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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 541-560 of 1000
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications
Assuming a basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, this book will help you understand how the heart of AJAX beats and how the constituent technologies work together. After teaching the foundations, the book will walk you through numerous real-world case studies covering tasks you�ll be likely to need for your own applications: Server-enabled form-validation page Online chat collaboration tool Customized type-ahead text entry solution Real-time charting using SVG Database-enabled, editable and customizable data grid RSS aggregator application A server-managed sortable list with drag&drop support using the script.aculo.us JavaScript toolkit. This book is for web developers willing to build better web applications. A basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, or a strong will to learn-as-you-type, is assumed.
(6 ratings)
PriceGBP 19.79
ImageMagick Tricks
This fast paced and practical tutorial is packed with examples of photo manipulations, logo creation, animations, and complete web projects. With this book up your sleeve, you'll be creating spellbinding images from code in no time. Using this book, you can: -Install the ImageMagick software on your own computer or a server -Create exciting text effects and produce eye catching logos and headings -Create impressive image manipulations and animations on-the-fly from the command line or within your programs -Complete PHP-based sample applications show how to use ImageMagick to add pizzazz your web site -Slice, dice, and filter your images turn simple photos into mind-bending designs and illusions -Write web applications such as an advanced e-card generator, and even create your own Packt book cover! -Generate ImageMagick scripts in MSL using the conjure utility -Create thumbnails by converting file types, resizing, and cropping to consistent size, aspect ratio.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 31.49
Your Internet Store ShopMaker
Stock control management. Drop shipping facilty. Multiple discount options. Froogle data feed generator. Gift wrapping options. Hot products page generator creates custom pages and links. Display most popular items facility. Powerful, easy to use order management system. Order tracking facility lets your customer track their order. Various "out of stock" options. Display custom or default messages. Powerful, easy to use category and product management system. Various shipping options that calculate postage and packaging automatically. Easily add extra shipping options like special or recorded delivery. You can flag products as special offers. Configure your shop to automatically adjust your stock levels. Automatically calculates tax. Add, edit and manage trade accounts.
(6 ratings)
PriceGBP 280.00
phpexplorator is a web interface to remote explore, manage, preview , edit, create, copy, rename, download, upload, zip, unzip ..etc, files, images, and directory in the server site. Integrated with TinyMce, useful for computer programmer and admin
(6 ratings)
Printable Document Generation with PHP
This article focuses on the document that can be generated using PHP namely Rich Text Format (RTF). Rich Text Format (RTF) is a file type used to transfer formatted text documents between applications, even those that run on different platforms, such as IBM and Macintosh. RTF is a file format that many word processing programs understand; it is often used when a document is created in one word processing program but is expected to be edited in another word processing program.
(6 ratings)
PHP regular expression tutorial
In this article I will show you how to use PHP regular expressions in your own PHP scripts.
(6 ratings)
mysql-based php counter
posted bypvdb82inText Based
easy to install php counter (containing well documented installation guide). the counter supports current, today, yesterday, week, month, year and total visitors. in addition you will have a visitor record. the counter is available in different language packs.
(6 ratings)
Advanced Feed Parser | Rss to Html | Atom Feed to Html
== PREMIUM SCRIPT == BNC Advanced Feed Parser ( Rss / Atom to Html ) is a php script that gives you the ability to add feeds to your website. It can auto detect feed type and supports RSS 0.90, RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feeds. It displays it inside your webpage, exactly as if the content were part of you page. # Easy-to-use Script - your don't need to be a programmer # Template-based Script - Especially nice for non programmers - HTML code is separated from PHP and there is only simple and clear code. # Cache System Implemented - BNC Advanced Feed Parser comes with a robust cache system that will Reduce Server Load and Save Bandwidth #
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Free TAF - Free Tell-a-Friend PHP script with image security feature
Features: Easy to install. Clear installation guide with clear instructions is included. Any webmaster with minimum experience can install the script easily. Security measures to avoid spam or abuse are included. The invitations are not sent out unless the user enteres the security image seen on the page. This ensures that a human is using the script and not some hacker bot. Customization header and footer so that you can easily merge the script in your site design. MySQL database backend is used to track invitations and how many of those are really acted upon. In other words you can keep track of who sent out invitations, how many invitations were sent out and whether the invitees really clicked on the invitation link and visited your site or not. If you know PHP and MySQL you can use it to further enhance the script in countless ways.
