Top Rated Scripts | ASP
Easy File Uploading
posted byinfoinUpload Systems
Following asp source code is easiest way to upload files to your server. Source code is very short and user-friendly to modify to use in a real application. You ISP must provide your Persits Upload component.
Gazatem Technologies & Software
Gazatem Technologies is a webbased groupware company that used by a group of developers who are working on the same site but distributed in space. We specialize in creating web sites that load quickly, are easy to use, and are impressive-looking. Our dynamic website projects and advanced application development provide unique user experience, resulting in higher prospect conversion. We are providing online content management & publishment tools. Our web site publisher tools can be used in small and medium sized web sites. Gazatem Technologies has developed various content management systems to assist web site owners. Building a professional website or business web application - using one of our products - will make your business operate more efficiently and increase its' value.
Clients using our management systems operate more efficiently by automating many labour intensive process and by enabling instantaneous online access to content from anywhere in the world.
FREE Username, Password Login ASP and MySQL Example Site
posted bywebmasterinUser Authentication
This step-by-step guide presents a free cut-and-paste example code of a username and password login web based system. Developed using ASP, MySQL and JavaScript.
FREE code, no catches, no adware, no hassle.
Just enjoy :-)
ASP Shopping Cart Comparison Article
posted bySamCRayminE-Commerce
The following document is intended as a reference for people in charge of Internet Sites
who wish to add e-commerce shopping carts. It will try to categorize and then compare different Shopping Carts.
Document Library Manager by DMXReady (100% Customizable)
Document Library Manager is a generic document management system that gives your visitors the ability to download files directly from your website. Use this application to share documents, files and other content with employees, customers or business partners."Dreamweaver Designers"
The Document Library Manager is perfect for the web designer looking to quickly and easily add a Document Library to any website. 1) Installs in Minutes: Unzip and upload the files to your web server. 2) 100% Source Code: Edit using Dreamweaver or any HTML editor. 3) Fully Customizable: Add your own html, jquery, ajax, css etc. 4) Plugin Ready: Add to your existing website or use to build a new site. 5) Pre-Built Database: Includes MS Access database (MySQL & MSSQL ready) 6) Fully Supported: Get support direct from DMXReady. -- Get 10% Discount - use Coupon Code DMXREADYREFERRAL10 -- *NEW* Missing Features? No problem, DMXReady will custom add for you. 15 days -Money Back Guarantee
PriceUSD 95.00
posted byaspsoftwareinShopping Carts
CactuShop is an ASP shopping cart system comprising .asp scripts and a choice of MS Access, MS SQL or MySQL database. Its the only major ASP cart to feature the latest W3C standards compliant code (XHTML 1.0 strict). Cactushop features an advanced "skinning" system to enable a visual designer to create or edit the skin in dreamweaver or frontpage, without having to edit any ASP pages. The software is designed with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind: - latest W3C compliant HTML - google sitemap - SEO friendly URLs (PRO Version). v6 of Cactushop now features a setup routine to make installation even easier. Just copy the files to your website, configure the database connection (if required) and then go to the setup script and follow the wizard. Advanced features for handling downloadable products (skips shipping charges), advanced tax (including zero rating EU orders after validating the EU vat number given by the customer), customer groups, group pricing, etc.
Free Chat Script!
posted byaweskadoninChat Scripts
In order to use the chat script, you will need to have (1) Active server pages must be available in your server to use this script. (2) Create the following pages and save them to your server. (3) The system includes a form and a response file. Both may be customized. (4) Please do not remove the link to our site in "chatopinions.asp" file.
Beginning ASP Databases
posted bysalesinProgramming Books
Beginning ASP Databases offers an entry point to one of the most crucial aspects of Microsoft-oriented Web development--database integration with Active Server Pages. In Beginning ASP Databases, a trio of authors covers the basics of working with databases from ASP--especially using ActiveX Database Objects (ADO). The book is quite substantive in content but is written in a somewhat light-hearted style that makes readers new to the technology comfortable. Topics covered: ADO/OLE DB architecture, SQL, recordsets, databases and cookies, error handling, command object, stored procedures, irregular data handling, performance testing and tuning.
