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Results 841-860 of 1000
Google Analytics Plus
posted byhsbotinAdvertising
* * Track every individual page - including sections retrieved via AJAX during one-page-checkout * * Enter DomainName to track via the Magento back-end / check here if you should use it * * Track the actual typed in keywords for adwords instead of only the term you bid on (this might not yet work due to a bug in Magento itself) * * Optionally track Adwords conversions for purchases
(0 ratings)
Expert Reviews
posted byhsbotinAdvertising
Embed reviews on your product pages from over 450 German-language test media, or from several thousand dedicated English and French-language product reviews, free of charge. Testberichte.de, otest.co.uk and otest.fr provide consumers with free daily updates, covering almost the entire German market and much of the English and French market for professional test results.
(0 ratings)
Follow Up Email
posted byhsbotinAdvertising
In today's fiercely competitive business environment, a caring attitude towards customers can go a long way in creating a delightful experience for your customer. The aheadWorks Follow Up Email extension is an indispensable tool to help you stay in close touch with your customers.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
Magento Easy Banners
posted byhsbotinAdvertising
Looking for perfect solution to manage banners and custom blocks at your store? Tired editing your store template for each new advertisement? Then Easy Banners is right solution for you. Easy Banners is based on Magento core functionality and built to keep banners and blocks management easy, fast and flexible. Support unlimited number of placeholders and banners.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Magento as Facebook App
posted byhsbotinAdvertising
Create your own store and application on Facebook. Features: + Create your own application on Facebook to let your customer search your products on Facebook + All product's information are get from your store in real time. + Easy to install + Easy to show your product to million user on Facebook.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Google Webmaster Tools for Mangeto
posted byhsbotinAnalytics
The Google Webmaster Tools allow you to improve the indexing of your site. This extension enables you to manage the Verification Code to authenticate against the Webmaster Tools via the Magento Backend.
(0 ratings)
Advanced Reports for Mangeto
posted byhsbotinAnalytics
The Advanced Reports module improves the functionality of native Magento reports and creates a complete picture of your business situation. To assist your company in achieving success in today's fast-paced, competitive global marketplace, the Advanced Reports extension by aheadWorks is ready to be your reporting partner. Not only does this Magento extension allow you to obtain more sales information than ever before, but you can also use the information you cull to better draw conclusions about the status of your business.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
If you've been looking for an appointment booking solutution for your Joomla web site you have found it! We looked everywhere for an appointment booking module for our clinic. There were a number of options on the internet, but none had the critical piece that we needed, synchronisation with our caledars for free / busy times. PBBooking is the result of this quest. A componenet that has been devloped to offer appointment booking with integration into iCal and any other calendar capable of publishing an ical file.
(0 ratings)
Aurigma Media Manager for Joomla!
The extended version of the standard Joomla media manager empowered with Aurigma Image Uploader. It allows you to upload multiple files to your Joomla-based website with a few clicks.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
Aurigma Cloud Media Manager for Joomla!
An alternative media manager for Joomla! that stores files in your Amazon S3 account instead of your server hard drive. You can insert photos and files from Amazon S3 to your posts. No need to keep heavy files on your server, keep them in a cloud!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
jAnswers Factory 1.1.4
* Yahoo Answers Clone. * Users can ask questions, Community provides answers. * Questions can be extended if not answered (period). * Ranking system for answers. * Report offensive text. * Favourite Questions. * extended search in the Knowledgebase. * Pay-per-Question. * Pay for featured Question. * Pay-per-Contact. * Support for "beer money" payments. * Multiple Payment Gateways including Paypal and Moneybookers. * Extended User profile (avatar, location, yahoo id, paypal email). * CB-Integration. * Multi-language site compatible. * including 5000 records database.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 120.00
Love Factory 1.4.4
# Member Pages # Fully Configurable Fields # Photo Gallery # Comment System # Messaging System # Interaction System # Rating System # Friends List # Ignore List # Advanced Search # Radius Search using Google maps # Membership Plans # Payment Gateways: Paypal and Moneybookers # Templating System # Multilanguage Support
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 120.00
Content Image Factory 2.5
Content Image Factory main features: * align images horizontally or vertically; * display or hide image captions below; * display first X images or random X images; * define image height and width; * ignore first image (this option is letting the first image into the content, putting only the rest into the module); * skip nr. images; * new plugin to supress content images and display them only inside the module. Requirements: Joomla 1.5.x
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 16.99
briefcase Factory 1.6.1
..the way to keep your favourite documents organized. * store and organize files or documents; * create folders, upload files; * store files in specific folders, download, delete; * customizable user space in admin backend; * share files or folders with other users or public; * admin interface: view all files and manage them; * and many more...
