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Top Rated Scripts | Flash | Fla Archives

Results 761-780 of 1000
XML List Menu
posted byglsinFla Archives
* ML List Menu is Interactive, it can receive input from external or loaded content. Upon receiving external input, XML List menu will update to the appropriate clicked item and also perform item link loading and reset scroll position accordingly. * 2 usage variations: "HTML" type and "LOAD" type - "HTML" type will open xml node links as HTML pages, easy to use as main menu or as frame menu - "LOAD" type will load xml node links into an internal container MovieClip, allowing display of pictures, videos and swf files. * 2 optional Pull-out models. You can allow XML List Menu to show and collapse "main categories" in the list. Either only one or multiple at the same time. * Search option, main-only and all-items buttons allow users easy overview and searching of the list. * XML node override options. Visual is set by component parameters and can be overriden in different ways by xml node entries. Maximizing easyness of customizing the visual of your layout.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.90
XML MP3000 Minimal
posted byglsinFla Archives
# You can set a startpoint and endpoint in the XML data at which point to start and stop a track.# You can show or hide all the individual parts of the player with a simple component parameter. Set it to show “Progress bar”, “Time”, “Title scroller display”, “Song list” and “Spectrum animation” as you see fit. # Besides clicking in the progress bar to change the point of playback, you can rewind and fastforward a track with buttons and set the spool back/forward speed with a simple parameter. # It’s possible to add/show a toggle button to “repeat” a track when completing or having the player “jump automatically to next song” # You can use either a manual font of your choice, or one of the two precreated dotted/pixel fonts for both the Time Display and/or for the Song List items # You have a choice from 12 different “Spectrum Animations” and the player has 12 small buttons on the side of the player so the viewer can change visual.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
XML Bird Flock
This is a flash utility for making/adding a flock of birds to your project. It's fully customizable via XML files, you can select the amount of birds in the flock, the time to wait between flocks, vertical alignment, flock vertical spread, birds size, birds, color, birds alpha, birds blur. I had a lot of fun making this Flash, I hope you will enjoy it. Simple 'Drop and Use' utility, very easy to implement, well commented and you can customize. Simple 'Drop and Use' AS2 , Flash 8 and Higher XML SETTINGS: birds_: How many bird in the flock time: Time to wait between next flocks, after flock flys out screen align: Where to align spread: Spread vertical the flock size: alpha: the bird flock? color: Hex color of birds flock blurx: Add X blury: Add Y blur Bird, Flock, Animation, Utility, Simple.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
XML Bug Infestation
This is a flash utility for making/adding a bug infestation to your project. It's fully customizable via XML files, (see Below for details), you can select between 3 types of bugs, (fly, beetle, and ladybug), select the amount of bugs, the time to wait between infestations, x and y start infestation, bugs size, buds alpha, bugs blur. I like to make fun things so here you go!. Simple 'Drop and Use' utility, very easy to implement, well commented and you can customize. " Simple 'Drop and Use' " AS2 ,Flash 8 and Higher XML SETTINGS : bugs: How many bugs in the infestation typeofBug: flies, beetles, ladybugs time: Time to wait between next infestations X: horizontal stage location Y: Vertical stage location size: How big alpha: the bug infestation blurx: Add X blur blury: Add Y blur Insect, Bug, Infestation, Utility, Animation.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Car Mouse Tracker V2.0
This a fun XML Car Mouse Tracker Now with '9 CARS ' to choose from!. I have Included and XML control version and other file controlled at the timeline, very simple to use and implement. Select Color, Sunroof , Hood Air Vent, Size, Speed, Blury, Blurx & alpha. It's customizable so you can replace with other Car or Object but some image editing is required, Hope you like it!. XML SETTINGS color size speed blurx blury alpha rotate tires airvent Sunroof Surfboard Car Type (Value: Race Car, Extreme 4x4, 4x4, Fun 4x4, Muscle, Performance, SUV, Hybrid, Compact ) FILES INCLUDED (more value for you!): Preview file you see here (with custumization control sliders) CS3 file controlled by XML CS3file controlled at time line Flash 8 file controlled by XML Flash 8 file controlled at time line XML Settings file Help File Car, Mouse, Tracker, Utility, Animation
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Simple Progressive Preloader
Simple 'Drop and Use' preloader, very easy to implement, well commented and you can customize, changing colors or legend. Simple 'Drop and Use' Flash 8 & Higher AS2 Progressive, Bar, Preloader, simple.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Sticky Mouse Progressive Loader II
