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Results 281-300 of 1000
Event Registration Pro Calendar for Joomla 1.5
Registration Pro is the event registration component that the Joomla CMS community has been waiting for. With Registration Pro you can post and accept registrations to your events and optionally charge for your event via PayPal.This is the most robust event registration tool for Joomla website administrators. Gain a competitive advantage with great features: Increase Attendee Satisfaction Reduce Administrative Costs Fully-customizable online forms to collect data from you registrants. Seamless integration for accepting payments to your events. Automated confirmation and reminder emails to help increase attendance. Waiting List. Image handling - Post images for visual stimulation. Customizable email template manager - Sends 4 types of emails Create Professional Forms in Minutes Sophisticated Validation for your forms Email Autoresponders with rules based delivery Seamless Integration with your website Works with Joomfish language translation
(2 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.99
Brands Scroller Prestashop Module
This scroller is placed on home content and brands are shown with images. By default PrestaShop does not display images with brands and also does not show them on home content. This PrestaShop Brands Module displays brands in a scroller on home page within home content. The default functionality is not like this, instead by default these brands are displayed in form of list and not in the home content. Secondly these brands are displayed with images and that is another cool functionality which is not present by default in PrestaShop. Here are the key benefits you get by using this tool on your website;
(1 ratings)
eCard for PHPNuke
An eCard for PHPNuke 5.4 - 6.9. For those who want an eCard-System, which is easy to install and to maintain and even easier on your user. Take a tasty peak on the Demo Website which enables you to test the admin tool and the public pages. Unique, Flash-Playing, Movie-Playing Smile-Enhancer - and all just on a push of a button.
(15 ratings)
Yellow Pages Module for nuke system
This is a Yellow Pages module for both phpnuke and postnuke system.It is a smiple but very user friendly and powerful module.<br> 1.Category,subcategory-add/edit/del.<br> 2.Mylist-Add/Edit/Del.<br> 3.Search ,advance search.<br> 4.Admin section.. and much more
(18 ratings)
phpBB Stats System
This PHP script allow you to show your phpBB2 forum stats on non phpBB pages such as an index page and so on. Its really simple and easy to use, also free support for both paid & non paid members.
(6 ratings)
Wp Auto Affiliate Links Basic
Provide an interface to add your affiliate links and associate them with keywords. The affiliate links will be added to all the terms specified found in your content. You can manage your affiliate links trough an administration page, under the "Settings" menu category. You have to add affiliate links, and specify one or more keywords for each. The plugin will add them when a page is viewed. Your content won't be modified in the database. You will have options to make the links nofollow or dofollow, to open in new page or same page and to cloack links. The plugin will give you the most used 20 keywords from your content si you can easily add affiliate links to appear when they are displayed. You have the option to limit the number of links that are added to each post or page. Main Features: Replace keywords with links inside your content Select if you want to display links on homepage Link cloacking Open in new or same window Dofollow or nofollow
(4 ratings)
LoudMouth Discussion Forum
LoudMouth Forum is a clean, robust, fully threaded forum built with PHP/MySQL and is available as a stand-alone package, or built into Mambo Open Source 3.0.6 and above. LoudMouth features the same clean admin interface as Mambo and the display pages are very easy to customize. New security integration with Mambo Open Source 3.0.6.
(3 ratings)
The main use that I have found is in setting a module as your Home Page and being able to pass it variables (example: NukeWrap). Under PHP-Nuke Administration, Modules, you can set your Home Page (The module, index.php is pointing to), but that doesn't allow variables to be passed to the module. NukeJump supports both PHP and JavaScript redirects to the module of your choice, or anywhere for that matter. The default is PHP.
(3 ratings)
phpBB Fetch All
phpBB Fetch All is a modification to phpBB that displays data from the forum on any page of a website. It supports all phpBB versions from the 2.0.x branch.
(3 ratings)
Smilie Parser
This is a simple smilie parser. The smilies are included.
(3 ratings)
Zakah Pick Up
Pick up the zakah right from your own home door. The zakah will picked up by the authorized zakah collectors such as Dompet Dhuafa and Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat.
(3 ratings)
phpShop help
The shop-help module displays help-topics by page, category, product, module, function
(3 ratings)
StarTrack Express Shipping Module
osCommerce Shipping module for Australian merchants using osCommerce and shipping with Startrack Express. Designed for osCommerce 2.2 MS2
(3 ratings)
Google Checkout for OsCommerce
This contribution will add a Google Checkout button to your store, just near your usual Checkout button in shopping cart. This contribution is very easy to install (just 1 modification need to be done!) and you will be the one of those shops having nice Google Checkout button. Features includes: Creates a Google shopping cart on-the-fly on your shopping cart page. Enable customers to use Google checkout instead of your usual checkout process Works in all modern browsers You can use another button matching your store style to show Google checkout The Google Checkout Payment Modules allows merchants to accept payment through the new Google Checkout service. For more information about Google Checkout, please visit their website at checkout.google.com
(3 ratings)
ODN Beta for osCommerce
ODN (osCommerce Desktop Notification) is an application that allows osCommerce store owners to monitor their stores in real-time from a computers desktop. This application is only 2.5 mb and runs from the system tray. It does not require an install. Bug fix to supress random error message.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
osCommerce PinkCrowLoaded
osCommerce PinkCrowLoaded - osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 060817 with cool contributions like: AJAX AttributeManager v2.1beta.zip, center shop CSS.zip, osc_admin_buttons_metalli c.zip, buttons_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 _10_11_12_13_14_15_16_17_ 18_19_20_21_22.zip, TinyMCE EDITOR 1.0.zip, HeaderTags_v2.5.9.1.tar.g z, Ultimate_SEO_URLs_v2.2.2. tar.gz, Secure Admin Login - Logout 1.5_1.zip, SEO_Assistant_V_1.5.zip, ajax_shopping_cart v2_1.zip
(3 ratings)
Ts Login Plus 2.0 for Php Nuke
System login for Php nuke , with avatar preview and many others , created by Queen_live78 - Tuttosoft.it - Php Nuke Italian Community
(3 ratings)
Ajax Checkboxes Products Search (Filter) by Extra Fields Values
Unique filter by extra fields values to help store customers with searching or filtering products. The contribution is similar to our "Advanced Ajax Search for Oscommerce with Extra Fields" but customers are able to choose more then one value for one extra field. Filter can be used for any Oscommerce based stores (MS *, CREloaded, OscMax, WAI etc) with installed Extra fields contribution. Search help store clients to find necessary products using product extra fields (options) values. If clients do not know name of the product but they know parameters then the search is very helpful. For example car wheels, laptops (notebooks), computers, rings, food, toys etc can use it to improve usability of searching, search result, store orders and success clients. 90% of the search results with products.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 119.00
Vote It Up Wordpress Plugin
This plugin adds voting functionality for posts. This function is similar to Reddit or Digg, in that visitors can vote for and against. Guests can also vote for posts. This functionality can be disabled as well. A widget can be displayed showing the most voted posts on your blog, giving further exposure to your popular posts.
(3 ratings)
Shoutcast Radio Player
If you're trying to make live audio streaming with shoutcast/icecast, work on all major browsers in all major OS maybe you're needing this: Shoutcast Radio Player that works great with Shotcast and Icecast 2. It has some interesting and necessary features like reconnect on network errors to make sure users never get silence and cache management to avoid memory huge memory consumption.
(3 ratings)
Results 281-300 of 1000