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Results 221-240 of 1000
Tournamatch (for PHP-Nuke)
Tournamatch is a PHP powered Ladder and Tournament add-on for your PHP-Nuke or phpBB web site. It includes a completely automated installation process that finishes in less than one minute. Tournamatch integrates seamlessly with your existing PHP-Nuke or phpBB website. Since Tournamatch is built to run with other Content Management Systems (CMS), you can utilize all of their built in features, thousands of themes, and a plethora of addons which allow you to create a truly unique gaming community.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
WordPress Directory Plugin
GeoDirectory is the most sophisticated and scalable business directory plugin for WordPress. It can be used to create directory for any kind of categories such as: Hotels, Restaurants, Doctors, Lawyers, Pubs & Bars, Golf courses or Marinas. It is totally customizable, so you can create a directory for anything that comes into your mind, even listings without a phisical location, like websites or service providers. All listings come with : 1 an interactive map powered by Google Maps or OpenStreetMaps (for countries like China). 2 a professional review system 3 related listings tab 4 unlimited custom fields 5 plenty of space for ads and banners
(3 ratings)
Easy Camera Slide - Free Slideshow for Joomla
Simple and customizable camera slideshow module for joomla, this flexible module let you display your pictures in a beautiful slides view.
(3 ratings)
phpCMS-Plugin: AutoKeyGen
AutoKeyGen is a <a href="http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/8455.html" target="_8455">phpCMS system</a> plugin that extracts all relevant keywords out of the content of a website. This way the meta-keywords fit 100% to the content of the websites. The keywords appear in the frequency of their occurrence. On the basis of a negative list (blacklist) unwanted words can be eliminated. After a modification of the site content the meta-keywords are up to date immediately. The search engines are supplied with the most current keywords and this ensures an optimal indexing process. Very easy to install. The keywords can be used all over the website, not only in the meta-tags. <B>1.2.1 update</b>: keywords are stored in own cache (e.g. for dynamic websites), some fixes in error-reporting, in the edit-mode and small bugfix.
(18 ratings)
With this script you can give your visitors the possibility of calculating their blood-alcohol-level. The script can be installed very easily and needs no database-system. The list of drinks can be changed easily by the webmaster.
(9 ratings)
GRA4 Social Network for Joomla
GRA4 Social Network for Joomla is a free component, arming your website with full-blown social networking functionality. After single 3-minute-long installation your website will have likes, groups, friends, blogs, messaging, documents, activity stream, market, events, and much more. Big social networks put plenty of websites out of business, because anyone can create a group on a major Social Network (such as Facebook, VKontakte, LinkedIn, Odnoklassniki, etc.), and it's much easier than to build and support whole website. We want to get web-masters back into the game, arming them with the same functionality the "grown-up" social networks have.
(9 ratings)
Wordpress File Gallery
File Gallery extends WordPress media (attachments) capabilities by adding a new gallery shortcode handler with templating support (and much more). "File Gallery" extends WordPress' media (attachments) capabilities by adding a new gallery shortcode handler with templating support, a new interface for attachment handling when editing posts, and much more..
(6 ratings)
Themeforest clone wordpress theme
DigiMarket is a solution for anyone looking to start their own Professional Digital Marketplace to sell their themes, plugins, scripts, photos, videos, audios and etc., User can sell and buy digital items from this site, Powerful admin control panel settings, No need to add any paid plugins / addons, Plug in play theme with wordpress, Multiple Payment Gateway Supported
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Mambotastic SMS RC3
This SMS engine will let you provide SMS functionality to your users , straight out of the box when used with the Joomla CMS. The component runs on the Clickatell gateway. Clickatell provide one of the most comprehensive geographical coverage maps we could find, and their wide API base means we can develop additional extension components, ring tone and picture messaging for instance. Features include: Administration End - Language Manager, Clickatell Balance Query, Subscriber Management, Bulk SMS, SMS History, Send Single SMS Messages, Free SMS Message Limits. Frontend - Registered User Setup, Offer SMS To Your Users, Update Details, Send SMS Messages, Send Group Messages, Manage Group Members, View SMS History, View SMS Credits.
