog's right bottom
We Always Look Forward Your Comments and Suggestions for Future Updates. You can Submit Your Comments at our Website
ElegantWhite Theme (for Inout Search Engine)Sponsored
posted byinoutscriptsinInout Addons
The ElegantWhite Theme theme addon will modify your Inout Search Engine to make it look similar to Google. Though it is not an exact clone of google style, your users will find it easy to navigate and use it as they do in Google.
PriceUSD 175.00
posted byinfoinPHP-Nuke Addons
Easyup-nuke is an upload module and generating tag for PHP-Nuke sites. It is designed to allow uploading of any type of files to a PHP-Nuke site, such as images (.jpg, .gif, .png), Flash movies (.swf), or other files (.rtf, mp3, etc.). EASYUP-NUKE helps to easily publish upload images and Flash movies into news, content section, box, or anywhere it needs simply generating a complete tag to copy and paste. You can also upload files for the download section.
EW Blog Postnuke Module (News Substitution)
posted byalmerinPostNuke Modules
Module is designed to work with Stories and publish them as an "Issue" with e-mail subscription. It is good addition to the group of modules well known as "News".
Main task of this module is "assembling" or "grouping" Stories in one "ISSUE". At the same time you can still use News module in usual way. You can choose what way to publish Stories is better for your site.
E.g., you can change stories order in Issue, make header and footer for Issue, etc...
And now users can subscribe to receive your site news by e-mail even they are anonymous...
phpwsRSSFeeds Module
posted bywendall911inphpWebSite Modules
phpwsRSSFeeds is a module for the phpWebSite CMS 0.9.3-1 or higher. It gives the ability to display syndicated news feeds. The module is built on the PEAR XML_RSS Parser.
nCo Modified PHP-Nuke Ultra
posted byNukeCodeinPHP-Nuke Addons
This package if for NEW installs only. Upgrades should NOT be attempted.
PHP-Nuke Ultra 7.6 Includes The Following;
NSN GR Downloads 1.0.3, NSN Groups 1.6.4, NSN Centerblocks 2.1.3, NSN Mailing List 1.0.3, NSN News 1.2.0, MS-Topsites 1.1, Quiecom Shoutbox 2.4, nCo Status Clock, Codezwiz CZ Database Manager, Backend Forums (RSS), Backend Downloads (RSS), Backend News (RSS), CZ Link Us Module and Block
NukeCode/NSN Center Downloads, NSN Server Stats, CZ Server Stats, Codezwiz Scrolling Forums, Codezwiz CZ User Info5, nCo Yahoo Search Block,
NSN Scrolling Sentinel, Who-Is-Where 2.4 (Modified By nCo), Link Us Block ---- Don�t Forget To Edit It Before Activating, All Supporters Blocks, All Banners Blocks, All Hacker Beware and Sentinel Blocks, All Blocks For NSN GR Downloads, Admin Login Block, nCo Scrolling Journal Block, Advanced Scrolling We Like to call it nuke for newbies.
Advanced Ajax Search for Oscommerce with Extra Fields
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
You are able to filter products by extra fields with this Oscommerce MS2.2 contribution. It can be used also in CREloaded, OscMAX (OSCdox). New box can be placed in left/right column or in content part of the store. First of all you are choosing category and first extra fields values for products from this category will appear. After this you can choose value of current extra field and next extra field values will appear. After you click on search button and do not choose all extra fields then appropriate products for selected values will be filtered. Unlimited count of extra fields and its value supported. It works fast and effective with newest Ajax.
Please click here to see demo.
Oscommerce MS2.2
PHP 4*, 5*
Mysql 4*
PriceEUR 40.00
vb movie
posted byAtakan KOCinvBulletin Mods
AtaBB Movie is plugin for to work with popular movie sites by collecting info and bring to the Vbulletin. This program has lot of specialities. The first one is the ability to work with vbulletin. Additionally this can work with all populer sites like imdb, yahoo movie, cdon, ofdb ve and let your forum have a different look. Other speciality is that you can make cache the bbcodes for later views to call form the cache insead of taking form the site again. Plus imdb like sites avoid to show the picture can be used also.
PriceUSD 50.00
Easy Basket Wordpress Plug-in
posted byeasybasketinShopping Carts
Easy Basket is a very original shopping cart application which enables us to sell items inside any web page without any big code/structure updates. Once installed, the products and basket can be inserted into any part your web page where they will start functioning instantly. When an item is added to the basket, a sliding + Ajaxed basket can appear to to show the total price and display the checkout options. Also, you can drag 'n' drop a product into the shopping cart as well.
Avatar Slideshow Skitter
posted bytrungnqinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The Avatar Slide Skitter is a slideshow module/plugin base on the Skitter library. Skitter is a JavaScript image slider framework built on top of the jQuery library.
Slide image in Folder
Support create multiple modules/plugin on one page.
Easy to change size of module.
Config number of images can be displayed.
Set width of module in pixel or percent.
Use arrows to next or previous slider.
Customize time display for one image.
Multi specific select image folder for slide.
More than 20 effect transition.
Multi select effect.
On/Off : tools, focus, play/pause, random slider, control, progress bar, copyright…
Change navigation style : thumbs, number, dots
Change position of focus, play/pause button, number/dots align
Docebo Learning Management system integration for WordPress
posted bydoceboinContent Management
We all know how powerful WordPress is for managing content. From personal blog to company website, WordPress has proven itself to be the most engaging platform for creating and sharing content in recent years.
Because we know that the line between information sharing and training is grey, we have developed a plugin that allows you to integrate your WordPress website with the Docebo Learning Management System.
Thanks to this plug-in you will be able to:
-Embed online courses on your WordPress website and assign training by using the WordPress dashboard
-Access courses and training reports, plus control the whole ELearning project directly from the WordPress dashboard
-Display courses assigned to logged-in users by using a WordPress widget
-Import in Docebo your WordPress user database
-Enable the Single Sign On between WordPress and Docebo
Affiliate - Magento ideal module!
posted byAnna BrandoninAdvertising
Affiliate is an advanced Magento extension that allows web-shop owners to sell products on commission. Those who sign up affiliate system will receive commissions when their friends click on the referral links and purchase the products. Boost your sales with this module and you will feel differences!
PriceUSD 250.00