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Results 361-380 of 1000
vBulletin Chat Module of 123 Flash Chat
It can add a live chat room to vBulletin seamlessly, multiple skins and user integrated. A chat room makes vBulletin more interactive, it will boost traffic as well as revenue to your vBulletin, and will increase vBulletin user loyalty. Chat Features: 1. Users integrated: User database of vBulletin can be fully integrated to Chat. 2. Mutiple Skins: Nine skins are available to fit in your forum. 3. Lobby and private chat. 4. Admin Panel: Two ACPs: You can define what kind of chat status to be listed on vBulletin, the open mode of the chat window, the server mode, etc. in the vBulletin ACP, and customize the chat room in the chat Admin Panel. 5. Other features: Avatar, smilies, flash emotions, post-notifier, etc. So what the module can add to vBulletin? It adds a chat button which links to a fabulous chat room, with multiple skins and multilingual support, written in flash or HTML/Ajax, and a visual setting panel, etc. Recent changes: the backend management is enhanced.
(9 ratings)
Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin
Lots of features, very configurable. Easy to setup. Great support. We're the #1 WordPress Classified Ads Plugin: two years old and 80,000+ downloads!
(6 ratings)
Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group for Magento 2 - Cover Image
Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group for Magento 2
Shipping and payments are critical aspects for any online business that can make or break it. Many times, eCommerce store owners need to block out some shipping or payment method for a particular group of customers. But default Magento 2 install does not provide such a functionality. Thus, managing the shipping and payment method’s availability for different customer groups becomes hard. This could affect adversely your online sales growth and revenue generation. Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension from Mconnect Media allows store admins to control what shipping and payment method to show at checkout for particular customers. The extension can show/hide only those shipping and payment method assigned by the store admin from the backend. It has an easy to manage backend grid to assign particular shipping and payment methods for a particular group. The assigned shipping and payment method must be pre-enabled to function at the checkout. The extension is easy to activate and configure. Features of Mconnect Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group: •The extension is helpful to enhance the checkout experience of your customers. •Show/hide any particular shipping/payment method for a customer group. •Easy to manage backend grid to assign shipping and payment method. •Customers can use only assigned shipping and payment method during checkout. •It helps to personalize the shopping experience of customers belonging to a particular group. •Also, it can improve the user experience as well as sales and revenue for Magento 2 stores. For more such Magento 2 Extensions visit https://www.mconnectmedia.com/
(2 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
FMovies Clone - Cover Image
FMovies Clone
FMovies WordPress Clone is based on the design of the popular site FMovies. Created with bootstrap 4.5 library, mobile friendly, simple, fast, lightweight and functional template and allows you to create a movie, tv series & anime database, such as Flixhq, FMovies, Himovies, 123movies, Moviestars ecc… Maybe you should create a worthy competitor and become the largest site? Then let's begin! Native WordPress Code Extra powerful, sharp and diverse native WordPress theme with clean and tidy design created with the latest bootstrap libraries. Fully Responsive This theme looks amazing either on phone, pc, tablet and console, so you don’t have to worry about it. Seo Optimized If your SEO WordPress theme isn’t optimized for SEO its pages will struggle to rank well in SERPs. Optimized Speed The theme has been optimized, with a better speed than other movie and series themes, to leave your visitors with a good experience. Admin panel Rich theme options to customize your site according to your need, you can change and modify as many settings as you like with the powerful admin panel built into the theme. Translatable You can translate the theme into any language in the world in seconds thanks to the translate function of the theme. Filter module We’ve also introduced features like sort by: genre, year, country, language, type and more… Ajax Report video module Lets your visitors report broken or missing videos! User favorite Users are able to add movies and TV show to their favorite without registration. Advanced AJAX Live Search Search in movies, tv series, actors, directors and more with advanced caching technology an poster image precaching. Bulk import movies, tv series & anime With the new built-in premium importer plugin included in the theme, you can instantly import movies and seroesfrom the largest online movie database, with just one click, with no credit system, no connection to any server (like dbmvs for example), whenever you want and as many times as you want, forever. One click data generator If you want to add movies, serues manually you can create them with a single mouse click! You will not have to worry about anything, just enter the IMDb id of the movie or the TMDb id of the tv show and the posts will be automatically created in a second. Admin Post TMDB ajax search Movie & TV Show generator (NEW!) Search and automatically create movies and TV series directly from the post editor using the new TMDB ajax search generator, it takes less than a second, just type in the title of the movie or TV series and click on the result. Auto embed Auto embed thousands of movies & tv shows available on multiple servers. Lets your visitors choose from popular video streaming servers. With the autoembed module you will never have to take care of uploading movies or searching links. Provide fresh and working videos with the best available quality from multiple servers with multiple subtitles and languages. Manual switch module Choose whether to use auto embed for individual posts or activate manual mode and insert your video links.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 80.00
osCommerce Turbo Charged
This completely customized and customizable Turbo Charged shopping cart is now available! Save countless hours learning PHP and fiddling about trying to see what to change in order to edit the look and feel of your shop. This cart comes complete! New and improved version now with 51 contributions including contact Us Page Spam Fix.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
CleanTalk. Antispam MOD fro vBulletin
CleanTalk checks new users registrations on the forum using a series of tests to detect spam bots - blacklisted IP, EMAIL address, the presence of JavaScript, form submiting time. CleanTalk eliminates the need for CAPTCHA, questions&answers and other ways witch use complicated for communication methods of spam protection on the site. Invisible to the commentators spam protection has a positive effect on loyalty audience of the board. It's free for small boards.