(6 ratings)
Filename Case Changer
Type in a folder path and the Filename Case Changer will allow you to convert the filename case of all the files in the root folder as well as in the sub folders into lowercase. Tested in Windows. More research is underway on other platforms as well.
(4 ratings)
Price 2.00
Geographical Information of your Website Visitors
This script is a tool to determine geographical and other information about your Internet visitors in real-time (based in GeoIPCity.dat Database) When a person visits your website, GeoIP Database can determine which country, region, city, the visitor is coming from. Furthermore, GeoIP can provide information such as longitude/latitude,inform ation used to generate a map of the city-area where your visitor come from using Google Maps Api . There are two areas: Public area with the last 10 visits (showing country,city and the country flag) An Admin area to view the country,city,region,ip,ti me,page where your visitor come from,what pages of your site is visiting the guest and how many times.Also you can delete the visit with a simple click. The size of the Database is over 28 MB .
(4 ratings)
Interactive Maps with PHP
This tutorial shows you how to create an interactive image maps using PHP and the GD library. It explains a method to zoom a portion of an image by using PHP and gif files.
(3 ratings)
How To Install Apache+PHP+MySQL
This page walks through the setup of Apache, PHP and MySQL on a Red Hat Linux system. The installation is very similar on other Linux distributions. Apache, PHP and MySQL all also run on Windows NT, however installation is definitely different for those systems.
(3 ratings)
libMail is a full featured Mail component written in PHP. It features: To, CC, BCC, Attachements (single or multiple); Priority, Organization, Receipt and an email-address checker (can be disabled). Documentation is now available in english and french. libMail is a Cardware - Send the author a mail if you're happy with it.
(3 ratings)
Uploading, Saving and Downloading Binary Data in a MySQL Database
This article is aimed at answering one of the most asked questions on the PHP mailing list and discussion forums alike: How to store binary files in a MySQL database. This article is split into three pages: Setting up the database, Creating the 'upload' scripts, and Creating the 'download' script. Includes the complete source code for all the scripts involved.
(3 ratings)
PHP Screw
posted bykuniinUtilities
PHP Screw is a PHP script encryption tool. When you are developing a commercial package using PHP, the script can be distributed as encrypted up until just before execution, preserving your intellectual property.
(3 ratings)
PHP fortune cookie script
This script uses the traditional Unix-fortune files to display quotes. The advantage of this is that there is already a huge amount of quote-collections available, so there is no need to write all the quotes in from scratch. Efforts have been made to make it as resource-cheap as possible to run the script. No database required.
(3 ratings)
posted byphpuniinWeb Sites
A danish site offering information for php, mysql database and linux OS.
(3 ratings)
ePublisher CMS
ePublisher is an easy to use Web content management system designed for non-technical users. It is a highly visual and intuitiv solutions that allows you to manage your website from anywhere in the world using your web browser. It features WYSIWYG that makes it easy to edit and upload content. ePublisher includes a range of modules for managing all aspects of the website lifecycle including content manager, image manager, poll, newsletter, discussion board and File/multimedia manager. The build-in template system allows you to change the feel and look of your site without modifying the underlying structure.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
PHP Commander
This small free script allows you to type php commands/scripts inside a text area and execute them from one single page. You can use it for: Learning PHP interactively; Testing and debugging your PHP scripts interactively; Running programs and system commands on your server. It contains several PHP examples, including a tutorial script that shows you how to query MySQL database. Also, just added a cool new dice rolling simulator.
(3 ratings)
Results 541-560 of 1000