Top Rated Scripts | Flash | Components
Classic Progress Bar
posted byflashcompinComponents
The Flashtuning Progress Bar component monitors the progress of loading content from multiple sources.
The source can be any Flash object that loads data (eg: Movie Clip, XML, Sound, Loader).
This component is available for:
Flash MX 2004, Flash Mx Professional 2004, Flash 8 and Flash CS3.
PriceUSD 5.00
Advanced 3D Scene
posted byflashcompinComponents
The Flashtuning 3D Scene component is an essential tool that can be used to build and/or navigate a 3D interactive scene or interface in Flash.
The fading effects, perspective manipulation, keyboard and/or mouse enabled movements and rotation allows you setup your desired 3D environment in minutes.
You can specify any kind of object, placed on your movie stage, in the library or external, animated or simple artwork with a simple and intuitive XML configuration file either static or dynamically sent/loaded to/from a server side application.
This component is available for:
Flash MX 2004, Flash Mx Professional 2004, Flash 8 and Flash CS3.
PriceUSD 15.00
Classic Scroll Bar AS 2.0
posted byflashcompinComponents
The Flashtuning Scroll Bar component provides extended scrolling control over any content type within movie clip and adapts automatically for both static and dynamic types of content.
The Scroll Bar can be configured to work in either free or snapped to content modes. You can use it in either vertical or horizontal modes and you can configure two component instances to create a Scroll Pane.
PriceUSD 10.00
Advanced Table Renderer AS2
posted byflashcompinComponents
The Flashtuning Table Renderer component provides an advanced HTML table rendering engine for Flash, complete with CSS support and advanced features such as row and column spans.
The component can render all common types of content (text, SWF files, images and Flash library objects) and allows embedding custom fonts and offers advanced text rendering controls.
This component is available for:
Flash MX 2004, Flash Mx Professional 2004, Flash 8 and Flash CS3.
PriceUSD 20.00
Flash Video Player
posted bymooniqinComponents
An elegant, user friendly video player with plenty of features. It�s easy to customize and it comes with the source code so you can learn how it�s been made.
PriceUSD 15.00
News Reader
posted byflashcompinNews Reader
This is an XML driven Flash file News reader, with a smooth mouse scroller.
Each news can have its text content, Header, an Image and link. this flash application is done with as1/as2, so it should be easy to modify.
PriceUSD 3.00
Simple Static Flash Thumbnail Photo Gallery
posted byrachnaasirinComponents
Features of the Entheos Static Flash Thumbnail Photo Gallery:
You can use this photo gallery for up to 36 images Click on thumbnail images to view the enlarged images Rollover effect for thumbnails Images are loaded externally so it can be easily updated by anyone, no Flash knowledge is necesary. Only the images need to be replaced with your images.
PriceUSD 5.00
3D Carousel (ActionScript 3.0)
posted byandreitinComponents
Supports any DisplayObject in Flash (MovieClip, Sprite, Image, etc)
Supports XML and RSS
Powered by PaperVision3D for full rotation and perspective
Support for custom controls
Slide show mode with timer
Support Papervision3D camera controls
PriceUSD 45.00
CountDown 1
Very simple :
- drag the component on the stage
- resize it (as you would resize a button component)
- look at the parameters defined for the component and modify them as you want
=> Make some tests to view the range of possibilities I offer to you
All the variables have explicit names, so there shouldn't be any problem.
PriceUSD 5.00
CountDown 2
Very simple :
- drag the component on the stage
- resize it (as you would resize a button component)
- look at the parameters defined for the component and modify them as you want
=> Make some tests to view the range of possibilities I offer to you
All the variables have explicit names, so there shouldn't be any problem.
PriceUSD 5.00
Magic Magnify
posted bymagictoolboxinComponents
Zoom into an image through a magnifying glass! The user just rolls over the image and sees it in very high detail as though it were a looking glass. Perfect for products on an e-commerce website. Uses Flash for the photo zoom effect. Very fast, great user experience, easy to use, easy to add to your website (a small piece of JavaScript code).
