Top Rated Scripts | PHP
Simple Email Send
This Working Email form is very handy it includes, a working WYSIWYG editor and working smilies. its Very easy to modify and install. all i ask for you using it is a link back to my site. thank you
BlueShoes PHP Application Framework
posted byhotscripts.cominApplication Framework
BlueShoes is a comprehensive Application Framework and Content Management System written in PHP 4.
- 285 classes, 168'132 lines of documented code,
- Object-oriented,
- Well documented using PhpDoc (like JavaDoc), Manuals and HOWTOs,
- Stable code using an automated testing environment (PhpUnit),
- Available with opensource and commercial license,
Give your web projects a kickstart using BlueShoes.
Display image depending on day of week
posted byDanBeeinRandom Images
This script will get the day of the week off the server and then display an image to match.
Views3413 URL Rotator Script
posted bydigitalpulseinURL Based
This script is extremely powerful and includes these features:
Unlimited Portal URLs,
Unlimited Destination Urls,
PHP/MySQL based for extremely fast processing,
Secure Admin Control panel,
Counts Hits to each URL,
Handy backup feature,
and much more.
Use it for traffic distribution, co-op advertising, file mirroring, split testing, affiliate link rotating, and more.
PriceUSD 75.00
Dont you just hate going into your phpMYadmin, and editing the querys from there? AutoSQL allows you to edit MySQL remotely, by simply placing your query in a text box, and then performing the query. You only have to edit one file, four lines. You will be glad you did! MySQL editing was never this easy!
Update: Alot more features - perform queries on any Database. List the tables in any given database, then list each row with the appropriate information according to the fields and columns.
S.A.F.E. (Snort Analysis Front End)
S.A.F.E is php based snort front end. It will display your snort events from your mysql database and display them for you. Easy to setup and navigate. Graphical and exporting to html or csv reports are also included.
Dynamic Menu / Title / Breadcrumb Trail Generator
posted byvarsityflyboyinPHP
This code reads the names of all folders in a directory and generates a menu of links to those directories. If there are no directories, it checks the next folder down and uses those instead. It also generates a breadcrumb trail and page titles based on the url of the page. For more advanced instructions, click the link provided to my site.
posted byfreakdiverinPHP
A basic PHP and MySQL guestbook. First version ie the simplest version. Second version coming out soon with admin capabilities.
eMail Checker
This PHP-Skript checks your entered eMails.
The functions are:
- ...its looking for the correct syntax.
- Mail-Server validation
- ...if the email exists under the Domain-address
TempSYS - Sell your Web Templates
SAVE TIME! This is a complete system to sell your web templates. Dynamically creates pages of thumbnails and the large size previews. Integrated paypal processing. Unlimited Catagories and unlimited templates. Allow users to rate templates based on 1-5 stars! Never have to program again! Comes with an installer script and free support! Secure and Fast! TempSYS!
Multiple Upselling links X-cart Addon
posted bybcseinMiscellaneous
One of our most popular mods! This is a must have X-cart Mod for stores with 100+ products! Save hundreds of hours of time by using this mod to cross sell your products! This X-cart mod allows you to save time by creating many upselling links all with one click, instead of the built in x-cart way where you can add only one upselling product at a time.
Price 39.95
Single And Double Quotes
posted bylooninIntroduction to PHP
The basic use of single and double quoted strings in PHP, which to use when and the general difference between the two.
AlberT-cache is a powerfull, fast and portable caching system written in PHP for PHP scripts.
It can cache the pages of a web site on a large number of parameters base: POST, GET, COOKIES, and every other variable one needs.
It saves up to 80% bandwidth compressing the contents it sends to the browser and avoiding, when possible, to send the page at all, if the client's cache already has it.
Product Meta Tags Plus - X-cart Mod
posted bybcseinMiscellaneous
Have better search engine rankings with this X-cart mod! This X-cart mod takes your keyword rich product titles and description and automatically puts them in your meta tags! You can also specify your own keywords and description for each product that will over-ride the automatic one.
Price 24.95
Freeform Framework
posted bydennispopelinDevelopment Tools
Freeform Framework is a next step in MVC for web. It is a complete solution for building large scale web applications. Main features:
- Genuine architecture, not cloned from popular Java frameworks;
- Strict separation of business and presentation logic;
- Secure action-based front controller architecture;
- Pluggable and extensible session and user management;
- Elegant form processing framework, client-independent;
- Support any type of clients - from browsers to cellphones to XML applications;
- Powerful class and resource packaging system, automatic class discovery and loading (no 'include()/require()'!);
- Experimental Persistence API with no schema files, SQL generators, class enhancers etc.;
- Freddy, own realtime documentation system that pulls out doccomments from sources and respurce files that allows you to documents entire packages and to embed pictures. You distribute the documentation along with the packages, and you don't have to regenerate it after you made changes.
Latest release features a demo application, support for ADODB RecordSets, fixes minor bugs and has more documentation.
Track Google Adsense Clicks
posted bydtang4inMiscellaneous
The Google Adsense administration section gives you some superficial stats. Want more detail? You gotta track hits yourself. This tutorial will teach you how to track the ads that have been clicked; the pages they were clicked on; and which visitors have been doing the clicking!
posted byospintoinDebugging & Testing
dBug is a tool that debugs/dumps/shows contents of a variable in a structured colored tabular format. It is similar to Coldfusion's cfdump tag. This tool makes it very easy for developers to debug code by viewing the contents of a variable.
Planet K
posted bysub-zeroinForums & Online Communities
When you join Planet K Premium you will have access to to an entire library of resources and special areas full of information that can help any website or business succeed. When you become a member of Planet K Premium you will have access to a libary of scripts that the general public don't have. The membership will also allow you to get some PK Products free of charge. When you become a member you become our Number One Priority. This means that you will be at the top of our list for support and installations.You will have access to special tools and tutorials. So you don't have to go to different sites to get something done. It can all be done from one site. Even if you do not see what you need just give Planet K a bell and they will help you in any way. Our members only area is here to make sure that you have all the tools, resources, information, and ideas, to make your website succeed.
PHP ExcelExplorer Pro
posted bysalesinLibraries & Classes
This PHP class can import data from an Excel file without using COM, ODBC, etc.
It will be useful in content management systems, for writting various converters (Excel to HTML, Excel to MySQL, etc.).
On-line demo and trial version available for download.
ExcelExplorer will work on any PHP5 platform. Supports Windows and Mac Excel files.
No additional classes, modules are required. No configurations needed.
Just include it in your own script and use it.
With this class you can read such data as used color, fonts, rich text, asian phonetics, etc.
Shapes and images also supported.
What data can be imported: worksheets name, type (ordinal, chart or Visual Basic Module), visibility flag; rows and columns info; cells - type (integer and float numbers, percentage, text, formula, logical, error, date in Windows Excel and Mac Excel formats), empty, blank and merged.
PriceUSD 99.95
Key Comments
posted bykeycommentsinCommunication Tools
It is simple fact of business that you have to satisfy your customers to survive and prosper. But how do YOU know what exactly your customers are looking for? Without this vital information all your hard work could be wasted 'climbing the wrong ladder'.
With Key Comments installed on your website you can quickly and easy ask your customer what THEY want, not what you THINK they want. This powerful software then automatically analyses your customers comments and zooms in on the most important words and phrases. You will gain a clear understanding.of the critical factors in your business.
PriceUSD 49.00