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Top Rated Scripts | ASP

Results 981-1000 of 1000
Modular Site Managment System (MSMS)
MSMS is a system for running websites powered by ASP. This is the core component, that handles logging in, signing up, and displaying pages etc. Various add-on components will be released, such as forums, news, articles, downloads, links, etc.
(3 ratings)
ZBit zip-unzip component pro
Create or unpack zip files from your code with ease. It only takes one function call to do ether operation. Create password protected and self-extracting zip files. Test compressed files before unzipping or list archive contents. Features: Compress and uncompress zip files with one function call; Work with password protected zip files; Compress multiple files with wild cards; Fully support recursion; Control compression level; Extensive error handling; Cross-platform conversions for ASCII files; Create self-extracting archives; List zip file contents; Test archive before unzipping.
(3 ratings)
Article Manager UK
Article Manager UK is a simple system to effectivly update, add, delete and view pages on a website. It comes with a template frontend for you to work with and is all commented throughout. Easy to install by simply uploading. You will never have to add new pages in HTML again since you can add HTML, Javascript through the article manager.
(3 ratings)
Digiwhois Lookup
posted bycontactinWhois
DIGIWHOIS is a flexible DLL which you can use to develop your own domain lookup or domain information utilities within your site. It has been designed with ISPs and Domain Resellers in mind, to deliver maximum features in a compact easy-to-integrate format.
(3 ratings)
My ASP News Scroller
My ASP News Scroller is an easy and fast way to publish scrolling news headlines on your site.Support vertical and horizontal scrollsing. Completely idiot proof, you should have no trouble installing and using it within a matter of minutes. No Java or ActiveX controls used. It will scroll on any browser. Now supports Vertical Scrolling!
(3 ratings)
Ultimate Poll ASP
Ultimate Poll ASP is an advanced, flexible, and affordable web-based poll application. Featuring virtually unlimited options to display your poll, Ultimate Poll ASP allows you to quickly and easily integrate polls into your site that look the way you want them to.
(3 ratings)
PollPro provides seamless and simple integration into your existing website with one line of code. Create unlimited number of polls, with unlimited number of options per poll. Graphical output of poll results and archived polls. Fully customize the look and settings of your polls. Set and change voting behaviour through cookie expiration. Secure and easy to navigate poll management system. Allow you visitors to add comments. Written in ASP with fully customizable source code provided. Access 2000 support with dsn-less connection.
(3 ratings)
ASP FlashQuiz
Create quizzes and collect valuable feedback easily and quickly with ASP FlashQuiz. You can integrate the quiz or survey seamlessly into your web pages. Choose to display all the questions on one page or over several pages. You could also configure the survey or quiz output to suit your application or preference. ASP FlashQuiz also keeps track of user and survey statistics and generates bar charts to provide graphical visualization of results for viewing and printing.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
ASPNet101.com has Tutorials, Code Samples, Tips/Tricks, FAQ, and many Resource listings. If you're learning ASP.Net, run, don't walk, to this site!
(3 ratings)
Full-Controlled Matrix Affiliate Program Script
A Full-Controlled Forced Matrix Affiliate System design to maximize affiliates productivity. The ASP script is available in Access or MS SQL database and includes: multi-level 7 tiers, downline/upline network tree with members details, anti-fraud system, flash banners support, extensive administration tools & reports, manual payments/chargebacks, recurring payments support, email notifications (support CDONTS, ASPMail, and JMail), newsletter.
(3 ratings)
Price 270.00
Simple Text Display Web Page Counter
This simple page counter uses the File System Object to store the page count in a text file located on the server. You can also use this code on multiple pages and count the page views on every page in your whole site.
(3 ratings)
Executing Transact-SQL INSERT statement
In this example, we will add some records to a database. This source code helps us to adding records to database without slowing down database.
(3 ratings)
posted bymikeinBlog
RBlog is a fusion of the RSS and the Web log concepts. You can log in from anywhere, add, edit and remove news information. Almost anyone can come to this website and get an RBlog in minutes. This information can be picked up by others-- web portals, wireless devices, news sites, et cetera. In addition, we provide visitors to the RBlog site with the ability to do two other things: - Search our feeds for information. - Build a digest of information to suit your needs. RBlog is a fusion of two good technologies that each have their strength: RSS is good for Information delivery; Blogs are powerful because of their "create anywhere anytime" approach. RBlog allows you to publish news of any sort even if you don't have a website. Blogs available as RSS are not uncommon. RBlog is an RSS Feed created with a blog-styled tool.
(3 ratings)
Banner Ad management System
Manage both advertiser and banner exchanger form your site. Add unlimited banner, not need of any addon component for banner upload.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
ASP Authorize.net SIM Product (ASPAUTHNET SIM)
AuthnetScripts.com specializes in providing custom Authorize.Net solutions at rock bottom prices. Since 1999 we've developed and maintained a loyal subscriber base by providing secure, commercial quality scripts that are easy to install and configure. Experience the AuthnetScripts.com difference today ! "WE KEEP IT SIMPLE."
(3 ratings)
ClientZoo Contact Manager
Professional contact manager designed for offices and networks. Manage all your current and potential contacts. Add unlimited contacts, send preformatted letters, track contact history, research sent letters, and distribute internal messages to one, more or all users. Administrator access: Add unlimited users, insert, edit, or delete preformatted letters, write internal messages to all users, see detailed statistics on all current users.
(3 ratings)
FREE Software Documentation Service
DocuTECH offers a professional technical documentation service in a new and unique way! We will produce your documentation FREE of charge and maintain this documentation to reflect new releases of your software products. See our site for full details!
(3 ratings)
HTTP 301 Permanent Redirection Techniques
This article describes how to properly redirect a web page using an HTTP 301 status code and Location header. The 301 status code is used to indicate that a page has permanently moved. Multiple techniques are presented with recommendations.
(3 ratings)
310-081 Free Test Exam Questions
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your 310-081 exam on Your First Try. We have provided a free 310-081 free exam where you will be able to see the quality that goes into our 310-081 test exam questions. Our 310-081 practice test questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainers that Guarantee success on your 310-081 exam!!!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Burton Networks Message Board
posted bytwbiiinSoftware
Burton Networks Message Board has fully-threaded message display by forum, year, month, day, and text. Additional features include a Spam filtering mechanism, unlimited emoticon support, easy-to-use administration, and well-commented code. Entirely customizable, excellent for blogging, built for the busiest boards.
(3 ratings)
Results 981-1000 of 1000