This is a simple & good looking 'Sticky Mouse Progressive Loader II' that follows your mouse while flash is loading or it can be at a fix position. You can customize the glow color at Timeline changing the hex color code, you can also edit it to be 'Stick to Mouse' or 'Fix Position' speed. Enjoy! Simple 'Drop and Use' utility, very easy to implement, well commented and you can customize. Simple 'Drop and Use' AS2 ,Flash 8 and Higher SETTINGS AT TIME LINE : speed = set sticking speed (Min Value & stickiest: 0) color = Change the glow color adding your hex color code. fix = Fix position or follow mouse (Value: 0 = Stick to mouse 1=Fix position) FILES INCLUDED (more value for you!): Preview file you see here (with custumization controls) CS3file controlled at time line Flash 8 filecontrolled at time line Preview html Help File Loader, Progressive, Mouse, Tracker, Utility, Preloader
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
4 Preloader Pack Car Dashboard Instruments
Here's a good deal, a 4 Preloader Pack of Dashboard Instruments Use 1 or all 4 together (Speedometer, fuel. temp & rpm gauge).The dials are vector made, so you can resize change color and still have a good looking preloader. You can customize a lot of options on the preloader, making it very versatile & adaptable, looking different every time just by changing one option. SETTINGS : Dial Color Text & numbers starting color and Dial ON color Red zone color (only for loader #3 Odo_RMP) Needle color Light on/of Dimmer Dashborad light dimmer Glow value Simple 'Drop and Use' AS2 ,Flash 8 and Higher Vector made Speedometer, fuel, pack, RPM , Loader, Progressive, Utility, Preloader
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Speedometer Progressive Preloader
This is a fun & good looking 'Speedometer Progressive Preloader', the dial is vector made, so you can resize and still have a good looking preloader. You can customize a lot of options on the preloader, making the loader very versatile, that looks very different every time just by changing one option. SETTINGS: White dial zone color (Value: Hex color code) Red dial zone color (Value: Hex color code) Needle color (Value: Hex color code) Show bignumbers (Value: 0 = No 1=Yes) Show smallnumbers (Value: 0 = No 1=Yes) Turn lights ON or OFF (Value: 0 = Light OFF 1 =Light ON) Lights dimmer (Value: 0 to 25 0=no glow) Simple 'Drop and Use' AS2 ,Flash 8 and Higher Vector made Speedometer, RPM , Loader, Progressive, Utility, Preloader
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Product Banner
"Product banner" is a slideshow in which you can put products in the spotlight. The product banner is completely customizible and contains the following features: Unlimited products can be added to the banner. Custom backgrounds for each product. You can setup a different transition for each individual product or text block. You can set the position of each individual product or textblock. You can set a link on the "product" and the "more info button" to the product page on your website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Simple XML Mp3 Player
Features Simple xml mp3 player is a Flash based Mp3 player that you can easily add to any website. All you have to do is upload the files to your server and edit the XML file! The zip file contains 2 different versions, the normal Mp3 player and a stripped down mini version of it: Large version: Unlimited playlist Easy navigation Show's the cover Show's the title and artist of the Mp3 Interactive progress bar Volume controller Mini version Unlimited playlist Easy navigation Show's the cover Only 5.06kb!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Is an arcade game set on the space where you have to fight against the enemies coming down the screen. The AI of the game is simple, and difficulties increase as soon as your score raise up . I wrote this game using OOP paradigm so it can be easily extended adding more types of enemies, or features like bonus, weapon etc etc. If you want to try it move the ship with the arrow keys and press Space to fire the enemies, collect the bonus and enjoy.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Easy XML Banner Rotator
A simple and easy to use XML banner rotator that horizontally switches between images with a flexible HTML + CSS enabled description text field. Images can also link out to a URL when the user clicks on the image. Images can be as small or as large as you want! Supports SWFs! You will be able to change: > The gallery X position! > The gallery Y position! > The gallery width! > The gallery height! > The image width and height! > The description background color! > The description background transparency! > The time it takes to change between images! > The description – you can format this with HTML and CSS , and the description can be as long or as short as you want! > The link out URL ! > The link out target! > And of course the image! AS3 . Flash CS3 . Step by step instructions included and code commented.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
The Great Expanse Deluxe XML Image Gallery
