Top Rated Scripts | ASP
posted byMightyMikeinASP
The power of PHP forums for ASP! Easy to install and configure, unlimited catagories, forums + topics, skinnable, plug-in capable, full admin tools, HTML Aliasing plus lots lots more.
Yakoon Bulk SMS Gateway
posted byyakooninMiscellaneous
What is Yakoon's SMS Gateway?
Yakoon's SMS Gateway is a web service written in ASP.NET that enables you to easily send SMS messages over GSM cellular telephone networks from your local PC or network. The gateway can be accessed by HTTP protocol by submitting values by SOAP, GET and POST method to the API Server. Accessing gateway through HTTP protocol is one of the best & the fastest ways to deliver SMS messages.
Who can benefit?
Companies and Individuals who wants to stay in touch with their staff and customers for their meetings, notices and product announcements. This will help people to send portfolio information, stock quotes, price alerts and news headlines, sports scores, weather, horoscopes, classifieds exchange rates, product availability, holiday specials and mobile coupons, marketing campaigns promotional activities via coupons, special offers and incentives.
- Complete customisation and personalisation for Bulk(batch sends) or Single Messaging
- Unique Sender ID Branding (on Limited Networks)
- Supporting Text, Flash, Unicode (Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc.)
- Immediate Messaging to Global Contacts
-Easy and Immediate integration and deployment
-Zero up front cost
-Unique Fast Delivery
-Immediate Multicast Messaging Enabled
-Ready-to-use examples
myLittleAdmin Lite
posted bywebmasterinDatabase Tools
myLittleAdmin for SQL Server and MSDE is a web-based database administration tool. With myLittleAdmin, you will do through a browser almost everything you did before with Enterprise Manager.
Provided in source code format.
xcAuction is a powerful, full-featured, professional auction package that allows you to add free or fee based auction capabilities to any web site. It provides many features, such as: Standard, Reverse, Multiple Item(Dutch), Blind, Barter, Linked, RFQ (Request for Quote), Turbo, and Fixed Price auctions; Flash Buy; Proxy Bidding; Auto-Extend Anti-Sniping; Unlimited Categories; Multiple Image Uploads; Single Site Login and full integration with other XCENT eCommerce software; and much more.
Price 499.00
ASP Slideshow
posted byEricPhelpsinSlide Shows
Just drop any combination of image, plain text, and/or sound files in the same directory the ASP script is in. Let ASP do the hard work of creating the presentation. Under IE with scripting enabled, the slide show will auto-advance. Otherwise (or on other browsers and operating systems) the slide show will be manually advanced.
AJAX ASP Photo Gallery
posted byiloireinImage Galleries
Based in the top rated free version ( script/online_photo_catal og_vbscript.asp), the AJAX version provides faster response, increased performance and many extra features:
* New, fast, fast, faster!, most responsive, framesless AJAX interface!!
* Performance boosted, "hard caching" thumbnail, so they are generated only once.
* Squared thubmnails, so they are displayed in a tidy way, keeping a nice and clean layout.
* Layout configurable, located on an external file (see layout example - please download it and open it with notepad).
* EXIF addon, RSS Subscriptions, Alerts when new comments are posted, easy delete comment functionality.
* Many minor fixed applied since the free version was discontinued.
Check it out!
PriceEUR 19.00
Web Explorer
posted byunknowninFile Management
Web Explorer is an ASP script that allows you to browse your web server in an Windows Explorer type fashion. It also demonstrates how to use File Scripting Objects and a little Table work.
JiRos Upload System eXperience
posted byRobertssoninUpload Systems
JUSX (JiRos Upload System eXperience)!
A new great product from JiRo� JUSX has all features that JUS(JiRo�s Upload System) has!
* Users has there own ROOT directory (Super Admin User has access to all Folders and files)
* Option to get notified when a User Upload file(s).
* support for MS SQL-server, MySQL and MS Access database.
JUSX is a web-based File Upload System. JUSX is written in Pure ASP and allows you to upload files (No upload component is required) to your server from any computer conneted to internet, no ftp-program is needed. JUSX includes a lot of features like; Create unlimited user accounts, Edit/Delete User Accounts, Create/Delete folders, Upload/Download/Preview/R ename/Move/Delete files...
PriceUSD 12.95
ASP and ASP.NET Scripts by Category
posted byhotaspscriptinWeb Sites
A categorized list of scripts for your site. Contains ASP and ASP.NET scripts. Submit your script for free with a direct link.
posted byRedwoodTreeinShopping Carts
AspDotNetStorefront offers a secure, sophisticated e-business solution that allows you to extend your business online with a full-featured, "enterprise-like" web business at a fraction of the cost of the big stores to deploy and maintain.
Powerful full-featured shopping cart supports any type of product, and can be extended easily. C# classes mirror database schema for easy coding.