Import CSV to HTML
posted byinfoinFile Manipulation
The author writes "A CSV (Comma Separated Values file sometimes referred to as a flat file) is essentially a text file that has a comma delimiter between the table values and a unique line for each observation. While this is usually a means by which data is transferred from one database to another by itself can be used as input to an asp document." This example will show how to take virtually any CSV file and write it to an html table using ASP.
My ASP Text Ads
posted bykattoufinAd Management
Supports unlimited text ads, both CPM and CPC. Uses PayPal IPN to track payments. Easy to install and use. Nice resulting ads can be formatted as you wish. All written in ASP and uses MSaccess. Demo available.
Using GetDate Function in an SQL Statement
posted byinfoinDate & Time
This function is very useful, if you wish to get date of current SQL server date and time. You may use this function to fill some rows automatically with current time or using with DateDiff function to return the number between current time.
SMS Web Ad
posted bysmswebadinAd Management
SMS Web Ad is both an SMS Gateway (by which you can create your own script using ASP, PHP and PERL) and an ASP based SMS advertising system which allows you to administrate unlimited advertisers that support the costs of SMS. Some features: CREATE YOUR OWN ASP, PHP AND PERL SCRIPT FOR SMS SENDING; sending up to 160 characters per SMS; Sending over 200 countries; Deferred sending; Editable SMS cost for each advertiser; Customizable advertising text, both on sending form and SMS text; Customizable sender name; Editable max number of SMS/day for each advertiser; Control panel for each advertiser; Control panel for web administrator; Reports for each advertiser; control panel for each end user. NEW: Now you can use your customized form to send SMS, using our server as a gateway. A phonebook has been added, in order to send several SMS simultaneously. End user can now sign up for advertisers sending list!
Generate Excel files
posted bycod_xinExcel & ASP
Generating Excel files from web pages or other applications is a major subject in many articles. I'd like to present here some solutions, part of them, already presented and well known. Some of them require MS Excel to be installed on the server, and other not. Read here a few solutions.
Insert Date into Access Database
posted bymichaelinDate & Time
When inserting a date into an Access database you should use the format YYYY-MM-DD. Our function AccessDate returns a date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
When working with a date in Access always use the # delimiters in your SQL statement.
College GPA Finder
This ASP script will allow you to calculate your grade point average on the web easily. It is very simple to install, and can be used on any school website. All students with 4-8 classes can plug in the letter grades and receive their GPA.
Instant ASP Scripts
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Instant ASP Scripts provides the "why" for Active Server = Pages. Numerous books on the market teach you how to use Active Server Pages but skimp on real-world examples of its use. This book will show you how you can activate your company's Intranet or Internet web site. The book will show you how to create an Online Campus, a Corporate Library, Classifieds, Live Chat, Message Boards, Online Form Letters, Usage Tracking, Project Progress Management, Help Desk, Online Calculators and so much more. The CD that comes with the book includes an entire web site collection for all the sites created in the numerous chapters. The CD also includes all the SQL scripts so you can recreate the database tables simply.
Professional ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with ASP 3.0
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Getting the most out of ASP-based Web pages on the Microsoft Web platform is the mission of Professional ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with ASP 3.0, a practical-minded tutorial for developing Web pages with dynamic content using the latest standards from Microsoft, including ADO, RDS, and XML. It features short, comprehensible tutorials on basic ASP development using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and Remote Data Services (RDS) for Internet Explorer. The text is filled with useful information, including bug workarounds, gotchas, and tips for better performance. Of special interest is the material on using XML to deliver database results. Another helpful section shows how to use Visual Basic to create data objects on the middle tier. This simple solution will at least get you started with Microsoft's Distributed interNet Architecture (DNA) "best practices" for creating scalable Web applications.
Swiff Chart Generator
posted byalexbelinGraphs & Charts
Swiff Chart ASP Component dynamically generates Macromedia Flash animations for charts and graphs from your Active Server Page scripts.
Query data from your favorite database, apply your own graphic style created with Swiff Chart Editor and instantly generates your up-to-date charts and graphs in Macromedia Flash format (SWF file).
BahaCan ShopCart
posted bybahacaninShopping Carts
A free ASP shopping cart script written in Turkish.
DataGrid Windows Script Component
posted bynickpixelinDatabase Tools
A WSC DataGrid Class with examples you can just unzip and run. Does not need to be registered (but can be). Can be called from VBScript or JScript. See examples and readme for usage.