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 48.99
HOT or NOT Factory 1.0.9
Administrator Settings: * Enable/disable voting for guests (unloged users). * Enable/disable upload images for guests (unlogged users). * Set 1-10 or 1-5 voting scale. * Set upload folder, Resize height and width, Thumbnail size, Nr. of uploaded images at once. * Enable/disable image description, Description length, Enable/disable require description on upload. * Enable/disable tags, Maximum allowed nr. of tags, Enable/disable require tags on upload. * Allow comments from: visitors/registred/disabled. * Display nr. of images per page, Display last x comments per page (0 for all). * Enable/disable genre mode (male, female). * Enable/disable email reporting. The component comes also with the following modules: * Menu Module including Top Rated, My Pictures, Upload and advanced Search option. * TAG Cloud Module. * Random Picture. * Latest Picture. * Last Voted.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.99
HOT or NOT Deluxe Factory 1.0.5
The component provides an easy voting system, requiring only a single click action for a speedy process. The component can be used to rate different images like landscapes, art, etc. or if the genre mode is enabled, more particular for male and female images. The upload is very easy, allowing also multiple upload. For each picture a sharelink and the number of hits will be visible and if admin enabled the description, comments and tags. To allow the administrator content control on the site, each picture and comment can be reported.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 78.99
rss Context Factory 1.5.3
...the way to track relevant feeds. * displays RSS Feeds in a module according to the Keywords you set; * can use feeds from: feedster.com, technorati.com, digg.com; * customizable Automatic Refresh of feeds; * cached Feeds (no delays on loading); * contextual keywords to specific Content Categories; * two display options - tables and overlib; * easy CSS customization.
(0 ratings)
rss2image Factory 1.5.5
# display images taken from RSS Feeds; # takes images from the cache of rss Factory 1.5.x; # is able to display only the feeds containing images or all the feeds; # orientation can be set up vertical or horizontal; # search and display images with a required size (in order not to display images like spacer 1x1 px); # image resizing; # image caption can be choosen from "alt" or "title" attributes or disabled; # in case of missing caption the text can be predefined by the admin (ex. "No caption"); # set up lenght of caption (first x characters); # caption can be displayed up or above the image.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 12.00
rss Factory 1.6.1
* display specific RSS feeds on various pages accourding to the article content category; * supports RSS 0.9, RSS 1.0, the various Userland RSS verions (0.9x and 2.0); additionally it supports Atom 0.3 and many custom RSS namespaces; * table and overlib display mode of the feed content; * customized number of display feeds; * display specified RSS categories; * easy CSS customisation; * and many others setup options.
(0 ratings)
rss Factory PRO 1.6.1
# Categories & Subcategories (unlimited number of levels); # Category Description, Pathway; # Related Categories; # Category Tree within one, two, three or four Columns; # fully SEF - compatible with Artio JoomSEF; # easy Language Management; # Import Feeds to Content (for each feed, a section and category can be choosen, including the author and publishing period.); # replace ">> >>" with customizable words; # Tiled, List and Tab Titles View; # Sliders and draggable divs; # configurable display to show in list of feeds the feed name or the source; # Archive System (for improved search engines indexing.); # automatic Install & Uninstall of Module and Mambot; # Suppress Images or Embedded Objects; # Category Management; and others.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 38.99
Results 841-860 of 1000