Webcare Technologies
posted byrohit9899inWeb Developers
Webcare Technologies – A India based Web Development & Internet Marketing Company primarily working with IT Global Consulting for web development, online marketing services and delivering SEO and Internet Marketing solutions to clients around the world including the countries like India, UK, US, UAE, Australia. We have expertise in creating good looking websites, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing and pursue search engine optimization techniques, pay-per-click campaigns and link building to provide high quality work with in the timelines.
posted bywallabouinDiscussion Boards
* Config file for custom changes
* Complete layout changes thru css-theme files
* Languages files
* Forum category, subcategorys and hidden forums
* Links to other urls
* Sticky posts and announcements
* Attach files to posts and topics
* BBcode
* [code] tagg with syntaxhighlightning for multiple languages (In progress)
* Locked threads
* IP logging system
* IP Ban system
* Paginsystem
* Avatarupload
* Emailsystem based on multiple components
* Memberregistration and editing
* Searchable memberlist
* Private message system
* List of active users (Can be disabled)
* Forum statistics (Can be disabled)
* Adminsystem
* Database backupsystem
* Permission based on groups
* Badwordfilter
* Warnings and users bans
* Latest threads on first page (Can be disabled)
* And much more...
Pilot Cart
posted byaspilotinShopping Carts
A completly rebuilt cart: Powerful, feature-rich shopping cart software. Main features include: Unlimited products/ categories; Unlimited modifiers (properties) per product; "Related Items" and "Impulse Buy" products; Related products; Coupons; Dynamic Back-Orders and Pre-Orders; Batch Modifier assignments; Unlimited pricing structures by modifier; Unlimited images per product; Automated thumbnail views; Automated Inventory Control; Automated emails; QuickBooks integration; Barcode and Serial Number Support; Free Shipping option; Dynamic estimated shipping times; Pre-fill Checkout procedures; Automatic sales tax calculations, based on your State (if applicable); Real-time shipping calculations; Automatic weight detection; Real-time e-commerce API's pre-integrated; Real-time Fraud Patrol API's pre-integrated; Profiling and Neural Network technology;, Verisign Payflow, and Paypal functions pre-integrated; Dynamic Sale items; Encryption and decryption support; and Browser based file uploading for ease of management for site owners. Complete E-commerce Package!
posted bypragmainGuestbooks
Uguestbook includes:Toolbar to add emoticons and formatted text to the messages; Message archive;Notify via email to the administrator the publication of new message;Icq Messanger; Password protected control system; Edit/delete messages ;Add/delete bad words; On-line configuration; Multilanguage support; Customisable look through CSS;Easy integration into any webpage.Db Access 2000.
ASP Tutorials - Connecting and Using MS Access Databases
posted byheronginDatabase-related
This tutorial helps you to understand: Connecting ASP Pages to MS Access Databases Persisting Data to MS Access Databases Protecting Data in SQL Statements
AJLogin v3.7
posted byaj72886inUser Management
AJLogin is a user management system written in classic ASP that can be easily integrated into existing web sites to provide "members only area" functionality. Some features include: Web based admin, Group e-mail support, Multi-level access, Optional user e-mail confirmation, Automatic password retrieval, Keep me logged in option and much more!
Andromeda Streaming Jukebox (ASP)
posted byscottinMultimedia
Andromeda turns your collection of MP3s into a fully-featured streaming Web site with dynamic playlist generation. Many other formats are supported, including: WMA, OGG, MPG, AVI, WMV. It's great as a personal jukebox, on a local network, and over the Internet (bandwidth permitting). Additional features include skins, custom playlists, logons/accounts, and a search tool. Andromeda is also multilingual, speaking English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish, and other languages. No database is required. ASP and PHP versions are available.
Active Directory Phonebook
posted byp.jordaninUser Management
The task of updating telephone lists, when people moves to a new office, gets a new phone extension, new mobile number and so on, can be very time consuming. And most of the time it is a job that the is a centralized administration task. With AD PhoneBook, have developed a telephone list, that gets all it's information from Active Directory. AD PhoneBook is a browser based telephone list, that can be used in the company's intranet- or Internet-portal.
Simple Credit Card Verification
posted bywebmasterinCredit Card Processing
This example will not validate, process or store a credit card. It will however, verify a credit card number based on some standardized criteria. Distinct credit card types have unique prefixes (usually the 1st 4 numbers) set by the credit card companies themselves and a specific digit length for the account number. This function will check that as well as test the expiration date against today's date. This function returns True if credit card info appears to be valid or False if the information does not pass the standardized criteria established for specific credit cards.
A form for CDONTS, JMail, ASPEmail and ASPMail
posted byhotscriptsinEmail Systems
A Step-by-step tutorial showing you how to create a feedback form using different email systems. Supports CDONTS, JMail, ASPEmail and ASPMail, but more can be added.