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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 501-520 of 1000
CJ Web2Mail
The CJ Web2Mail is a very simple web page form to your email inbox script. The script has been improved conciderably from the previous version. V3.0 includes multipart email sending which basically means that the script sends both HTML and text emails to you (and for the auto responder). This way the reciever of the email can leave it up to their mail client to choose which one to display: Outlook Express for example, uses HTML (but you can have this turned off, therefore sending both makes sure you get it). The script comes with full data validation and a thank you page which can be customised fully. If you already have a web2mail script, overwrite it now!
(328 ratings)
Very flexible thumbnail generator. Resizing, cropping, borders, watermarks, sharpen, color adjustment, flip, rotate (and more). Source can be local file, remote file or database source. Uses ImageMagick extensively if available. PHP GD library is optional (if ImageMagick is installed). Output can be JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO, with full alpha channel (as the format permits).
(262 ratings)
Display visitor's IP Address in a graphic
Display a visitor's IP Address in a graphic on your website pages (or any other pages) with this simple PHP script. This script makes use of the GD image tools. Can easily be changed to match whatever colors you wish.
(81 ratings)
Availability Booking Calendar PHP - Cover Image
Availability Booking Calendar PHP
posted bymskartinCalendars
Online Booking has now been made easier with Availability Booking Calendar PHP. Availability Booking Calendar script is developed with PHP, Javascript, JQuery. PHP Availability Booking Calendar that provide highly customizable booking software for holiday, apartment rentals, villas rentals, properties and more. With Availability Booking Calendar you can create as many calendars as you need. You can easy manage your reservations, prices, extra, discounting, calendars color. You can install one or more booking calendars with one install code on your web site. Booking Calendar System with modern design that you can change to match your own site. GZ Support provide FREE Professional Installation on your php availability booking calendar. Availability Booking Calendar PHP is perfect tools for online booking and reservations.
(11 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.00
PHP Click Counter - simple, secure, FREE!
Looking for a way to track link clicks or file downloads? CCount is easy to install and use, secure, has a fully-featured admin panel that makes managing links and viewing statistics a breeze, doesn't require MySQL and yes, it is completely FREE!
(2260 ratings)
php Site Recommender
Now with lightWindow+, this php Web Site Recommendation script allows your visitors to enter their contact information and recommend your site to as many recipients as you specify (only one required). The default messages are easily modified and the look and feel is customizable as well via the css stylesheet. You can choose to be notified when your site has been recommended and the notifications will show the recipient(s) as well as the message. Email addresses are hidden so they will not be harvested by spammers. This script also contains error checking and validation and does not require database access. Most of all, the script is very easy to install! Visit our site for two demos and our new eDelivery system!
(133 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Joomla! is a powerful Open Source Content Management System for building professional web sites easily. It is often the system of choice for small business or home users who want a professional looking site that's simple to deploy and use. It can deliver a robust enterprise-level Web site as well, empowered by endless extensibility for your bespoke publishing needs. Joomla! is different from the normal models for content management software. For a start, it's not complicated. Joomla! has been developed for everybody, and anybody can develop it further. Similarly to the Firefox browser, the core system can be extended via easily installable add-ons authored by the developer community. The comprehensive internationalization of Joomla! 1.5.x supports right to left languages (e.g. Hebrew or Arab) and extended character sets. Dozens of language packs can be separately downloaded.
(130 ratings)
Evaria Mail Client
The Email Client is a rather advanced contact form script, allowing both text and files to be submitted simultaneously. A variety of functions prevent your visitor from spamming your website and loading malicious programs.
(59 ratings)
phpCMS - PHP Content Management System
phpCMS is a content management system, which focuses on speed and flexibility. Unlike most other CMS it works with flat files and does not require an SQL database. phpCMS is suitable for small private web pages as well as for complex professional appearances and high traffic websites including the integration of webservices and external applications. It provides many features as a central menu management, flexible template system, fulltext search engine & indexer, caching system, stealth mode, online editor, php code in templates, plugin system, an easy way to include any foreign applications and php scripts etc.