PriceUSD 29.00
CountDown 2
Very simple :
- drag the component on the stage
- resize it (as you would resize a button component)
- look at the parameters defined for the component and modify them as you want
=> Make some tests to view the range of possibilities I offer to you
PriceUSD 5.00
CountDown 1
Very simple :
- drag the component on the stage
- resize it (as you would resize a button component)
- look at the parameters defined for the component and modify them as you want
=> Make some tests to view the range of possibilities I offer to you
PriceUSD 5.00
Flash Photo Gallery
posted bysteve51inComponents
Ready-to-use photo gallery. Cool and professional, unlimited categories and images, auto resize image, auto slideshow, multi-language caption, customizable design, powered by XML and cross-platform.
PriceUSD 29.00
Think5 GroupChat DNN Module
posted byThink5inComponents
Interact with your visitors by text, voice and video in single- or multiuser chatrooms. Features: Assign worldwide unique chat IDs and interact with foreign systems. Manage your contacts in a personal conact list. Stream webcam and video data in realtime to contacts and rooms. Record video clips and attach them to a chat room. Open API for integration.
JW FLV Media Player - Adapted Version
posted bymooniqinComponents
An adapted version of the popular JW FLV Media Player (v.3.15) with updated user interface.
3D Flow List (ActionScript 3.0)
posted byandreitinComponents
Supports any DisplayObject in Flash (MovieClip, Sprite, Image, etc)
Supports XML and RSS
Powered by PaperVision3D for full rotation and perspective on each item
Support for custom controls
Slide show mode with timer
Supports x, y, and z padding for the selected object
PriceUSD 45.00
Creative Flash Scroller
posted byextendstudioinScroll bar
Creative Flash Scroller is a multipurpose Flash scroller that comes with all the scroll behaviors needed: touch scroll, mouse gesture scroll, scrollbar scroll and it also supports mouse wheel behavior plus it gives the ability to add smooth scrolling effect and motion blur effect. Other features include: the fact that can scroll any kind of flash content (static, dynamic, text, animated content), can be placed anywhere in your Flash project, can be customized to suit the design and can be reused at any time you want.
Creative Flash Scroller has a price of $49.99, requires almost no flash knowledge and it features: a revolutionary Flash like user interface, the ability to use vertical scroll and horizontal scroll in the same time, the ability to save the presets, a contextual help system, and many more. Find out more at http://www.extendstudio.c om/Products/Creative_Flas h_Scroller/Overview/
PriceEUR 18.99
Creative DW Vertical Menu - Over 30 skins
posted byextendstudioinComponents
We have created a vertical menu extension for Dreamweaver that seamlessly blends 2 of the best menu technologies - DHTML and FLASH. It takes the flexibility of DHTML menus and the Flash look and feel when constructing what can be called the ultimate tool for web site menus. The extension improves your site�s search engine optimization and Page Rank, making all pages accessible to the search engine. The vertical menus are compatible with all major browsers, can be customized to suit the design (easy styling and skinning � almost everything can be customized, colors, fonts, size �), and it comes with over 30 customizable built in skins.
It requires no coding knowledge, can be easily managed across the web site, and it features a smart resize system that preserves round corners and the gradient fills when you change the menu size.
PriceEUR 55.99
tree3D Component
posted byzerofractalinComponents
Tree3D is a Flash component for ActionScript 3 that allows you to easily create a three dimensional interactive tree UI navigation system. Based on data driven XML, the component can be easily adapted to virtually any data source.
- Data driven XML bases
- Customizable Label and Icon styles
- Animateable Icons
- Breadcrumb navigation
- Customizable number of items per page, item size, item spacing
- Customizable camera rotation
- Customizable scrollbar, adaptable to Adobe�s UIScrollbar
PriceUSD 30.00