Top Rated Plugins
WordPress Product Review Theme
posted bywebsitestartersinWordPress Themes
This amazing WordPress theme lets anyone creates an amazon product review site in just a few clicks.
PriceUSD 27.00
Asp DwZone Shopping Cart Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
DwZone Shopping Cart is a complete e-commerce solution designed for Dreamweaver. This suite of Server Behavios will assit you while developing e-commerce sites.
The suppot material is send with the extension. The support material is the complete e-commerce site you can test in out site. Complete with all the asp source pages, Access DataBase and SqlServer script. The e-commerce site consists of two components: the Frontend component, and the Administration component.
List of features:
- Multilanguage (enable for 5 different languages)
- Add cart
- More different cart in the same site
- Config cart
- Cart repeat region
- Show region if cart is empty
- Show region if cart is not empty
- Add item from link, button and form
- Remove item from link, button and checkbox
- Empty cart from link, button and Onload page event
- Update cart
- Redirect if cart is empty
- Redirect if cart is not empty
- Setup Discount, Gift, Shipping, Taxes
- Insert order in DataBase
PriceEUR 46.00
NMI Payment Direct Post - Magento 2
posted byPlinhitinPayments & Gateways
NMI Payment - Direct Post extension allows you to take credit card payments through NMI Payment Gateway directly on your Magento 2 website. This extension does not store any card details on the shop.
Also, the extension is compatible with other payment gateways: Payscape, PayKings, Payline, CXPay, SkypeBank Financial, T1 Payments, Durango Merchant Services, BlueDog, National Processing Payment Gateway, PayCertify, etc.
Network Merchants, LLC (NMI) payment gateway has the tools and services for merchants to accept almost any kind of payment online.
Accepted payment directly from your website. Customers don’t need to redirect to Network Merchants Payment page to make payment.
Secured by NMI
Accepts all Major Credit Cards / Debit Cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, etc.
Supported Authorize
Supported Capture Online
Supported Refund Online
Supported Full/Partial Refund
Supported Order from Magento Backend
Supported Order with Multiple addresses
Allow all Countries or Specific Countries
Enhanced security with CVV verification
Protected by AVS (Address Verification System)
Configure easily in Magento backend
Test and Live Options
Supported Multiple-stores
PriceUSD 80.00
Magic 360 for Magento
View your images in their entirety. This 360 degree viewer was built for Magento Commerce. It uses JavaScript and a set of photos spaced at equal degrees to create the spin effect. You can customise the speed, borders, effects, blurring, autostart and other options.
Magic 360 works on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iTouch), most Android devices and all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
The Magento extension makes it easy to install and customize. If you need help, please contact us.
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Atrium One Page Parallax WordPress Theme
posted byFlashtuninginWordPress Themes
Atrium is a fully responsive one page WordPress theme built with Twitter Bootstrap framework. Comes with a smooth & nice parallax effect.
PriceUSD 49.00
Create your own shopping app to sell more via mobile
- Create your app in minutes without any coding
- Customize easily with plugins
- Fully integrated with Magento webstore
PriceUSD 199.00
Magento 2 FAQ Extension by FME
posted byFMEextensionsinAdministration
Magento 2 FAQ extension from FME allows you to add a FAQ section to your website. You can display the frequently asked questions on a separate FAQs landing page. Customers can find instant answers to the most commonly asked questions without sending emails or posting entries on the website.
Display the FAQs in nice accordion style along with a star rating. FAQ extension for Magento 2 also allows you to create a custom block in order to display FAQs anywhere on your website.
PriceUSD 69.99
PHP-Nuke Chat Module of 123 Flash Chat
posted byntierinPHP-Nuke Addons
A chat room may be a good idea to boost traffic and keep loyal members. Why? Because it makes the PHP-Nuke website more interactive and shorten the distance between your website visitors. With PHP-Nuke chat module, websites get a live chat room with PHP-Nuke database seamlessly integrated, simple, secure and nice looking with full chat features. The chat button is suggested to be inserted to the module section and block section too. The key technology is the integration and auto-login features. The following live chat data can be displayed in PHP-Nuke front page, block section: * how many people are connected to the chat server, * logon chat user number, * chat room number, * chatting user name list in all chat rooms. Online Demo: http://phpnuke.123flashch
Autoload eCommerce Shopping Cart Script
posted byvyoufinderinosCommerce Addons
Based on the osCommerce core shopping cart, Autoload was built by shop owners who have tried several other shopping cart scripts before deciding to create Autoload. It's everything you need added to osCommerce for running an online storefront and eBay management utility. Emphasis has been placed on keeping the script universal in that it will work with other applications, in several languages completely, and with long-term goals for serious website owners in mind. You need a machine that works, Autoload is that machine.
