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Top Rated Scripts | Flash | Components

Results 521-540 of 1000
Dynamic Horizontal Menu 01
posted byoxylusinComponents
Dynamic Horizontal Menu 01 is an extremely flexible and highly customizable menu. All the graphics are in the code and you will be able to modify each of them only by opening the xml and going crazy with the colors/transparency levels/toggle on or off the components and many more and yes you can open the xml with any simple text editing program which means that you do not need flash installed on your computer to modify the menu's graphics. In the xml there are tons of variables, really intuitive that are properly explained in the help file. Here's a brief list of what you can modify from the xml: - the button colors: 4 gradients of at least 2 colors each - the font's text color and you can toggle the shadow on/off as well as for the glow little effect where you can even change the color ...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
2 Levels Accordion Menu
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a two level vertical menu. It is dynamicaly created from a xml file, where you can set the default item to open. The menu scrolls vertically if it doesn't fit in the viewing area. You can use it for everything, check the help file for a few basic examples. It is easely customizable. Just edit the library symbols to change the colors, gradients etc. Resizing it is very easy: just resize the placeholder movieclip located on the stage, from your properties panel. Everything is scaled at runtime. Enjoy !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Sliding List
posted byoxylusinComponents
Sliding List is a multilevel, xml driven, horizontal menu. It is built on a category-with-files structure. It can have as many categories/subcategories/ items as you want. It can be easely resized and skinned and it is flexible when it comes to firing actions when clicking on an item. It can open urls, play movie clips or perform any other action you desire. Enjoy this new realese by OXYLUS !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
XML Multilevel Sliding Menu
posted byoxylusinComponents
The menu is designed to be used embeded in html. It can take any size given to the object tag inside html. it can be easly customized by editing the library symbols. It can have UNLIMITED levels and items in each level, very useful.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Vertical XML Multilevel Menu
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a vertical menu which can have an unlimited number/levels of child submenus. It is XML driven, it can be easily customized by editing the Library items. It includes two skins.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Vertical Scrolling Menu
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a xml driven menu, that can be easily customized using the xml file, to open urls or to trigger gotoAndStop actions on certain movieclips. It can have an unlimited number of items. Graphics can be easily changed by editing the library items. Enjoy !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Image Vertical Menu
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a xml driven menu, that can be easly customized using the xml file, to open urls or to trigger gotoAndStop actions on certain movieclips. It can have an unlimited number of items. Graphics can be easely changed by editing the library items. It also supports adding images as icons for each menu item, in the xml file. Enjoy !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Easy Animated Buttons
posted byoxylusinComponents
Create two or three states animated buttons in just a few seconds. No Action Script knowledge required.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
2 Levels XML Menu Green
posted byoxylusinComponents
The menu was designed to be used embeded in html. It wil take the width given to the object tag in the html file. There can be an unlimited number of tabs or subitems, but the rendering of the tabs(subitems) is restricted by the width of the entire menu area. For example you can set 100 tabs in the xml file, but , let%u2019s say, only 5 tabs will be visible , and the rest will be cutoff/will not be visible. You can change the colors/gradients/text fonts by editing the library items. The xml file is structured on two levels. The first one represents the tabs. Each xml entry (tab or item) can have an url string and a target window string. When a user cliks on a tab that has subitems, the subimtems list will be shown bellow. If the tab doesn%u2019t have any subitems, it will trigger the url given in the xml file. ...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Dock Menu v2
posted byoxylusinComponents
The dock menu supports an unlimited number of thumbnails. The menu is highly customizable directly from the xml. You can change the amplitude, the menu's curve, space and many more, play a little with it and you'll discover amazing things. Currently all the variables are the default ones but if you delete a variable field from the xml don't worry, the default value is backed up in the source code. The dock menu supports images of almost any format There is also included the tooltip component in this amazing component and of course you can use it further in any of your projects. Enjoy this new release by OXYLUS .
