Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs
Drop Down Tab Menu
posted byDynamic DriveinMenus
This is a lean CSS tab menu that supports a 2nd level drop down menu for any of its tabs. It supports subtle yet helpful features such as the ability to set a default selected tab, hide any element on the page (ie: a form field) when the menu drops down etc.
HTML to JavaScript converter
posted byabstractinMiscellaneous
This utility converts normal HTML code to dynamically generated JavaScript instead. Very useful in applications where the code must be dynamically generated, such as contents inside a JavaScript scroller, text of a random quote script etc.
Epoch DHTML Javascript Calendar
posted bysctrojan79inCalendars
The Epoch DHTML JavaScript Calendar allows the web developer to quickly upgrade their users' web experience without spending hours developing complex date-validation scripts. Constructed entirely in Javascript and styled with easily-customizable CSS, Epoch is a powerful facet of any advanced website.
Epoch is developed entirely using Object-Oriented Programming, making it exeedingly simple to integrate Epoch into your current framework. Epoch is W3C Standards-Compliant and runs on all major browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, FireFox, Netscape Navigator, Opera, and more.
Features: Fast loading and initialization; Intuitive, customizable interface; Can display as a Flat or DatePicker calendar; Automatic Date Formatting-US, European, or create your own; Multiple-Date selection/MultiSelect; Full Object-Oriented Design; CSS Styling.
Now available in English, Fran�ais, Espa�ol, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlandse, Russian, Chinese, Polish, and more languages!
Drop Down Menu Bar
A drop down menu bar, similar to the menu bar of your browser. The script works in Internet Explorer, in Netscape 4 and 6. You can create the menu with 4 levels of depth, and the submenu with up to 20 links. Its menu generator allows you easily to change style of the menu.
Auto-complete type-ahead dropdown menu
This script adds (correct) auto-complete/type-ahead/ tracing/find-as-you-type effect to dropdown menus in Internet Explorer and other browsers. In IE, when user press "MA" in a dropdown menu, IE will first select the first option starting with "M", then select the first option starting with "A", giving user "AK" while user actually wanted "MA" for Massachusetts. Using this script, user will get MA if M and A are consecutively typed (if user type M, then A after some (customizable) time, user will still be taken to AK as an intended behavior.). It also allows you to use user-typed value to populate other menus. Currently all printable characters on keyboard and keypad are supported (except for those needing the "shift" key). Version 1.1 is cross-browser and fixes issues in Firefox and Chrome too.
Countdown Player Generator
posted bypeter24funinCountdowns
Create a dynamic Countdown Player fitting anywhere into your webpage. Simple configuration of fonts, colors, size etc.
Insert as many counters per webpage as you like.
Simply use the green or blue generator to create the code. The green generator creates a date-countdown counting down to any date you wish. The blue generator creates a digit-countdown counting up or down.
No need to download any files.
posted byinfoinWYSIWYG Editors
Use the EDITOR class to create WYSIWYG-editable text fields. You can create as many fields as you want. When put into a form, the contents can be submitted, e.g. to be stored into a database. Look and size can be modified easily and separately for each text field. Besides text-formatting, you can also insert images, bullet points, tables, and bar charts. Other languages are supported, too.
Falling Letters Menu
posted bysupportinText Effects
Falling Letters Menu generates a nice interactive falling letter effect. The letters of the words fall by wave, one by one when you point at menu item.
posted byplexium_nerdinForms
Foul is a JavaScript based, form validation language. If you hate all the rigamarole you have to go through just to check a simple web form, then this script is what you need.
Foul contains a full language parsing engine which compiles advanced conditions and tests for the fields of a form. The language makes building tests as easy as saying what you want. The tests include, blank fields, numbers, phone numbers, credit cards, urls, zip codes, states, emails, social security numbers, ranges, lengths, dates, file types and much more. Foul also contains an auto-formatting feature which fixes the data before it's sent.
NOP free cart
posted byphpmysqldevinE-Commerce
Have you ever wanted to put up a simple store front, but not had CGI access to do it, or wish to lower your server overhead? Then this free JavaScript shopping cart is exactly what you need. Every browser supports JavaScript these days, and with the use of NOSCRIPT tags, those very few who have turned it off are alerted to re-enable it during the duration of their shopping experience. Also features the ability to have your products on many pages -- you do not have to have all of your products on one page, like so many of the other solutions. All that is required is pasting in the source code on every page that you can purchase products from, and on the final checkout page.
Book Flip slideshow
posted bydynamicdriveinSlide Shows
Book Flip simulates a page turning to reveal two images slides at once. Each slide can be linked, and furthermore, the slideshow supports both horizontal and vertical flipping. Very cool.
Use this script to validate form data before submission. You can set a type for each input field (number, mail, url, date) and a minimum length. This script works with all kinds of form fields: text, textarea, select, checkbox, and radio. Supports multiple languages.
Simple Fade Slideshow (jQuery)
posted byPascal-BajoratinSlide Shows
Simple Fade SlideShow is a very simple and easy to use fade-image slideshow. Its structure is very flexible and you can use it for image and / or content transition.
Simple Fade SlideShow is lightweight and fast: Only ~7kb - minified ~3,8kb
Simple Fade SlideShow is highly customizable with CSS and it can either create the list and buttons automatically or you can create your own individual elements and Simple Fade SlideShow will only bind the relevant functions.
Tigra Hints
posted bysalesinAlerts & Prompts
Tigra Hints is free JavaScript widget that displays pop-up box with notes (also known as tooltips or hints) when mouse appears over any HTML element on the page. Any HTML is welcome inside the box: lists, tables, images etc. This component makes the site more informative and easy to use while saving valuable space.
Magic Wand cursor
posted bydynamicdriveinMouse Tricks
Make the cursor on your page the center of attention for once, with this script. It renders minute glowing particles that revolve the cursor in a 3D, circular trajectory, like in a magic wand. Mesmerizing!
Color Picker
The flooble color picker works using DHTML. Unlike other color pickers that pop up a new window and can get blocked by a zealous popup blocker, ours uses a dynamic DIV making it lightning fast! There is also an indicator square that lets your visitor see what color they picked. This free cross browser script has a number of easy integration options: Editable field, Uneditable field and Hidden field - for total control!
Sorting HTML Tables Using Javascript
posted byhaninMiscellaneous
This JavaScript code can be used to convert tables in ordinary HTML into sortable ones by associating each title column with an onClick event to automatically sort the data rows. No additional coding is necessary. All you need to do is give your table an ID field, include the sortTable.js file and call initTable in your document's onLoad method.
Tigra Scroller
posted bysalesinText Scrolling
Tigra Scroller is free JavaScript widget for web sites that scrolls text or html in the box. Moving content saves the space on the page and attracts visitor's attention. Script is ideal for displaying long lists like hot news, events, slide shows, ads etc. Most complete feature set.
Refresh page script
posted bydynamicdriveinCountdowns
Certain situations call for the refreshing of the webpage every few seconds/ minutes (such as a webcam page). Use this script to carry out the task in a graceful, "visual" manner.
Automatic E-mail This Link Script with Auto-Capture and Validation
posted bysupportinEmail Scripts
This script automatically captures the title of the current page and the url of the current page and sends them via the user's e-mail client to an address entered in a box on the form. The e-mail address field is also checked to see that it is not empty, and that the e-mail address is in valid format.