(9 ratings)
Flash Games for Nuke
Add Free Flash Funny and Games by www.miniclip.com into your Nuke site. Free to adjust and add more games by download from original website (miniclip).
(6 ratings)
Transmenu - Drop down Javascript menu for Mambo
Transmenu features: 1. Vertical and Horizontal type. Each will use independent CSS file (transmenuv.css and transmenuh.css). 2. Options to choose menutype. 3. Unlimited submenus. 4. Main/sub, hover, active menus (both main and sub) will all have independent Css settings. 5. Alpha/Shadow settings for drop down background (settings in transmenu.js). 6. Drop down styles: from top (normally for Horizontal style) or from left (normally for Vertical style) 7. X and Y padding settings for sub menus
(6 ratings)
Highlight All for phpBB
This allows you to simply highlight all text in the message field of your phpBB forum with a click of a button. Useful for copy and paste purposes.
(6 ratings)
Dutch Auction Masters - Wordpress Auction Plugin
posted byskyoverinAuctions
This Dutch auction masters plugin enables you the ability to build your professional online auctioning website by only a few clicks. It contains 2 widgets and short tag which make you the easiest way to do it. DAM has following features: 1. Independent auction plug-in. 2. Real-time auction bidding process. 3. Integrated WordPress user login module. (be able to speicify which role can place bids) 4. Serveral widgets supported (List, Detail). 5. Short code supported ([List_Auction], [Single_Auction]). 6. Easy to integrate original systems. 7. Email templates customization. 8. Ajax loading for pagination. 9. Integrated WordPress media management. and there are more for you to experience... We have 2 versions, Basic version is free to use, and Pro version is now EURO 99!
(6 ratings)
WordPress IP Blocker Pro
LionScripts' WordPress IP Blocker (or IP Address Blocker) allows you to stop the Spam Visitors, Comments and attacks by a number of methods. Main features of WordPress IP Blocker are: * Automatic IP Blocking on Suspicious Activity * E-Mail after each Automatic IP Block * Exclude any IP, from the Blocking List * Time Specific Block on IPs * Block or Allow IPs (With Wildcard Support for upto 4 Octets e.g. 123.12.23.* , 123.12.*.* etc.) * Bulk IP Addresses Upload via CSV * Country Specific IPs Blocking * Personal Network Viewer / Selective IP Viewing * Temporary / Permanent Blocking
(5 ratings)
Flash Menu
Hello, We finally here the present to you FLASHNUKERS.com and the new SEPP Flashmenu block V2.2. This release fixes serveral problems with v1.1 and adds many new features. It comes in 5 color editions: Grey, blue, red, green, purple. You can change links and menunames and menu pics! See our great new website for demo and download HERE! Remember to read the readme.txt file before installing. Post any bugs/errors/suggestions in the forums.
(3 ratings)
Find Domains
This mod will simply add a domain search field to your header or ezportal for your users to search and purchase available domains from your forums. It also provides a useful namespin function that creates a randomly generated domain that is available based on the keywords you enter. You can also look up additional information about domains as well. This would work on any page on your site that supports html.
(3 ratings)
FCKNuke Platinum V2fc
FCKNuke Platinum puts a WYSIWYG HTML editor into PHP-Nuke in many modules. Security is maintained by restricing what HTML the average user can add while still allowing the site admin to enter ANY HTML. FCKNuke Platinum is built on FCKeditor. This editor will work in IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+. it will run on Windows, Linux, or MAC. FCKNuke Platinum requires no changes to PHP-Nuke's Database. Minimal changes were made to files. This will help reduce the possibility of conflicts with other additions. Finally FCKNuke Platinum is easily upgradeable as new versions are released.
(3 ratings)
Modules and Functions for phpShop all versions
the following modules and functions are available for free download ip to country, news ticker, donate function
(3 ratings)
Survey 080
the survey Module allows to add surveys / product ratings to your website.
(3 ratings)
Cool vBulletin Addons
Transform any forums into a magazine. Dynamic slideshow. Split threads into multipages. Display attachments anywhere, any position in your threads. Add a small caption under any image. And more ...
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Global Link / URL Sharing module for PHPNuke 7.*
This module was created to increase your link popularity (A hyper link pointing to your site from another site). Inbound links effect your link popularity and your rankings in many search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, HotBot, etc. Many search engines use Link Popularity as a factor for determining page rank. The way this works is as follows. If 100 websites use this module and all 100 sites are listed in the list, then each site is linked to 100 times.. and so on. Sooo... the more sites that use this module the more popular that site will be. The best part about it is, you do not have to do anything but upload and activate the module. All emails from the form are sent to me, the links file is stored on my server and the links are updated by me. So as sites are added to the list, the list changes dynamically on your site.
(3 ratings)
MageBox Gallery Magento Extension
posted bymageworxinCatalog
MageBox Gallery extension replaces native Magento product image gallery with Web 2.0 feature rich image gallery which includes automatic slideshow option and keyboard controls. MageBox Gallery is even smoother than Lightbox image gallery replacement for Magento.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Magento Lucky Draw extension
Lucky Draw extension helps you create lucky draw programs and reward customers who own prize codes. Game interface. Verify winner by national identification. Refer friends through email or social channels to get more lucky codes. Redeem failed codes for credit toward purchases.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Results 361-380 of 1000