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Light Scroller
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is an xml driven scroller. This scroller scales by ratio all the images and respects the maximum boundaries that you will establish. It is highly customizable and it can be programmed to to trigger any actions you desire. Basic AS2 knowledge is required, aswel as being fammiliar with Flash developing environment (like editing the library items, writing code etc). At the moment when you click a thumb a url will be launched. Here's a list of what you can customize from the xml: - The title - The thumb's address - The thumb's url that will be launched - The thumb's width and height - You can toggle reflection, tooltip, blur and the scroller's speed - You can set the space between thumbs, the scroller's width and height - The tooltip's distance and you can toggle the scroller's alignament.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Horizontal Scroller
posted byoxylusinComponents
Can be a menu, can be a thumbnail collection for a image viewer. Possibilities are unlimited. Features: * Infinite number of items * Set the current selected item in the XML file, the scroller will slide so the selected item is visible and centered if possible * Use it to open URLs or navigate to your movie frames by setting the data field * Smooth mouse scrolling * Don%u2019t mind about thumbnail picture's size, it will be scaled and smoothed on runtime * Tons of variables to customize, multiple results can be achieved; highly customizable
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Fading Slider
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a xml driven sliding menu, with support for an unlimited number of thumbnails. Sliding is based on the speed according to the mouse x position from the center. It is highly customizable and it can be programmed to to trigger any actions you desire. Basic AS2 knowledge is required, aswel as being fammiliar with Flash developing environment (like editing the library items, writing code etc)
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Dock Menu v1
posted byoxylusinComponents
The dock menu supports an unlimited number of thumbnails. The menu is highly customizable directly from the xml. You can change the amplitude, the menu's curve, space and many more, play a little with it and you'll discover amazing things. Currently all the variables are the default ones but if you delete a variable field from the xml don't worry, the default value is backed up in the source code. The dock menu supports images of almost any format There is also included the tooltip component in this amazing component and of course you can use it further in any of your projects. Enjoy this new release by OXYLUS .
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Vertical Scroller
posted byoxylusinComponents
Can be a menu, can be a thumbnail collection for a image viewer. Possibilities are unlimited. Features: - Infinite number of items - Set the current selected item in the XML file, the scroller will slide so the selected item is visible and centered if possible - Use it to open URLs or navigate to your movie frames by setting the data field - Smooth mouse scrolling - Don't mind about thumbnail picture's size, it will be scaled and smoothed on runtime - Tons of variables to customize, multiple results can be achieved; highly customizable.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Image Folio v2 Light
posted byoxylusinComponents
The new Image Folio has support for an unlimited numbers of images. Images can have different sizes and you can chose between 4 ways of resizing/fitting the image inside the rectangular shape. It is xml driven, the xml file allows you to add a title and a data field for each image. Image formats supported are: png, jpg, gif. Easily add any script you want for handling click actions on the images, with the possibility of identifying the images by their "data" attribute which was previously set in the xml file. The rectangular shape that you see on the stage it is the place holder for the image folio and at runtime it will act as a mask and it will also define the area in which the images will be center aligned. Resize this shape and also tweak the "w" and "h" variables inside Image.as file to obtain the desired result. ...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Image Folio v2 Dark
posted byoxylusinComponents
The new Image Folio has support for an unlimited numbers of images. Images can have different sizes and you can chose between 4 ways of resizing/fitting the image inside the rectangular shape. It is xml driven, the xml file allows you to add a title and a data field for each image. Image formats supported are: png, jpg, gif. Easily add any script you want for handling click actions on the images, with the possibility of identifying the images by their "data" attribute which was previously set in the xml file. The rectangular shape that you see on the stage it is the place holder for the image folio and at runtime it will act as a mask and it will also define the area in which the images will be center aligned. Resize this shape and also tweak the "w" and "h" variables inside Image.as file to obtain the desired result. ...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Image Folio Menu
posted byoxylusinComponents
This a XML driven carousel, fully customizable. It can be easily customized by modifying certain variables. The size of the images is curently 198x159. PSD of the design is included ! Among the features : * Unlimited number of files * Tweened mouse interactivity * Smooth loaded images * Well commented code * Easy to customize - can change the blurscale - can change the radius - can change the selectable number of carousel components, default is 2 - can change the speed if necesary ... and quite a bit more. Enjoy !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Cute 2D Carousel
posted byoxylusinComponents
A new cute way to use a carousel as a small transparent artwork gallery or menu, can contain up to 12 orbiting components. Easy to use xml file set the small description, the links, the thumbs(50x50px) and big images (198x198px) an you are ready to use it. Icons provided by Fasticon.com Please read the Terms of Use. Enjoy !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Advanced 3D Carousel Menu
posted byoxylusinComponents
This a XML driven 3D carousel, fully customizable. To make things easier, most modifications can be done from the xml file, supports vertical and horizantal carousels as well as transparent pngs by setting the transparent variable to "yes". It supports a stroke effect, mouseover effect, lens focus (blurscale), radius both x and y, unlimited items and so on. It can be a menu, a product showcase, anything you want. The curent size of the images is 100x100 but there are instructions on how to change that in the help. Includes all sources (.fla, .as, .psd), help file (.rtf) and preview (.swf, .xml, .html, .jpg, .js). You can change the colors/gradients/text fonts by editing the library items. Just check out the preview and you will see most of what this engine can do. Features list: - Unlimited number of files - Ability to load transparent .png icons/images - Ability to display resizable tooltip - Smooth loaded images - User friendly xml ...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Results 521-540 of 1000