(9 ratings)
osCommerce drop down menu script
Easy to use and install drop down menu script for osCommerce based on the udm4 ultimate drop down menu. Automatically populates the drop down menu with the categories in your osCommerce installation. Simple installation, and configuration for osCommerce 2.x systems. Based on the popular udm4 drop down menu code, this script provides accessible and search engine friendly navigation to your osCommerce web site. Great for SEO and accessibility on your site. UDM4.com site offers support with this installation.
(9 ratings)
osCommerce and STS Tutorial
I wrote this tutorial because I know how frustrating it can be without anyone to help out, plus I enjoy osCommerce but I can�t stand the default layout. This tutorial does not teach you how to design or create graphics, but what it does do is hopefully point you in the right direction for implementing your online store into your html site design.
(6 ratings)
phpBB - Passport
phpBB-Passport is the next step in the phpBB World. Are you annoyed with constantly signing up to every forum you goto, approve your account, and filling out the registration, and the rest of the hassel that goes with it. Well thats all going to change with phpBB-Passport! When you signup for your phpBB Passport account, all your details including AIM, Signiture, and settings, are saved. When you goto a forum and you see the phpBB-Passport logo on the forum, simply click it, and login with the same login name and password as with your phpBB-Passport, even if your not registered! When you login, your details are automatically transfered, and you are instantly logged in, its just like having a username and password for all forums without signing up! This can be added to any phpBB forum free of charge!
(6 ratings)
phpBB Google Sitemap Generator
The phpBB Google Sitemap Generator is a script that will present several sitemap files to Google when it requests them (you have to submit to Google initially). This script is aimed at every size and style of phpBB forum regardless of whether you have just a few hundred posts, or tens of thousands of threads. Features include configurable URLs to forums & posts (for those of you that have implemented mod_rewrite modifications) and support for an unlimited number of forum areas.
(6 ratings)
Google AdSense Module for Mambo
Google AdSense is a very popular contextual ad service. Mambo is one of the best content management systems. However, inserting Google AdSense codes into Mambo can be a tedious task to an average user. This advanced Google AdSense module, version 2.0 will make that task very easy and enable monetizing any Mambo based site in a few minutes!
(6 ratings)
pnDonation for Postnuke 761
pnDonations is a well-known variation of the Donations block and module. Users can donate by entering their name and link into sideblock. After payment they appear in the top donators list in the block. You will get complete postnuke module pnDonations, with source code. A robost admin panel with email notifications and now adding other payment gateways too for this. (only for PostNuke: The Phoenix Release ( Please see updated version is also available.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
IP Address to Country, Region, City, ISP and domain name in PHP
This is PHP script to enable lookup of country, region, city, latitude, longitude and ZIP Code from IP address by using IP2Location database. The script supports several database types such as Microsoft Access, MS SQL and mySQL. Internet geolocation has been widely used in the products or projects below. 1) Select the geographically closest mirror 2) Analyze your web server logs to determine the countries 3) Credit card fraud detection 4) Software export controls 5) Display native language and currency 6) Prevent password sharing and abuse of service 7) Geo-targeting in advertisement
(6 ratings)
Flash Games for Joomla
An adaptation of a PHP-Nuke script of the flash games for Joomla and Mambo: Arkanoid, Boules, Chess, Dare Dozen, Joga Tangram, Moebius, Pacman, Poker, Spore Cubes, Super Albi, Tangram, Tetris, Zoo Keeper and ZX Globe.
(6 ratings)
Install PHP-Nuke 5.5
This is a table generator for PHP-Nuke 5.5 that, in one click, creates and populates the tables necessary to boot PHP-Nuke 5.5. Only for MySQL database. Written in Italian .
(3 ratings)
Random Tarot
This is a PHPNuke Block for PHPNuke version 6 and up. Comes with all the tarot images for display. This script randomly displays a tarot image each time the page is loaded. We have several different tarot decks to choose from.
(3 ratings)
This is a php-nuke 6.0 theme that is based on startpages. It doesnt look so much like php-nuke but it is.
(3 ratings)
Results 221-240 of 1000