Top Rated Scripts
Send an Email with ASP/PHP/Perl
posted bysinjixmediainEmail Systems
Assuming your flash IDE is open already let�s go ahead and get started. In this tutorial we�ll cover sending emails through flash using a server side script in ASP, PHP, or Perl we will cover all three. With this you can add email functionality to your flash website for endless possibilities. There are a few things to note here. It is a very wise choice to restrict some aspects of this application. Allowing users to decide where the email is going can lead to some serious headaches. By giving users that ability you open yourself to the user using it for anonymous emails, so be careful.
posted bylanapsoftinForm Processors
BotDetect - ASP.NET CAPTCHA is a website security component designed to protect your registration, comment, and other online forms from automated spam submissions. It generates CAPTCHA images that easily tell bots and humans apart. 50 different CAPTCHA algorithms, custom size and image format, sound support that allows access even to visually impaired! 'Developer Edition' includes FULL SOURCE CODE and ROYALTY FREE distribution rights!
PriceUSD 59.00
getInstall - Professional Install Solutions
posted bygetinstallinOther Resources
We offer a professional, fast and accurate script installation service for PHP or CGI/Perl scripts whether free or commercial. We guarantee quality script installation coupled with huge experience in thousands scripts deployed over the web. Our service covers installation until verified that the script(s) are functioning properly.
We also offer to install vBulletin Hack/Modification, vBulletin Skins and upgrade vBulletin from any version to latest version.
Javascript VirtualKeyboard
posted byWingedFoxinMiscellaneous
This keyboard allows you to use any existing keyboard layouts, without having them installed on your local PC.
This tool is good to embed it into the WISYWIG HTML editor, webmail system, chat, forum and any other application, requires the user input.
Key features:
- about 70 languages and 130 keyboard layouts, including Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Lakhota IMEs.
- support for richtext editors (TinyMCE, Xinha)
- easy and powerful design, allowing to implement complex layouts
- full support for keyboard and mouse input
- completely CSS-driven UI, easy skinnable
Virtual Pagination script
posted byDynamic DriveinVisual Effects
This script lets you transform long content on your page into a series of virtual pages, browseable via pagination links. The broken up content pieces are separated simply via arbitrary DIVs (or another block level element of your choice) with a shared class name.
How to Make AJAX Read between the Lines
posted bysheikoinTutorials, Training & Tips
The method for getting information through an implicit request can be applied not only for technical dictionary. Have you ever wondered about the double underlined links in such projects as and This is context-dependent advertising based on IntelliTXT engine from Vibrant Media ( When the mouse cursor points to such a link an advertisement window appears. This technology is referred to as in-text advertising.
This method is also increasingly used on news portals. The main page contains only the news headings. Yet when the user puts a mouse cursor over the heading a short description appears. Thus the main page can hold a lot more news. The visitor sees the headings and all he/she has to do to get a short summary is to browse through the items with a mouse cursor. Let us now look into how contextual help can be implemented with AJAX.
posted byLumideinComponents
FlashSQL Version 3 is a Flash component designed to run SQL queries directly in Flash at runtime and get results back into Flash as a standard XML and Object variables. You can now run your SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE etc queries directly. The component can automatically load data into certain UI components like DataGrid, Textfield, ComboBox and List Box components.
It has been designed for ASP, Colfusion and PHP servers and can work on MySQL, MS Access, MS SQL and other DSN based datasources.
PriceUSD 19.00
Multi Petition
posted bywebbdomaininMiscellaneous
A multi languages database driven petition script. Three different languages petition in one packet. Just log into admin area and add your petition title and subject in the language you wish. All signatures requests confirmation from the administer and confirmed signatures saves in database and displays in the signatures list. English, Swedish, Farsi (Persian), Arabic and many other languages. Easy to install, read userguid.doc in to install the script step by step.
PriceUSD 70.00
posted byPark CollectioninContent Management
DJEM is a flexible web site and content management system supporting complex data structuring for Internet and Intranet solutions. DJEM supports rapid web applications development and very easy to use. DJEM creates static pages based on dynamic content thus using powerful features of both static and dynamic systems.
With DJEM you can easily create promo page, web site, and news portal or e-commerce solution. Bu its main power lies in expandability. Any web solution based on DJEM can be easily expanded in the future depending on your future needs. Tools that included into basic version of DJEM give user all functionality typically required from website, including publishing of news and articles, catalogues, newsletters and e-commerce functions. Everything that typically requires additional investments is already located in functionality of DJEM.
KJV Online-Bible Script
KJV Online-Bible Script will help you create an advanced bible site within minutes.