(30 ratings)
Dynamic Flash Photo Gallery ( Plasmado Gallery)
This program uses PHP and mySQL to create a dynamic online Flash Photo Gallery. The flash display area re-sizes smoothly giving a nice transition to the next image. A "simple-to-use" menu system allows you to drill down into different levels within your gallery. Setup is simple.
(28 ratings)
Image Rotator
posted byjosesilvainPHP
This script allows you to show infiite images keep on the same directory randomly on your site.
(27 ratings)
Facebook Connect PHP Toolkit
Facebook Connect PHP Toolkit is set of the most used Facebook UI features like Invite Friends, Stream Publish etc. wrapped as PHP classes which speed up development and make PHP application much easier to maintain and more independent on frequent changes in Facebook API. The toolkit is based on Facebook Graph API JavaScript SDK and XFBML. It is used for development Facebook Connect websites and Facebook iFrame applications.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.00
PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Using Sessions
A collection of 19 tips on understanding and using sessions in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on starting and closing sessions, saving and retrieving values in sessions, deciding how session IDs to be transferred, deciding where to store session files, deciding when to expire session values, etc. Topics included in this collections: What Is a Session? How To Turn On the Session Support? How To Save/Retrieve Values to the Current Session? What Is a Session ID? How To Retrieve the Session ID of the Current Session? What Are the Options to Transfer Session IDs? How Session IDs Are Transferred on Your Web Server? How To Force the PHP Engine to Use Cookies to Transfer Session IDs? Is It More Secure to Use Cookies to Transfer Session IDs? Where Are the Session Values Stored? What Set the Timeout Period on Session Values? How To Remove Values Saved in the Current Session? How To Tell If a Session Is New? What Is session_register()?
(21 ratings)
PHP Layers Menu
PHP Layers Menu is a hierarchical dynamic menu system to rapidly choose among the items. It works with both PHP3 and PHP4. It achieves a compact view and a reasonably small file size for the page with a very large number of entries. Its behaviour is completely analogous to the Gnome, KDE and MS Windows main menus. You can use as many levels as you need, and the menu is dynamically generated from the menu structure file. It supports Mozilla, Netscape 4.x and 6.x, Konqueror, Opera 5, and Internet Explorer 4, 5, 5.5.
(19 ratings)
Dynamic Administration System
DAS is the Dynamic content Administration System for the websites. It is designed for the content management of DB, i.e. to browse, add, edit and delete data. It is somewhat similar to phpMyAdmin, but is specialized to edit content of the websites and their sections such as news, forum, directories, etc. It features easy to use, but powefull interface and highly tunable. The software is supposed to have an international language support, but at the moment only English and Russian languages are supported.
(18 ratings)
Multi Download Counter
Multi Download Counter counting unlimited number of items, display counted numbers separately, uses Flat File (txt file) and does not need MySQL or any other DB. New features - Show total number of downloads, faster and more secure on errors.
(18 ratings)
Owl Intranet Engine
Owl is a multi user document repository (knowledgebase) system written in PHP for publishing of files/documents onto the web for a corporation, small buisness, group of people, or just for yourself. Owl is written in PHP and stores its data in a MySQL database.
(15 ratings)
Job Portal Script | Readymade Job Portal Software - Cover Image
Job Portal Script | Readymade Job Portal Software
This Job Portal Script can be mainly used by businesses or companies to build their white label job portal software. Get the most flexible job portal software similar to monster clone to create your own job site. Some Key Features of our Job Portal Software: • Post Unlimited Jobs • Responsive & SEO Friendly • Mobile friendly • White labelled • Manage Candidate Database • Social Media Sharing Our automated job portal software comes with advanced script features that enables you to get started with your own job portal website like Monster clone.
(14 ratings)
PriceUSD 249.00
X-cart add on: Wish List, Reviews, Inventory Viewer
This add on pack adds the following, Wish list Viewer see what is in your customer wish lists and send them a personalised email enticing them to buy the items. Review Viewer, quick edit. View all product reviews on your site at a glance for easy editing. Product Inventory viewer and export, designed so you can quickly see product Inventory levels, along with your wholesale pricing bands to screen, to print and also to CSV format.
(12 ratings)
Results 501-520 of 1000