The perfect gallery with the right functions. The user can easily flip through images by several methods; clicking on the thumbnails, clicking the left and right buttons, or even holding the left and right buttons to flip through several images. The user can zoom in and out of the images. The images has a flip out space for short description which is HTML format enabled. This supports SWFs. The thumbnails are 100×100, and the images can be whatever size you want. You will be able to change: > The thumbnails! > The images! > The description, including HTML formatting it! > The initial image height! > Turn the sound effects on or off! > Turn the zoom function on or off! > The background color! AS3 . Flash CS3 . Step by step instructions included and code commented.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
The Full View: Fullscreen Dynamic XML Categorized Image Gallery
The perfect gallery with the right functions for the big picture. The user can easily flip through images by either clicking the previous and next buttons or quickly viewing all the images using the thumbnails below. The images can be whatever size you like, but are recommended to be at least 1024×768 in consideration for screen resolution, preferably 1280×1024. Thumbnails are sized at 170×70. Size the SWF any size you like! And place any size images within it! You can load in images and SWFs. AS3 . Flash CS3 . Step by step instructions included and code commented.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
The Sponge Board XML Gallery Site Template
This site template offers you to have as many pages as you want; you can have three types of pages; a text based page (this text will go where the menu was so you can still see the image you’re on), a contact page (php based), and of course the gallery page. The Sponge Board gallery offers you as many images as you want and presents them in a unique way. If there are too many thumbnails to fit the page, they just scroll vertically depending on mouse position. You can change the background color, add your logo to the page, and more. You can load in any kind of image and SWFs. If the image is larger than the given window space, it will automatically size down to fit. Having a text based page and a contact page are both optional, so you could also use it as a gallery only. AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 . Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. An html file is also included to demonstrate full browser SWF embedding.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
FEATURE BANNER ROTATOR with slide buttons
This perfect banner rotator has everything you could want from a banner rotator. It can be any size you want. You can change the color and transparency of all the navigation controls and background/border of the banner. There are over 40 individual XML attributes you can change about the file and some of them has many possible values for your choice. Please take a look at all the things you can change in the list below, the preview screenshot images of different Feature Banner Rotator scenarios, and please look at the XML Documentation to view all the possibilities this file has to offer. Please note that this banner rotator is meant to only hold a few slides, depending on the dimensions of the SWF , because each image or SWF in the file adds a button for it on the stage; only meant for a low number of slides/images. AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
These buttons can be any size you want! Perfect for project buttons. You can change the color of the background and the color of each individual thumbnail, including changing the text color. You can change the border size, the positioning, and the spacing of the thumbnails. You can choose to have text shown or not at all. You can choose if you want the text space to be animated on mouse over and mouse out, as well as choose if you want the show the shine animation on mouse over of the thumbnails. AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 . Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, an html files is included to demonstrate SWF embedding.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
The Looking Glass V5 Zoomed XML Image Gallery
A simple, easy-to-use, and unique XML image gallery that fits all window sizes. You can have as many images as you want. Images scroll left and right depending on mouse position. On rollover, the images quick-zoom into the center and zoom around the entire image. On click, it will link out. You can also have the text shown initially or have this shown on roll over. All controlled by a simple XML file. In the XML , you can change the width and height of the images, the descriptions, and where the mouse click will link out to, as well as the target of the link. Note: Images can be any size you wish, but all the images in the file must be the same size (otherwise, they will just be cropped). You set the size of your images in the XML . AS3 . Flash CS3 . All code is commented.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
The Light Video player is light one-video standalone FLV player you can easily integrate into your website. Even though it is very light, it is highly customizable and flexible. Some of the things you can change by editing the XML file is what controls are on the player, what color the controls and elements have, the size and position of elements, and how the video player works – please see the list below of all the things you can change in the XML . Preview FLV video used is 590×300 pixels. AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 . Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Results 761-780 of 1000