It includes 3 main functions: - Read The Bible: Showing the whole bible from the beginning untill the end, paging by chapters (page for each chapter). - Display Chapters and Verses: Choosing exact part from a book and display it. Paging by chapters. - Search The Bible: Search for a word, part of it, term (more then one word) and even a full verse, in the whole bible or in an exact book. SEO approach: Built with mod-rewrite. Creates SE friendly URLs and Dynamic-Titles, including .html pages. Easy Configuration.
PriceUSD 59.00
ASPNetFlash - The Flash WebControl for ASP.NET
posted byJacob.mellorinContent Management
The ASPNetFlash WebControl allows you to quickly add Adobe Flash media (.swf files) into your ASP.NET web forms. ASPNetFlash produces XHTML compliant, WAI compliant and search engine friendly code. It automatically detects your Flash Movie's height, width and Flash version, so that Flash can be added to your WebPages in just a few clicks. Removes the "Eolas" or "Click to activate and use this control" message in Internet Explorer and Opera browsers. Automatically detects the client's Flash plug-in version and appropriately displays alternative HTML content. Provides an interface for DataBinding to Databases, XML sources and SiteMaps. Has an Integrated Runtime Flash Debugging Console. Is fully compatible with Microsoft AJAX. Comes with an optional Adobe Flash development component called ActionSpeak that makes real-time communication with JavaScript, other Flash Movies (in ActionScript), Web Pages and Web browsers a snap.
Evisio Anti-Leech script
posted byEvisioinImage Display
Evisio Anti-Leech is a script that prevents visitors of your website to leech your pictures for use at websites or forums without your permission. When they try to copy the image url they will only be forwarded to a specified image that says that their action has been blocked by Evisio Anti-Leech.
Move the Object using the arrow keys
posted byflashfridge.cominActionscript
In this detailed tutorial made for Flash 8, you will see how to move any object using the arrow keys and Action Script.
SlideCrab flash slideshow generator
posted bypropagatorinFlash & PHP
SlideCrab is a flash slideshow generator to make animated photo rotation for website.It can transforms your photo collection to Macromedia Flash file format(SWF) which you can share your memorial moments with your family or friends on your own homepage or website.With SlideCrab,you can easily add a group of still images into stunning Flash slideshow with linkages,alternate text, watermark,navigation button and special transition effects. SlideCrab has the same features as IMGOWL.It provides image protection for website, for those used to display portfolios of artworks and photographs in quality high resolution or some important photographs. It enables complete protection against image theft and the unauthorized linking of images from other websites. It transfers internal data with encryption, all stealing attempts are impossible. SlideCrab fully supports Smarty template engine and enhances more functions on Smarty.
Komodo Edit
posted bySalesinDevelopment Tools
Dynamic language expertise for Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl, plus JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and XML, and template languages like RHTML, Template-Toolkit, HTML-Smarty and Django.
Background syntax checking and syntax coloring catch errors immediately, while autocomplete and calltips guide you as you write. Available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. XPI extensions allow you to create your own plug-ins. XPI extension support provides the same capability as Firefox, with all standard Mozilla APIs based on XUL, XBL, and XPCOM, plus our own for Python and JavaScript. Other features include Vi emulation, Emacs keybindings, code folding and code snippets.
Project Analyzer
posted byaivostoinDebugging & Testing
Project Analyzer is a Visual Basic source code analyzer, optimizer and documenter. Detect dead code and remove it. Surf your code as hypertext, call trees and diagrams. Document your work with a large selection of reports. Project Analyzer does an automatic code review to enforce configurable programming standards. It detects problems such as dead code and possible memory leaks. Supports VB 3-6, VB.NET, ASP.NET and Office VBA.
Javascript Count Words Left
posted byreconninForm Processing
Learn how you can add javascript realtime count words field to your forms using javascript. Try it, it's easy!
PHP Database Integration With MySQL
posted bychetu_akarteinDatabase-Related
One of the defining features of PHP is the versatility it offers for connection to, and manipulation with, databases. In this article, we look at some features of the PHP and MySQL combination. We shall go through the following steps:- Connect to MySQL Database Server
Create new Database
Select MySQL Database
Add data to table
Retrieve data
Error Handling
MySpace Countdown Generator
posted byscriptsplashinMiscellaneous
This is a flash countdown generator, very popular on Myspace and many other social networking sites. This generator allows people to create a countdown to their speical event. Change layout colors, fonts and more. Generate the code and paste it on your page!
PriceUSD 8.99
Online Image Resizer
posted bylanasainImage Manipulation
A simple tool that allows you to upload an image, choose a size, and download the resized image.