New: * Added Quickbooks import functionality
* Improved Auctionblox eBay management tool integration
* Improved search engine optimization
* Improved PayPal IPN notifications
* Customers no longer need to join PayPal to order
* New attribute sets tool
* 3 new configurable categories menus options
* Easier installation procedure Google Base store export and Easypopulate improvements
* Google Adsense infobox installed for showing your ads
phpBB Post Notifier Module for 123 Flash Chat Software
posted byntierinphpBB Modules
You can enable the phpBB Post Notifier Module in defined chat rooms of 123 Flash Chat and decide what changes will be shown to live chat users, new post, new reply or even new edit. Then you can customize the content of messages and color of text in configuration. In addition, image in post can also be shown in chat rooms.
Facebook Page Builder
posted byappthainphpCMS Plugins
Creating a Facebook page is easy, and if we have a Joomla based site our job to create a Facebook page becomes much easier. The Joomla Facebook Module is easy to use and allows creating multiple pages.
->This component works as a CMS for your Facebook Fan Page
->Create multiple menus / tabs for your Facebook fan page
->Easy manage content / themes
->Can Include images
->Can add YouTube video and edit your contents.
PriceUSD 99.00
oscommerce addon - Custom T-Shirt
posted bypdesignerinosCommerce Addons
This is the oscommerce addon, to design your own t-shirt in real time. Type a text or add an image over the selected shirt. This script also can be used for cups, shorts, jerseys, and other products design.
PriceUSD 150.00
Amazon Associate Store for Joomla
posted byAlexBarr2010inJoomla / Mambo Modules
With Amazon Associate Store for Joomla you can add a shopping area to an existing Joomla-powered website in just minutes.
1. Simple Setup Installs in just minutes – you just need a Joomla-powered website
2. Supports Multiple Amazon Locales Create stores with items from the US, UK, CA, FR, DE and JP locales
3. Hundreds of Categories Almost any Amazon product can be sold in your store
4. Powerful Search Features Visitors can quickly find products that interest them
5. In-Depth Product Info Photo and item attributes show your visitors exactly what they're buying
6. Customer & Editorial Product Reviews Helps your shoppers make an informed buying decision
7. Built on Amazon Web Services Real-time access to product and pricing information
Views2074 -- osCommerce templates
posted bySmartBizinosCommerce Addons
#1 in osCommerce Templating - Your premier source for professional osCommerce templates for your professional online shop. If you want to have or if you already have an online store and this store is powered by osCommerce you may need a smart and beautiful skin for your store. Just choose an osCommerce Template from . You will have a ready to run osCommerce shop.
StGeorge BankSA IPG Payment module
posted bytheozsnowmaninosCommerce Addons
osCommerce payment module for StGeorge and BankSA in Australia
This payment module is designed to allow you to interface directly with your St George or Bank SA merchant facility for realtime online payment processing
Designed for osCommerce 2.2 MS2
ip to country
posted byulisoftinphpShop Modules
ip2c determines a users origin country by his ip address. Since the ip2c table is pretty big, it's recommended to store it in a seperate database.
phpBB Revenue Sharing MOD
posted byDarkhodgeinphpBB Modules
This is a MOD for phpBB that allows you to offer your members a share of the revenue that their topic makes through the Google AdSense Programme. The installation is quick and easy and it's a great method of promoting your forum.
* Default setting of 1:1 revenue sharing ratio.
* Ads are shown in the header.
* Ability to set default publisher-ID and channel.
* Ability to turn revenue sharing on and off.
* Ability to set the minimum number of posts before members can participate in revenue sharing.
* Participants can submit channels as well as publisher IDs.
* Publisher IDs entered by users are checked for correct length before being shown. If they have incorrect length the default ID is shown.
* Members are not shown their own ads to prevent click fraud and accidental clicks.
- Ads now do not display on posting.php, ad_profile.php and profile.php. This is to prevent breaking the Google AdSense ToS.
Free Advanced Portfolio
posted byextstoreinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Advanced Portfolio is the perfect starting point for users to build a cool portfolio on Joomla websites. It allows you to set up everything in minutes and is highly flexible to fit your business. Projects layout was designed in classic, neat yet professional style. Each thumbnail is a single project that displays images/video, description and external link.
And yes, Advanced Portfolio is Joomla 3.x native and FREE to download.
Advanced Portfolio allows you to set up everything in minutes and is highly flexible to fit your business. Projects layout was designed in classic, neat yet professional style. Each thumbnail is a single project that displays images/video, description and external link.
vBulletin 5 Status Update in Postbit
posted bynoypiscripterinvBulletin Mods
Status Update is built-in to vBulletin 5. Updating status is done on your User Profile page under About tab but it only shows up below your avatar and name on your User Profile page. This modification exposes it a bit more by displaying it in the postbit section of a post in a thread. This will encourage forum members to update their status.
OSCommerce Modules, Services & Templates
posted byb2servicesinosCommerce Addons
Prebuilt Modules, Services, Templates and Custom Development for OSCommerce. Business Resources that make your online business more successful.